#!/bin/bash ## Milis Sistem Bilgi Toplama ## milisarge <milisarge@gmail.com> ## brokenman <brokenman@porteus.org> xpsinfo betiğinden yararlanılmıştır. . /root/ayarlar/milbit/libmilisdialog [ ! -f /usr/share/applications/milbit.desktop ] && cp -rf /root/ayarlar/milbit/milbit.desktop /usr/share/applications/ [ ! -f /usr/bin/gtkdialog ] && mps kur gtkdialog [ ! -f /usr/bin/dmidecode ] && mps kur dmidecode [ ! -f /usr/sbin/hdparm ] && mps kur hdparm ## Variables export tmpsi=/tmp/psinfo$$ export info=$tmpsi/info.tmp ## Initial setup [ -d $tmpsi ] && rm -rf $tmpsi mkdir $tmpsi ## Opening page info cat > $info << EOF ---=== MİLİS SİSTEM BİLGİ TOPLAYICISI - MİLBİT ===--- Kapsamlı milis işletim sistem bilgi toplayıcısı EOF ## Functions insert_header(){ echo "$1" > $info echo "" >> $info }; export -f insert_header craction(){ echo '<action signal="cursor_changed">get_info '$1'</action> <action signal="cursor_changed">refresh:'$2'</action> <action signal="cursor_changed">enable:btnOpen</action> <action signal="cursor_changed">enable:btnDump</action>' }; export -f craction gtk_upload_report(){ export UP_REPORT=' '`start_window "Dosyayı Yükle" info 500 250`' <hbox> '`pixmapfile 36 36 /usr/share/pixmaps/network.png`' '`txtcolor 440 darkred x-large normal " Kayıt dosyasını analiz için internete yapıştırın."`' </hbox> '`hsep`' <frame> '`txtmarkup 450 "Kayıt Dosyanızı analiz için yapıştırmak istermisiniz?"`' </frame> <hbox> '`butno`' '`butyes`' </hbox> '`end_window`' ' gtkdialog -p UP_REPORT > $tmpsi/upload.tmp }; export -f gtk_upload_report get_info(){ echo $1 case $1 in Kernel ) insert_header "KERNEL: `uname -r`" #echo "CURRENT KERNEL: `uname -r`" > $info #echo "" >> $info echo "YÜKLENEN KERNEL MODÜLLER:" >> $info lsmod|awk '{print$1}' >> $info ;; JAVA ) insert_header "Java Güvenlik Bilgisi:" javaguvenlik=`ls ~/.java/deployment/security/exception.sites` if [ $javaguvenlik ]; then cat ~/.java/deployment/security/exception.sites >> $info else echo "Java güvenlik bilgisi dosyası bulunamadı." >> $info fi ;; Yüklü ) insert_header "Java Yüklenmiş mi?:" yuklukont=`ls /var/lib/pkg/DB/jre/kurulan` if [ $yuklukont ]; then echo "Java yüklü." >> $info else echo "Yüklü java bulunamadı." >> $info fi ;; Sertifikalar ) insert_header "Yüklü Sertifika Bilgileri:" ls /etc/ssl/certs/*.pem >> $info ;; Host ) insert_header "Java Güvenlik Bilgisi:" hostd="/etc/hosts" if [ -f "$hostd" ]; then cat /etc/hosts >> $info else echo "Host dosyası bulunamadı." >> $info fi ;; Java_Policy ) insert_header "Java.policy Bilgisi:" policy="`cat ~/.java.policy`" if [ "$policy" ]; then cat ~/.java.policy >> $info else echo "Java.policy dosyası bulunamadı." >> $info fi ;; İşlemci ) egrep "vendor|name|cores|flags|MHz|address|cpuid" /proc/cpuinfo|sort -u > $info dmidecode -t 4|egrep "Family|ACPI|APIC|PGE|threading|Thermal|Speed|Clock|Thread|capable" >> $info sed -i 's/^[ \t]*//' $info ;; Bios ) insert_header "BIOS BİLGİSİ:" dmidecode -t 0|sed -e '/dmidecode/d' -e '/SMBIOS/d' -e '/Handle/d' -e '/^$/d' >> $info ;; Anakart ) insert_header "ANAKART:" dmidecode -t 1 | grep "Manufacturer\|Product Name\|Serial Number" | tr -d "\t" | sed "s/Manufacturer//" >> $info ;; Hafıza ) dmidecode -t 16|egrep "Capacity|Devices|Correction|Use:"|sed 's/^[ \t]*//' > $info cat /proc/meminfo >> $info ;; Ekran ) insert_header "EKRAN BİLGİSİ:" xrandr >> $info ;; Grafik ) insert_header "EKRAN KARTI:" for I in `lspci |awk '/VGA/{print $1}'`;do lspci -v -s $I >> $info;done ;; Ses ) insert_header "SES KARTLARI:" grep ":" /proc/asound/cards|awk -F: '{print$NF}' >> $info lspci|grep Audio|awk -F: '{print$NF}' >> $info echo "" >> $info aplay -l >> $info ;; Optik ) insert_header "CD/DVD" pres=`ls -l /dev/cdrom|awk '{print$NF}'` if [ "$pres" ]; then cat /proc/sys/dev/cdrom/info|egrep "name:|speed:|slots:"|sed '/change/d' >> $info cdrecord -prcap dev=/dev/cdrom|egrep "Device type|Vendor_info|Identifikation|Revision" >> $info #cat $PSC_TMP/.cd >> $info echo "" >> $info echo "PROFILE: " >> $info cdrecord -prcap dev=/dev/cdrom|grep Profile >> $info #cat $PSC_TMP/.cd >> $info echo "" >> $info echo "CAPABILITIES:" >> $info cdrecord -prcap dev=/dev/cdrom|egrep "Does|Write|Feature"|sort -u >> $info else echo "/dev/cdrom altında optik sürücü bulunumadı!" > $info fi ;; Webcam ) insert_header "WEBCAM BİLGİSİ:" if [[ `ls /dev/video0` ]]; then if [ -f /usr/bin/v4l2-ctl ]; then echo "" >> $info echo "-----" >> $info v4l2-ctl --list-devices >> $info echo "-----" >> $info v4l2-ctl --list-formats-ext >> $info fi #cat /sys/class/video4linux/video0/device/input/input*/name >> $info cat /sys/class/video4linux/video0/device/interface >> $info echo "product:" >> $info cat /sys/class/video4linux/video0/device/input/input*/id/product >> $info echo "vendor:" >> $info cat /sys/class/video4linux/video0/device/input/input*/id/vendor >> $info else echo "" >> $info echo "Webcam bulunamadı." >> $info fi ;; Sürücüler ) insert_header "Sürücü Bilgisi:" for abc in `df|sed -e '/aufs/d' -e '/Used/d'|awk '{print$1}'|tr -d [:digit:]|sort -u`; do bcd=`echo $abc|sed 's@/dev/@@g'` if [ `cat /sys/block/$bcd/removable` -eq 0 ]; then hdparm -I $abc >> $info fi done ;; Usb_aygıtlar ) insert_header "USB AYGITLARI:" lsusb -t >> $info ;; Usb ) insert_header "USB BİLGİSİ:" base=`ls -l /sys/block/|awk '{print$9}'|grep .d.` for abc in $base; do if [ `cat /sys/block/$abc/removable` -eq 1 ]; then echo "$a is removable" >> $info [ ! `mount|grep $a` ] && mt=no || mt=yes echo "MOUNTED: $mt" >> $info echo "NAME: `cat /sys/block/$a/device/model`" >> $info echo "VENDOR: `cat /sys/block/$a/device/vendor`" >> $info echo "STATE: `cat /sys/block/$a/device/state`" >> $info echo "SIZE: `df -h /dev/$a|tail -n1|awk '{print$2}'`" >> $info fi done ;; Bölümler ) insert_header "BÖLÜMLEME BİLGİSİ:" df -Th|sed '/aufs/d' >> $info echo "" >> $info echo "LABEL/UUID INFO:" >> $info for a in `df|sed -e '/Used/d' -e '/aufs/d'|awk '{print$1}'`; do blkid|grep $a done >> $info ;; Pil ) insert_header "PİL BİLGİSİ:" #dmidecode -t 22|sed -e '/dmidecode/d' -e '/SMBIOS/d' -e '/Handle/d' -e '/^$/d' >> $info upower -i /org/freedesktop/UPower/devices/battery_BAT0 >> $info ;; Anagövde ) insert_header "ANAGÖVDE BİLGİSİ:" dmidecode -t 3|sed -e '/dmidecode/d' -e '/SMBIOS/d' -e '/Handle/d' -e '/^$/d' >> $info ;; Sistem ) insert_header "SİSTEM BİLGİSİ:" dmidecode -t 1|sed -e '/dmidecode/d' -e '/SMBIOS/d' -e '/Handle/d' -e '/^$/d' >> $info ;; Kablolu ) insert_header "KABLOLU BAĞLANTI BİLGİSİ:" for I in `lspci |awk '/Ethernet/{print $1}'`;do lspci -v -s $I >> $info;done ;; Kablosuz ) insert_header "KABLOSUZ BAĞLANTI BİLGİSİ:" for I in `lspci |awk '/Wireless/{print $1}'`;do lspci -v -s $I >> $info;done ;; Mac ) insert_header "MAC ADRES BİLGİSİ:" for dev in wlan eth; do dev=`ifconfig|grep -A3 $dev[0-9]|head -n1|awk '{print$1}'` mac=`ifconfig $dev|grep -o -E '([[:xdigit:]]{1,2}:){5}[[:xdigit:]]{1,2}'` echo "$dev $mac" >> $info done ;; IP ) insert_header "IP BİLGİSİ:" ifconfig >> $info ;; İsimsunucusu ) insert_header "İSİM SUNUCU BİLGİSİ:" ns=`cat /etc/resolv.conf|sed '/#/d'` if [ "$ns" ]; then echo $ns >> $info else echo "İsim sunucu bulunamadı." >> $info fi ;; Yönlendirme ) insert_header "YÖNLENDİRME (ROUTING) BİLGİSİ:" route -ne >> $info ;; Dmesg ) insert_header "DMESG KAYIT ÇIKTISI:" dmesg >> $info ;; Mesajlar ) insert_header "/var/log/* BİLGİSİ:" ls /var/log/*.log >> $info ;; Xorg ) insert_header "XORG KAYIT ÇIKTISI:" xlog=`cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log` if [ "$xlog" ]; then cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log >> $info else echo "xorg logu bulunamadı." >> $info fi ;; Xsession ) insert_header "XSESSION HATALARI:" [ -f /root/.xsession-errors ] && echo "Kullanıcı: root" >> $info && cat /root/.xsession-errors >> $info for a in `grep -v "\!" /etc/shadow|cut -d':' -f1|sed 'root/d'`; do [ -f /home/$a/.xsession-errors ] && echo "Kullanıcı: $a" >> $info && cat /home/$a/.xsession-errors >> $info done ;; Syslog ) insert_header "SYSLOG:" vl=/var/log [ -f $vl/syslog ] && cat $vl/syslog >> $info || echo "syslog kaydı bulunamadı." >> $info ;; Sürüm ) insert_header "Milis Sürüm Bilgisi:" cat /etc/lsb-release >> $info echo "Kernel: `uname -r`" >> $info ;; Paketler ) insert_header "YÜKLÜ PAKETLER:" ls -1 /var/lib/pkg/DB/ >> $info ;; lspci ) insert_header "lspci çıktı:" lspci -knn >> $info ;; lsmod ) insert_header "lsmod çıktı:" lsmod >> $info ;; Kullanıcılar ) insert_header "Kullanıcılar Bilgisi:" grep -v "\!" /etc/shadow|cut -d':' -f1 >> $info ;; SonAçılma ) insert_header "SON AÇILMA:" who -b|sed 's/^[ \t]*//' >> $info echo "Çalışma Süresi (hr:min) : `uptime|awk '{print$3}'|sed 's/,//g'`" >> $info esac }; export -f get_info export MILIS_BILGI=' '`start_window "MilBiT" hwinfo 600 460`' <hbox> '`pixmapfile 36 36 /sources/milis.git/ayarlar/milislogo.png`' '`txtcolor 500 darkred x-large normal " MİLİS SİSTEM BİLGİ TOPLAYICISI - MİLBİT"`' </hbox> '`hsep`' <notebook show-tabs="true" show-border="false" labels="Cihaz|Medya|Sürücüler|Ağ|Log|Milis|E-İmza|Çeşitli" height-request="350"> <vbox> <hbox> <tree