#!/usr/bin/env python ## gajim.py ## ## ## Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Yann Leboulanger ## Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Nikos Kouremenos ## Dimitur Kirov ## Copyright (C) 2005 Travis Shirk ## Copyright (C) 2007 Lukas Petrovicky ## Julien Pivotto ## Stephan Erb ## ## This file is part of Gajim. ## ## Gajim is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published ## by the Free Software Foundation; version 3 only. ## ## Gajim is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ## GNU General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with Gajim. If not, see . ## import os if os.name == 'nt': import warnings warnings.filterwarnings(action='ignore') if os.path.isdir('gtk'): # Used to create windows installer with GTK included paths = os.environ['PATH'] list_ = paths.split(';') new_list = [] for p in list_: if p.find('gtk') < 0 and p.find('GTK') < 0: new_list.append(p) new_list.insert(0, 'gtk/lib') new_list.insert(0, 'gtk/bin') os.environ['PATH'] = ';'.join(new_list) os.environ['GTK_BASEPATH'] = 'gtk' import sys import logging consoleloghandler = logging.StreamHandler() consoleloghandler.setLevel(1) consoleloghandler.setFormatter( logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(name)s: %(levelname)s: %(message)s')) log = logging.getLogger('gajim') log.setLevel(logging.WARNING) log.addHandler(consoleloghandler) log.propagate = False log = logging.getLogger('gajim.gajim') # create intermediate loggers logging.getLogger('gajim.c') logging.getLogger('gajim.c.x') import getopt from common import i18n def parseLogLevel(arg): if arg.isdigit(): return int(arg) if arg.isupper(): return getattr(logging, arg) raise ValueError(_("%s is not a valid loglevel"), repr(arg)) def parseLogTarget(arg): arg = arg.lower() if arg.startswith('.'): return arg[1:] if arg.startswith('gajim'): return arg return 'gajim.' + arg def parseAndSetLogLevels(arg): for directive in arg.split(','): directive = directive.strip() targets, level = directive.rsplit('=', 1) level = parseLogLevel(level.strip()) for target in targets.split('='): target = parseLogTarget(target.strip()) if target == '': consoleloghandler.setLevel(level) print "consoleloghandler level set to %s" % level else: logger = logging.getLogger(target) logger.setLevel(level) print "Logger %s level set to %d" % (target, level) def parseOpts(): profile = '' verbose = False config_path = None try: shortargs = 'hqvl:p:c:' longargs = 'help quiet verbose loglevel= profile= config_path=' opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], shortargs, longargs.split()) except getopt.error, msg: print msg print 'for help use --help' sys.exit(2) for o, a in opts: if o in ('-h', '--help'): print 'gajim [--help] [--quiet] [--verbose] [--loglevel subsystem=level[,subsystem=level[...]]] [--profile name] [--config-path]' sys.exit() elif o in ('-q', '--quiet'): consoleloghandler.setLevel(logging.CRITICAL) verbose = False elif o in ('-v', '--verbose'): consoleloghandler.setLevel(logging.INFO) verbose = True elif o in ('-p', '--profile'): # gajim --profile name profile = a elif o in ('-l', '--loglevel'): parseAndSetLogLevels(a) elif o in ('-c', '--config-path'): config_path = a return profile, verbose, config_path profile, verbose, config_path = parseOpts() del parseOpts, parseAndSetLogLevels, parseLogTarget, parseLogLevel import locale profile = unicode(profile, locale.getpreferredencoding()) import common.configpaths common.configpaths.gajimpaths.init(config_path) del config_path common.configpaths.gajimpaths.init_profile(profile) del profile # PyGTK2.10+ only throws a warning import warnings warnings.filterwarnings('error', module='gtk') try: import gtk except Warning, msg: if str(msg) == 'could not open display': print >> sys.stderr, _('Gajim needs X server to run. Quiting...') sys.exit() warnings.resetwarnings() if os.name == 'nt': import warnings warnings.filterwarnings(action='ignore') pritext = '' from common import exceptions try: from common import gajim except exceptions.DatabaseMalformed: pritext = _('Database Error') sectext = _('The database file (%s) cannot be read. Try to repare it or remove it (all history will be lost).') % common.logger.LOG_DB_PATH else: from common import dbus_support if dbus_support.supported: import dbus if os.name == 'posix': # dl module is Unix Only try: # rename the process name to gajim import dl libc = dl.open('/lib/libc.so.6') libc.call('prctl', 15, 'gajim\0', 0, 0, 0) except: pass if gtk.pygtk_version < (2, 8, 0): pritext = _('Gajim needs PyGTK 2.8 or above') sectext = _('Gajim needs PyGTK 2.8 or above to run. Quiting...') elif gtk.gtk_version < (2, 8, 0): pritext = _('Gajim needs GTK 2.8 or above') sectext = _('Gajim needs GTK 2.8 or above to run. Quiting...') try: import gtk.glade # check if user has libglade (in pygtk and in gtk) except ImportError: pritext = _('GTK+ runtime is missing libglade support') if os.name == 'nt': sectext = _('Please remove your current GTK+ runtime and install the latest stable version from %s') % 'http://gladewin32.sourceforge.net' else: sectext = _('Please make sure that GTK+ and PyGTK have libglade support in your system.') try: from common import check_paths except exceptions.PysqliteNotAvailable, e: pritext = _('Gajim needs PySQLite2 to run') sectext = str(e) if os.name == 'nt': try: import winsound # windows-only built-in module for playing wav import win32api # do NOT remove. we req this module except: pritext = _('Gajim needs pywin32 to run') sectext = _('Please make sure that Pywin32 is installed on your system. You can get it at %s') % 'http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=78018' if pritext: dlg = gtk.MessageDialog(None, gtk.DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT | gtk.DIALOG_MODAL, gtk.MESSAGE_ERROR, gtk.BUTTONS_OK, message_format = pritext) dlg.format_secondary_text(sectext) dlg.run() dlg.destroy() sys.exit() del pritext path = os.getcwd() if '.svn' in os.listdir(path) or '_svn' in os.listdir(path): # import gtkexcepthook only for those that run svn # those than run with --verbose run from terminal so no need to care # about those import gtkexcepthook del path import gobject if not hasattr(gobject, 'timeout_add_seconds'): def timeout_add_seconds_fake(time_sec, *args): return gobject.timeout_add(time_sec * 1000, *args) gobject.timeout_add_seconds = timeout_add_seconds_fake import re import signal import time import math import gtkgui_helpers import notify import message_control import negotiation from chat_control import ChatControlBase from chat_control import ChatControl from groupchat_control import GroupchatControl from groupchat_control import PrivateChatControl from atom_window import AtomWindow from session import ChatControlSession import common.sleepy from common.xmpp import idlequeue from common.zeroconf import connection_zeroconf from common import nslookup from common import proxy65_manager from common import socks5 from common import helpers from common import optparser from common import dataforms from common.xmpp import Message as XmppMessage try: import otr, otr_windows gajim.otr_module = otr gajim.otr_windows = otr_windows except ImportError: gajim.otr_module = None gajim.otr_windows = None def add_appdata(data, context): account = data context.app_data = otr_windows.ContactOtrSMPWindow( unicode(context.username), account) gajim.otr_add_appdata = add_appdata def otr_dialog_destroy(widget, *args, **kwargs): widget.destroy() class OtrlMessageAppOps: def gajim_log(self, msg, account, fjid, no_print=False): if not isinstance(fjid, unicode): fjid = unicode(fjid) if not isinstance(account, unicode): account = unicode(account) resource=gajim.get_resource_from_jid(fjid) tim = time.localtime() if not no_print: ctrl = self.get_control(fjid, account) if ctrl: ctrl.print_conversation_line(u'[OTR] %s' % \ msg, 'status', '', None) id = gajim.logger.write('chat_msg_recv', fjid, message='[OTR: %s]' % msg, tim=tim) # gajim.logger.write() only marks a message as unread # (and so only returns an id) when fjid is a real contact # (NOT if it's a GC private chat) if id: gajim.logger.set_read_messages([id]) def get_control(self, fjid, account): # first try to get the window with the full jid ctrls = gajim.interface.msg_win_mgr.get_chat_controls(fjid, account) if ctrls: # got one, be happy return ctrls[0] # otherwise try without the resource ctrls = gajim.interface.msg_win_mgr.get_chat_controls( gajim.get_jid_without_resource(fjid), account) # but only use it when it is not a GC window if ctrls and ctrls[0].TYPE_ID == message_control.TYPE_CHAT: return ctrls[0] def policy(self, opdata=None, context=None): policy = gajim.config.get_per('contacts', context.username, "otr_flags") if policy <= 0: policy = gajim.config.get_per('contacts', gajim.get_jid_without_resource( context.username), 'otr_flags') if policy <= 0: policy = gajim.config.get_per('accounts', opdata['account'], 'otr_flags') return policy def create_privkey(self, opdata='', accountname='', protocol=''): dialog = gtk.Dialog( title = _('Generating...'), parent = gajim.interface.roster.window, flags = gtk.DIALOG_MODAL, buttons = (gtk.STOCK_CLOSE, gtk.RESPONSE_CLOSE)) permlabel = gtk.Label(_('Generating a private key for %s...') \ % accountname) permlabel.set_padding(20, 20) dialog.set_response_sensitive(gtk.RESPONSE_CLOSE, False) dialog.connect('destroy', otr_dialog_destroy) dialog.connect('response', otr_dialog_destroy) dialog.vbox.pack_start(permlabel) dialog.get_root_window().raise_() dialog.show_all() dialog.map() for c in dialog.get_children(): c.show_now() c.map() while gtk.events_pending(): gtk.main_iteration(block = False) otr.otrl_privkey_generate( gajim.connections[opdata['account']].otr_userstates, os.path.join(gajimpaths.root, '%s.key' % opdata['account']).encode(), accountname, gajim.OTR_PROTO) permlabel.set_text(_('Generating a private key for %s...\n' \ 'done.') % accountname) dialog.set_response_sensitive(gtk.RESPONSE_CLOSE, True) def is_logged_in(self, opdata={}, accountname='', protocol='', recipient=""): contact = gajim.contacts.get_contact_from_full_jid( opdata['account'], recipient) if contact: return contact.show \ in ['dnd', 'xa', 'chat', 'online', 'away', 'invisible'] return 0 def inject_message(self, opdata=None, accountname='', protocol='', recipient='', message=''): msg_type = otr.otrl_proto_message_type(message) if 'kwargs' not in opdata or 'urgent' in opdata: # don't use send_message here to have the message # sent immediatly. This results in being able to # disconnect from OTR sessions before quitting stanza = XmppMessage(to = recipient, body = message, typ='chat') gajim.connections[opdata['account']].connection. \ send(stanza, now = True) return if msg_type == otr.OTRL_MSGTYPE_QUERY: # split away XHTML-contaminated explanatory message message = unicode(message.splitlines()[0]) message += _(u'\nThis user has requested an ' \ 'Off-the-Record private conversation. ' \ 'However, you do not have a plugin to ' \ 'support that.\n' \ 'See http://otr.cypherpunks.ca/ for more ' \ 'information.') gajim.connections[opdata['account']].connection.send( common.xmpp.Message(to = recipient, body = message, typ = 'chat')) return gajim.connections[opdata['account']].send_message(recipient, message, **opdata['kwargs']) def notify(sef, opdata=None, username='', **kwargs): self.gajim_log('Notify: ' + str(kwargs), opdata['account'], username) def display_otr_message(self, opdata=None, username="", msg="", **kwargs): self.gajim_log('OTR Message: ' + msg, opdata['account'], username) return 0 def update_context_list(self, **kwargs): # FIXME stub FIXME # pass def protocol_name(self, opdata=None, protocol=""): return 'XMPP' def new_fingerprint(self, opdata=None, username='', fingerprint='', **kwargs): self.gajim_log('New fingerprint for %s: %s' % (username, otr.otrl_privkey_hash_to_human(fingerprint)), opdata['account'], username) def write_fingerprints(self, opdata=''): otr.otrl_privkey_write_fingerprints( gajim.connections[opdata['account']].otr_userstates, os.path.join(gajimpaths.root, '%s.fpr' % \ opdata['account']).encode()) def gone_secure(self, opdata='', context=None): trust = context.active_fingerprint.trust \ and 'verified' or 'unverified' self.gajim_log('%s secured OTR connection started' % trust, opdata['account'], context.username, no_print = True) ctrl = self.get_control(context.username, opdata['account']) if ctrl: ctrl.update_otr(True) def gone_insecure(self, opdata='', context=None): self.gajim_log('Private conversation with %s lost.', opdata['account'], context.username) ctrl = self.get_control(context.username, opdata['account']) if ctrl: ctrl.update_otr(True) def still_secure(self, opdata=None, context=None, is_reply=0): ctrl = self.get_control(context.username, opdata['account']) if ctrl: ctrl.update_otr(True) self.gajim_log('OTR connection was