#!/usr/bin/ruby require 'openssl' require 'base64' require 'securerandom' require 'net/http' require 'net/https' def pbkdf2(password, salt, keylen, opts = {}) hash = opts[:hash] || 'sha1' iterations = (opts[:iterations] || 1) - 1 def bigendian(val, len) len.times.map { val, r = val.divmod 256; r }.reverse.pack('C*') end key = '' blockindex = 1 while key.length < keylen block = OpenSSL::HMAC.digest(hash, password, salt + bigendian(blockindex, 4)) u = block iterations.times do u = OpenSSL::HMAC.digest(hash, password, u) block.length.times.each do |j| block[j] ^= u[j] end end key += block blockindex += 1 end key.slice(0, keylen) end def aes_decrypt(text, key, opts = {}) text = text.dup iv = text.slice!(0, 16) # aes has fixed blocksize of 128 bits key = pbkdf2(key, iv, (opts[:aeskeysize] || 256) / 8, opts) cipher = OpenSSL::Cipher::AES.new(8 * key.length, opts[:mode] || :OFB).decrypt cipher.key = key cipher.iv = iv cipher.update(text) + cipher.final end def aes_encrypt(text, opts = {}) key = opts[:key] || generateKey(opts[:keylen] || 24) cipher = OpenSSL::Cipher::AES.new(opts[:aeskeysize] || 256, opts[:mode] || :OFB).encrypt cipher.iv = iv = opts[:iv] || cipher.random_iv cipher.key = pbkdf2(key, iv, (opts[:aeskeysize] || 256) / 8, opts) text = cipher.update(text) + cipher.final [ iv + text, key ] end def generateKey(len = 24) chars = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' len.times.map { chars[SecureRandom.random_number(chars.length)].ord }.pack('c*') end def decrypt(text, key, opts = {}) text = Base64.decode64(text) aes_decrypt(text, key, opts) end def encrypt(text, opts = {}) text, key = aes_encrypt(text, opts) [ Base64.encode64(text).gsub(/\s+/, ""), key ] end def fixipv6host(host) if m = /^\[([0-9a-fA-F:]+)\]$/.match(host) return m[1] end host end def http_get(uri) request = Net::HTTP::Get.new uri.request_uri request['Host'] = uri.host http = Net::HTTP.new(fixipv6host(uri.host), uri.port) http.use_ssl = uri.scheme == 'https' # http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER # http.verify_depth = 5 http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE http.start { |http| http.request request } end def http_post(uri, args) request = Net::HTTP::Post.new(uri.request_uri) request['Host'] = uri.host request.set_form_data(args) http = Net::HTTP.new(fixipv6host(uri.host), uri.port) http.use_ssl = uri.scheme == 'https' # http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER # http.verify_depth = 5 http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE http.start { |http| http.request request } end def hashpw(password) return nil if password.nil? return OpenSSL::Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(password) end require 'optparse' opts = {} OptionParser.new do |o| o.on('-u', '--url URL', "Retrieve paste from url (conflicts with the posting options)") { |url| opts[:url] = URI(url) } o.on('-f', '--file FILENAME', "Upload file") { |fn| opts[:fn] = fn } o.on('-m', '--mime MIMETYPE', "Specify mime type for paste") { |mime| opts[:mime] = mime } o.on('-t', '--ttl TTL', "Specify Time-To-Live for paste in seconds, default one week (-1 for indefinately, -100 for one time only)") { |ttl| opts[:ttl] = ttl } o.on('-p', '--password[PASSWORD]', "Use password protection on server side (no additional encryption)") { |password| opts[:pass] = true opts[:password] = password unless password.nil? } o.on('-s', '--site SITE', "Post upload to another ncrypt pastebin (default: https://ncry.pt)") { |s| opts[:site] = s } o.separator "" o.separator " If neither url nor filename was given, a final parameter can be used to specify it. Urls are autodetected." o.separator "" o.on('-h', '--help', "Show this help") { STDERR.puts o; exit } o.parse! if ARGV.length == 1 if opts[:url] || opts[:fn] STDERR.puts o exit 1 end begin url = URI(ARGV[0]) if ("http" == url.scheme || "https" == url.scheme) && url.host opts[:url] = url else opts[:fn] = ARGV[0] end rescue opts[:fn] = ARGV[0] end end if ARGV.length > 1 or (opts[:url] and (opts[:fn] || opts[:ttl] || opts[:mime] || opts[:site] || opts[:pass])) or (!opts[:url] and !opts[:fn]) STDERR.puts o exit 1 end end if opts[:pass] and opts[:password].nil? if opts[:fn] == '-' STDERR.puts "Can't read post data from stdin and prompt for password" exit 1 end STDERR.write "Enter password: " STDERR.flush opts[:password] = STDIN.readline.chomp end if opts[:url] uri = opts[:url] if !uri.fragment STDERR.puts "Specified url has no fragment, cannot decode paste" exit 1 end password = nil while if password.nil? resp = http_get(uri) else resp = http_post(uri, :p => hashpw(password)) end if 200 != resp.code.to_i STDERR.puts "Got HTTP/#{resp.http_version} #{resp.code} #{resp.message}" STDERR.puts "Location: #{resp['Location']}" if resp['Location'] exit 1 end html = resp.body if m = (/<input type="hidden" name="data" id="data" value="([^"]+)"/m.match(html) || (!password.nil? && /"data":"([^"]+)"/m.match(html))) cipher = m[1] STDOUT.write decrypt(cipher, uri.fragment) exit 0 elsif html =~ /<div id="askpassword">/ and password.nil? STDERR.write "Paste is password protected. Enter password: " STDERR.flush password = STDIN.readline.chomp else STDERR.puts "Can't parse response." exit 1 end end else uri = URI(opts[:site] || 'https://ncry.pt') if opts[:fn] != '-' if opts[:mime].nil? begin opts[:mime] = IO.popen("file --brief --mime-type '#{opts[:fn]}'", "r").read.chomp rescue # use default mime type text/plain end end text = File.open(opts[:fn], "rb").read else text = STDIN.read end cipher, key = encrypt(text) resp = http_post(uri, :data => cipher, :syn => opts[:mime] || 'text/plain', :ttl => opts[:ttl] || (7*86400), :p => hashpw(opts[:password])) if 200 != resp.code.to_i STDERR.puts "Key is #{key}" STDERR.puts "Got HTTP/#{resp.http_version} #{resp.code} #{resp.message}" resp.each_header { |k,v| STDERR.puts "#{k}: #{v}" } STDERR.puts resp.body exit 1 end html = resp.body if html =~ /^\{"id":".*"\}\s*$/m then id = html.gsub(/^\{"id":"/m, "").gsub(/"\}\s*$/m, "") uri.path += '/' unless ?/ == uri.path[-1] uri.path += id uri.fragment = key puts uri else STDERR.puts "Key is #{key}" STDERR.puts "Can't parse response #{resp.body}" exit 1 end end