Update Sorting - sort by name then part of speech.

This commit is contained in:
Robbie Antenesse 2016-03-02 10:59:14 -07:00
parent 5acca6f283
commit 0df7281c94
1 changed files with 20 additions and 13 deletions

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@ -374,9 +374,9 @@ function ResetDictionaryToDefault() {
function SaveAndUpdateDictionary(keepFormContents) {
if (!currentDictionary.settings.sortByEquivalent) {
currentDictionary.words.sort(dynamicSort(['name', 'partOfSpeech']));
} else {
currentDictionary.words.sort(dynamicSort(['simpleDefinition', 'partOfSpeech']));
SaveDictionary(true, true);
@ -694,18 +694,25 @@ function regexParseForSearch(string) {
return String(string).replace(/([\[\\\^\$\.\|\?\*\+\(\)\{\}\]])/g, "\\$1");
function dynamicSort(property) {
/* Retrieved from http://stackoverflow.com/a/4760279
Usage: theArray.sort(dynamicSort("objectProperty"));*/
var sortOrder = 1;
if (property[0] === "-") {
sortOrder = -1;
property = property.substr(1);
function dynamicSort(propertiesArray) {
/* Retrieved from http://stackoverflow.com/a/30446887/3508346
Usage: theArray.sort(dynamicSort(['propertyAscending', '-propertyDescending']));*/
return function (a, b) {
var result = (a[property].toLowerCase() < b[property].toLowerCase()) ? -1 : (a[property].toLowerCase() > b[property].toLowerCase()) ? 1 : 0;
return result * sortOrder;
return propertiesArray
.map(function (o) {
var dir = 1;
if (o[0] === '-') {
dir = -1;
if (removeDiacritics(a[o]) > removeDiacritics(b[o])) return dir;
if (removeDiacritics(a[o]) < removeDiacritics(b[o])) return -(dir);
return 0;
.reduce(function firstNonZeroValue (p,n) {
return p ? p : n;
}, 0);
function download(filename, text) {