# frozen_string_literal: true module StatusControllerConcern extend ActiveSupport::Concern ANCESTORS_LIMIT = 40 DESCENDANTS_LIMIT = 60 DESCENDANTS_DEPTH_LIMIT = 20 def create_descendant_thread(starting_depth, statuses) depth = starting_depth + statuses.size if depth < DESCENDANTS_DEPTH_LIMIT { statuses: statuses, starting_depth: starting_depth, } else next_status = statuses.pop { statuses: statuses, starting_depth: starting_depth, next_status: next_status, } end end def set_ancestors @ancestors = @status.reply? ? cache_collection(@status.ancestors(ANCESTORS_LIMIT, current_account), Status) : [] @next_ancestor = @ancestors.size < ANCESTORS_LIMIT ? nil : @ancestors.shift end def set_descendants @max_descendant_thread_id = params[:max_descendant_thread_id]&.to_i @since_descendant_thread_id = params[:since_descendant_thread_id]&.to_i descendants = cache_collection( @status.descendants( DESCENDANTS_LIMIT, current_account, @max_descendant_thread_id, @since_descendant_thread_id, DESCENDANTS_DEPTH_LIMIT ), Status ) @descendant_threads = [] if descendants.present? statuses = [descendants.first] starting_depth = 0 descendants.drop(1).each_with_index do |descendant, index| if descendants[index].id == descendant.in_reply_to_id statuses << descendant else @descendant_threads << create_descendant_thread(starting_depth, statuses) # The thread is broken, assume it's a reply to the root status starting_depth = 0 # ... unless we can find its ancestor in one of the already-processed threads @descendant_threads.reverse_each do |descendant_thread| statuses = descendant_thread[:statuses] index = statuses.find_index do |thread_status| thread_status.id == descendant.in_reply_to_id end if index.present? starting_depth = descendant_thread[:starting_depth] + index + 1 break end end statuses = [descendant] end end @descendant_threads << create_descendant_thread(starting_depth, statuses) end @max_descendant_thread_id = @descendant_threads.pop[:statuses].first.id if descendants.size >= DESCENDANTS_LIMIT end end