#!/bin/sh ######################################################################## # Begin xinetd # # Description : Start xinetd super server daemon # # Author : Bruce Dubbs - bdubbs@linuxfromscratch.org # # Version : LFS 7.2 # ######################################################################## ### BEGIN INIT INFO # Provides: xinetd # Required-Start: $network # Should-Start: # Required-Stop: $network # Should-Stop: # Default-Start: 3 4 5 # Default-Stop: 0 1 2 6 # Short-Description: Starts the xinetd daemon. # Description: Starts the xinetd super server daemon to llisten to # specified incoming tcp and udp ports and execute # the configured service. # X-LFS-Provided-By: BLFS / LFS 7.2 ### END INIT INFO . /lib/lsb/init-functions #$LastChangedBy: dj $ #$Date: 2011-12-05 01:38:40 -0600 (Mon, 05 Dec 2011) $ case "$1" in start) log_info_msg "Starting xinetd..." start_daemon /usr/sbin/xinetd evaluate_retval ;; stop) log_info_msg "Stopping xinetd..." killproc /usr/sbin/xinetd evaluate_retval ;; reload) log_info_msg "Reloading xinetd..." killproc /usr/sbin/xinetd -HUP ;; restart) $0 stop sleep 1 $0 start ;; status) statusproc /usr/sbin/xinetd ;; *) echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|reload|restart|status}" exit 1 ;; esac # End /etc/init.d/xinetd