mirror of
synced 2025-03-25 12:50:45 +01:00
Merge branch 'prod' into php for Search Overhaul changes.
Conflicts: index.php js/dictionaryBuilder.js js/removeDiacritics.js
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 802 additions and 37 deletions
@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ input, textarea, select, option, button {
#loginLink, #logoutLink,
#descriptionToggle, #settingsButton,
#descriptionToggle, #searchFilterToggle, #settingsButton,
.deleteCancelButton, .deleteConfirmButton,
#settingsScreenCloseButton, #infoScreenCloseButton,
.helperlink {
@ -187,7 +187,9 @@ input[type=checkbox] {
cursor: pointer;
#descriptionToggle {
#descriptionToggle, #searchFilterToggle {
display: inline-block;
margin: 8px;
font-weight: bold;
font-size: 12px;
cursor: pointer;
@ -159,25 +159,31 @@ elseif (isset($_GET['loggedout']) && $current_user <= 0) {
<span id="descriptionToggle" class="clickable" onclick="ToggleDescription();">Show Description</span>
<div id="dictionaryDescription" style="display:none;"></div>
<div id="searchArea" style="display:block;">
<label style="margin-top:10px;">
<div style="display:block;">
<input type="text" id="searchBox" onclick="this.select();" onchange="ShowDictionary()" style="display:inline;" />
<span style="display:inline;cursor:pointer;font-size:10px;font-weight:bold;" onclick="document.getElementById('searchBox').value='';ShowDictionary();">Clear Search</span>
<div id="searchOptions" style="font-size:12px;">
<label style="display:inline;margin:0;">Word <input type="checkbox" id="searchOptionWord" checked="checked" onchange="ShowDictionary()" /></label>
<label style="display:inline;margin:0;">Equivalent <input type="checkbox" id="searchOptionSimple" checked="checked" onchange="ShowDictionary()" /></label>
<label style="display:inline;margin:0;">Explanation <input type="checkbox" id="searchOptionLong" checked="checked" onchange="ShowDictionary()" /></label>
<span id="searchFilterToggle" class="clickable" onclick="ToggleSearchFilter();">Search/Filter Options</span>
<div id="searchFilterArea" style="display:none;">
<div id="searchArea" style="display:block;">
<label style="margin-top:10px;">
<div style="display:block;">
<input type="text" id="searchBox" onclick="this.select();" onchange="ShowDictionary()" style="display:inline;" />
<span style="display:inline;cursor:pointer;font-size:10px;font-weight:bold;" onclick="document.getElementById('searchBox').value='';ShowDictionary();">Clear Search</span>
<div id="searchOptions" style="font-size:12px;">
<label style="display:inline;margin:0;">Word <input type="checkbox" id="searchOptionWord" checked="checked" onchange="ShowDictionary()" /></label>
<label style="display:inline;margin:0;">Equivalent <input type="checkbox" id="searchOptionSimple" checked="checked" onchange="ShowDictionary()" /></label>
<label style="display:inline;margin:0;">Explanation <input type="checkbox" id="searchOptionLong" checked="checked" onchange="ShowDictionary()" /></label>
<br />
<label style="display:inline;margin:0;">Search Case-Sensitive <input type="checkbox" id="searchCaseSensitive" onchange="ShowDictionary()" /></label>
<label style="display:inline;margin:0;" title="Note: Matching diacritics will appear but may not highlight.">Ignore Diacritics/Accents <input type="checkbox" id="searchIgnoreDiacritics" onchange="ShowDictionary()" /></label>
<label style="display:block;"><b>Filter Words </b><select id="wordFilter" onchange="ShowDictionary()">
<option value="">All</option>
<label style="display:block;"><b>Filter Words </b><select id="wordFilter" onchange="ShowDictionary()">
<option value="">All</option>
<div id="theDictionary"></div>
@ -284,7 +290,7 @@ elseif (isset($_GET['loggedout']) && $current_user <= 0) {
<!-- Markdown Parser -->
<script src="js/marked.js"></script>
<!-- JSON Search -->
<script src="js/defiant-js/defiant-latest.min.js"></script>
<script src="js/defiant-js/defiant-latest.js"></script>
<!-- Diacritics Removal for Exports -->
<script src="js/removeDiacritics.js"></script>
<!-- Main Script -->
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,687 @@
* Defiant.js v1.2.5
* Serch JSON structures plus smart templating with XSLT and XPath.
