Correctly link public word references
This commit is contained in:
@ -165,12 +165,13 @@ VALUES ($new_id, ?, ?, ?, ?)";
$query = "SELECT words.* FROM words JOIN dictionaries ON id = dictionary WHERE dictionary=? AND word_id=? AND is_public=1";
$result = $this->db->query($query, array($dictionary, $word))->fetch();
if ($result) {
$details = $this->parseReferences($result['details'], $dictionary);
return array(
'name' => $result['name'],
'pronunciation' => $result['pronunciation'],
'partOfSpeech' => $result['part_of_speech'],
'definition' => $result['definition'],
'details' => $result['details'],
'details' => $details,
'lastUpdated' => is_null($result['last_updated']) ? intval($result['created_on']) : intval($result['last_updated']),
'createdOn' => intval($result['created_on']),
'wordId' => intval($result['word_id']),
@ -180,6 +181,65 @@ VALUES ($new_id, ?, ?, ?, ?)";
return false;
private function parseReferences($details, $dictionary_id) {
if (preg_match_all('/\{\{.+?\}\}/', $details, $references) !== false) {
$references = array_unique($references[0]);
foreach($references as $reference) {
$word_to_find = preg_replace('/\{\{|\}\}/', '', $reference);
$homonymn = 0;
if (strpos($word_to_find, ':') !== false) {
$separator = strpos($word_to_find, ':');
$homonymn = substr($word_to_find, $separator + 1);
$word_to_find = substr($word_to_find, 0, $separator);
if ($homonymn && trim($homonymn) && intval(trim($homonymn)) > 0) {
$homonymn = intval(trim($homonymn));
} else {
$homonymn = false;
$target_id = false;
$reference_ids = $this->getWordIdsWithName($dictionary_id, $word_to_find);
if (count($reference_ids) > 0) {
if ($homonymn !== false && $homonymn > 0) {
if (isset($reference_ids[$homonymn - 1])) {
$target_id = $reference_ids[$homonymn - 1];
} else if ($homonymn !== false) {
$target_id = $reference_ids[0];
if ($target_id !== false) {
if ($homonymn < 1) {
$homonymn = 1;
$homonymn_sub_html = $homonymn > 0 ? '<sub>' . $homonymn . '</sub>' : '';
$site_root = substr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 0, strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], $dictionary_id));
$markdown_link = '[' . $word_to_find . $homonymn_sub_html . '](' . $site_root . $dictionary_id . '/' . $target_id . ')';
$details = str_replace($reference, $markdown_link, $details);
return $details;
private function getWordIdsWithName($dictionary, $word_name) {
if (is_numeric($dictionary)) {
$query = "SELECT word_id FROM words WHERE dictionary=? AND name=?";
$results = $this->db->query($query, array($dictionary, $word_name))->fetchAll();
if ($results) {
return array_map(function ($row) {
return intval($row['word_id']);
}, $results);
return array();
public function getDetails ($user, $dictionary) {
$query = "SELECT * FROM dictionaries JOIN dictionary_linguistics ON dictionary = id WHERE user=$user AND id=$dictionary";
$result = $this->db->query($query)->fetch();
Reference in New Issue