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// Import the HTML file and sass for Webpack to handle.
import './index.html';
import './sass/main.scss';
// Import React for the React.Component class and ReactDOM for rendering.
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
// Import the necessary components.
import {Header} from './components/Header';
import {Footer} from './components/Footer';
import {WordForm} from './components/WordForm';
import {Button} from './components/Button';
import {InfoDisplay} from './components/InfoDisplay';
import {EditDictionaryForm} from './components/EditDictionaryForm';
import {Dictionary} from './components/Dictionary';
// Import the helper functions needed for this file.
import {dynamicSort} from './js/helpers';
// Declare the values of the default empty dictionary.
const defaultDictionaryName = 'New'
, defaultListTypeName = 'Dictionary'
, defaultDictionaryDescription = 'A new dictionary.'
, defaultDictionaryCreatedBy = 'Someone'
, defaultDictionaryPartsOfSpeech = 'Noun,Adjective,Verb,Adverb,Preposition,Pronoun,Conjunction'
// Create the Lexiconga component just for rendering the whole site.
class Lexiconga extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
// This could probably be a global constant instead.
this.showConsoleMessages = this.props.showConsoleMessages || false;
// Put the dictionary details, settings, and words into the state so modifications will affect display.
this.state = {
scroll: {
x: 0
, y: 0
, details: {
name: defaultDictionaryName
, listTypeName: defaultListTypeName
, description: defaultDictionaryDescription
, createdBy: defaultDictionaryCreatedBy
, nextWordId: 1
, externalID: 0
, words: []
, settings: {
allowDuplicates: false
, caseSensitive: false
, partsOfSpeech: defaultDictionaryPartsOfSpeech
, sortByEquivalent: false
, isComplete: false
, isPublic: false
//Saves a stringifyed default dictionary. Actually does nothing because this value doesn't exist.
this.defaultDictionaryJSON = JSON.stringify(this.state.dictionaryDetails);
this.previousDictionary = {};
// Receive an object containing changes to the dictionary details and settings, apply them to the state,
// and save the local dictionary after the state is updated.
saveChanges(changesObject) {
let updatedDetails = this.state.details;
let updatedSettings = this.state.settings;
updatedDetails.name = changesObject.name;
updatedDetails.listTypeName = changesObject.listTypeName;
updatedDetails.description = changesObject.description;
updatedSettings.partsOfSpeech = changesObject.partsOfSpeech;
updatedSettings.allowDuplicates = changesObject.allowDuplicates;
updatedSettings.caseSensitive = changesObject.caseSensitive;
updatedSettings.sortByEquivalent = changesObject.sortByEquivalent;
updatedSettings.isComplete = changesObject.isComplete;
updatedSettings.isPublic = changesObject.isPublic;
details: updatedDetails,
settings: updatedSettings
}, () => {
// Sort the given array of word objects in the state according to the sortByEquivalent setting.
sortWords(wordsArray) {
let sortMethod;
if (this.state.settings.sortByEquivalent) {
sortMethod = ['simpleDefinition', 'partOfSpeech'];
} else {
sortMethod = ['name', 'partOfSpeech'];
return wordsArray.sort(dynamicSort(sortMethod));
// Receive a word object, process it, and update the words state array with the new word.
addWord(wordObject) {
let newWord = {
name: wordObject.name || 'errorWord'
, pronunciation: wordObject.pronunciation || ''
, partOfSpeech: wordObject.partOfSpeech || ''
, simpleDefinition: wordObject.simpleDefinition || ''
, longDefinition: wordObject.longDefinition || ''
, wordId: this.state.details.nextWordId
let updatedWords = this.state.words.concat([newWord]);
updatedWords = this.sortWords(updatedWords);
let updatedDetails = this.state.details;
updatedDetails.nextWordId += 1;
words: updatedWords,
details: updatedDetails
}, () => {
if (this.showConsoleMessages) {
console.log('New word ' + newWord.name + ' added successfully');
// Search the words list for the first word with the given idea and return its index in the array.
firstIndexWordWithId(id) {
this.state.words.forEach((word, index) => {
if (word.wordId === id) {
return index;
return -1;
// Receive a wordId and a wordObject, find the index of the first word in the words state array with
// the given wordId, and set that word's values to the values in the given wordObject.
