diff --git a/cloudflare-list.txt b/cloudflare-list.txt index 8f3ab5fed..77ac3c39d 100644 --- a/cloudflare-list.txt +++ b/cloudflare-list.txt @@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ adbusters.org adguard.com adminsub.net adnauseam.io +adst.org advocate.com aei.org aenweb.ca @@ -70,6 +71,7 @@ anonops.com anony.ws ansonalex.com answersingenesis.org +anticapitalism.party anxbtc.com anydayguide.com apkarea.com @@ -87,6 +89,7 @@ armorgames.com arrests.org artnet.com artofmanliness.com +artstation.com artuk.org ashedryden.com askamanager.org <= you can not alphebetize. "Art" is preceded by "to ask" How about in order to make a stronger clownflared sites database ... and let the computer in alphabetical order ?? @@ -100,6 +103,7 @@ avaaz.org <- contacted december 2015 via form (reported as tech problem), no res avc.com avert.org avpixlat.info +awarenessact.com ax.com babelfish.com <- assholes just started using CF (oct.2016), just after translate.google.com became bot-hostile. bad-dragon.com @@ -254,6 +258,7 @@ clutchmagonline.com cmxlog.com cneolithicstone.com codeabitwiser.com +codeforafrica.org codeschool.com codinghorror.com co.id @@ -400,6 +405,7 @@ eclipse2017.org economicblogs.org e-demokratie.org edge.org +eevblog.com elbreitbarto.com electronicintifada.net elementary.io @@ -604,6 +610,7 @@ hldataprotection.com hlmeeting.com Hmarivebkcom hokstad.com +hollywoodreporter.com holytransaction.com honesttopaws.com hookers.nl @@ -765,6 +772,7 @@ libraries.io libra.tech lifehacker.com.au lifesitenews.com +lindseywilliams.net lintut.com linustechtips.com linuxaria.com @@ -819,6 +827,7 @@ menstrual-cycle-calculator.com metrocosm.com mg.co.za michaelgeorgeinsurance.com +michaelshermer.com miguelmenendez.pro mikepence.com/ mindtools.com @@ -904,6 +913,7 @@ nteu.org.au nullschool.net numer.ai nuuktv.gl +nvcopblock.org nwcbooks.com oanda.com <= is used officially by the Belgian government for the tax rates for FX! Taxpayers do official business should not be forced to use CloudFlare site. obamadecides.org @@ -936,6 +946,7 @@ opentech.fund opentechsummit.net opentrackers.org openvpn.net +opslens.com orionlabs.co osdir.com ottawatoollibrary.com @@ -1044,6 +1055,7 @@ puri.sm <=? they seem to be on the CF now (checked on 7/1/2017) putintrump.org putoholicari.com puu.sh +pwnedpasswords.com pydata.org pythoncentral.io pythonforengineers.com @@ -1174,6 +1186,7 @@ simplefx.com sim plejustice.us simplejustice.us simpletoremember.com +simsylvania.com sinembargo.mx sing-fake.review sing-many.review @@ -1208,6 +1221,7 @@ spacenews.com spanishinvaders.cat spinroot.com spiritualityandpractice.com +spiritualityhealth.com splcenter.org sprotyv.info ssecurity.com @@ -1421,6 +1435,7 @@ utdallas.edu utopia.de vancouverobserver.com vanwinkles.com +vaporblog.org vendicalapace.net vessenes.com vgy.me @@ -1452,6 +1467,7 @@ webmajstori.net webrtchacks.com <- What is it then? websta.me webwiki.com +weev.net wemineltc.com westernmutual.com wetrust.io diff --git a/non-cloudflare-list.txt b/non-cloudflare-list.txt index 8b390779c..40e40e790 100644 --- a/non-cloudflare-list.txt +++ b/non-cloudflare-list.txt @@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ asos.com (Access Denied. You don't have permission....) austlii.edu.au bayesian.org ("greylisted", block gets lifted after form sep 24 ) bestbuy.com (Access Denied You don't have permission to access "http://www.bestbuy.com/" on this server. Reference #...) +bet.com ("Access Denied You don't have permission to access ..." bitbean.org ("Proxy access not allowed") bitstamp.net (Error code 15) bitvps.com (403 Forbidden) @@ -144,6 +145,7 @@ netbank.com.au networktools.nl (You don't have permission to access (...) on this server because you are currently blacklisted by a DNSBL server at: sbl-xbl.spamhaus.org) newark.com (Access Denied You don't have permission to access ...) newgrounds.com ("Security Validation - Completing this captcha proves you are a human and helps keepNewgrounds free of spam and abuse!") +www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov ("Your access to PubMed Central has been blocked because your Internet connection (IP address) was used to download content in bulk, in violation of the terms of the PMC Copyright Notice.") no2nsa.x10.bz (http-code 403) nsa.gov (timeout) nuggetwheat.org @@ -159,6 +161,7 @@ popsci.com (ip listed in the StopForumSpam.com database) 2016-10-28 block still Porsche Com ("You don't have permission to access "(...)porsche.com/" on this server." | (...)porsche.de redirects to porsche.com/germany) / 2015-09-09) works 2016/03 Nope. Still blocked 2016-04-03 -10-28 (psycnet.)apa.org ("Access To Website Blocked") qantas.com.au still blocked 2016-10-28 +republicbuzz.com (" 403 forbidden - WHAT? Why am I seeing this? Your access to this site was blocked by Wordfence ") rightswatch.ca ("Access denied. Your IP address is blacklisted. If you feel this is in error please contact your hosting provider's abuse department.") rijksoverheid.nl (403 Forbidden. But not on all exit nodes.) rockabilly-radio.net ("Access denied. Your IP address is blacklisted. If you feel this is in error please contact your hosting provider's abuse department."; some exits, streaming OK though / 2016-11-26)