import { loginAsFoobar } from '../roles'
import {
  avatarInComposeBox, closeDialogButton, composeInput, getNthDialogOptionsOption, getNthPinnedStatus,
  getNthStatus, getNthStatusContent,
  getNthStatusOptionsButton, getUrl, homeNavButton, postStatusButton, scrollToTop, scrollToBottom,
  settingsNavButton, sleep
} from '../utils'
import { users } from '../users'
import { postAs } from '../serverActions'


test('Can pin statuses', async t => {
  await loginAsFoobar(t)
  await t
    .typeText(composeInput, 'I am going to pin this', { paste: true })
    .expect(getNthStatus(0).innerText).contains('I am going to pin this')
    .expect(getNthPinnedStatus(0).innerText).contains('this is unlisted')
    .expect(getNthStatus(0).innerText).contains('I am going to pin this')
    .expect(getNthDialogOptionsOption(2).innerText).contains('Pin to profile')
    .expect(getNthPinnedStatus(0).innerText).contains('I am going to pin this')
    .expect(getNthPinnedStatus(1).innerText).contains('this is unlisted')
    .expect(getNthStatus(0).innerText).contains('I am going to pin this')
    .expect(getNthDialogOptionsOption(2).innerText).contains('Unpin from profile')
    .expect(getNthPinnedStatus(0).innerText).contains('this is unlisted')
    .expect(getNthStatus(0).innerText).contains('I am going to pin this')

test('Can favorite a pinned status', async t => {
  await loginAsFoobar(t)
  await t

test('Saved pinned/unpinned state of status', async t => {
  const timeout = 20000
  await postAs('foobar', 'hey I am going to pin and unpin this')
  await loginAsFoobar(t)
  await t
    .expect(getNthStatusContent(0).innerText).contains('hey I am going to pin and unpin this', { timeout })
    .expect(getNthDialogOptionsOption(2).innerText).contains('Pin to profile')
  await sleep(1)
  await t
    .expect(getNthDialogOptionsOption(2).innerText).contains('Unpin from profile')

  // scroll down and back up to force an unrender
  await scrollToBottom()
  await sleep(1)
  await scrollToTop()

  await t
    .expect(getNthStatusContent(0).innerText).contains('hey I am going to pin and unpin this', { timeout })
    .expect(getNthDialogOptionsOption(2).innerText).contains('Unpin from profile', { timeout })
    // navigate to another page and back to force another unrender
    .expect(getNthStatusContent(0).innerText).contains('hey I am going to pin and unpin this', { timeout })
    .expect(getNthDialogOptionsOption(2).innerText).contains('Unpin from profile', { timeout })