selection-mode="3" exported-column="0" rules-hint="true" headers-clickable="false"> <label>Elemanlar</label> <variable>Cihaz</variable> <width>130</width> <height>300</height> <item>Kernel</item> <item>Sistem</item> <item>İşlemci</item> <item>Anakart</item> <item>Pil</item> <item>Bios</item> <item>Hafıza</item> <item>Ekran</item> <item>Anagövde</item> '`craction '\$Cihaz' machinfo`' </tree> <edit editable="false" wrap-mode="0" left-margin="10"> <variable>machinfo</variable> <width>450</width> <input file>'$tmpsi'/info.tmp</input> </edit> </hbox> </vbox> <vbox> <hbox> <tree selection-mode="3" exported-column="0" rules-hint="true" headers-clickable="false"> <label>Elemanlar</label> <variable>grafikler</variable> <width>130</width> <height>300</height> <item>Ekran Kartı</item> <item>Ses Kartı</item> <item>Optik sürücü</item> <item>Webcam</item> <item>Usb_aygıtlar</item> '`craction '\$grafikler' machinfo2`' </tree> <edit editable="false" wrap-mode="0" left-margin="10"> <variable>machinfo2</variable> <width>450</width> <input file>'$tmpsi'/info.tmp</input> </edit> </hbox> </vbox> <vbox> <hbox> <tree selection-mode="3" exported-column="0" rules-hint="true" headers-clickable="false"> <label>Elemanlar</label> <variable>suruculer</variable> <width>130</width> <height>300</height> <item>Sürücüler</item> <item>Usb</item> <item>Bölümler</item> '`craction '\$suruculer' machinfo3`' </tree> <edit editable="false" wrap-mode="0" left-margin="10"> <variable>machinfo3</variable> <width>450</width> <input file>'$tmpsi'/info.tmp</input> </edit> </hbox> </vbox> <vbox> <hbox> <tree selection-mode="3" exported-column="0" rules-hint="true" headers-clickable="false"> <label>Elemanlar</label> <variable>ag</variable> <width>130</width> <height>300</height> <item>Kablolu</item> <item>Kablosuz</item> <item>Mac adresi</item> <item>IP adresi</item> <item>İsimsunucusu</item> <item>Yönlendirme</item> '`craction '\$ag' machinfo4`' </tree> <edit editable="false" wrap-mode="0" left-margin="10"> <variable>machinfo4</variable> <width>450</width> <input file>'$tmpsi'/info.tmp</input> </edit> </hbox> </vbox> <vbox> <hbox> <tree selection-mode="3" exported-column="0" rules-hint="true" headers-clickable="false"> <label>Elemanlar</label> <variable>logs</variable> <width>130</width> <height>300</height> <item>Dmesg</item> <item>Mesajlar</item> <item>Xorg</item> <item>Xsession</item> <item>Syslog</item> <item>SonAçılma</item> '`craction '\$logs' machinfo5`' </tree> <edit editable="false" wrap-mode="0" left-margin="10"> <variable>machinfo5</variable> <width>450</width> <input file>'$tmpsi'/info.tmp</input> </edit> </hbox> </vbox> <vbox> <hbox> <tree selection-mode="3" exported-column="0" rules-hint="true" headers-clickable="false"> <label>Elemanlar</label> <variable>milis</variable> <width>130</width> <height>300</height> <item>Kullanıcılar</item> <item>Sürüm</item> <item>Paketler</item> '`craction '\$milis' machinfo6`' </tree> <edit