# Tanım: Equinox GTK teması için tasarlanmış simge teması # URL: http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Faenza?content=128143 # Paketçi: yasarciv67@gmail.com # Gerekler: name=faenza-icon-theme version=1.3.1 release=1 source=(http://ppa.launchpad.net/tiheum/equinox/ubuntu/pool/main/f/$name/${name}_${version}.tar.gz) build() { cd $name-1.3 mkdir -p "$PKG/usr/share/icons" "$PKG/usr/lib" "$PKG/usr/share" cp -rf Faenza{,-Dark,-Darkest,-Darker,-Ambiance,-Radiance} "$PKG/usr/share/icons/" cp -rf rhythmbox "$PKG/usr/lib/" cp -rf emesene "$PKG/usr/share/" # set the Arch Linux Distributor and start menu logo for theme in Faenza{,-Dark}; do for size in 22 24 32 48 64 96; do cd "$PKG/usr/share/icons/$theme/places/$size/" # no distributor-logo for Faenza-Dark [[ $theme == Faenza ]] && ln -sf distributor-logo{-milislogo,}.png ln -sf start-here{-milislogo,}.png done cd "$PKG/usr/share/icons/$theme/places/scalable/" # no distributor-logo for Faenza-Dark [[ $theme == Faenza ]] && ln -sf distributor-logo{-milislogo,}.svg ln -sf start-here{-milislogo,}.svg ln -sf start-here{-archlinux-symbolic,-symbolic}.svg done for theme in Faenza{,-Dark}; do cd "$PKG/usr/share/icons/$theme/apps/scalable/" ln -sf gnome-session-reboot.svg system-reboot.svg for size in 16 22 24 32 48 64 96; do cd "$PKG/usr/share/icons/$theme/apps/$size/" ln -sf gnome-session-reboot.png system-reboot.png done done }