updateWord(wordId, wordObject) {
let index = this.firstIndexWordWithId(wordId);
if (index >= 0) {
if (this.showConsoleMessages) console.log('Updating ' + this.state.words[index].name + ' to ' + wordObject.name);
let updatedWords = this.state.words;
updatedWords[index].name = wordObject.name;
updatedWords[index].pronunciation = wordObject.pronunciation;
updatedWords[index].partOfSpeech = wordObject.partOfSpeech;
updatedWords[index].simpleDefinition = wordObject.simpleDefinition;
updatedWords[index].longDefinition = wordObject.longDefinition;
updatedWords = this.sortWords(updatedWords);
this.setState({words: updatedWords}, () => {
if (this.showConsoleMessages) {
console.log('Updated successfully');
} else {
console.log('Could not update. No word with id of ' + wordId.toString());
// Return true if the given dictionary reference has no words and its name and description are the same as the defaults.
dictionaryIsDefault(dictionary) {
if (this.showConsoleMessages) {
console.log('Name: ' + dictionary.name
+ '\nDescription: ' + dictionary.description
+ '\n# Words: ' + dictionary.words.length);
return dictionary.words.length <= 0 && dictionary.description === defaultDictionaryDescription && dictionary.name === defaultDictionaryName;
// Put the state details, words, and settings into an object, stringify it, and save it to the browser's localStorage as 'dictionary' if
// the dictionary in the state is not the default dictionary.
saveLocalDictionary() {
let saveDictionary = {
name: this.state.details.name
, listTypeName: this.state.details.listTypeName
, description: this.state.details.description
, createdBy: this.state.details.createdBy
, words: this.state.words
, nextWordId: this.state.details.nextWordId
, settings: this.state.settings
, externalID: this.state.details.externalID
if (!this.dictionaryIsDefault(saveDictionary)) {
localStorage.setItem('dictionary', JSON.stringify(saveDictionary));
console.log('Saved "' + this.state.details.name + '" dictionary locally');
} else {
if (this.showConsoleMessages) console.log('Current dictionary is default, so it wasn\'t saved');
// If there is a saved 'dictionary' JSON string in localStorage, parse it, and set the state with its values.
loadLocalDictionary() {
if (localStorage.getItem('dictionary')){
let localDictionary = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('dictionary'));
if (!this.dictionaryIsDefault(localDictionary)) {
details: {
name: localDictionary.name
, listTypeName: localDictionary.listTypeName || defaultListTypeName
, description: localDictionary.description
, createdBy: localDictionary.createdBy
, nextWordId: localDictionary.nextWordId
, externalID: localDictionary.externalID
, words: localDictionary.words.slice()
, settings: {
allowDuplicates: localDictionary.settings.allowDuplicates
, caseSensitive: localDictionary.settings.caseSensitive
, partsOfSpeech: localDictionary.settings.partsOfSpeech
, sortByEquivalent: localDictionary.settings.sortByEquivalent
, isComplete: localDictionary.settings.isComplete
, isPublic: localDictionary.settings.isPublic
}, () => {
if (this.showConsoleMessages) {
console.log('Loaded local "' + this.state.details.name + '" dictionary successfully');
} else {
if (this.showConsoleMessages) console.log('Locally saved dictionary is default');
} else {
if (this.showConsoleMessages) console.log('No saved local dictionary');
// Put all of the components together.
render() {
return (
<Header />
<div className='left-column'>
<div className='floating-form'>
<WordForm addWord={(wordObject) => this.addWord(wordObject)} submitLabel='Add Word' />
<div className='center-column'>
action={() => this.saveLocalDictionary()}
label='Save Dictionary' />
action={() => this.loadLocalDictionary()}
label='Load Dictionary' />
saveChanges={(changesObject) => this.saveChanges(changesObject)} />
<h1 className="dictionary-name">
{this.state.details.name} {this.state.details.listTypeName}
isComplete={this.state.settings.isComplete} />
updateWord={(wordId, wordObject) => this.updateWord(wordId, wordObject)} />
<Footer />
// Put the app on the screen.
ReactDOM.render(<Lexiconga showConsoleMessages={true} />, document.getElementById('site'));