run.config: engine: ruby engine.config: runtime: ruby-2.4.1 extra_packages: # basic servers: - nginx - nodejs # for images: - ImageMagick # for videos: - ffmpeg3 # to prep the .env file - gettext-tools cache_dirs: - node_modules extra_path_dirs: - node_modules/.bin build_triggers: - .ruby-version - Gemfile - Gemfile.lock - package.json - yarn.lock extra_steps: - cp .env.nanobox .env - gem install bundler - bundle config build.nokogiri --with-iconv-dir=/data/ --with-zlib-dir=/data/ - bundle config build.nokogumbo --with-iconv-dir=/data/ --with-zlib-dir=/data/ - bundle install --clean - yarn fs_watch: true deploy.config: extra_steps: - NODE_ENV=production bundle exec rake assets:precompile - "[ -r /app/.env.production ] || sed 's/LOCAL_HTTPS=.*/LOCAL_HTTPS=true/i' /app/.env.nanobox > /app/.env.production" transform: - envsubst < /app/.env.production > /tmp/.env.production && mv /tmp/.env.production /app/.env.production - |- if [ -z "$LOCAL_DOMAIN" ] then . /app/.env.production export LOCAL_DOMAIN fi erb /app/nanobox/nginx-web.conf.erb > /app/nanobox/nginx-web.conf erb /app/nanobox/nginx-stream.conf.erb > /app/nanobox/nginx-stream.conf - touch /app/log/production.log before_live: web.web: - bundle exec rake db:migrate:setup web.web: start: nginx: nginx -c /app/nanobox/nginx-web.conf rails: bundle exec puma -C /app/config/puma.rb routes: - '/' writable_dirs: - tmp log_watch: rails: 'log/production.log' network_dirs: - public/system start: nginx: nginx -c /app/nanobox/nginx-stream.conf node: yarn run start routes: - '/api/v1/streaming*' # Somehow we're getting requests for scheme://domain//api/v1/streaming* - match those, too - '//api/v1/streaming*' writable_dirs: - tmp worker.sidekiq: start: bundle exec sidekiq -c 5 -q default -q mailers -q pull -q push -L /app/log/sidekiq.log writable_dirs: - tmp log_watch: rails: 'log/production.log' sidekiq: 'log/sidekiq.log' network_dirs: - public/system cron: - id: generate_static_gifs schedule: '*/15 * * * *' command: 'bundle exec rake mastodon:maintenance:add_static_avatars' - id: update_counter_caches schedule: '50 * * * *' command: 'bundle exec rake mastodon:maintenance:update_counter_caches' # runs feeds:clear, media:clear, users:clear, and push:refresh - id: do_daily_tasks schedule: '00 00 * * *' command: 'bundle exec rake mastodon:daily' - id: clear_silenced_media schedule: '10 00 * * *' command: 'bundle exec rake mastodon:media:remove_silenced' - id: clear_remote_media schedule: '20 00 * * *' command: 'bundle exec rake mastodon:media:remove_remote' - id: clear_unfollowed_subs schedule: '30 00 * * *' command: 'bundle exec rake mastodon:push:clear' - id: send_digest_emails schedule: '00 20 * * *' command: 'bundle exec rake mastodon:emails:digest' # The following two tasks can be uncommented to automatically open and close # registrations on a schedule. The format of 'schedule' is a standard cron # time expression: minute hour day month day-of-week; search for "cron # time expressions" for more info on how to set these up. The examples here # open registration only from 8 am to 4 pm, server time. # # - id: open_registrations # schedule: '00 08 * * *' # command: 'bundle exec rake mastodon:settings:open_registrations' # # - id: close_registrations # schedule: '00 16 * * *' # command: 'bundle exec rake mastodon:settings:close_registrations' data.db: image: nanobox/postgresql:9.5 data.redis: image: nanobox/redis:3.0 image: nanobox/unfs:0.9