refreshed', opdata['account'], context.username) def log_message(self, opdata=None, message=''): gajim.log.debug(message) def max_message_size(self, **kwargs): return 0 def account_name(self, opdata=None, account='', protocol=''): return gajim.get_name_from_jid(opdata['account'], unicode(account)) gajim.otr_ui_ops = OtrlMessageAppOps() if verbose: gajim.verbose = True del verbose gajimpaths = common.configpaths.gajimpaths pid_filename = gajimpaths['PID_FILE'] config_filename = gajimpaths['CONFIG_FILE'] import traceback import errno import dialogs def pid_alive(): try: pf = open(pid_filename) except: # probably file not found return False try: pid = int(pf.read().strip()) pf.close() except: traceback.print_exc() # PID file exists, but something happened trying to read PID # Could be 0.10 style empty PID file, so assume Gajim is running return True if os.name == 'nt': try: from ctypes import (windll, c_ulong, c_int, Structure, c_char, POINTER, pointer, ) except: return True class PROCESSENTRY32(Structure): _fields_ = [ ('dwSize', c_ulong, ), ('cntUsage', c_ulong, ), ('th32ProcessID', c_ulong, ), ('th32DefaultHeapID', c_ulong, ), ('th32ModuleID', c_ulong, ), ('cntThreads', c_ulong, ), ('th32ParentProcessID', c_ulong, ), ('pcPriClassBase', c_ulong, ), ('dwFlags', c_ulong, ), ('szExeFile', c_char*512, ), ] def __init__(self): Structure.__init__(self, 512+9*4) k = windll.kernel32 k.CreateToolhelp32Snapshot.argtypes = c_ulong, c_ulong, k.CreateToolhelp32Snapshot.restype = c_int k.Process32First.argtypes = c_int, POINTER(PROCESSENTRY32), k.Process32First.restype = c_int k.Process32Next.argtypes = c_int, POINTER(PROCESSENTRY32), k.Process32Next.restype = c_int def get_p(p): h = k.CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(2, 0) # TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS assert h > 0, 'CreateToolhelp32Snapshot failed' b = pointer(PROCESSENTRY32()) f = k.Process32First(h, b) while f: if b.contents.th32ProcessID == p: return b.contents.szExeFile f = k.Process32Next(h, b) if get_p(pid) in ('python.exe', 'gajim.exe'): return True return False elif sys.platform == 'darwin': from osx import checkPID return checkPID(pid, 'Gajim.bin') try: if not os.path.exists('/proc'): return True # no /proc, assume Gajim is running try: f = open('/proc/%d/cmdline'% pid) except IOError, e: if e.errno == errno.ENOENT: return False # file/pid does not exist raise n = f.read().lower() f.close() if n.find('gajim') < 0: return False return True # Running Gajim found at pid except: traceback.print_exc() # If we are here, pidfile exists, but some unexpected error occured. # Assume Gajim is running. return True if pid_alive(): path_to_file = os.path.join(gajim.DATA_DIR, 'pixmaps/gajim.png') pix = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file(path_to_file) gtk.window_set_default_icon(pix) # set the icon to all newly opened wind pritext = _('Gajim is already running') sectext = _('Another instance of Gajim seems to be running\nRun anyway?') dialog = dialogs.YesNoDialog(pritext, sectext) if dialog.get_response() != gtk.RESPONSE_YES: sys.exit(3) # run anyway, delete pid and useless global vars if os.path.exists(pid_filename): os.remove(pid_filename) del path_to_file del pix del pritext del sectext dialog.destroy() # Create .gajim dir pid_dir = os.path.dirname(pid_filename) if not os.path.exists(pid_dir): check_paths.create_path(pid_dir) # Create pid file try: f = open(pid_filename, 'w') f.write(str(os.getpid())) f.close() except IOError, e: dlg = dialogs.ErrorDialog(_('Disk Write Error'), str(e)) dlg.run() dlg.destroy() sys.exit() del pid_dir del f def on_exit(): # delete pid file on normal exit if os.path.exists(pid_filename): os.remove(pid_filename) if sys.platform == 'darwin': import osx osx.shutdown() import atexit atexit.register(on_exit) parser = optparser.OptionsParser(config_filename) import roster_window import profile_window import config class GlibIdleQueue(idlequeue.IdleQueue): ''' Extends IdleQueue to use glib io_add_wath, instead of select/poll In another, `non gui' implementation of Gajim IdleQueue can be used safetly. ''' def init_idle(self): ''' this method is called at the end of class constructor. Creates a dict, which maps file/pipe/sock descriptor to glib event id''' self.events = {} # time() is already called