editable="false" wrap-mode="0" left-margin="10"> <variable>machinfo6</variable> <width>450</width> <input file>'$tmpsi'/info.tmp</input> </edit> </hbox> </vbox> <vbox> <hbox> <tree selection-mode="3" exported-column="0" rules-hint="true" headers-clickable="false"> <label>Elamanlar</label> <variable>imza</variable> <width>130</width> <height>300</height> <item>Sertifikalar</item> <item>Yüklü JAVA </item> <item>Kart Bilgisi</item> <item>MEB İnterneti</item> <item>JAVA Güvenlik</item> <item>Host Dosyası</item> <item>Java_Policy</item> '`craction '\$imza' machinfo7`' </tree> <edit editable="false" wrap-mode="0" left-margin="10"> <variable>machinfo7</variable> <width>450</width> <input file>'$tmpsi'/info.tmp</input> </edit> </hbox> </vbox> <vbox> <hbox> <tree selection-mode="3" exported-column="0" rules-hint="true" headers-clickable="false"> <label>Elemanlar</label> <variable>cesitli</variable> <width>130</width> <height>300</height> <item>lspci</item> <item>lsmod</item> '`craction '\$cesitli' machinfo8`' </tree> <edit editable="false" wrap-mode="0" left-margin="10"> <variable>machinfo8</variable> <width>450</width> <input file>'$tmpsi'/info.tmp</input> </edit> </hbox> </vbox> </notebook> <hbox> '`butcustom "Ekrandaki bilgiyi metin düzenleyicide açar." "Bilgiyi Dosyada Aç" btnOpen stock gtk-file false`' <action>kwrite $info || leafpad $info || beaver $info || mousepad $info || geany $info || kate $info</action> </button> '`butcustom "Mevcut Bilgi ekranını dosyaya yazdırır /root/psinfo.txt" "Dosyaya Yazdır" btnDump stock gtk-revert-to-saved false`'</button> '`butcustom "Kapsamlı sistem raporunu dosyaya yazdırır /root/Desktop/psinfo.txt" "Kapsamlı Rapor Yazdır" btnReport stock gtk-go-down true`'</button> '`butcancel`' </hbox> '`end_window`' ' gtkdialog -p MILIS_BILGI > $tmpsi/dump [ `egrep -o "Cancel|abort" $tmpsi/dump` ] && { rm -rf $tmpsi; exit; } [[ `grep "Dosyaya Yazdır" $tmpsi/dump` ]] && gtk_upload_report if [[ `grep "Kapsamlı Rapor" $tmpsi/dump` ]]; then export STATE=MANUAL echo "kapsamlı rapor üretiliyor ..." > /tmp/.message manual_progress "İşleniyor" echo "MİLİS_SÜRÜM:" > $info cat /etc/Milis-sürüm >> $info echo "" >> $info echo "KERNEL/İŞLEMCİ:" >> $info echo `uname -r` `uname -m` `uname -p`>> $info echo "" >> $info echo "HAFIZA/SWAP:" >> $info free -m >> $info echo "" >> $info echo "BLOK AYGITLARI:" >> $info ls -1 /sys/block | grep -v loop | sed s/@// >> $info echo "" >> $info echo "BÖLÜMLER:" >> $info blkid | grep -v squashfs >> $info echo "" >> $info echo "BAĞLANMIŞ BÖLÜMLER:" >> $info df -Th | grep -v devtmpfs >> $info echo "" >> $info echo "CHEATCODES:" >> $info cat /proc/cmdline >> $info echo "" >> $info echo "LIVEDBG BİLGİ:" >> $info cat /var/log/Milis-livedbg >> $info echo "" >> $info echo "SES KARTLARI:" >> $info cat /proc/asound/cards >> $info echo "" >> $info echo "LSPCI ÇIKTI:" >> $info lspci -knn >> $info echo "" >> $info echo "LSUSB ÇIKTI:" >> $info lsusb -t >> $info echo "" >> $info echo "LSMOD ÇIKTI:" >> $info lsmod >> $info