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0 . 63782 1 . 0023 1 . 0934 2 . 1412 0 . 50114 1 . 139 0 . 50114 2 . 0046l-1 . 5946-3 . 0524-3 . 5991-1 . 4123q-1 . 4579-0 . 18224-2 . 1868-0 . 18224-0 . 68338 0-1 . 6401 0h-3 . 8725q1 . 0478-0 . 13667 2 . 1868-0 . 36447 1 . 6401-0 . 36447 2 . 0501-0 . 68338zm10 . 797 13 . 303q-0 . 50115 0-2 . 1868-0 . 45559-0 . 82006-0 . 22779-1 . 3668-0 . 22779-0 . 27335 0-0 . 63782 0 . 0911-0 . 31891 0 . 0456-0 . 82006 0 . 2278-1 . 7312-0 . 18224-2 . 7335-0 . 31891-1 . 0023-0 . 13668-1 . 0934-0 . 31891l4 . 5559-0 . 13668q0 . 7745 0 1 . 5034 0 0 . 72894 0 1 . 5946 0 . 13668l-0 . 0911-8 . 0183q0 . 22779 2 . 1413 0 . 59226 4 . 3281 0 . 36447 2 . 1412 0 . 95673 4 . 6925h-0 . 27335zm-0 . 59226 13 . 531-1 . 2301-0 . 22779 0 . 31891-0 . 59227q0 . 0456-0 . 0911 0 . 0456-0 . 91117v-1 . 3668q0-0 . 91117 0 . 2278-1 . 8679 0 . 22779-1 . 0023 0 . 50114-1 . 959l0 . 13668 5 . 1481v1 . 7768zm-23 . 28-25 . 604q0 . 13668-0 . 0456 0 . 63782-0 . 31891 0 . 54671-0 . 27336 0 . 72894-0 . 27336l0 . 13668 0 . 18224q0 . 22779 0 0 . 68338-0 . 22779 0 . 50114-0 . 27336 0 . 72893-0 . 36447 0 . 2278-0 . 0911 1 . 6857-0 . 13668 1 . 4579-0 . 0911 2 . 7791-0 . 0911l-3 . 7358 0 . 68338-3 . 6447 0 . 54671zm8 . 6561-0 . 59227-0 . 95673 0 . 36447-1 . 9135-0 . 13667q1 . 3212-0 . 41003 2 . 688-0 . 82006l2 . 369-0 . 13667q-0 . 5467 0 . 13667-1 . 0023 0 . 27335-0 . 41003 0 . 0911-1 . 1845 0 . 45558zm-5 . 786 14 . 032q0-0 . 5467 0 . 0911-1 . 0023 0 . 13668-0 . 50114 0 . 36447-1 . 139v0 . 50114q0 0 . 13668 0 . 31891 2 . 1413 0 . 0911 0 . 59226 0 . 0911 1 . 2756v5 . 5582l-0 . 86562-4 . 1458 0 . 18224-0 . 59226q0-0 . 0911-0 . 0911-1 . 139-0 . 0911-1 . 0478-0 . 0911-1 . 4579zm0 . 72894-5 . 4215 0 . 82006-0 . 63782q-0 . 36447 0 . 82005-0 . 36447 1 . 6401v0 . 31891l-0 . 68338 1 . 3668zm0 . 45559 13 . 759q0 . 18223 0 . 0455 1 . 0023 0 . 31891 1 . 0934 0 . 27335 1 . 6857 0 . 27335l3 . 3258-0 . 68338q0 . 27335-0 . 0456 1 . 0023-0 . 18224 0 . 7745 0 1 . 5946 0l1 . 4123-2 . 4602q-0 . 36447 1 . 0478-0 . 45559 1 . 4579-0 . 22779 0 . 86561-0 . 22779 1 . 4579l0 . 0911 0 . 22779 0 . 13667-0 . 0456q-4 . 237 0 . 41002-8 . 4739 0 . 77449l-1 . 0934-1 . 139zm19 . 18 4 . 9659q-0 . 68338 0 . 63782-1 . 6857 1 . 2756-0 . 95673 0 . 63782-1 . 7312 0 . 91118 0 . 41003-0 . 36447 1 . 2756-1 . 0934 0 . 50115-0 . 45559 1 . 139-1 . 1845l1 . 0023 0 . 0911zm-4 . 8292 3 . 4169-1 . 5034 0 . 0456 2 . 7335-1 . 0934q-0 . 31891 0 . 22779-0 . 63782 0 . 50115-0 . 31891 0 . 22779-0 . 59226 0 . 5467zm-24 . 921-21 . 64-0 . 13667-4 . 5103 1 . 5946-2 . 2779q1 . 0023-0 . 22779 1 . 6401-0 . 77449 0 . 95673-1 . 0478 1 . 959-2 . 1413 0 . 31891-0 . 31891 1 . 7768-0 . 45558 1 . 4579-0 . 13668 3 . 9636-0 . 2278-1 . 0023 0 . 2278-2 . 0501 0 . 50115-1 . 0478 0 . 22779-1 . 959 0 . 50114-1 . 7768 0 . 63782-3 . 7814 2 . 2324-2 . 4146 1 . 9135-2 . 5968 3 . 4625zm5 . 3759 22 . 233q-2 . 688-2 . 7335-3 . 9636-7 . 4716-1 . 0023-3 . 7814-1 . 0023-8 . 5195 0 . 22779 1 . 5946 0 . 68338 4 . 647 0 . 45559 3 . 0069 1 . 1845 5 . 0114 0 . 13668 0 . 41002 0 . 