in glib, we just get the last value # overrides IdleQueue.current_time() self.current_time = lambda: gobject.get_current_time() def add_idle(self, fd, flags): ''' this method is called when we plug a new idle object. Start listening for events from fd ''' res = gobject.io_add_watch(fd, flags, self.process_events, priority=gobject.PRIORITY_LOW) # store the id of the watch, so that we can remove it on unplug self.events[fd] = res def remove_idle(self, fd): ''' this method is called when we unplug a new idle object. Stop listening for events from fd ''' gobject.source_remove(self.events[fd]) del(self.events[fd]) def process(self): self.check_time_events() class Interface: ################################################################################ ### Methods handling events from connection ################################################################################ def handle_event_roster(self, account, data): #('ROSTER', account, array) # FIXME: Those methods depend to highly on each other # and the order in which they are called self.roster.fill_contacts_and_groups_dicts(data, account) self.roster.add_account_contacts(account) self.roster.fire_up_unread_messages_events(account) if self.remote_ctrl: self.remote_ctrl.raise_signal('Roster', (account, data)) def handle_event_warning(self, unused, data): #('WARNING', account, (title_text, section_text)) dialogs.WarningDialog(data[0], data[1]) def handle_event_error(self, unused, data): #('ERROR', account, (title_text, section_text)) dialogs.ErrorDialog(data[0], data[1]) def handle_event_information(self, unused, data): #('INFORMATION', account, (title_text, section_text)) dialogs.InformationDialog(data[0], data[1]) def handle_event_ask_new_nick(self, account, data): #('ASK_NEW_NICK', account, (room_jid, title_text, prompt_text, proposed_nick)) room_jid = data[0] title = data[1] prompt = data[2] proposed_nick = data[3] gc_control = self.msg_win_mgr.get_gc_control(room_jid, account) if not gc_control and \ room_jid in self.minimized_controls[account]: gc_control = self.minimized_controls[account][room_jid] if gc_control: # user may close the window before we are here gc_control.show_change_nick_input_dialog(title, prompt, proposed_nick) def handle_event_http_auth(self, account, data): #('HTTP_AUTH', account, (method, url, transaction_id, iq_obj, msg)) def response(account, iq_obj, answer): self.dialog.destroy() gajim.connections[account].build_http_auth_answer(iq_obj, answer) def on_yes(is_checked, account, iq_obj): response(account, iq_obj, 'yes') sec_msg = _('Do you accept this request?') if gajim.get_number_of_connected_accounts() > 1: sec_msg = _('Do you accept this request on account %s?') % account if data[4]: sec_msg = data[4] + '\n' + sec_msg self.dialog = dialogs.YesNoDialog(_('HTTP (%s) Authorization for %s (id: %s)') \ % (data[0], data[1], data[2]), sec_msg, on_response_yes=(on_yes, account, data[3]), on_response_no=(response, account, data[3], 'no')) def handle_event_error_answer(self, account, array): #('ERROR_ANSWER', account, (id, jid_from, errmsg, errcode)) id, jid_from, errmsg, errcode = array if unicode(errcode) in ('403', '406') and id: # show the error dialog ft = self.instances['file_transfers'] sid = id if len(id) > 3 and id[2] == '_': sid = id[3:] if ft.files_props['s'].has_key(sid): file_props = ft.files_props['s'][sid] file_props['error'] = -4 self.handle_event_file_request_error(account, (jid_from, file_props, errmsg)) conn = gajim.connections[account] conn.disconnect_transfer(file_props) return elif unicode(errcode) == '404': conn = gajim.connections[account] sid = id if len(id) > 3 and id[2] == '_': sid = id[3:] if conn.files_props.has_key(sid): file_props = conn.files_props[sid] self.handle_event_file_send_error(account, (jid_from, file_props)) conn.disconnect_transfer(file_props) return for ctrl in self.msg_win_mgr.get_chat_controls(jid_from, account): if ctrl.type_id == message_control.TYPE_GC: ctrl.print_conversation('Error %s: %s' % (array[2], array[1])) def handle_event_con_type(self, account, con_type): # ('CON_TYPE', account, con_type) which can be 'ssl', 'tls', 'tcp' gajim.con_types[account] = con_type self.roster.draw_account(account) def handle_event_connection_lost(self, account, array): # ('CONNECTION_LOST', account, [title, text]) path = os.path.join(gajim.DATA_DIR, 'pixmaps', 'events', 'connection_lost.png') path = gtkgui_helpers.get_path_to_generic_or_avatar(path) notify.popup(_('Connection Failed'), account, account, 'connection_failed', path, array[0], array[1]) def unblock_signed_in_notifications(self, account): gajim.block_signed_in_notifications[account] = False def handle_event_status(self, account, status): # OUR status #('STATUS', account, status) model = self.roster.status_combobox.get_model() if status == 'offline': # sensitivity for this menuitem if gajim.get_number_of_connected_accounts() == 0: model[self.roster.status_message_menuitem_iter][3] = False gajim.block_signed_in_notifications[account] = True else: # 30 seconds after we change our status to sth else than offline # we stop blocking notifications of any kind # this prevents from getting the roster items as 'just signed in' # contacts. 30 seconds should be enough time gobject.timeout_add_seconds(30, self.unblock_signed_in_notifications, account) # sensitivity for this menuitem model[self.roster.status_message_menuitem_iter][3] = True # Inform all controls for this account of the connection state change ctrls = self.msg_win_mgr.get_controls() if self.minimized_controls.has_key(account): # Can not be the case when we remove account ctrls += self.minimized_controls[account].values() for ctrl in ctrls: if ctrl.account == account: if status == 'offline' or (status == 'invisible' and \ gajim.connections[account].is_zeroconf): ctrl.got_disconnected() else: # Other code rejoins all GCs, so we don't do it here if not ctrl.type_id == message_control.TYPE_GC: ctrl.got_connected() if ctrl.parent_win: ctrl.parent_win.redraw_tab(ctrl) self.roster.on_status_changed(account, status) if account in self.show_vcard_when_connect: self.edit_own_details(account) if self.remote_ctrl: self.remote_ctrl.raise_signal('AccountPresence', (status, account)) def edit_own_details(self, account): jid = gajim.get_jid_from_account(account) if not self.instances[account].has_key('profile'): self.instances[account]['profile'] = \ profile_window.ProfileWindow(account) gajim.connections[account].request_vcard(jid) def handle_event_notify(self, account, array): # 'NOTIFY' (account, (jid, status, status message, resource, priority, # keyID, timestamp, contact_nickname)) # if we're here it means contact changed show statuss = ['offline', 'error', 'online', 'chat', 'away', 'xa', 'dnd', 'invisible'] # Ignore invalid show if array[1] not in statuss: return old_show = 0 new_show = statuss.index(array[1]) status_message = array[2] jid = array[0].split('/')[0] keyID = array[5] contact_nickname = array[7] # Get the proper keyID keyID = helpers.prepare_and_validate_gpg_keyID(account, jid, keyID) resource = array[3] if not resource: resource = '' priority = array[4] if gajim.jid_is_transport(jid): # It must be an agent ji = jid.replace('@', '') else: ji = jid # Update contact jid_list = gajim.contacts.get_jid_list(account) if ji in jid_list or jid == gajim.get_jid_from_account(account): lcontact = gajim.contacts.get_contacts(account, ji) contact1 = None resources = [] for c in lcontact: resources.append(c.resource) if c.resource == resource: contact1 = c break if contact1: if contact1.show in statuss: old_show = statuss.index(contact1.show) if contact_nickname is not None and \ contact1.contact_name != contact_nickname: contact1.contact_name = contact_nickname self.roster.draw_contact(jid, account) if old_show == new_show and contact1.status == status_message and \ contact1.priority == priority: # no change return else: contact1 = gajim.contacts.get_first_contact_from_jid(account, ji) if not contact1: # presence of another resource of our jid if resource == gajim.connections[account].server_resource: return contact1 = gajim.contacts.create_contact(jid = ji, name = gajim.nicks[account], groups = [], show = array[1], status = status_message, sub = 'both', ask = 'none', priority = priority, keyID = keyID, resource = resource) old_show = 0 gajim.contacts.add_contact(account, contact1) lcontact.append(contact1) elif contact1.show in statuss: old_show = statuss.index(contact1.show) if (resources != [''] and (len(lcontact) != 1 or lcontact[0].show != 'offline')) and jid.find('@') > 0: old_show = 0 contact1 = gajim.contacts.copy_contact(contact1) lcontact.append(contact1) contact1.resource = resource # FIXME ugly workaround for self contact self.roster.add_contact(contact1.jid, account) if contact1.jid.find('@') > 0 and len(lcontact) == 1: # It's not an agent if old_show == 0 and new_show > 1: if not contact1.jid in gajim.newly_added[account]: gajim.newly_added[account].append(contact1.jid) if contact1.jid in gajim.to_be_removed[account]: gajim.to_be_removed[account].remove(contact1.jid) gobject.timeout_add_seconds(5, self.roster.remove_newly_added, contact1.jid, account) elif old_show > 1 and new_show == 0 and gajim.connections[account].