@import 'application'; /* Allow columns to grow wider as the screen gets * wider, but don't ever let them get more than * 400px (some people have a bunch of columns!) */ @media screen and (min-width: 1300px) { .column { flex-grow: 1 !important; max-width: 400px; } .drawer { width: 17%; /* Not part of the flex fun */ max-width: 400px; min-width: 330px; } } /* Cap the column height at 100vh (fixed an old * bug someone encountered in safari, but which * I've seen resurface from time to time) */ .column { max-height:100vh; } /* Don't show outline around statuses if we're in * mouse or touch mode (rather than keyboard) */ [data-whatinput="mouse"], [data-whatinput="touch"] { .status__content:focus, .status:focus, .status__wrapper:focus, .status__content__text:focus { outline: none; } } /* Show a little arrowey thing after the time in a * status to signal that you can click it to see * a detailed view */ .status time:after, .detailed-status__datetime span:after { font: normal normal normal 14px/1 FontAwesome; content: "\00a0\00a0\f08e"; } /* Don't display the elephant mascot (we have our * own, thanks) */ .drawer__inner__mastodon { display: none; } /* Let the compose area/drawer be short, but * expand if necessary */ .drawer .drawer__inner { overflow: visible; height:inherit; background-image: none; } .drawer__pager { overflow-y:auto; } @import 'fullwidth-media';