45559 1 . 2756 0 . 31891 0 . 86561 0 . 63782 1 . 3668l1 . 6401 2 . 1868zm-4 . 9659-16 . 811v-2 . 8702q0-0 . 41003 0 . 50115-2 . 7335 0 . 50114-2 . 3235 1 . 3212-5 . 6493 0 . 27335-0 . 18223 1 . 7768-1 . 1845 1 . 549-1 . 0478 1 . 5946-1 . 4123l0 . 95673 0 . 82006q-0 . 63782 0 . 0911-1 . 8679 0 . 86561-0 . 86561 0 . 54671-1 . 6857 1 . 2301-0 . 18223 0 . 95673-0 . 50114 1 . 9135-0 . 27335 0 . 95673-0 . 63782 1 . 6857 0 0 . 0456-0 . 31891 0 . 45559-0 . 13668 0 . 22779-0 . 18224 0 . 41003zm20 . 957 16 . 447q0 . 59226 0 0 . 86561 0 . 0911-2 . 1412 0 . 45558-4 . 6925 0 . 95673-2 . 5057 0 . 5467-3 . 6902 0 . 5467-1 . 3668 0-3 . 2802-0 . 27335-1 . 8679-0 . 27335-3 . 1891-0 . 63782l-0 . 72894-1 . 0478 5 . 9682 0 . 7745q0 . 27335 0 . 0456 0 . 91117-0 . 0456 0 . 68338-0 . 0911 0 . 82005-0 . 0911 0 . 0911 0 1 . 0478 0 . 0911 1 . 0023 0 . 0911 1 . 3668 0 . 0911 0 . 59226 0 2 . 9158-0 . 31891 1 . 0023-0 . 13668 1 . 6857-0 . 13668zm-21 . 003-9 . 8407q0 . 31891 0 . 54671 0 . 59226 2 . 5513 0 . 0911 0 . 86561 0 . 27336 1 . 0478l0 . 50114 0 . 63782-0 . 0456 0 . 18224 0 . 18224 0 . 36447q0 . 45558 0 . 63782 0 . 59226 1 . 7312 0 . 18223 1 . 0478 0 . 31891 2 . 0046l2 . 0501 2 . 277
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5968zm12 . 756 8 . 6561 8 . 2006-0 . 0911-0 . 82005 0 . 50114-6 . 4693 0 . 0456-0 . 91118-0 . 45558zm4 . 6014-10 . 843 10 . 57 0 . 31891q-1 . 0023 0-2 . 2324 0 . 0456-1 . 1845
< path d = "m345.75 204.47-1.6401-6.3782h-8.1094l-1.7312 6.3782h-5.8771l7.0616-26.515h9.1117l7.0616 26.515zm-5.7404-21.504-2.9158 10.752h5.8315zm-2.1413-6.3326q0.18224 0 1.3212 0.13667 1.139 0.0911 1.7768 0.0911 0.59226 0 1.139 0 0.59226-0.0456 1.1845-0.0456h0.82005l-0.0456 0.63782q-0.18223 0-2.9613 0.0911-2.7335 0.0911-3.9636 0.0911h-2.5513q0.45559-0.13668 0.91117-0.36447 0.68338-0.36447 0.72894-0.59226 0.27335-0.0456 0.68338-0.0456t0.95673 0zm7.0616 0.63782 1.139 0.5467q0.59226 2.8246 0.86561 4.237 0.54671 2.5513 1.0934 4.237-1.0934-2.6424-1.7312-4.4647-0.86561-2.4602-1.3668-4.5559zm5.7404 22.688-0.18224 0.41003q-0.0456-0.59226-0.0911-1.2301 0-4.2825-1.0934-7.4716-0.45559-1.3212-1.8679-4.647l0.95673-0.36447q0.59226 3.5536 1.0478 5.467 0.22779 1.0023 2.2779 8.8839l-1.0478-1.0478zm1.0478 1.7312q0.36446 0.95673 0.95673 1.8223 0.95673 1.4123 1.0934 1.5946l-1.0478-0.18223q-0.13667-0.36447-0.45558-1.0478-0.27335-0.68338-0.36447-1.0934-0.0911-0.45558-0.18223-1.0934zm-17.631-22.962 0.68338-0.36446q-1.0023 3.5536-2.1413 7.5172-1.2756 4.4192-2.2324 7.5172-0.41003 1.3212-2.369 7.5627 1.3212-5.6037 2.8702-11.162 0.45558-1.6857 3.1891-11.071zm6.2871 19.454q0.86562 0 1.959 0.18223 0.36447 0.0456 1.139 0.18223l-0.18223-0.45558q-2.9158 0-4.2825 0.50114-0.31891 0.13668-2.7791 1.1845l0.54671-1.4579zm-13.394 6.2415q0.86561-1.0934 2.369-7.0616 0.95673-3.9636 1.9135-7.9728l-3.4625 15.809zm6.1048-24.647 0.27335-0.18223q-0.7745 2.9158-1.7312 6.196-0.91117 3.2802-2.0046 6.7427 0.68337-3.2347 1.4123-6.4693 1.0023-4.0547 2.0501-6.2871zm10.387 20q0.36447-0.0456 1.0023 2.5513 0.68338 2.5968 1.0478 2.5968 0.86561 0 1.8223 0t2.0046-0.0456q1.3212 