Save scroll before applying word edit so it doesn't take you to the top after editing.

This commit is contained in:
Robbie Antenesse 2016-07-10 22:53:21 -06:00
parent d623009b63
commit ca97409b44
1 changed files with 34 additions and 32 deletions

View File

@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ function AddWord() {
var errorMessageArea = document.getElementById("errorMessage");
var errorMessage = "";
var updateConflictArea = document.getElementById("updateConflict");
if (word != "" && (simpleDefinition != "" || longDefinition != "")) {
var wordIndex = (!currentDictionary.settings.allowDuplicates) ? WordIndex(word) : -1;
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ function AddWord() {
document.getElementById("newWordButtonArea").style.display = "none";
DisableForm(''); = "block";
var updateConflictText = "<span id='updateConflictMessage'>\"" + word + "\" is already in the dictionary";
if (currentDictionary.words[wordIndex].name != word) {
updateConflictText += " as \"" + currentDictionary.words[wordIndex].name + "\", and your dictionary is set to ignore case.";
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ function AddWord() {
onclick="UpdateWord(' + wordIndex + ', \'' + htmlEntities(word) + '\', \'' + htmlEntities(pronunciation) + '\', \'' + htmlEntities(partOfSpeech) + '\', \'' + htmlEntities(simpleDefinition) + '\', \'' + htmlEntities(longDefinition) + '\'); \
return false;">Yes, Update it</button>';
updateConflictText += ' <button type="button" id="updateCancelButton" onclick="CloseUpdateConflictArea(\'\'); return false;">No, Leave it</button>';
updateConflictArea.innerHTML = updateConflictText;
} else {
errorMessage = "\"" + word + "\" is already in the dictionary exactly as it is written above";
@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ function AddWord() {
errorMessage += "You need at least one definition."
errorMessageArea.innerHTML = errorMessage;
@ -159,6 +159,8 @@ function EditWord(indexString) {
function UpdateWord(wordIndex, word, pronunciation, partOfSpeech, simpleDefinition, longDefinition) {
currentDictionary.words[wordIndex].name = word;
currentDictionary.words[wordIndex].pronunciation = pronunciation;
currentDictionary.words[wordIndex].partOfSpeech = ((partOfSpeech.length > 0) ? partOfSpeech : " ");
@ -182,7 +184,7 @@ function DeleteWord(index) {
if (deleteWord.readyState == 4 && deleteWord.status == 200) {
if (deleteWord.responseText == "deleted successfully" || deleteWord.responseText == "not signed in") {
currentDictionary.words.splice(index, 1);
@ -196,7 +198,7 @@ function DeleteWord(index) {
function ShowDictionary() {
var filters = GetSelectedFilters();
var searchResults = [];
var search = htmlEntitiesParseForSearchEntry(document.getElementById("searchBox").value);
var searchByWord = document.getElementById("searchOptionWord").checked;
@ -226,16 +228,16 @@ function ShowDictionary() {
var searchDictionary = JSON.parse(searchDictionaryJSON);
searchResults =, '//words['+ xpath.join(' or ') +']/wordId');
var dictionaryNameArea = document.getElementById("dictionaryName");
dictionaryNameArea.innerHTML = + " Dictionary";
if (loggedIn && currentDictionary.settings.isPublic) {
dictionaryNameArea.innerHTML += "<a href='/" + currentDictionary.externalID + "' target='_blank' id='dictionaryShareLink' class='clickable' title='Share Dictionary'>&#10150;</a>";
var dictionaryDescriptionArea = document.getElementById("dictionaryDescription");
dictionaryDescriptionArea.innerHTML = marked(htmlEntitiesParseForMarkdown(currentDictionary.description));
var dictionaryArea = document.getElementById("theDictionary");
var dictionaryText = "";
var numberOfWordsDisplayed = 0;
@ -270,7 +272,7 @@ function DictionaryEntry(itemIndex) {
var searchByLong = document.getElementById("searchOptionLong").checked;
var searchIgnoreCase = !document.getElementById("searchCaseSensitive").checked; //It's easier to negate case here instead of negating it every use since ignore case is default.
var searchIgnoreDiacritics = document.getElementById("searchIgnoreDiacritics").checked;
var searchRegEx = new RegExp("(" + ((searchIgnoreDiacritics) ? removeDiacritics(searchTerm) + "|" + searchTerm : searchTerm) + ")", "g" + ((searchIgnoreCase) ? "i" : ""));