* http://defiantjs.com
* Copyright (c) 2013-2015, Hakan Bilgin <hbi@longscript.com>
* Licensed under the MIT License
* Robbie Antenesse edited line 165's RegExp to search global and case-insensitive in case of multiple contains() groups.
if (typeof module === "undefined") {
var module = { exports: undefined };
} else {
// Node env adaptation goes here...
module.exports = Defiant = (function(window, undefined) {
'use strict';
var Defiant = {
is_ie : /msie/i.test(navigator.userAgent),
is_safari : /safari/i.test(navigator.userAgent),
env : 'production',
xml_decl : '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>',
namespace : 'xmlns:d="defiant-namespace"',
tabsize : 4,
render: function(template, data) {
var processor = new XSLTProcessor(),
span = document.createElement('span'),
opt = {match: '/'},
// handle arguments
switch (typeof(template)) {
case 'object':
this.extend(opt, template);
if (!opt.data) opt.data = data;
case 'string':
opt.template = template;
opt.data = data;
throw 'error';
opt.data = JSON.toXML(opt.data);
tmpltXpath = '//xsl:template[@name="'+ opt.template +'"]';
if (!this.xsl_template) this.gatherTemplates();
if (opt.sorter) {
sorter = this.node.selectSingleNode(this.xsl_template, tmpltXpath +'//xsl:for-each//xsl:sort');
if (sorter) {
if (opt.sorter.order) sorter.setAttribute('order', opt.sorter.order);
if (opt.sorter.select) sorter.setAttribute('select', opt.sorter.select);
sorter.setAttribute('data-type', opt.sorter.type || 'text');
temp = this.node.selectSingleNode(this.xsl_template, tmpltXpath);
temp.setAttribute('match', opt.match);
span.appendChild(processor.transformToFragment(opt.data, document));
if (this.is_safari) {
scripts = span.getElementsByTagName('script');
for (var i=0, il=scripts.length; i<il; i++) scripts[i].defer = true;
return span.innerHTML;
gatherTemplates: function() {
var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName('script'),
str = '',
i = 0,
il = scripts.length;
for (; i<il; i++) {
if (scripts[i].type === 'defiant/xsl-template') str += scripts[i].innerHTML;
this.xsl_template = this.xmlFromString('<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" '+ this.namespace +'>'+ str.replace(/defiant:(\w+)/g, '$1') +'</xsl:stylesheet>');
getSnapshot: function(data) {
return JSON.toXML(data, true);
xmlFromString: function(str) {
var parser,
str = str.replace(/>\s{1,}</g, '><');
if (str.trim().match(/<\?xml/) === null) {
str = this.xml_decl + str;
if (this.is_ie) {
doc = new ActiveXObject('Msxml2.DOMDocument');
if (str.indexOf('xsl:stylesheet') === -1) {
doc.setProperty('SelectionLanguage', 'XPath');
} else {
parser = new DOMParser();
doc = parser.parseFromString(str, 'text/xml');
return doc;
extend: function(src, dest) {
for (var content in dest) {
if (!src[content] || typeof(dest[content]) !== 'object') {
src[content] = dest[content];
} else {
this.extend(src[content], dest[content]);
return src;
node: {}
return Defiant;
if (typeof(XSLTProcessor) === 'undefined') {
// emulating XSLT Processor (enough to be used in defiant)
var XSLTProcessor = function() {};
XSLTProcessor.prototype = {
