import { mark, stop } from './marks' let domParser = process.browser && new DOMParser() // mentions like "@foo" have to be expanded to "" function massageMentions (doc, mentions) { let anchors = doc.querySelectorAll('a.mention') for (let i = 0; i < anchors.length; i++) { let anchor = anchors[i] let href = anchor.getAttribute('href') let mention = mentions.find(mention => mention.url === href) if (mention) { anchor.innerText = `@${mention.acct}` } } } // paragraphs should be separated by double newlines // single
s should become single newlines function innerTextRetainingNewlines (doc) { let paragraphs = doc.querySelectorAll('p') return Array.from(paragraphs).map(paragraph => { let brs = paragraph.querySelectorAll('br') Array.from(brs).forEach(br => { br.parentNode.replaceChild(doc.createTextNode('\n'), br) }) return paragraph.textContent }).join('\n\n') } export function statusHtmlToPlainText (html, mentions) { if (!html) { return '' } mark('statusHtmlToPlainText') let doc = domParser.parseFromString(html, 'text/html') massageMentions(doc, mentions) let res = innerTextRetainingNewlines(doc) stop('statusHtmlToPlainText') return res }