
119 lines
4.8 KiB

class Helper {
constructor () {
addHelpfulPrototypes () {
// Warn if overriding existing method
if (String.prototype.capitalize)
console.warn("Overriding existing String.prototype.capitalize. Possible causes: New API defines the method, there's a framework conflict or you've got double inclusions in your code.");
String.prototype.capitalize = function () {
return this.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + this.slice(1);
// Warn if overriding existing method
if (String.prototype.replaceAt)
console.warn("Overriding existing String.prototype.replaceAt. Possible causes: New API defines the method, there's a framework conflict or you've got double inclusions in your code.");
String.prototype.replaceAt = function (index, replacement) {
return this.substr(0, index) + replacement + this.substr(index + replacement.length);
// Warn if overriding existing method
if (Array.prototype.equals)
console.warn("Overriding existing Array.prototype.equals. Possible causes: New API defines the method, there's a framework conflict or you've got double inclusions in your code.");
// attach the .equals method to Array's prototype to call it on any array
Array.prototype.equals = function (array) {
// if the other array is a falsy value, return
if (!array)
return false;
// compare lengths - can save a lot of time
if (this.length != array.length)
return false;
for (var i = 0, l=this.length; i < l; i++) {
// Check if we have nested arrays
if (this[i] instanceof Array && array[i] instanceof Array) {
// recurse into the nested arrays
if (!this[i].equals(array[i]))
return false;
else if (this[i] != array[i]) {
// Warning - two different object instances will never be equal: {x:20} != {x:20}
return false;
return true;
// Hide method from for-in loops
Object.defineProperty(Array.prototype, 'equals', {enumerable: false});
// Warn if overriding existing method
if (Array.prototype.unique)
console.warn("Overriding existing Array.prototype.unique. Possible causes: New API defines the method, there's a framework conflict or you've got double inclusions in your code.");
// attach the .unique method to Array's prototype to call it on any array
Array.prototype.unique = function () {
return this.filter(function(item, position, array) {
return array.indexOf(item) == position;
// Hide method from for-in loops
Object.defineProperty(Array.prototype, 'unique', {enumerable: false});
// Warn if overriding existing method
if (Array.prototype.sortCustomOrder)
console.warn("Overriding existing Array.prototype.sortCustomOrder. Possible causes: New API defines the method, there's a framework conflict or you've got double inclusions in your code.");
// attach the .sortCustomOrder method to Array's prototype to call it on any array
Array.prototype.sortCustomOrder = function (sortOrderArray, sortKey = null) {
// Depends on above prototype
sortOrderArray = sortOrderArray.unique()
.map(item => { return item.toLowerCase() });
if (sortOrderArray.length > 0) {
return this.sort(function (a, b) {
if (sortKey) {
const aValue = a[sortKey].toLowerCase(),
bValue = b[sortKey].toLowerCase();
return sortOrderArray.indexOf(aValue) - sortOrderArray.indexOf(bValue);
const aValue = a.toLowerCase(),
bValue = b.toLowerCase();
return sortOrderArray.indexOf(aValue) - sortOrderArray.indexOf(bValue);
// If an empty sort array is given, sort it alphabetically.
if (sortKey) {
return this.sort(function (a, b) {
if (a[sortKey] == b[sortKey]) return 0;
return (a[sortKey] < b[sortKey]) ? -1 : 1;
return this.sort();
// Hide method from for-in loops
Object.defineProperty(Array.prototype, 'sortCustomOrder', {enumerable: false});
// Warn if overriding existing method
if (Object.prototype.isEmpty)
console.warn("Overriding existing Object.prototype.isEmpty. Possible causes: New API defines the method, there's a framework conflict or you've got double inclusions in your code.");
Object.prototype.isEmpty = function () {
for(let key in this) {
return false;
return true;
// Hide method from for-in loops
Object.defineProperty(Object.prototype, 'isEmpty', {enumerable: false});
characterIsUppercase (character) {
return character === character.toUpperCase();
export default new Helper;