importStylesheet: function(xsldoc) {
this.xsldoc = xsldoc;
transformToFragment: function(data, doc) {
var str = data.transformNode(this.xsldoc),
span = document.createElement('span');
span.innerHTML = str;
return span;
// extending STRING
if (!String.prototype.fill) {
String.prototype.fill = function(i,c) {
var str = this;
c = c || ' ';
for (; str.length<i; str+=c){}
return str;
if (!String.prototype.trim) {
String.prototype.trim = function () {
return this.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/gm, '');
if (!String.prototype.xTransform) {
String.prototype.xTransform = function () {
var str = this;
if (this.indexOf('translate(') === -1) {
str = this.replace(/contains\(([^,]+),([^\\)]+)\)/gi, function(c,h,n) {
var a = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz',
q = n.trim().slice(-1);
return "contains(translate("+ h +", "+ q + a.toUpperCase() + q +", "+ q + a + q +"),"+ n.toLowerCase() +")";
return str.toString();
if (typeof(JSON) === 'undefined') {
window.JSON = {
parse: function (sJSON) { return eval("(" + sJSON + ")"); },
stringify: function (vContent) {
if (vContent instanceof Object) {
var sOutput = "";
if (vContent.constructor === Array) {
for (var nId = 0; nId < vContent.length; sOutput += this.stringify(vContent[nId]) + ",", nId++);
return "[" + sOutput.substr(0, sOutput.length - 1) + "]";
if (vContent.toString !== Object.prototype.toString) {
return "\"" + vContent.toString().replace(/"/g, "\\$&") + "\"";
for (var sProp in vContent) {
sOutput += "\"" + sProp.replace(/"/g, "\\$&") + "\":" + this.stringify(vContent[sProp]) + ",";
return "{" + sOutput.substr(0, sOutput.length - 1) + "}";
return typeof vContent === "string" ? "\"" + vContent.replace(/"/g, "\\$&") + "\"" : String(vContent);
/* jshint ignore:end */
if (!JSON.toXML) {
JSON.toXML = function(tree, snapshot) {
'use strict';
var interpreter = {
map : [],
rx_validate_name : /^(?!xml)[a-z_][\w\d.:]*$/i,
rx_node : /<(.+?)( .*?)>/,
rx_constructor : /<(.+?)( d:contr=".*?")>/,
rx_namespace : / xmlns\:d="defiant\-namespace"/,
rx_data : /(<.+?>)(.*?)(<\/d:data>)/i,
rx_function : /function (\w+)/i,
to_xml: function(tree) {
var str = this.hash_to_xml(null, tree);
return Defiant.xmlFromString(str);
hash_to_xml: function(name, tree, array_child) {
var is_array = tree.constructor === Array,
elem = [],
attr = [],
for (key in tree) {
val = tree[key];
if (val === null || val === undefined || val.toString() === 'NaN') val = null;
is_attr = key.slice(0,1) === '@';
cname = array_child ? name : key;
if (cname == +cname && tree.constructor !== Object) cname = 'd:item';
if (val === null) {
constr = null;
cnName = false;
} else {
constr = val.constructor;
cnName = constr.toString().match(this.rx_function)[1];
if (is_attr) {
attr.push( cname.slice(1) +'="'+ this.escape_xml(val) +'"' );
if (cnName !== 'String') attr.push( 'd:'+ cname.slice(1) +'="'+ cnName +'"' );
} else if (val === null) {
elem.push( this.scalar_to_xml( cname, val ) );
} else {
switch (constr) {
case Function:
// if constructor is function, then it's not a JSON structure
// throw ERROR ?
