use core::convert::TryInto; use core::ffi::c_void; use core::slice::from_raw_parts; use std::convert::TryFrom; use std::ffi::{CString, CStr}; use std::ops::Deref; use std::os::raw::{c_uint, c_char}; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use std::pin::Pin; use std::time::Duration; use num_enum::TryFromPrimitive; use super::constants::*; use super::ffi::*; use super::loading::*; static mut CB_SINGLETON: StaticCallbacks = StaticCallbacks { handler: None, }; // stable Rust doesn't have varargs, so we can't represent a callback with the signature of // void (*retro_log_printf_t)(enum retro_log_level level, const char* fmt, ...) // without a little help from an Actual-C wrapper. pub type WrappedLogPrintFn = extern "C" fn(level: LogLevel, fmt: *const c_char); extern "C" { fn c_ext_handle_get_log_interface(cb: *mut LogCallback) -> bool; fn c_ext_set_log_print_cb(cb: WrappedLogPrintFn); } #[allow(unused)] pub trait Handler: Unpin + 'static { fn libretro_core(&mut self) -> &mut LibretroWrapper; fn delegate_handler(&self) -> Option<&mut dyn Handler> { None } // -- main callbacks -- fn video_refresh(&mut self, data: &[u8], width: c_uint, height: c_uint, pitch: c_uint) {} fn audio_sample(&mut self, left: i16, right: i16) {} fn audio_sample_batch(&mut self, stereo_pcm: &[i16]) -> usize { stereo_pcm.len() } fn input_poll(&mut self) {} fn input_state(&mut self, port: u32, device: Input, index: DeviceIndex) -> i16 { 0 } // -- environment callbacks -- fn set_rotation(&mut self, rotation: EnvRotation) -> bool { false } fn get_overscan(&mut self) -> Option { None } fn get_can_dupe(&mut self) -> Option { None } fn set_message(&mut self, message: Message) -> bool { false } fn shutdown(&mut self) -> bool { false } fn set_performance_level(&mut self, level: c_uint) -> bool { false } fn get_system_directory(&mut self) -> Option { None } fn set_pixel_format(&mut self, format: PixelFormat) -> bool { false } fn set_input_descriptors(&mut self, input_descriptors: &[InputDescriptor]) -> bool { false } fn set_hw_render(&mut self, hw_render_callback: HwRenderCallback) -> bool { false } fn get_variable(&mut self, key: &str) -> Option { None } fn set_variables(&mut self, variables: &[VariableDescriptor]) -> bool { false } fn get_variable_update(&mut self) -> Option { None } fn set_support_no_game(&mut self, supports_no_game: bool) -> bool { false } fn get_libretro_path(&mut self) -> Option { None } fn get_input_device_capabilities(&mut self) -> Option { None } fn get_sensor_interface(&mut self) -> Option { None } fn get_camera_interface(&mut self) -> Option { None } fn get_log_interface(&mut self) -> Option { None } fn get_perf_interface(&mut self) -> Option { None } fn get_location_interface(&mut self) -> Option { None } fn get_core_assets_directory(&mut self) -> Option { None } fn get_save_directory(&mut self) -> Option { None } fn set_system_av_info(&mut self, system_av_info: SystemAvInfo) -> bool { false } fn set_proc_address_callback(&mut self, cb: GetProcAddressInterface) -> bool { false } fn set_subsystem_info(&mut self, subsystem_info: SubsystemInfo) -> bool { false } fn set_controller_info(&mut self, controller_info: ControllerInfo) -> bool { false } fn set_memory_maps(&mut self, memory_map: MemoryMap) -> bool { false } fn set_geometry(&mut self, game_geometry: GameGeometry) -> bool { false } fn get_username(&mut self) -> Option { None } fn get_language(&mut self) -> Option { None } // fn set_serialization_quirks(&mut self, quirks: &mut u64) -> bool { false } // -- environment-set callbacks (API extensions) -- fn log_print(&mut self, level: LogLevel, msg: &str) {} fn set_rumble_state(&mut self, port: c_uint, effect: RumbleEffect, strength: u16) -> bool { false } } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct VariableDescriptor { pub key: String, pub description: String, pub options: Vec, } #[derive(Default)] struct StaticCallbacks { handler: Option>, } unsafe impl Sync for StaticCallbacks {} impl StaticCallbacks { // helpers for environ cb fn clone_into_void(data: *mut c_void, source: &T) -> Option { unsafe { (data as *mut T).as_mut() }?.clone_from(source); Some(true) } fn string_into_void(data: *mut c_void, source: impl AsRef) -> Option { *unsafe { (data as *mut *const c_char).as_mut()? } = CString::new(source.as_ref()).ok()?.into_raw(); Some(true) } fn path_into_void(data: *mut c_void, source: impl AsRef) -> Option { Self::string_into_void(data, source.as_ref().to_string_lossy()) } fn from_void(data: *mut c_void) -> Option<&'static mut T> { unsafe { (data as *mut T).as_mut() } } fn enum_from_void(data: *mut c_void) -> Option where T: TryFromPrimitive, ::Primitive: 'static { let number = Self::from_void(data).cloned()?; T::try_from_primitive(number).ok() } fn environment_cb_inner(cmd: u32, data: *mut c_void) -> Option { let maybe_handler = unsafe { CB_SINGLETON.handler.as_mut() }; if maybe_handler.is_none() { eprintln!( "WARNING: env cmd {} called before handler set!", match EnvCmd::try_from(cmd) { Ok(x) => format!("{:?}", x), Err(_) => format!("{}", cmd), } ); } let handler = maybe_handler?; let parsed_cmd = cmd.try_into().ok(); if cfg!(debug) && parsed_cmd.is_none() { eprintln!( "Unknown{} env cmd: {}", if cmd >= ENVIRONMENT_EXPERIMENTAL { ", experimental" } else { "" }, cmd % ENVIRONMENT_EXPERIMENTAL ); } match parsed_cmd? { EnvCmd::SetRotation => handler.set_rotation(Self::enum_from_void(data)?), EnvCmd::GetOverscan => Self::clone_into_void(data, &handler.get_overscan()?)?, EnvCmd::GetCanDupe => Self::clone_into_void(data, &handler.get_can_dupe()?)?, EnvCmd::SetMessage => handler.set_message(Self::from_void::(data)?.clone()), EnvCmd::Shutdown => handler.shutdown(), EnvCmd::SetPerformanceLevel => handler.set_performance_level(*Self::from_void(data)?), EnvCmd::GetSystemDirectory => Self::path_into_void(data, handler.get_system_directory()?)?, EnvCmd::SetPixelFormat => handler.set_pixel_format(PixelFormat::from_uint(*Self::from_void(data)?)?), // TODO EnvCmd::SetInputDescriptors => {}, EnvCmd::SetKeyboardCallback => { let kc: &mut KeyboardCallback = Self::from_void(data)?; handler.libretro_core().keyboard_event_cb.replace(kc.callback); true }, EnvCmd::SetDiskControlInterface => { let dcc: &mut DiskControlCallback = Self::from_void(data)?; let core = handler.libretro_core(); core.disk_set_eject_state_cb.replace(dcc.set_eject_state); core.disk_get_eject_state_cb.replace(dcc.get_eject_state); core.disk_set_image_index_cb.replace(dcc.set_image_index); core.disk_get_image_index_cb.replace(dcc.get_image_index); core.disk_get_num_images_cb.replace(dcc.get_num_images); core.disk_replace_image_index_cb.replace(dcc.replace_image_index); core.disk_add_image_index_cb.replace(dcc.add_image_index); true }, // TODO EnvCmd::SetHwRender => {}, EnvCmd::GetVariable => { let mut var = Self::from_void::(data)?; let key = unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(var.key) }.to_str().ok()?; let value = handler.get_variable(key)?; // leaks memory. var.value = CString::new(value).ok()?.into_raw(); true }, EnvCmd::SetVariables => { let mut var = data as *const Variable; let mut descriptors = Vec::new(); while !unsafe { var.as_ref() }?.key.is_null() { let key = unsafe { CStr::from_ptr({ var.as_ref() }?.key) }.to_str().ok()?.to_string(); let value = unsafe { CStr::from_ptr({ var.as_ref() }?.value) }.to_str().ok()?; let split: Vec<&str> = value.splitn(2, "; ").collect(); let description = split.get(0)?.to_string(); let options = split.get(1)?.split('|').map(String::from).collect(); descriptors.push(VariableDescriptor { key, description, options }); var = var.wrapping_add(1); } handler.set_variables(descriptors.as_ref()) }, EnvCmd::GetVariableUpdate => Self::clone_into_void(data, &handler.get_variable_update()?)