0 2.0957 0.0456 0.82006 0.0456 1.5946 0.27335-0.50114 0.31891-1.6857 0.41003-1.139 0.0911-2.0046 0.0911l-5.1026-0.13667q-0.13668 0.0456-0.18224-0.13668 0-0.18223 0-0.63782v-0.68338q0-0.63782-0.18223-1.7768-0.18224-1.1845-0.41003-2.5513zm-7.745 0.77449q0.18223 0.59226 0.18223 1.4579 0 0.5467-0.0456 1.1845-0.0455 0.63782-0.0455 0.68338l0.13667 1.4123h-1.8679q-1.139 0-3.7814-0.0911-2.6424-0.0911-2.8246-0.0911 4.237 0 7.6538-0.36447 0.13667-0.45558 0.18223-1.2301 0.0456-0.77449 0.0456-0.86561 0.18223-0.0911 0.27335-1.0023 0.0911-0.95673 0.0911-1.0934zm6.0137-11.982-1.2301-2.5057 1.0934 4.237zm0.54671 4.5559-0.54671 0.22779-0.0456-0.86561v-0.27335l0.0456-0.50115zm-2.2779-8.7017-1.9135 8.7017 3.0524-0.0456 0.0911 0.41003h-3.6447l2.4146-9.0662z" / >
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2019-05-02 15:45:10 -06:00
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< header >
2019-05-06 16:28:51 -06:00
< h4 class = "word" > Loading Words< / h4 >
2019-05-02 10:57:56 -06:00
< / header >
< dl >
2019-05-06 16:28:51 -06:00
< dt class = "definition" > Please Wait...< / dt >
2019-05-02 10:57:56 -06:00
< / dl >
< / article >
< / section >
2019-05-06 16:28:51 -06:00
< section class = "pagination" > < / section >
2019-05-02 10:57:56 -06:00
< / section >
< / main >
2019-05-02 13:01:42 -06:00
< footer id = "bottom" >
2019-06-10 11:28:30 -06:00
< a href = "https://liberapay.com/robbieantenesse" target = "_blank" rel = "noopener" class = "small button" > Support Lexiconga< / a >
< a href = "https://blog.lexicon.ga" target = "_blank" rel = "noopener" class = "small button" > Blog< / a >
2019-06-03 13:23:49 -06:00
< a href = "./advertising.html" target = "_blank" class = "small button" > Advertise< / a >
2019-06-10 11:28:30 -06:00
< a href = "https://github.com/Alamantus/Lexiconga/issues" target = "_blank" rel = "noopener" class = "small button" > Issues< / a >
< a href = "https://github.com/Alamantus/Lexiconga/releases" target = "_blank" rel = "noopener" class = "small button" > Updates< / a >
2019-05-30 14:59:38 -06:00
< span class = "separator" > |< / span >
2019-05-08 11:57:08 -06:00
< a class = "button" id = "helpInfoButton" > Help< / a >
< a class = "button" id = "termsInfoButton" > Terms< / a >
< a class = "button" id = "privacyInfoButton" > Privacy< / a >
2019-05-02 10:57:56 -06:00
< / footer >
2019-05-02 13:01:42 -06:00
2019-05-08 13:01:39 -06:00
< section id = "settingsModal" class = "modal" style = "display:none;" >
< div class = "modal-background" onclick = "this.parentElement.style.display='none';" > < / div >
< div class = "modal-content" >
< a class = "close-button" onclick = "this.parentElement.parentElement.style.display='none';" > × ︎ < / a >
< section >
2019-05-10 10:37:46 -06:00
< form class = "split two" >
< div >
2019-07-17 11:32:30 -06:00
< h2 > General Settings< / h2 >
2019-05-10 10:37:46 -06:00
< label > Use IPA Auto-Fill
< input id = "settingsUseIPA" type = "checkbox" checked > < br / >
< small > Check this to use character combinations to input International Phonetic Alphabet characters into