var wordName = wordPronunciation = wordPartOfSpeech = wordSimpleDefinition = wordLongDefinition = "";
@ -282,16 +284,16 @@ function DictionaryEntry(itemIndex) {
// Don't need to parse if not searching because HTML displays correctly anyway!
wordName += currentDictionary.words[itemIndex].name.toString(); // Use toString() to prevent using a reference instead of the value.
if (currentDictionary.words[itemIndex].pronunciation != "") {
wordPronunciation += marked(htmlEntitiesParseForMarkdown(currentDictionary.words[itemIndex].pronunciation)).replace(/<\/?p>/g,"");
if (currentDictionary.words[itemIndex].partOfSpeech != " " && currentDictionary.words[itemIndex].partOfSpeech != "") {
wordPartOfSpeech += currentDictionary.words[itemIndex].partOfSpeech.toString();
if (currentDictionary.words[itemIndex].simpleDefinition != "") {
if (currentDictionary.words[itemIndex].simpleDefinition != "") {
if (searchTerm != "" && searchBySimple) {
wordSimpleDefinition += htmlEntities(htmlEntitiesParse(currentDictionary.words[itemIndex].simpleDefinition).replace(searchRegEx, "<searchterm>$1</searchterm>")).replace(/&lt;(\/?)searchterm&gt;/g, '<$1searchterm>');
} else {
@ -347,13 +349,13 @@ function DictionaryEntryTemplate(wordObject, managementIndex) {
entryText += "<a href='#" + wordObject.wordId + "' class='wordLink clickable' title='Link Within Page'>&#x1f517;</a>";
entryText += "<word>" + + "</word>";
if (wordObject.pronunciation != "") {
entryText += "<pronunciation>" + wordObject.pronunciation + "</pronunciation>";
if (wordObject.partOfSpeech != "") {
entryText += "<partofspeech>" + wordObject.partOfSpeech + "</partofspeech>";
@ -381,23 +383,23 @@ function SaveSettings() {
if (htmlEntities(document.getElementById("dictionaryNameEdit").value) != "") { = htmlEntities(document.getElementById("dictionaryNameEdit").value);
currentDictionary.description = htmlEntities(document.getElementById("dictionaryDescriptionEdit").value);
currentDictionary.settings.allowDuplicates = document.getElementById("dictionaryAllowDuplicates").checked;
currentDictionary.settings.caseSensitive = document.getElementById("dictionaryCaseSensitive").checked;
currentDictionary.settings.sortByEquivalent = document.getElementById("dictionarySortByEquivalent").checked;
currentDictionary.settings.isComplete = document.getElementById("dictionaryIsComplete").checked;
if (document.getElementById("dictionaryIsPublic")) {
currentDictionary.settings.isPublic = document.getElementById("dictionaryIsPublic").checked;
@ -420,7 +422,7 @@ function CreateNewDictionary() {
function DeleteCurrentDictionary() {
if (confirm("This will delete the current dictionary from the database. If you do not have a backed up export, you will lose it forever!\n\nDo you still want to delete?")) {
var deleteDictionary = new XMLHttpRequest();'POST', "/php/ajax_dictionarymanagement.php?action=delete");
deleteDictionary.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
@ -505,9 +507,9 @@ function SaveDictionary(sendToDatabase) {
if (sendToDatabase) {
localStorage.setItem('dictionary', JSON.stringify(currentDictionary));
@ -665,15 +667,15 @@ function ProcessLoad() {
if (currentDictionary.settings.isComplete) {
document.getElementById("wordEntryForm").style.display = "none";
@ -741,7 +743,7 @@ function ImportDictionary() {
reader.onloadend = function () {
if (reader.result && reader.result.length) {
var tmpDicitonary = JSON.parse(reader.result);
if (tmpDicitonary.hasOwnProperty("name") && tmpDicitonary.hasOwnProperty("description") &&
tmpDicitonary.hasOwnProperty("words") && tmpDicitonary.hasOwnProperty("settings"))
@ -756,7 +758,7 @@ function ImportDictionary() {
NewNotification("Successfully Imported the \"" + + "\" Dictionary.");
} else {
var errorString = "File is missing:";
if (!tmpDicitonary.hasOwnProperty("name"))
if (!tmpDicitonary.hasOwnProperty("name"))
errorString += " name";
if (!tmpDicitonary.hasOwnProperty("description"))
errorString += " description";
@ -766,7 +768,7 @@ function ImportDictionary() {
errorString += " settings";
alert("Uploaded file is not compatible.\n\n" + errorString);
tmpDicitonary = null;
} else {
alert("Upload Failed");