#!/usr/bin/python2 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (c) 2017 Mahmut Şamil Avar - milisarge # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to # deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the # rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or # sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING # FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS # IN THE SOFTWARE. """ Milis Linux Python Talimat Kütüphanesi - talimat.py """ import sys import re import os import shlex import urllib2 from requests.exceptions import HTTPError # Milis linux talimat sınıfı class Talimat(): talimatname="/sources/milis.git/talimatname/" def __init__(self): self.tanim="" self.url="" self.paketci="" self.gerekler=[] self.isim="" self._isim="" self.surum="" self.devir="" self.kaynaklar=[] self.derleme="build() {"+"\n" def ice_aktar(self,dosya,tip): if tip=="arch": pkgbuild=PKGBUILD(dosya) self.tanim=pkgbuild.description self.url=pkgbuild.url self.paketci="milisarge" if hasattr(pkgbuild, 'makedepends'): for mgerek in pkgbuild.makedepends: if mgerek not in self.gerekler: self.gerekler.append(mgerek) if hasattr(pkgbuild, 'depends'): for gerek in pkgbuild.depends: if gerek not in self.gerekler: self.gerekler.append(gerek) self.isim=pkgbuild.name if hasattr(pkgbuild, '_name'): self._isim=pkgbuild._name self.surum=pkgbuild.version self.devir=pkgbuild.release self.kaynaklar=pkgbuild.sources self._ice_aktar_bloklar(dosya,tip) return "tanımlar için gecersiz tip!" def _gerekler(self): gerekstr="" for gerek in self.gerekler: if os.path.exists(self.talimatname+"temel-ek/"+gerek) is False and os.path.exists(self.talimatname+"temel/"+gerek) is False: gerekstr+=gerek+" " if os.path.exists(self.talimatname+"genel/"+gerek) is False: print renk.uyari+gerek+" talimatı yapılmalı!"+renk.son return gerekstr def _kaynaklar(self): kaynakstr="" for kaynak in self.kaynaklar: kaynakstr+=kaynak+"\n" return kaynakstr def _ice_aktar_bloklar(self,dosya,tip): if tip=="arch": #bu sekilde de satirlar cekilebilir. #lines = [line.rstrip('\n') for line in open(dosya)] with open(dosya) as f: satirlar = f.readlines() blok=False onblok=False for satir in satirlar: if "md5sums=(" in satir or "sha256sums=('" in satir: onblok=True if onblok is True and "')" in satir: blok=True continue if blok and satir.rstrip()!="" and satir.rstrip()!="}": if (satir not in self.derleme) and ("pkgver()" not in satir) and ("prepare()" not in satir) and ("build()" not in satir) and ("package()" not in satir) and ("check()" not in satir): satir=satir.replace("pkgdir","PKG") satir=satir.replace("srcdir","SRC") satir=satir.replace("pkgname","name") satir=satir.replace("pkgver","version") satir=satir.replace("pkgrel","release") self.derleme+=satir+"\n" else: return "blok için gecersiz tip!" def olustur(self): if self.isim: print renk.tamamb+self.isim+" talimatı hazırlanıyor..."+renk.son os.system("mkdir -p "+self.isim) open(self.isim+"/talimat","w").write(self.icerik()) def icerik(self): icerikstr="" icerikstr+="# Description: "+self.tanim+"\n" icerikstr+="# URL: "+self.url+"\n" icerikstr+="# Packager: "+self.paketci+"\n" icerikstr+="# Depends on: "+self._gerekler() icerikstr+="\n"+"\n" icerikstr+="name="+self.isim+"\n" if self._isim !="": icerikstr+="_name="+self._isim+"\n" icerikstr+="version="+str(self.surum)+"\n" icerikstr+="release="+str(self.devir)+"\n" icerikstr+="source=("+self._kaynaklar()+")" icerikstr+="\n"+"\n" icerikstr+=self.derleme icerikstr+="}" return icerikstr def cevir(self,dosya,tip="arch"): self.ice_aktar(dosya,tip) self.olustur() print renk.tamamy+talimat.isim+" talimatı hazır."+renk.son # archlinux pkgbuild sınıfı #Copyright (c) 2009 Sebastian Nowicki (parched.py) class PKGBUILD(): _symbol_regex = re.compile(r"\$(?P<name>{[\w\d_]+}|[\w\d]+)") def __init__(self, name=None, fileobj=None): self.install = "" self.checksums = { 'md5': [], 'sha1': [], 'sha256': [], 'sha384': [], 'sha512': [], } self.noextract = [] self.sources = [] self.makedepends = [] # Symbol lookup table self._var_map = { 'pkgname': 'name', '_pkgname': '_name', 'pkgver': 'version', 'pkgdesc': 'description', 'pkgrel': 'release', 'source': 'sources', 'arch': 'architectures', 'license': 'licenses', } self._checksum_fields = ( 'md5sums', 'sha1sums', 'sha256sums', 'sha384sums', 'sha512sums', ) # Symbol