Pronunciation fields.< / small >
< / label >
2019-05-10 13:18:38 -06:00
< label > Use Hotkeys
< input id = "settingsUseHotkeys" type = "checkbox" checked > < br / >
< small > Check this to enable keyboard combinations to perform different helpful actions.< / small >
< / label >
2020-04-30 01:20:10 -06:00
< label > Show Advanced Fields By Default
< input id = "settingsShowAdvanced" type = "checkbox" > < br / >
< small > Check this to make the advanced fields show on word forms without needing to click the "Show Advanced Fields" button.< / small >
< / label >
2019-05-10 10:37:46 -06:00
2019-05-31 13:11:01 -06:00
< label > Default Theme < small > (the theme new dictionaries will use)< / small >
< select id = "settingsDefaultTheme" >
2019-05-30 17:05:59 -06:00
< option value = "default" > Default< / option >
2019-05-10 10:37:46 -06:00
< option value = "dark" > Dark< / option >
< option value = "light" > Light< / option >
< option value = "blue" > Blue< / option >
< option value = "green" > Green< / option >
2019-05-31 12:04:37 -06:00
< option value = "yellow" > Yellow< / option >
2019-05-31 12:10:20 -06:00
< option value = "red" > Red< / option >
2019-05-10 10:37:46 -06:00
< option value = "royal" > Royal< / option >
2019-05-31 11:54:57 -06:00
< option value = "mint" > Mint< / option >
< option value = "grape" > Grape< / option >
2019-05-10 10:37:46 -06:00
< / select >
< / label >
< div id = "accountSettings" > < / div >
2019-05-23 17:30:34 -06:00
< / div >
< div id = "accountActions" > < / div >
2019-05-08 13:01:39 -06:00
< / form >
< / section >
< footer >
< a class = "button" id = "settingsSave" > Save< / a >
< a class = "button" id = "settingsSaveAndClose" > Save & Close< / a >
2019-05-10 13:08:03 -06:00
< a class = "red button" onclick = "this.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement.style.display='none';" > Close Without Saving< / a >
2019-05-08 13:01:39 -06:00
< / footer >
< / div >
< / section >
2019-05-02 13:01:42 -06:00
< section id = "editModal" class = "modal" style = "display:none;" >
< div class = "modal-background" onclick = "this.parentElement.style.display='none';" > < / div >
< div class = "modal-content" >
< a class = "close-button" onclick = "this.parentElement.parentElement.style.display='none';" > × ︎ < / a >
< nav class = "tabs" >
< ul >
< li class = "active" > Description< / li > < li > Details< / li > < li > Settings< / li > < li > Actions< / li >
< / ul >
< / nav >
2019-05-03 23:58:49 -06:00
< section id = "editDescriptionTab" >
2019-05-03 21:52:19 -06:00
< label > Name< br >
2019-05-17 11:39:00 -06:00
< input id = "editName" maxlength = "50" >
2019-07-10 13:23:32 -06:00
< small > Won't update if left blank.< / small >
2019-05-03 21:52:19 -06:00
< / label >
< label > Specification< br >
2019-05-17 11:39:00 -06:00
< input id = "editSpecification" maxlength = "50" >
2019-07-10 13:23:32 -06:00
< small > Won't update if left blank.< / small >
2019-05-03 21:52:19 -06:00
< / label >
2019-05-07 14:31:54 -06:00
