#!/bin/bash install -d /{etc,usr/share}/ca-certificates/trust-source/{anchors,blacklist} # Directories used by update-ca-trust (aka "trust extract-compat") install -d /etc/{ssl/certs/java,ca-certificates/extracted} # Compatibility link for OpenSSL using /etc/ssl as CAdir # Used in preference to the individual links in /etc/ssl/certs ln -sr "/etc/ca-certificates/extracted/tls-ca-bundle.pem" "/etc/ssl/cert.pem" # Compatiblity link for legacy bundle ln -sr "/etc/ca-certificates/extracted/tls-ca-bundle.pem" "/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt" # At this time, while this script is trivial, we ignore any parameters given. # However, for backwards compatibility reasons, future versions of this script must # support the syntax "update-ca-trust extract" trigger the generation of output # files in $DEST. DEST=/etc/ca-certificates/extracted extract() { trust extract --overwrite "$@" } # The directory-format extractors remove all files in the target directory, but not directories or files therein extract --format=pem-directory-hash --filter=ca-anchors --purpose=server-auth $DEST/cadir extract --comment --format=pem-bundle --filter=ca-anchors --purpose=server-auth $DEST/tls-ca-bundle.pem extract --comment --format=pem-bundle --filter=ca-anchors --purpose=email $DEST/email-ca-bundle.pem extract --comment --format=pem-bundle --filter=ca-anchors --purpose=code-signing $DEST/objsign-ca-bundle.pem extract --comment --format=openssl-bundle --filter=certificates $DEST/ca-bundle.trust.crt # We don't want to have to remove everything from the certs directory but neither # do we want to leave stale certs around, so symlink it all from somewhere else for f in $DEST/cadir/*; do ln -fsr -t /etc/ssl/certs "$f" done # Now find and remove all broken symlinks find -L /etc/ssl/certs -maxdepth 1 -type l -delete # Java bundle extract --format=java-cacerts --filter=ca-anchors --purpose=server-auth /etc/ssl/certs/java/cacerts