case Object:
elem.push( this.hash_to_xml( cname, val ) );
case Array:
if (key === cname) {
val_is_array = val.constructor === Array;
if (val_is_array) {
i = val.length;
while (i--) {
if (val[i].constructor === Array) val_is_array = true;
if (!val_is_array && val[i].constructor === Object) val_is_array = true;
elem.push( this.scalar_to_xml( cname, val, val_is_array ) );
/* falls through */
case String:
if (typeof(val) === 'string') {
val = val.toString().replace(/\&/g, '&')
.replace(/\r|\n/g, ' ');
if (cname === '#text') {
// prepare map
attr.push('d:mi="'+ this.map.length +'"');
attr.push('d:constr="'+ cnName +'"');
elem.push( this.escape_xml(val) );
/* falls through */
case Number:
case Boolean:
if (cname === '#text' && cnName !== 'String') {
// prepare map
attr.push('d:mi="'+ this.map.length +'"');
attr.push('d:constr="'+ cnName +'"');
elem.push( this.escape_xml(val) );
elem.push( this.scalar_to_xml( cname, val ) );
if (!name) {
name = 'd:data';
if (is_array) attr.push('d:constr="Array"');
if (name.match(this.rx_validate_name) === null) {
attr.push( 'd:name="'+ name +'"' );
name = 'd:name';
if (array_child) return elem.join('');
// prepare map
attr.push('d:mi="'+ this.map.length +'"');
return '<'+ name + (attr.length ? ' '+ attr.join(' ') : '') + (elem.length ? '>'+ elem.join('') +'</'+ name +'>' : '/>' );
scalar_to_xml: function(name, val, override) {
var attr = '',
// check whether the nodename is valid
if (name.match(this.rx_validate_name) === null) {
attr += ' d:name="'+ name +'"';
name = 'd:name';
override = false;
if (val === null || val.toString() === 'NaN') val = null;
if (val === null) return '<'+ name +' d:constr="null"/>';
if (val.length === 1 && val[0].constructor === Object) {
text = this.hash_to_xml(false, val[0]);
var a1 = text.match(this.rx_node),
a2 = text.match(this.rx_constructor);
a1 = (a1 !== null)? a1[2]
.replace(this.rx_namespace, '')
.replace(/>/, '')
.replace(/"\/$/, '"') : '';
a2 = (a2 !== null)? a2[2] : '';
text = text.match(this.rx_data);
text = (text !== null)? text[2] : '';
return '<'+ name + a1 +' '+ a2 +' d:type="ArrayItem">'+ text +'</'+ name +'>';
} else if (val.length === 0 && val.constructor === Array) {
return '<'+ name +' d:constr="Array"/>';
// else
if (override) {
return this.hash_to_xml( name, val, true );
constr = val.constructor;
cnName = constr.toString().match(this.rx_function)[1];
text = (constr === Array) ? this.hash_to_xml( 'd:item', val, true )
: this.escape_xml(val);
attr += ' d:constr="'+ cnName +'"';
// prepare map
attr += ' d:mi="'+ this.map.length +'"';
return (name === '#text') ? this.escape_xml(val) : '<'+ name + attr +'>'+ text +'</'+ name +'>';
escape_xml: function(text) {
return String(text) .replace(/</g, '<')
.replace(/>/g, '>')
.replace(/"/g, '"')
.replace(/ /g, ' ');
doc = interpreter.to_xml.call(interpreter, tree);
// snapshot distinctly improves performance
if (snapshot) {
return {
doc: doc,
src: tree,
map: interpreter.map
this.search.map = interpreter.map;
return doc;
if (!JSON.search) {
JSON.search = function(tree, xpath, single) {
'use strict';
var isSnapshot = tree.doc && tree.doc.nodeType,
doc = isSnapshot ? tree.doc : JSON.toXML(tree),
map = isSnapshot ? tree.map : this.search.map,
src = isSnapshot ? tree.src : tree,
xres = Defiant.node[ single ? 'selectSingleNode' : 'selectNodes' ](doc, xpath.xTransform()),
ret = [],
if (single) xres = [xres];
i = xres.length;
while (i--) {
switch(xres[i].nodeType) {
case 2:
case 3:
ret.unshift( xres[i].nodeValue );
mapIndex = +xres[i].getAttribute('d:mi');