< label > Description< a class = "label-button maximize-button" > Maximize< / a > < br >
2019-05-03 21:52:19 -06:00
< textarea id = "editDescription" > < / textarea >
< / label >
< / section >
2019-05-03 23:58:49 -06:00
< section id = "editDetailsTab" style = "display:none;" >
2019-05-03 21:52:19 -06:00
< label > Parts of Speech < small > (Comma Separated List)< / small > < br >
2019-05-17 11:39:00 -06:00
< input id = "editPartsOfSpeech" maxlength = "2500" placeholder = "Noun,Adjective,Verb" >
2019-05-03 21:52:19 -06:00
< / label >
2019-07-09 13:06:03 -06:00
< label > Alphabetical Order < small > (Space Separated List)< / small > < br >
< input id = "editAlphabeticalOrder" placeholder = "a A b B c C d D ..." >
< a class = "label-help-button" onclick = "alert('Include every letter and case! Any letters used in your words that are not specified will be sorted in the default order below your alphabetically custom-sorted words.\n\nLexiconga can only sort by single characters and will sort by the words AS ENTERED, not using orthographic translation.')" >
Field Info
< / a >
< small > Leave blank for default (case-insensitive ASCII/Unicode sorting)< / small >
2019-05-03 21:52:19 -06:00
< / label >
2019-07-17 11:32:30 -06:00
< h2 > Phonology< / h2 >
2019-05-03 21:52:19 -06:00
< div class = "split three" >
< div >
< label > Consonants< br >
2019-05-10 15:52:20 -06:00
< small > (Space separated list)< / small > < br >
2019-05-17 11:39:00 -06:00
< input id = "editConsonants" class = "ipa-field" maxlength = "100" placeholder = "p b m n t ..." > < br >
2019-05-09 12:47:42 -06:00
< a class = "label-help-button ipa-field-help-button" > Field Help< / a >
< a class = "label-button ipa-table-button" > IPA Chart< / a >
2019-05-03 21:52:19 -06:00
< / label >
< / div >
< div >
< label > Vowels< br >
2019-05-10 15:52:20 -06:00
< small > (Space separated list)< / small > < br >
2019-05-17 11:39:00 -06:00
< input id = "editVowels" class = "ipa-field" maxlength = "100" placeholder = "æ u e ɪ ..." > < br >
2019-05-09 12:47:42 -06:00
< a class = "label-help-button ipa-field-help-button" > Field Help< / a >
< a class = "label-button ipa-table-button" > IPA Chart< / a >
2019-05-03 21:52:19 -06:00
< / label >
< / div >
< div >
< label > Polyphthongs / Blends< br >
2019-05-10 15:52:20 -06:00
< small > (Space separated list)< / small > < br >
2019-05-17 11:39:00 -06:00
< input id = "editBlends" class = "ipa-field" maxlength = "100" placeholder = "ai ou ue ..." > < br >
2019-05-09 12:47:42 -06:00
< a class = "label-help-button ipa-field-help-button" > Field Help< / a >
< a class = "label-button ipa-table-button" > IPA Chart< / a >
2019-05-03 21:52:19 -06:00
< / label >
< / div >
< / div >
2019-07-17 11:32:30 -06:00
< label > Notes < small > (Markdown-enabled)< / small > < a class = "label-button maximize-button" > Maximize< / a > < br >
2019-07-10 12:14:27 -06:00
< textarea id = "editPhonologyNotes" > < / textarea >
< / label >
2019-07-17 11:32:30 -06:00
< h2 > Phonotactics< / h2 >
2019-05-03 21:52:19 -06:00
< div class = "split three" >