echo "" >> $info echo "PİL BİLGİSİ:" >> $info dmidecode -t 22|sed -e '/dmidecode/d' -e '/SMBIOS/d' -e '/Handle/d' -e '/^$/d' >> $info echo "" >> $info echo "ANAGÖVDE BİLGİ:" >> $info dmidecode -t 3|sed -e '/dmidecode/d' -e '/SMBIOS/d' -e '/Handle/d' -e '/^$/d' >> $info echo "" >> $info echo "SİSTEM BİLGİ:" >> $info dmidecode -t 1|sed -e '/dmidecode/d' -e '/SMBIOS/d' -e '/Handle/d' -e '/^$/d' >> $info echo "" >> $info echo "KULLANICI BİLGİ:" >> $info grep -v "\!" /etc/shadow|cut -d':' -f1 >> $info echo "" >> $info echo "SON AÇILMA:" >> $info who -b|sed 's/^[ \t]*//' >> $info echo "Uptime (hr:min) : `uptime|awk '{print$3}'|sed 's/,//g'`" >> $info echo "" >> $info echo "LOADED MODULES:" >> $info ls -1 /mnt/live/memory/images >> $info echo "" >> $info echo "LOADED PACKAGES:" >> $info ls -1 /var/log/packages >> $info echo "" >> $info echo "/var/log/messages:" >> $info tac /var/log/messages | sed -n '1,/kmsg started./p' | tac >> $info echo "" >> $info echo "EKRAN:" >> $info xrandr >> $info 2>/dev/null echo "" >> $info echo "OpenGL sürüm:" >> $info glxinfo | grep -i opengl >> $info echo "" >> $info echo "/var/log/Xorg.0.log:" >> $info cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log >> $info 2>/dev/null echo "" >> $info echo "XSESSION HATALARI:" >> $info [ -f /root/.xsession-HATALARI ] && echo "Kullanıcı: root" >> $info && tail -n300 /root/.xsession-HATALARI >> $info for a in `grep -v "\!" /etc/shadow|cut -d':' -f1|sed 'root/d'`; do [ -f /home/$a/.xsession-HATALARI ] && echo "Kullanıcı: $a" >> $info && tail -n300 /home/$a/.xsession-HATALARI >> $info done kill_manual_progress gtk_upload_report fi yapistirnet_message(){ echo ' <window window_position="1" title="Milis Yapıştırma Mesajı" icon-name="cdr" allow-shrink="false" width-request="'$2'"> <vbox> <hbox> <frame> <pixmap icon_size="6"> <input file stock="'$3'"></input> </pixmap> </frame> <frame> <text wrap="true" selectable="true" has-focus="false"><label>"'$1'"</label></text> </frame> </hbox> <hbox> <button use-stock="true" label="gtk-ok" can-focus="true" has-focus="true"></button> </hbox> </vbox> </window> ' | gtkdialog -s }; export -f yapistirnet_message ## If Kullanıcı chose to upload then do it, else dump to /root/desktop if [ `egrep -o "Yes|yes" $tmpsi/upload.tmp` ]; then has_internet if [ $answ -eq 0 ]; then export STATE=MANUAL echo "Lütfen bekleyiniz,yükleniyor" > /tmp/.message manual_progress "ix.io" cat $info | curl -F 'f:1=<-' ix.io > $tmpsi/link.tmp kill_manual_progress export lnk=`awk '{print$NF}' < $tmpsi/link.tmp` echo $lnk > /tmp/ixio-link.txt yapistirnet_message "Dosyanız $lnk adresinde ayrıca bu link /tmp/ixio-link.txt. dosyasında." 500 gtk-yes else cp $info /root/Desktop/psinfo_report.txt gtk_message "İnternet bağlantınız yok!.Raporunuz /root/Desktop/psinfo_report.txt dosyasına kayıt edildi." 450 gtk-dialog-error fi else cp $info /root/Desktop/psinfo_report.txt gtk_message "Raporunuz /root/Desktop/psinfo_report.txt dosyasına kayıt edildi." 500 gtk-yes fi rm -rf $tmpsi