if (map[mapIndex-1]) ret.unshift( map[mapIndex-1] );
// if environment = development, add search tracing
if (Defiant.env === 'development') {
this.trace = JSON.mtrace(src, ret, xres);
return ret;
if (!JSON.mtrace) {
JSON.mtrace = function(root, hits, xres) {
'use strict';
var win = window,
stringify = JSON.stringify,
sroot = stringify( root, null, '\t' ).replace(/\t/g, ''),
trace = [],
i = 0,
il = xres.length,
od = il ? xres[i].ownerDocument.documentElement : false,
map = this.search.map,
fIndex = 0,
for (; i<il; i++) {
switch (xres[i].nodeType) {
case 2:
cConstr = xres[i].ownerElement ? xres[i].ownerElement.getAttribute('d:'+ xres[i].nodeName) : 'String';
hstr = '"@'+ xres[i].nodeName +'": '+ win[ cConstr ]( hits[i] );
mIndex = sroot.indexOf(hstr);
lEnd = 0;
case 3:
cConstr = xres[i].parentNode.getAttribute('d:constr');
hstr = win[ cConstr ]( hits[i] );
hstr = '"'+ xres[i].parentNode.nodeName +'": '+ (hstr === 'Number' ? hstr : '"'+ hstr +'"');
mIndex = sroot.indexOf(hstr);
lEnd = 0;
if (xres[i] === od) continue;
if (xres[i].getAttribute('d:constr') === 'String') {
cConstr = xres[i].getAttribute('d:constr');
hstr = win[ cConstr ]( hits[i] );
hstr = '"'+ xres[i].nodeName +'": '+ (hstr === 'Number' ? hstr : '"'+ hstr +'"');
mIndex = sroot.indexOf(hstr, fIndex);
lEnd = 0;
fIndex = mIndex + 1;
} else {
hstr = stringify( hits[i], null, '\t' ).replace(/\t/g, '');
mIndex = sroot.indexOf(hstr);
lEnd = hstr.match(/\n/g).length;
lStart = sroot.substring(0,mIndex).match(/\n/g).length+1;
trace.push([lStart, lEnd]);
return trace;
Defiant.node.selectNodes = function(XNode, XPath) {
if (XNode.evaluate) {
var ns = XNode.createNSResolver(XNode.documentElement),
qI = XNode.evaluate(XPath, XNode, ns, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null),
res = [],
i = 0,
il = qI.snapshotLength;
for (; i<il; i++) {
res.push( qI.snapshotItem(i) );
return res;
} else {
return XNode.selectNodes(XPath);
Defiant.node.selectSingleNode = function(XNode, XPath) {
if (XNode.evaluate) {
var xI = this.selectNodes(XNode, XPath);
return (xI.length > 0)? xI[0] : null;
} else {
return XNode.selectSingleNode(XPath);
Defiant.node.prettyPrint = function(node) {
var root = Defiant,
tabs = root.tabsize,
decl = root.xml_decl.toLowerCase(),
if (root.is_ie) {
xstr = node.xml;
} else {
ser = new XMLSerializer();
xstr = ser.serializeToString(node);
if (root.env !== 'development') {
// if environment is not development, remove defiant related info
xstr = xstr.replace(/ \w+\:d=".*?"| d\:\w+=".*?"/g, '');
var str = xstr.trim().replace(/(>)\s*(<)(\/*)/g, '$1\n$2$3'),
lines = str.split('\n'),
indent = -1,
i = 0,
il = lines.length,
for (; i<il; i++) {
if (i === 0 && lines[i].toLowerCase() === decl) continue;
start = lines[i].match(/<[A-Za-z_\:]+.*?>/g) !== null;
//start = lines[i].match(/<[^\/]+>/g) !== null;
end = lines[i].match(/<\/[\w\:]+>/g) !== null;
if (lines[i].match(/<.*?\/>/g) !== null) start = end = true;
if (start) indent++;
lines[i] = String().fill(indent, '\t') + lines[i];
if (start && end) indent--;
if (!start && end) indent--;
return lines.join('\n').replace(/\t/g, String().fill(tabs, ' '));
Defiant.node.toJSON = function(xnode, stringify) {
'use strict';
var interpret = function(leaf) {
var obj = {},
win = window,
i, il, a;
switch (leaf.nodeType) {
case 1:
cConstr = leaf.getAttribute('d:constr');
if (cConstr === 'Array') obj = [];
else if (cConstr === 'String' && leaf.textContent === '') obj = '';
attr = leaf.attributes;
i = 0;
il = attr.length;
for (; i<il; i++) {
a = attr.item(i);
if (a.nodeName.match(/\:d|d\:/g) !== null) continue;
