# Description: automate the process of exploiting SQL injection flaws # URL: http://sqlmap.org # Packager: milisarge # Depends on: python name=sqlmap version=git release=1 source=() build() { git clone https://github.com/sqlmapproject/sqlmap.git cd $name python2 -m compileall . python2 -O -m compileall . install -d "$PKG/etc" install -d "$PKG/usr/bin" install -d "$PKG/opt/$name" install -d "$PKG/usr/share/doc" mv doc "$PKG/usr/share/doc/$name" mv sqlmap.conf "$PKG/etc/sqlmap.conf" ln -sf /etc/sqlmap.conf "$PKG/opt/$name/sqlmap.conf" cp -R --no-preserve=ownership * "$PKG/opt/$name" cat > "$PKG/usr/bin/sqlmap" << EOF #!/bin/sh cd /opt/$name python2 sqlmap.py "\$@" EOF cat > "$PKG/usr/bin/sqlmapapi" << EOF #!/bin/sh cd /opt/$name python2 sqlmapapi.py "\$@" EOF chmod 755 "$PKG/usr/bin/sqlmap" chmod 755 "$PKG/usr/bin/sqlmapapi" }