< div >
< label > Onset< br >
2019-05-17 11:39:00 -06:00
< small > (Comma separated list)< / small > < br >
< input id = "editOnset" maxlength = "100" placeholder = "Consonants,Vowels" >
2019-05-03 21:52:19 -06:00
< / label >
< / div >
< div >
< label > Nucleus< br >
2019-05-17 11:39:00 -06:00
< small > (Comma separated list)< / small > < br >
< input id = "editNucleus" maxlength = "100" placeholder = "Vowels,Blends" >
2019-05-03 21:52:19 -06:00
< / label >
< / div >
< div >
< label > Coda< br >
2019-05-17 11:39:00 -06:00
< small > (Comma separated list)< / small > < br >
< input id = "editCoda" maxlength = "100" placeholder = "Any" >
2019-05-03 21:52:19 -06:00
< / label >
< / div >
< / div >
2019-07-17 11:32:30 -06:00
< label > Notes < small > (Markdown-enabled)< / small > < a class = "label-button maximize-button" > Maximize< / a > < br >
2019-07-05 11:44:53 -06:00
< textarea id = "editPhonotacticsNotes" > < / textarea >
2019-05-03 23:58:49 -06:00
< / label >
2019-07-17 11:32:30 -06:00
< h2 > Orthography< / h2 >
2019-07-05 14:51:36 -06:00
< label > Translations < small > (One translation per line)< / small > < a class = "label-button maximize-button" > Maximize< / a > < br >
< textarea id = "editTranslations" placeholder = "ai=I
ou=ow">< / textarea >
< small > Use format: < code > sequence=replacement< / code > < / small > < br >
< small > Translations occur in the order specified here, so try to avoid double translations!< / small >
< / label >
2019-05-17 11:39:00 -06:00
< label > Notes < small > (Markdown-enabled)< / small > < a class = "label-button maximize-button" > Maximize< / a > < br >
2019-05-03 21:52:19 -06:00
< textarea id = "editOrthography" > < / textarea >
< / label >
2019-07-17 11:32:30 -06:00
< h2 > Grammar< / h2 >
2019-05-17 11:39:00 -06:00
< label > Notes < small > (Markdown-enabled)< / small > < a class = "label-button maximize-button" > Maximize< / a > < br >
2019-05-03 21:52:19 -06:00
< textarea id = "editGrammar" > < / textarea >
< / label >
< / section >
2019-05-03 23:58:49 -06:00
< section id = "editSettingsTab" style = "display:none;" >
2019-05-06 14:30:57 -06:00
< label > Prevent Duplicate Words
< input type = "checkbox" id = "editPreventDuplicates" > < br >
< small > Checking this box will prevent the creation of words with the exact same spelling.< / small >
2019-05-03 23:58:49 -06:00
< / label >
< label > Words are Case-Sensitive
< input type = "checkbox" id = "editCaseSensitive" > < br >
2019-05-06 14:30:57 -06:00
< small > Checking this box will allow the creation of words with the exact same spelling if their capitalization is different.< / small >
2019-05-03 23:58:49 -06:00
< / label >
< label > Sort by Definition
< input type = "checkbox" id = "editSortByDefinition" > < br >
< small > Checking this box will sort the words in alphabetical order based on the Definition instead of the Word.< / small >
< / label >
2019-05-31 13:11:01 -06:00
< label > Theme
< select id = "editTheme" >
< option value = "default" > Default< / option >
