<Nav {page} />

<div class="container" tabindex="0" ref:container>
  {#if !$isUserLoggedIn && page === 'home'}
    <InformationalFooter />
  import Nav from './Nav.html'
  import { store } from '../_store/store'
  import InformationalFooter from './InformationalFooter.html'

  // Only focus the `.container` div on first load so it does not intefere
  // with other desired behaviours (e.g. you click a toot, you navigate from
  // a timeline view to a thread view, you press the back button, and now
  // you're still focused on the toot).
  let firstTime = true

  export default {
    components: {
    oncreate () {
      if (firstTime) {
        firstTime = false
      let { page } = this.get()
      this.store.set({currentPage: page})
    store: () => store