import { getUrl } from './utils' import { users } from './users' // quick login using a secret page and a known access token (makes tests run faster) async function login (t, user) { await t.navigateTo(`/settings/quick-login?instanceName=localhost:3000&accessToken=${user.accessToken}`) .expect(getUrl()).eql('http://localhost:4002/', {timeout: 30000}) } // roles appear not to be working anymore :( // export const foobarRole = Role('http://localhost:4002/settings/instances/add', async t => { // await login(t,, users.foobar.password) // }) // // export const lockedAccountRole = Role('http://localhost:4002/settings/instances/add', async t => { // await login(t,, users.LockedAccount.password) // }) export async function loginAsFoobar (t) { await login(t, users.foobar) } export async function loginAsLockedAccount (t) { await login(t, users.LockedAccount) }