cConstr = leaf.getAttribute('d:'+ a.nodeName);
if (cConstr && cConstr !== 'undefined') {
if (a.nodeValue === 'null') cval = null;
else cval = win[ cConstr ]( (a.nodeValue === 'false') ? '' : a.nodeValue );
} else {
cval = a.nodeValue;
obj['@'+ a.nodeName] = cval;
case 3:
type = leaf.parentNode.getAttribute('d:type');
cval = (type) ? win[ type ]( leaf.nodeValue === 'false' ? '' : leaf.nodeValue ) : leaf.nodeValue;
obj = cval;
if (leaf.hasChildNodes()) {
i = 0;
il = leaf.childNodes.length;
for(; i<il; i++) {
item = leaf.childNodes.item(i);
cname = item.nodeName;
attr = leaf.attributes;
if (cname === 'd:name') {
cname = item.getAttribute('d:name');
if (cname === '#text') {
cConstr = leaf.getAttribute('d:constr');
if (cConstr === 'undefined') cConstr = undefined;
text = item.textContent || item.text;
cval = cConstr === 'Boolean' && text === 'false' ? '' : text;
if (!cConstr && !attr.length) obj = cval;
else if (cConstr && il === 1) {
obj = win[cConstr](cval);
} else if (!leaf.hasChildNodes()) {
obj[cname] = (cConstr)? win[cConstr](cval) : cval;
} else {
if (attr.length < 3) obj = (cConstr)? win[cConstr](cval) : cval;
else obj[cname] = (cConstr)? win[cConstr](cval) : cval;
} else {
if (obj[cname]) {
if (obj[cname].push) obj[cname].push( interpret(item) );
else obj[cname] = [obj[cname], interpret(item)];
cConstr = item.getAttribute('d:constr');
switch (cConstr) {
case 'null':
if (obj.push) obj.push(null);
else obj[cname] = null;
case 'Array':
//console.log( Defiant.node.prettyPrint(item) );
if (item.parentNode.firstChild === item && cConstr === 'Array' && cname !== 'd:item') {
if (cname === 'd:item' || cConstr === 'Array') {
cval = interpret(item);
obj[cname] = cval.length ? [cval] : cval;
} else {
obj[cname] = interpret(item);
else if (obj.push) obj.push( interpret(item) );
else obj[cname] = interpret(item);
case 'String':
case 'Number':
case 'Boolean':
text = item.textContent || item.text;
cval = cConstr === 'Boolean' && text === 'false' ? '' : text;
if (obj.push) obj.push( win[cConstr](cval) );
else obj[cname] = interpret(item);
if (obj.push) obj.push( interpret( item ) );
else obj[cname] = interpret( item );
if (leaf.nodeType === 1 && leaf.getAttribute('d:type') === 'ArrayItem') {
obj = [obj];
return obj;
node = (xnode.nodeType === 9) ? xnode.documentElement : xnode,
ret = interpret(node),
rn = ret[node.nodeName];
// exclude root, if "this" is root node
if (node === node.ownerDocument.documentElement && rn && rn.constructor === Array) {
ret = rn;
if (stringify && stringify.toString() === 'true') stringify = '\t';
return stringify ? JSON.stringify(ret, null, stringify) : ret;
// check if jQuery is present
if (typeof(jQuery) !== 'undefined') {
(function ( $ ) {
'use strict';
$.fn.defiant = function(template, xpath) {
this.html( Defiant.render(template, xpath) );
return this;
@ -180,19 +180,34 @@ function ShowDictionary() {
var filter = document.getElementById("wordFilter").value;
var searchResults = [];
var search = htmlEntities(document.getElementById("searchBox").value);
if (search != "") {
var search = htmlEntitiesParseForSearchEntry(document.getElementById("searchBox").value);
var searchByWord = document.getElementById("searchOptionWord").checked;
var searchBySimple = document.getElementById("searchOptionSimple").checked;
var searchByLong = document.getElementById("searchOptionLong").checked;
var searchIgnoreCase = !document.getElementById("searchCaseSensitive").checked; //It's easier to negate case here instead of negating it every use since ignore case is default.
