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var currentDictionary = {
name: "Current Dictionary",
//index: 0,
words: [],
settings: {
caseSensitive: false,
preferUpperCase: false
window.onload = function () {
var Word = function (word, simpleDefinition, longDefinition, partOfSpeech) {
//this.index = currentDictionary.index++;
this.name = word;
this.simpleDefinition = simpleDefinition;
this.longDefinition = longDefinition;
this.partOfSpeech = partOfSpeech;
function AddWord() {
var word = document.getElementById("word").value;
var simpleDefinition = document.getElementById("simpleDefinition").value;
var longDefinition = document.getElementById("longDefinition").value;
var partOfSpeech = document.getElementById("partOfSpeech").value;
if (word != "" && (simpleDefinition != "" || longDefinition != "")) {
if (!currentDictionary.settings.caseSensitive) {
if (currentDictionary.settings.preferUpperCase) {
word = word.toUpperCase();
} else {
word = word.toLowerCase();
var wordIndex = WordIndex(word);
if (wordIndex >= 0) {
if (confirm("\"" + word + "\" is already in the dictionary. Click OK if you want to update it.")) {
UpdateWord(wordIndex, simpleDefinition, longDefinition, partOfSpeech);
} else {
currentDictionary.words.push(new Word(word, simpleDefinition, longDefinition, partOfSpeech));
} else {
var alertMessage = "";
if (word == "") {
alertMessage += "Word cannot be blank";
if (simpleDefinition == "" && longDefinition == "") {
alertMessage += " and you need at least one definition.";
} else {
alertMessage += ".";
} else if (simpleDefinition == "" && longDefinition == "") {
alertMessage += "You need at least one definition."
function UpdateWord(wordIndex, simpleDefinition, longDefinition, partOfSpeech) {
currentDictionary.words[wordIndex].simpleDefinition = simpleDefinition;
currentDictionary.words[wordIndex].longDefinition = longDefinition;
currentDictionary.words[wordIndex].partOfSpeech = partOfSpeech;
function ShowDictionary() {
var dictionaryArea = document.getElementById("theDictionary");
var dictionaryText = "";
for (var i = 0; i < currentDictionary.words.length; i++) {
dictionaryText += "<entry>";
dictionaryText += "<word>" + currentDictionary.words[i].name + "</word>";
if (currentDictionary.words[i].partOfSpeech != "") {
dictionaryText += " <partofspeech>" + currentDictionary.words[i].partOfSpeech + "</partofspeech>";
if (currentDictionary.words[i].simpleDefinition != "") {
dictionaryText += "<br><simpledefinition> ==> " + currentDictionary.words[i].simpleDefinition + "</simpledefinition>";
if (currentDictionary.words[i].longDefinition != "") {
dictionaryText += "<br><longdefinition>" + currentDictionary.words[i].longDefinition + "</longdefinition>";
dictionaryText += "</entry>";
dictionaryArea.innerHTML = dictionaryText;
function dynamicSort(property) {
/* Retrieved from http://stackoverflow.com/a/4760279
Usage: theArray.sort(dynamicSort("objectProperty"));*/
var sortOrder = 1;
if (property[0] === "-") {
sortOrder = -1;
property = property.substr(1);
return function (a, b) {
var result = (a[property] < b[property]) ? -1 : (a[property] > b[property]) ? 1 : 0;
return result * sortOrder;
function SaveDictionary() {
localStorage.setItem('dictionary', JSON.stringify(currentDictionary));
function LoadDictionary() {
if (localStorage.getItem('dictionary')) {
currentDictionary = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('dictionary'));
function WordIndex(word) {
for (var i = 0; i < currentDictionary.words.length; i++)
if (currentDictionary.words[i] == word) {
return i;
return -1;