import { toReversePaddedBigInt } from './utils' import { dbPromise, getDatabase } from './databaseLifecycle' import { accountsCache, notificationsCache, setInCache, statusesCache } from './cache' import { ACCOUNTS_STORE, NOTIFICATION_TIMELINES_STORE, NOTIFICATIONS_STORE, STATUS_TIMELINES_STORE, STATUSES_STORE } from './constants' import { getGenericEntityWithId } from './helpers' function createKeyRange(timeline, maxId) { let negBigInt = maxId && toReversePaddedBigInt(maxId) let start = negBigInt ? (timeline + '\u0000' + negBigInt) : (timeline + '\u0000') let end = timeline + '\u0000\uffff' return IDBKeyRange.bound(start, end, false, false) } async function getNotificationTimeline(instanceName, timeline, maxId, limit) { let storeNames = [NOTIFICATION_TIMELINES_STORE, NOTIFICATIONS_STORE] const db = await getDatabase(instanceName) return await dbPromise(db, storeNames, 'readonly', (stores, callback) => { let [ timelineStore, notificationsStore ] = stores let keyRange = createKeyRange(timeline, maxId) timelineStore.getAll(keyRange, limit).onsuccess = e => { let timelineResults = let res = new Array(timelineResults.length) timelineResults.forEach((timelineResult, i) => { notificationsStore.get(timelineResult.notificationId).onsuccess = e => { res[i] = } }) callback(res) } }) } async function getStatusTimeline(instanceName, timeline, maxId, limit) { let storeNames = [STATUS_TIMELINES_STORE, STATUSES_STORE] const db = await getDatabase(instanceName) return await dbPromise(db, storeNames, 'readonly', (stores, callback) => { let [ timelineStore, statusesStore ] = stores let keyRange = createKeyRange(timeline, maxId) timelineStore.getAll(keyRange, limit).onsuccess = e => { let timelineResults = let res = new Array(timelineResults.length) timelineResults.forEach((timelineResult, i) => { statusesStore.get(timelineResult.statusId).onsuccess = e => { res[i] = } }) callback(res) } }) } export async function getTimeline(instanceName, timeline, maxId = null, limit = 20) { return timeline === 'notifications' ? await getNotificationTimeline(instanceName, timeline, maxId, limit) : await getStatusTimeline(instanceName, timeline, maxId, limit) } function createTimelineId(timeline, id) { // reverse chronological order, prefixed by timeline return timeline + '\u0000' + toReversePaddedBigInt(id) } async function insertTimelineNotifications(instanceName, timeline, notifications) { let storeNames = [NOTIFICATION_TIMELINES_STORE, NOTIFICATIONS_STORE, ACCOUNTS_STORE] for (let notification of notifications) { setInCache(notificationsCache, instanceName,, notification) setInCache(accountsCache, instanceName,, notification.account) } const db = await getDatabase(instanceName) await dbPromise(db, storeNames, 'readwrite', (stores) => { let [ timelineStore, notificationsStore, accountsStore ] = stores for (let notification of notifications) { notificationsStore.put(notification) timelineStore.put({ id: createTimelineId(timeline,, notificationId: }) accountsStore.put(notification.account) } }) } async function insertTimelineStatuses(instanceName, timeline, statuses) { let storeNames = [STATUS_TIMELINES_STORE, STATUSES_STORE, ACCOUNTS_STORE] for (let status of statuses) { setInCache(statusesCache, instanceName,, status) setInCache(accountsCache, instanceName,, status.account) if (status.reblog) { setInCache(accountsCache, instanceName,, status.reblog.account) } } const db = await getDatabase(instanceName) await dbPromise(db, storeNames, 'readwrite', (stores) => { let [ timelineStore, statusesStore, accountsStore ] = stores for (let status of statuses) { statusesStore.put(status) timelineStore.put({ id: createTimelineId(timeline,, statusId: }) accountsStore.put(status.account) if (status.reblog) { accountsStore.put(status.reblog.account) } } }) } export async function insertTimelineItems(instanceName, timeline, timelineItems) { return timeline === 'notifications' ? await insertTimelineNotifications(instanceName, timeline, timelineItems) : await insertTimelineStatuses(instanceName, timeline, timelineItems) } export async function getStatus(instanceName, statusId) { return await getGenericEntityWithId(STATUSES_STORE, statusesCache, instanceName, statusId) } export async function getNotification(instanceName, notificationId) { return await getGenericEntityWithId(NOTIFICATIONS_STORE, notificationsCache, instanceName, notificationId) }