?, EnvCmd::SetSupportNoGame => handler.set_support_no_game(*Self::from_void(data)?), EnvCmd::GetLibretroPath => Self::path_into_void(data, handler.get_libretro_path()?)?, EnvCmd::SetFrameTimeCallback => { let ftc: &mut FrameTimeCallback = Self::from_void(data)?; handler.libretro_core().frame_time_cb.replace(ftc.callback); true }, EnvCmd::SetAudioCallback => { let ac: &mut AudioCallback = Self::from_void(data)?; handler.libretro_core().audio_ready_cb.replace(ac.callback); handler.libretro_core().audio_set_state_cb.replace(ac.set_state); true }, EnvCmd::GetRumbleInterface => { let ri = RumbleInterface { set_rumble_state: StaticCallbacks::set_rumble_state_cb }; Self::clone_into_void(data, &ri)? }, // TODO: wrap this in something nicer than a raw u64 bit field EnvCmd::GetInputDeviceCapabilities => Self::clone_into_void(data, &handler.get_input_device_capabilities()?)?, // TODO EnvCmd::GetSensorInterface => {}, // TODO EnvCmd::GetCameraInterface => {}, EnvCmd::GetLogInterface => unsafe { c_ext_handle_get_log_interface(data as *mut LogCallback) }, // TODO EnvCmd::GetPerfInterface => {}, // TODO EnvCmd::GetLocationInterface => {}, EnvCmd::GetCoreAssetsDirectory => Self::path_into_void(data, handler.get_core_assets_directory()?)?, EnvCmd::GetSaveDirectory => Self::path_into_void(data, handler.get_save_directory()?)?, EnvCmd::SetSystemAvInfo => handler.set_system_av_info(Self::from_void::(data)?.clone()), // TODO EnvCmd::SetProcAddressCallback => {}, // TODO EnvCmd::SetSubsystemInfo => {}, EnvCmd::SetControllerInfo => { // TODO: actually implement (wrap in rustic types and send to Handler) let info = unsafe { (data as *const ControllerInfo).as_ref() }?; let types = unsafe { from_raw_parts(info.types, info.num_types as usize) }; for t in types { let orig_name = match DeviceType::try_from( { Ok(x) => format!("{:?}", x), Err(_) => format!("[Device ID 0x{:x?}]",, }; let new_name = unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(t.desc) }.to_string_lossy(); eprintln!("SetControllerInfo: {} is {}", orig_name, new_name); } true }, // TODO EnvCmd::SetMemoryMaps => {}, EnvCmd::SetGeometry => handler.set_geometry(Self::from_void::(data)?.clone()), EnvCmd::GetUsername => Self::string_into_void(data, handler.get_username()?)?, EnvCmd::GetLanguage => Self::clone_into_void(data, &handler.get_language()?)?, // EnvCmd::SetSerializationQuirks => handler.set_serialization_quirks(Self::from_void(data)?), x => { eprintln!("Known but unsupported env cmd: {:?}", x); false }, }.into() } extern "C" fn environment_cb(cmd: u32, data: *mut c_void) -> bool { Self::environment_cb_inner(cmd, data).unwrap_or(false) } extern "C" fn video_refresh_cb( data: *const c_void, width: c_uint, height: c_uint, pitch: usize, ) { if !data.is_null() && data != HW_FRAME_BUFFER_VALID { if let Some(cb) = unsafe { CB_SINGLETON.handler.as_mut() } { let data = data as *const u8; let len = pitch * (height as usize); let slice = unsafe { from_raw_parts(data, len) }; cb.video_refresh(slice, width, height, pitch as u32); } } } extern "C" fn audio_sample_cb(left: i16, right: i16) { if let Some(cb) = unsafe { CB_SINGLETON.handler.as_mut() } { cb.audio_sample(left, right); } } extern "C" fn audio_sample_batch_cb(data: *const i16, frames: usize) -> usize { unsafe { match CB_SINGLETON.handler.as_mut() { Some(cb) => match data.is_null() { true => 0, false => { let len = frames * 2; // stereo let result = cb.audio_sample_batch(from_raw_parts(data, len)); result / 2 }, }, None => 0, } } } extern "C" fn input_poll_cb() { unsafe { CB_SINGLETON.handler.as_mut().map(|cb| cb.input_poll()) }; } extern "C" fn input_state_cb(port: c_uint, device: c_uint, index: c_uint, id: c_uint) -> i16 { match unsafe { CB_SINGLETON.handler.as_mut() } { Some(cb) => match ((device, id).try_into(), index.try_into()) { (Ok(input), Ok(index)) => cb.input_state(port, input, index), _ => 0, }, None => 0, } } extern "C" fn log_print_cb(level: LogLevel, msg: *const c_char) { unsafe { if let Some(cb) = CB_SINGLETON.handler.as_mut() { cb.log_print(level, CStr::from_ptr(msg).to_string_lossy().as_ref()); } } } extern "C" fn set_rumble_state_cb(port: c_uint, effect: RumbleEffect, strength: u16) -> bool { match unsafe { CB_SINGLETON.handler.as_mut() } { Some(cb) => cb.set_rumble_state(port, effect, strength), None => false, } } } pub struct LibretroWrapper { api: LibretroApi, keyboard_event_cb: Option, frame_time_cb: Option, audio_ready_cb: Option, audio_set_state_cb: Option, disk_get_eject_state_cb: Option, disk_set_eject_state_cb: Option, disk_get_image_index_cb: Option, disk_set_image_index_cb: Option, disk_get_num_images_cb: Option, disk_replace_image_index_cb: Option, disk_add_image_index_cb: Option, } impl From for LibretroWrapper { fn from(api: LibretroApi) -> Self { LibretroWrapper { api, keyboard_event_cb: None, frame_time_cb: None, audio_ready_cb: None, audio_set_state_cb: None, disk_set_eject_state_cb: None, disk_get_eject_state_cb: None, disk_get_image_index_cb: None, disk_set_image_index_cb: None, disk_get_num_images_cb: None, disk_replace_image_index_cb: None, disk_add_image_index_cb: None } } } impl LibretroWrapper { // TODO: enum for the RETROK_* constants instead of c_uint for keycode... pub fn keyboard_event(&self, down: bool, keycode: c_uint, character: u32, key_modifiers: u16) -> Option<()> {|f| unsafe { f(down, keycode, character, key_modifiers) }) } pub fn frame_time(&self, time: Duration) -> Option<()> {|f| unsafe { f(time.as_micros() as Usec) }) } pub fn audio_ready(&self) -> Option<()> {|f| unsafe { f() }) } pub fn audio_set_state(&self, enabled: bool) -> Option<()> {|f| unsafe { f(enabled) }) } pub fn disk_get_eject_state(&self) -> Option {|f| unsafe { f() }) } pub fn disk_set_eject_state(&self, ejected: bool) -> Option {|f| unsafe { f(ejected) }) } pub fn disk_get_image_index(&self) -> Option {|f| unsafe { f() }) } pub fn disk_set_image_index(&self, index: c_uint) -> Option {|f| unsafe { f(index) }) } pub fn disk_get_num_images(&self) -> Option {|f| unsafe { f() }) } pub fn disk_replace_image_index(&self, index: c_uint, info: Option) -> Option {|f| unsafe { let info_ptr = match info { None => ::core::ptr::null(), Some(x) => &x, }; f(index, info_ptr) }) } pub fn disk_add_image_index(&self) -> Option {|f| unsafe { f() }) } } impl Deref for LibretroWrapper { type Target = LibretroApi; fn deref(&self) -> &LibretroApi { &self.api } } // a note on lifetimes: we explicitly lie about them here because as long as they live as long as // the library wrapper itself we're good (we wipe our 'static references on drop() too) pub fn set_handler(handler: Pin<&'_ mut (dyn Handler + '_)>) { unsafe { let ptr = handler.get_unchecked_mut() as *mut dyn Handler; CB_SINGLETON.handler.replace(Pin::new_unchecked(ptr.as_mut().unwrap())); c_ext_set_log_print_cb(StaticCallbacks::log_print_cb); } // some cores start calling the environment cb as soon as we call retro_set_environment, // not waiting for a call to retro_init - so we'd better have CB_SINGLETON set first let api = unsafe { CB_SINGLETON.handler.as_mut() }.unwrap().libretro_core(); api.set_environment(StaticCallbacks::environment_cb); api.set_video_refresh(StaticCallbacks::video_refresh_cb); api.set_audio_sample(StaticCallbacks::audio_sample_cb); api.set_audio_sample_batch(StaticCallbacks::audio_sample_batch_cb); api.set_input_poll(StaticCallbacks::input_poll_cb); api.set_input_state(StaticCallbacks::input_state_cb); } pub fn unset_handler() { unsafe { CB_SINGLETON.handler.take(); } }