< option value = "dark" > Dark< / option >
< option value = "light" > Light< / option >
< option value = "blue" > Blue< / option >
< option value = "green" > Green< / option >
< option value = "yellow" > Yellow< / option >
< option value = "red" > Red< / option >
< option value = "royal" > Royal< / option >
< option value = "mint" > Mint< / option >
< option value = "grape" > Grape< / option >
< / select >
< / label >
2019-07-10 14:59:37 -06:00
< label > Custom Styling < small > (CSS Only)< / small > < a class = "label-button maximize-button" > Maximize< / a > < br >
< textarea id = "editCustomCSS" placeholder = ".orthographic-translation {font-family: serif;}" > < / textarea >
< / label >
2019-05-03 23:58:49 -06:00
< / section >
< section id = "editActionsTab" style = "display:none;" >
2019-07-17 11:32:30 -06:00
< h2 > Import / Export< / h2 >
2019-05-03 23:58:49 -06:00
< div class = "split two" >
< div >
< p >
2019-05-10 15:39:00 -06:00
< label class = "button" > Import JSON < input type = "file" id = "importDictionaryFile" accept = "application/json, .dict" > < br >
< small > Import a previously-exported < code > JSON< / code > file.< / small >
< / label >
2019-05-03 23:58:49 -06:00
< / p >
< p >
2019-05-10 15:39:00 -06:00
< label class = "button" > Import Words < input type = "file" id = "importWordsCSV" accept = "text/csv, .csv" > < br >
< small > Import a CSV file of words.< / small >
< / label >
< a class = "small button" download = "Lexiconga_import-template.csv" href = "data:text/csv;charset=utf-8,%22word%22,%22pronunciation%22,%22part of speech%22,%22definition%22,%22explanation%22%0A" > Download an example file with the correct formatting< / a >
2019-05-03 23:58:49 -06:00
< / p >
< / div >
< div >
< p >
2019-05-10 15:39:00 -06:00
< a class = "button" id = "exportDictionaryButton" > Export JSON< / a > < br >
2019-05-03 23:58:49 -06:00
< small > Export your work as a < code > JSON< / code > file to re-import later.< / small >
< / p >
< p >
2019-05-10 15:39:00 -06:00
< a class = "button" id = "exportWordsButton" > Export Words< / a > < br >
2019-05-03 23:58:49 -06:00
< small > Export a CSV file of your words.< / small >
< / p >
< / div >
< / div >
2019-05-13 10:49:52 -06:00
< p >
< a class = "red button" id = "deleteDictionaryButton" > Delete Dictionary< / a > < br >
< small > This will permanently delete your current dictionary, and it will not be possible to return it if you have not backed it up!< / small >
< / p >
2019-05-03 23:58:49 -06:00
< / section >
2019-05-03 21:52:19 -06:00
< footer >
< a class = "button" id = "editSave" > Save< / a >
< a class = "button" id = "editSaveAndClose" > Save & Close< / a >
< a class = "red button" onclick = "this.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement.style.display='none';" > Close Without Saving< / a >
< / footer >
2019-05-02 13:01:42 -06:00
< / div >
< / section >
2019-05-08 17:13:23 -06:00
< div id = "messagingSection" > < / div >
2019-06-05 17:34:56 -06:00
2019-06-06 15:08:00 -06:00
2019-05-02 10:57:56 -06:00
< / body >
< / html >