# This file is part of Gajim. # # Gajim is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published # by the Free Software Foundation; version 3 only. # # Gajim is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Gajim. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # XEP-0082: XMPP Date and Time Profiles import re import time import logging from datetime import datetime from datetime import timedelta from datetime import timezone from datetime import tzinfo log = logging.getLogger('gajim.c.m.date_and_time') PATTERN_DATETIME = re.compile( r'([0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2})' r'T' r'([0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2})' r'(\.[0-9]{0,6})?' r'(?:[0-9]+)?' r'(?:(Z)|(?:([-+][0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2})))$' ) PATTERN_DELAY = re.compile( r'([0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2})' r'T' r'([0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2})' r'(\.[0-9]{0,6})?' r'(?:[0-9]+)?' r'(?:(Z)|(?:([-+][0]{2}):([0]{2})))$' ) ZERO = timedelta(0) HOUR = timedelta(hours=1) SECOND = timedelta(seconds=1) STDOFFSET = timedelta(seconds=-time.timezone) if time.daylight: DSTOFFSET = timedelta(seconds=-time.altzone) else: DSTOFFSET = STDOFFSET DSTDIFF = DSTOFFSET - STDOFFSET class LocalTimezone(tzinfo): ''' A class capturing the platform's idea of local time. May result in wrong values on historical times in timezones where UTC offset and/or the DST rules had changed in the past. ''' def fromutc(self, dt): assert dt.tzinfo is self stamp = (dt - datetime(1970, 1, 1, tzinfo=self)) // SECOND args = time.localtime(stamp)[:6] dst_diff = DSTDIFF // SECOND # Detect fold fold = (args == time.localtime(stamp - dst_diff)) return datetime(*args, microsecond=dt.microsecond, tzinfo=self, fold=fold) def utcoffset(self, dt): if self._isdst(dt): return DSTOFFSET return STDOFFSET def dst(self, dt): if self._isdst(dt): return DSTDIFF return ZERO def tzname(self, dt): return 'local' @staticmethod def _isdst(dt): tt = (dt.year, dt.month, dt.day, dt.hour, dt.minute, dt.second, dt.weekday(), 0, 0) stamp = time.mktime(tt) tt = time.localtime(stamp) return tt.tm_isdst > 0 def create_tzinfo(hours=0, minutes=0, tz_string=None): if tz_string is None: return timezone(timedelta(hours=hours, minutes=minutes)) if tz_string.lower() == 'z': return timezone.utc try: hours, minutes = map(int, tz_string.split(':')) except Exception: log.warning('Wrong tz string: %s', tz_string) return if hours not in range(-24, 24): log.warning('Wrong tz string: %s', tz_string) return if minutes not in range(0, 59): log.warning('Wrong tz string: %s', tz_string) return if hours in (24, -24) and minutes != 0: log.warning('Wrong tz string: %s', tz_string) return return timezone(timedelta(hours=hours, minutes=minutes)) def parse_datetime(timestring, check_utc=False, convert='utc', epoch=False): ''' Parse a XEP-0082 DateTime Profile String :param timestring: a XEP-0082 DateTime profile formated string :param check_utc: if True, returns None if timestring is not a timestring expressing UTC :param convert: convert the given timestring to utc or local time :param epoch: if True, returns the time in epoch Examples: '2017-11-05T01:41:20Z' '2017-11-05T01:41:20.123Z' '2017-11-05T01:41:20.123+05:00' return a datetime or epoch ''' if convert not in (None, 'utc', 'local'): raise TypeError('"%s" is not a valid value for convert') if check_utc: match = PATTERN_DELAY.match(timestring) else: match = PATTERN_DATETIME.match(timestring) if match: timestring = ''.join(match.groups('')) strformat = '%Y-%m-%d%H:%M:%S%z' if match.group(3): # Fractional second addendum to Time strformat = '%Y-%m-%d%H:%M:%S.%f%z' if match.group(4): # UTC string denoted by addition of the character 'Z' timestring = timestring[:-1] + '+0000' try: date_time = datetime.strptime(timestring, strformat) except ValueError: pass else: if check_utc: if convert != 'utc': raise ValueError( 'check_utc can only be used with convert="utc"') date_time.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc) if epoch: return date_time.timestamp() return date_time if convert == 'utc': date_time = date_time.astimezone(timezone.utc) if epoch: return date_time.timestamp() return date_time if epoch: # epoch is always UTC, use convert='utc' or check_utc=True raise ValueError( 'epoch not available while converting to local') if convert == 'local': date_time = date_time.astimezone(LocalTimezone()) return date_time # convert=None return date_time return None