table self._symbols = {} if not name and not fileobj: raise ValueError("nothing to open") should_close = False if not fileobj: fileobj = open(name, "r") should_close = True self._parse(fileobj) if should_close: fileobj.close() def _handle_assign(self, token): var, equals, value = token.strip().partition('=') # Is it an array? if value[0] == '(' and value[-1] == ')': self._symbols[var] = self._clean_array(value) else: self._symbols[var] = self._clean(value) def _parse(self, fileobj): """Parse PKGBUILD""" if hasattr(fileobj, "seek"): fileobj.seek(0) parser = shlex.shlex(fileobj, posix=True) parser.whitespace_split = True in_function = False while 1: token = parser.get_token() if token is None or token == '': break # Skip escaped newlines and functions if token == '\n' or in_function: continue # Special case: # Array elements are dispersed among tokens, we have to join # them first if token.find("=(") >= 0 and not token.rfind(")") >= 0: in_array = True elements = [] while in_array: _token = parser.get_token() if _token == '\n': continue if _token[-1] == ')': _token = '"%s")' % _token.strip(')') token = token.replace('=(', '=("', 1) + '"' token = " ".join((token, " ".join(elements), _token)) in_array = False else: elements.append('"%s"' % _token.strip()) # Assignment if re.match(r"^[\w\d_]+=", token): self._handle_assign(token) # Function definitions elif token == '{': in_function = True elif token == '}' and in_function: in_function = False self._substitute() self._assign_local() if self.release: self.release = float(self.release) def _clean(self, value): """Pythonize a bash string""" return " ".join(shlex.split(value)) def _clean_array(self, value): """Pythonize a bash array""" return shlex.split(value.strip('()')) def _replace_symbol(self, matchobj): """Replace a regex-matched variable with its value""" symbol = matchobj.group('name').strip("{}") # If the symbol isn't found fallback to an empty string, like bash try: value = self._symbols[symbol] except KeyError: value = '' # BUG: Might result in an infinite loop, oops! return self._symbol_regex.sub(self._replace_symbol, value) def _substitute(self): """Substitute all bash variables within values with their values""" for symbol in self._symbols: value = self._symbols[symbol] # FIXME: This is icky if isinstance(value, str): result = self._symbol_regex.sub(self._replace_symbol, value) else: result = [self._symbol_regex.sub(self._replace_symbol, x) for x in value] self._symbols[symbol] = result def _assign_local(self): """Assign values from _symbols to PKGBUILD variables""" for var in self._symbols: value = self._symbols[var] if var in self._checksum_fields: key = var.replace('sums', '') self.checksums[key] = value else: if var in self._var_map: var = self._var_map[var] setattr(self, var, value) class renk: baslik = '\033[95m' tamamb = '\033[94m' tamamy = '\033[92m' uyari = '\033[93m' hata = '\033[91m' son = '\033[0m' kalin = '\033[1m' altcizgili = '\033[4m' class Arge: def indir(self,link): if "packages/" in link: paket=link.split("?h=packages/")[1] else: paket=link.split("?h=")[1] print renk.tamamb+paket+" indiriliyor..."+renk.son try: veri = urllib2.urlopen(link) open(paket+"_pkgbuild","w").write(veri.read()) return paket+"_pkgbuild" except urllib2.HTTPError, e: if e.code == 404: print renk.hata+link+" bulunamadı!"+renk.son return None def aur_link(self,paket): link="https://aur.archlinux.org/cgit/aur.git/plain/PKGBUILD?h="+paket return link def arch2_link(self,paket): link="https://git.archlinux.org/svntogit/community.git/plain/trunk/PKGBUILD?h=packages/"+paket return link def arch_link(self,paket): link="https://git.archlinux.org/svntogit/packages.git/plain/trunk/PKGBUILD?h=packages/"+paket return link if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) > 1: dosya=sys.argv[1] talimat=Talimat() arge=Arge() if os.path.exists(dosya): talimat.cevir(dosya) elif "https" in dosya or "http" in dosya: Pdosya=arge.indir(dosya) talimat.cevir(Pdosya) elif dosya == "-a": if len(sys.argv) > 2: paket=sys.argv[2] paket=str(paket) link=arge.aur_link(paket) dosya=arge.indir(link) if dosya is None: link=arge.arch_link(paket) dosya=arge.indir(link) if dosya is None: link=arge.arch2_link(paket) dosya=arge.indir(link) if link and dosya: talimat.cevir(dosya) else: print renk.hata+dosya+" paremetre bulunamadı!"+renk.son