# Contributing to Pinafore ## Caveats Please note that this project is _very_ beta right now, and I'm not in a good position to accept large PRs for big new features. I'm making my code open-source for the sake of transparency and because it's the right thing to do, but I'm hesitant to start nurturing a community because of [all that entails](https://nolanlawson.com/2017/03/05/what-it-feels-like-to-be-an-open-source-maintainer/). So I may not be very responsive to PRs or issues. Thanks for understanding. ## Building To build Pinafore for production: npm install npm run build PORT=4002 npm start Now Pinafore is running at `localhost:4002`. ## Development To run a dev server with hot reloading: npm run dev Now it's running at `localhost:4002`. ## Linting Pinafore uses [JavaScript Standard Style](https://standardjs.com/). Lint: npm run lint Automatically fix most linting issues: npx standard --fix ## Testing _**Note:** If you have a local `mastodon_development` Postgres database, this will erase it._ Run integration tests, using headless Chrome by default: npm test Run tests for a particular browser: BROWSER=chrome npm run test-browser BROWSER=chrome:headless npm run test-browser BROWSER=firefox npm run test-browser BROWSER=firefox:headless npm run test-browser BROWSER=safari npm run test-browser BROWSER=edge npm run test-browser ## Testing in development mode _**Note:** If you have a local `mastodon_development` Postgres database, this will erase it._ In separate terminals: 1\. Run a Mastodon dev server: npm run run-mastodon 2\. Run a Pinafore dev server: npm run dev 3\. Run a debuggable TestCafé instance: npx testcafe --hostname localhost --skip-js-errors --debug-mode firefox tests/spec If you want to export the current data in the Mastodon instance as canned data, so that it can be loaded later, run: npm run backup-mastodon-data