var searchIgnoreDiacritics = document.getElementById("searchIgnoreDiacritics").checked;
if (search != "" && (searchByWord || searchBySimple || searchByLong)) {
var xpath = [];
if (document.getElementById("searchOptionWord").checked) {
xpath.push('contains(name, "'+ search +'")');
var searchDictionaryJSON = htmlEntitiesParseForSearch(JSON.stringify(currentDictionary));
if (searchIgnoreCase) {
search = search.toLowerCase();
//searchDictionaryJSON = searchDictionaryJSON.toLowerCase();
if (document.getElementById("searchOptionSimple").checked) {
xpath.push('contains(simpleDefinition, "'+ search +'")');
if (searchIgnoreDiacritics) {
search = removeDiacritics(search);
searchDictionaryJSON = removeDiacritics(searchDictionaryJSON);
if (document.getElementById("searchOptionLong").checked) {
xpath.push('contains(longDefinition, "'+ search +'")');
if (searchByWord) {
xpath.push('contains('+ ((searchIgnoreCase) ? 'name' : 'translate(name, "", "")') +', "'+ search +'")');
searchResults = JSON.search(currentDictionary, '//words['+ xpath.join(' or ') +']/name');
if (searchBySimple) {
xpath.push('contains('+ ((searchIgnoreCase) ? 'simpleDefinition' : 'translate(simpleDefinition, "", "")') +', "'+ search +'")');
if (searchByLong) {
xpath.push('contains('+ ((searchIgnoreCase) ? 'longDefinition' : 'translate(longDefinition, "", "")') +', "'+ search +'")');
var searchDictionary = JSON.parse(searchDictionaryJSON);
searchResults = JSON.search(searchDictionary, '//words['+ xpath.join(' or ') +']/wordId');
var dictionaryNameArea = document.getElementById("dictionaryName");
@ -207,7 +222,7 @@ function ShowDictionary() {
if (currentDictionary.words.length > 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < currentDictionary.words.length; i++) {
if (filter == "" || (filter != "" && currentDictionary.words[i].partOfSpeech == filter)) {
if (search == "" || (search != "" && searchResults.indexOf(htmlEntities(currentDictionary.words[i].name)) >= 0)) {
if (search == "" || (search != "" && (searchByWord || searchBySimple || searchByLong) && searchResults.indexOf(currentDictionary.words[i].wordId) >= 0)) {
if (!currentDictionary.words[i].hasOwnProperty("pronunciation")) {
currentDictionary.words[i].pronunciation = ""; //Account for new property
@ -228,27 +243,61 @@ function ShowDictionary() {
function DictionaryEntry(itemIndex) {
var entryText = "<entry><a name='" + currentDictionary.words[itemIndex].wordId + "'></a><a href='#" + currentDictionary.words[itemIndex].wordId + "' class='wordLink clickable'>🔗</a>";
var searchTerm = htmlEntities(document.getElementById("searchBox").value);
var searchRegEx = new RegExp(searchTerm, "gi");
var searchTerm = document.getElementById("searchBox").value;
var searchByWord = document.getElementById("searchOptionWord").checked;
var searchBySimple = document.getElementById("searchOptionSimple").checked;
var searchByLong = document.getElementById("searchOptionLong").checked;
var searchIgnoreCase = !document.getElementById("searchCaseSensitive").checked; //It's easier to negate case here instead of negating it every use since ignore case is default.
