SELECT account_id, sum(rank) AS rank, array_agg(reason) AS reason FROM ( SELECT account_summaries.account_id AS account_id, count( / (1.0 + count( AS rank, 'most_followed' AS reason FROM follows INNER JOIN account_summaries ON account_summaries.account_id = follows.target_account_id INNER JOIN users ON users.account_id = follows.account_id LEFT OUTER JOIN follow_recommendation_suppressions ON follow_recommendation_suppressions.account_id = follows.target_account_id WHERE users.current_sign_in_at >= (now() - interval '30 days') AND account_summaries.sensitive = 'f' AND IS NULL GROUP BY account_summaries.account_id HAVING count( >= 5 UNION ALL SELECT account_summaries.account_id AS account_id, sum(reblogs_count + favourites_count) / (1.0 + sum(reblogs_count + favourites_count)) AS rank, 'most_interactions' AS reason FROM status_stats INNER JOIN statuses ON = status_stats.status_id INNER JOIN account_summaries ON account_summaries.account_id = statuses.account_id LEFT OUTER JOIN follow_recommendation_suppressions ON follow_recommendation_suppressions.account_id = statuses.account_id WHERE >= ((date_part('epoch', now() - interval '30 days') * 1000)::bigint << 16) AND account_summaries.sensitive = 'f' AND IS NULL GROUP BY account_summaries.account_id HAVING sum(reblogs_count + favourites_count) >= 5 ) t0 GROUP BY account_id ORDER BY rank DESC