### for everyone this uses libmgba and the latest (as of writing) development build of SDL3 with webcam support, both as submodules. ``` git submodule update --init ``` ### for unixesques ```sh cmake -B_build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release cmake --build _build --config Release --parallel _build/cgbwebcam gbcamera.gb # provide your own rom, of course ``` ### for windows just point visual studio at the CMakeLists.txt, apparently that's a thing it supports now. make sure you provide the gbcamera rom as `argv[1]`. ### for everyone again when running, the inputs are - arrow keys = dpad - z = a - x = b - enter = start - backspace = select in gbcamera, you can use backspace to open the settings for dither, flip, palette, etc.. (you can technically back out of the camera mode and access the rest of the gbcamera minigame stuff, but it'll be running unplayably fast since we try to run the emulated gb's much faster than realtime to keep up a decent framerate)