import { loginAsLockedAccount } from '../roles'
import { followAs, unfollowAs } from '../serverActions'
import {
  communityNavButton, followersButton, getNthSearchResult, getSearchResultByHref, getUrl, goBack,
  homeNavButton, sleep
} from '../utils'
import { users } from '../users'
import { Selector as $ } from 'testcafe'


const timeout = 30000

test('Can approve and reject follow requests', async t => {
  await loginAsLockedAccount(t)

  // necessary for re-running this test in local testing
  await Promise.all([
    unfollowAs('admin', 'LockedAccount'),
    unfollowAs('baz', 'LockedAccount'),
    unfollowAs('quux', 'LockedAccount')

  await Promise.all([
    followAs('admin', 'LockedAccount'),
    followAs('baz', 'LockedAccount'),
    followAs('quux', 'LockedAccount')

  await sleep(2000)

  const approveAdminButton = () => getSearchResultByHref(`/accounts/${}`).find('button:nth-child(1)')
  const rejectBazButton = () => getSearchResultByHref(`/accounts/${}`).find('button:nth-child(2)')
  const approveQuuxButton = () => getSearchResultByHref(`/accounts/${}`).find('button:nth-child(1)')

    // no guaranteed order on these
    // approve admin
    .expect(getNthSearchResult(1).innerText).match(/(@baz|@quux)/, { timeout })
  await goBack()
  await t
    // reject baz
    .expect(getNthSearchResult(1).innerText).contains('@quux', { timeout })
  await goBack()
  await t
    // approve quux
    .expect(getNthSearchResult(1).exists).notOk({ timeout })
    // check our follow list to make sure they follow us