var searchIgnoreDiacritics = document.getElementById("searchIgnoreDiacritics").checked;
var searchRegEx = new RegExp("(" + ((searchIgnoreDiacritics) ? removeDiacritics(searchTerm) + "|" + searchTerm : searchTerm) + ")", "g" + ((searchIgnoreCase) ? "i" : ""));
entryText += "<word>" + ((searchTerm != "" && document.getElementById("searchOptionWord").checked) ? currentDictionary.words[itemIndex].name.replace(searchRegEx, "<searchTerm>" + searchTerm + "</searchterm>") : currentDictionary.words[itemIndex].name) + "</word>";
entryText += "<word>";
if (searchTerm != "" && searchByWord) {
entryText += htmlEntitiesParse(currentDictionary.words[itemIndex].name).replace(searchRegEx, "<searchTerm>$1</searchterm>");
} else {
entryText += currentDictionary.words[itemIndex].name;
entryText += "</word>";
if (currentDictionary.words[itemIndex].pronunciation != "") {
entryText += "<pronunciation>" + marked(htmlEntitiesParse(currentDictionary.words[itemIndex].pronunciation)).replace("<p>","").replace("</p>","") + "</pronunciation>";
entryText += "<pronunciation>";
entryText += marked(htmlEntitiesParse(currentDictionary.words[itemIndex].pronunciation)).replace("<p>","").replace("</p>","");
entryText += "</pronunciation>";
if (currentDictionary.words[itemIndex].partOfSpeech != "") {
entryText += "<partofspeech>" + currentDictionary.words[itemIndex].partOfSpeech + "</partofspeech>";
entryText += "<partofspeech>";
entryText += currentDictionary.words[itemIndex].partOfSpeech;
entryText += "</partofspeech>";
entryText += "<br>";
if (currentDictionary.words[itemIndex].simpleDefinition != "") {
entryText += "<simpledefinition>" + ((searchTerm != "" && document.getElementById("searchOptionSimple").checked) ? currentDictionary.words[itemIndex].simpleDefinition.replace(searchRegEx, "<searchTerm>" + searchTerm + "</searchterm>") : currentDictionary.words[itemIndex].simpleDefinition) + "</simpledefinition>";
entryText += "<simpledefinition>";
if (searchTerm != "" && searchBySimple) {
entryText += htmlEntitiesParse(currentDictionary.words[itemIndex].simpleDefinition).replace(searchRegEx, "<searchTerm>$1</searchterm>");
} else {
entryText += currentDictionary.words[itemIndex].simpleDefinition;
entryText += "</simpledefinition>";
if (currentDictionary.words[itemIndex].longDefinition != "") {
entryText += "<longdefinition>" + ((searchTerm != "" && document.getElementById("searchOptionLong").checked) ? marked(htmlEntitiesParse(currentDictionary.words[itemIndex].longDefinition)).replace(searchRegEx, "<searchTerm>" + searchTerm + "</searchterm>") : marked(htmlEntitiesParse(currentDictionary.words[itemIndex].longDefinition))) + "</longdefinition>";
entryText += "<longdefinition>";
if (searchTerm != "" && searchByLong) {
entryText += marked(htmlEntitiesParse(currentDictionary.words[itemIndex].longDefinition).replace(searchRegEx, "<searchTerm>$1</searchterm>"));
} else {
entryText += marked(htmlEntitiesParse(currentDictionary.words[itemIndex].longDefinition));
entryText += "</longdefinition>";
if (!currentDictionary.settings.isComplete) {
@ -619,6 +668,14 @@ function stripHtmlEntities(string) {
return String(string).replace(/&/g, '').replace(/</g, '').replace(/>/g, '').replace(/"/g, '').replace(/'/g, "").replace(/<br>/g, '');
function htmlEntitiesParseForSearchEntry(string) {
return String(string).replace(/"/g, '%%').replace(/'/g, "``");
function htmlEntitiesParseForSearch(string) {
return String(string).replace(/&/g, '&').replace(/</g, '<').replace(/>/g, '>').replace(/"/g, '%%').replace(/'/g, "``");
function dynamicSort(property) {
/* Retrieved from http://stackoverflow.com/a/4760279
Usage: theArray.sort(dynamicSort("objectProperty"));*/
@ -155,6 +155,19 @@ function ToggleDescription() {
function ToggleSearchFilter() {
var searchFilterToggle = document.getElementById("searchFilterToggle");
var searchFilterArea = document.getElementById("searchFilterArea");
if (searchFilterArea.style.display == "none") {
searchFilterArea.style.display = "block";
searchFilterToggle.innerHTML = "Hide Search/Filter Options";
} else {
searchFilterArea.style.display = "none";
searchFilterToggle.innerHTML = "Search/Filter Options";
function ShowInfo(text) {
if (text == "terms") {
document.getElementById("infoText").innerHTML = termsText;
Add table
Reference in a new issue