# frozen_string_literal: true require 'rails_helper' describe Api::V1::Statuses::PinsController do render_views let(:user) { Fabricate(:user, account: Fabricate(:account, username: 'alice')) } let(:app) { Fabricate(:application, name: 'Test app', website: 'http://testapp.com') } let(:token) { Fabricate(:accessible_access_token, resource_owner_id: user.id, scopes: 'write', application: app) } context 'with an oauth token' do before do allow(controller).to receive(:doorkeeper_token) { token } end describe 'POST #create' do let(:status) { Fabricate(:status, account: user.account) } before do post :create, params: { status_id: status.id } end it 'returns http success' do expect(response).to have_http_status(:success) end it 'updates the pinned attribute' do expect(user.account.pinned?(status)).to be true end it 'return json with updated attributes' do hash_body = body_as_json expect(hash_body[:id]).to eq status.id.to_s expect(hash_body[:pinned]).to be true end end describe 'POST #destroy' do let(:status) { Fabricate(:status, account: user.account) } before do Fabricate(:status_pin, status: status, account: user.account) post :destroy, params: { status_id: status.id } end it 'returns http success' do expect(response).to have_http_status(:success) end it 'updates the pinned attribute' do expect(user.account.pinned?(status)).to be false end end end end