\ connected > 1: if not contact1.jid in gajim.to_be_removed[account]: gajim.to_be_removed[account].append(contact1.jid) if contact1.jid in gajim.newly_added[account]: gajim.newly_added[account].remove(contact1.jid) self.roster.draw_contact(contact1.jid, account) gobject.timeout_add_seconds(5, self.roster.remove_to_be_removed, contact1.jid, account) contact1.show = array[1] contact1.status = status_message contact1.priority = priority contact1.keyID = keyID timestamp = array[6] if timestamp: contact1.last_status_time = timestamp elif not gajim.block_signed_in_notifications[account]: # We're connected since more that 30 seconds contact1.last_status_time = time.localtime() contact1.contact_nickname = contact_nickname if gajim.jid_is_transport(jid): # It must be an agent if ji in jid_list: # Update existing iter self.roster.draw_contact(ji, account) self.roster.draw_group(_('Transports'), account) if new_show > 1 and ji in gajim.transport_avatar[account]: # transport just signed in. request avatars for jid_ in gajim.transport_avatar[account][ji]: gajim.connections[account].request_vcard(jid_) # transport just signed in/out, don't show popup notifications # for 30s account_ji = account + '/' + ji gajim.block_signed_in_notifications[account_ji] = True gobject.timeout_add_seconds(30, self.unblock_signed_in_notifications, account_ji) locations = (self.instances, self.instances[account]) for location in locations: if location.has_key('add_contact'): if old_show == 0 and new_show > 1: location['add_contact'].transport_signed_in(jid) break elif old_show > 1 and new_show == 0: location['add_contact'].transport_signed_out(jid) break elif ji in jid_list: # It isn't an agent # reset chatstate if needed: # (when contact signs out or has errors) if array[1] in ('offline', 'error'): contact1.our_chatstate = contact1.chatstate = \ contact1.composing_xep = None gajim.connections[account].remove_transfers_for_contact(contact1) self.roster.chg_contact_status(contact1, array[1], status_message, account) # Notifications if old_show < 2 and new_show > 1: notify.notify('contact_connected', jid, account, status_message) if self.remote_ctrl: self.remote_ctrl.raise_signal('ContactPresence', (account, array)) elif old_show > 1 and new_show < 2: notify.notify('contact_disconnected', jid, account, status_message) if self.remote_ctrl: self.remote_ctrl.raise_signal('ContactAbsence', (account, array)) # FIXME: stop non active file transfers elif new_show > 1: # Status change (not connected/disconnected or error (<1)) notify.notify('status_change', jid, account, [new_show, status_message]) if self.remote_ctrl: self.remote_ctrl.raise_signal('ContactStatus', (account, array)) else: # FIXME: Msn transport (CMSN1.2.1 and PyMSN) doesn't follow the XEP # still the case in 2008 # It's maybe a GC_NOTIFY (specialy for MSN gc) self.handle_event_gc_notify(account, (jid, array[1], status_message, array[3], None, None, None, None, None, [], None, None)) def handle_event_msgerror(self, account, array): #'MSGERROR' (account, (jid, error_code, error_msg, msg, time[, session])) full_jid_with_resource = array[0] jids = full_jid_with_resource.split('/', 1) jid = jids[0] gc_control = self.msg_win_mgr.get_gc_control(jid, account) if not gc_control and \ jid in self.minimized_controls[account]: gc_control = self.minimized_controls[account][jid] if gc_control and gc_control.type_id != message_control.TYPE_GC: gc_control = None if gc_control: if len(jids) > 1: # it's a pm nick = jids[1] if not self.msg_win_mgr.get_control(full_jid_with_resource, account): tv = gc_control.list_treeview model = tv.get_model() iter = gc_control.get_contact_iter(nick) if iter: show = model[iter][3] else: show = 'offline' gc_c = gajim.contacts.create_gc_contact(room_jid = jid, name = nick, show = show) self.new_private_chat(gc_c, account) ctrl = self.msg_win_mgr.get_control(full_jid_with_resource, account) ctrl.print_conversation('Error %s: %s' % (array[1], array[2]), 'status') return gc_control.print_conversation('Error %s: %s' % (array[1], array[2])) if gc_control.parent_win and gc_control.parent_win.get_active_jid() == jid: gc_control.set_subject(gc_control.subject) return if gajim.jid_is_transport(jid): jid = jid.replace('@', '') msg = array[2] if array[3]: msg = _('error while sending %s ( %s )') % (array[3], msg) array[5].roster_message(jid, msg, array[4], msg_type='error') def handle_event_msgsent(self, account, array): #('MSGSENT', account, (jid, msg, keyID)) msg = array[1] # do not play sound when standalone chatstate message (eg no msg) if msg and gajim.config.get_per('soundevents', 'message_sent', 'enabled'): helpers.play_sound('message_sent') def handle_event_msgnotsent(self, account, array): #('MSGNOTSENT', account, (jid, ierror_msg, msg, time, session)) msg = _('error while sending %s ( %s )') % (array[2], array[1]) array[4].roster_message(array[0], msg, array[3], account, msg_type='error') def handle_event_subscribe(self, account, array): #('SUBSCRIBE', account, (jid, text, user_nick)) user_nick is JEP-0172 dialogs.SubscriptionRequestWindow(array[0], array[1], account, array[2]) if self.remote_ctrl: self.remote_ctrl.raise_signal('Subscribe', (account, array)) def handle_event_subscribed(self, account, array): #('SUBSCRIBED', account, (jid, resource)) jid = array[0] if jid in gajim.contacts.get_jid_list(account): c = gajim.contacts.get_first_contact_from_jid(account, jid) c.resource = array[1] self.roster.remove_contact(c.jid, account) if _('Not in Roster') in c.groups: c.groups.remove(_('Not in Roster')) self.roster.add_contact(c.jid, account) else: keyID = '' attached_keys = gajim.config.get_per('accounts', account, 'attached_gpg_keys').split() if jid in attached_keys: keyID = attached_keys[attached_keys.index(jid) + 1] name = jid.split('@', 1)[0] name = name.split('%', 1)[0] contact1 = gajim.contacts.create_contact(jid = jid, name = name, groups = [], show = 'online', status = 'online', ask = 'to', resource = array[1], keyID = keyID) gajim.contacts.add_contact(account, contact1) self.roster.add_contact(jid, account) dialogs.InformationDialog(_('Authorization accepted'), _('The contact "%s" has authorized you to see his or her status.') % jid) if not gajim.config.get_per('accounts', account, 'dont_ack_subscription'): gajim.connections[account].ack_subscribed(jid) if self.remote_ctrl: self.remote_ctrl.raise_signal('Subscribed', (account, array)) def handle_event_unsubscribed(self, account, jid): gajim.connections[account].ack_unsubscribed(jid) if self.remote_ctrl: self.remote_ctrl.raise_signal('Unsubscribed', (account, jid)) contact = gajim.contacts.get_first_contact_from_jid(account, jid) if not contact: return def on_yes(is_checked, list_): self.roster.on_req_usub(None, list_) list_ = [(contact, account)] dialogs.YesNoDialog( _('Contact "%s" removed subscription from you') % jid, _('You will always see him or her as offline.\nDo you want to remove him or her from your contact list?'), on_response_yes=(on_yes, list_)) # FIXME: Per RFC 3921, we can "deny" ack as well, but the GUI does not show deny def handle_event_agent_info_error(self, account, agent): #('AGENT_ERROR_INFO', account, (agent)) try: gajim.connections[account].services_cache.agent_info_error(agent) except AttributeError: return def handle_event_agent_items_error(self, account, agent): #('AGENT_ERROR_INFO', account, (agent)) try: gajim.connections[account].services_cache.agent_items_error(agent) except AttributeError: return def handle_event_agent_removed(self, account, agent): # remove transport's contacts from treeview jid_list = gajim.contacts.get_jid_list(account) for jid in jid_list: if jid.endswith('@' + agent): c = gajim.contacts.get_first_contact_from_jid(account, jid) gajim.log.debug( 'Removing contact %s due to unregistered transport %s'\ % (jid, agent)) gajim.connections[account].unsubscribe(c.jid) # Transport contacts can't have 2 resources if c.jid in gajim.to_be_removed[account]: # This way we'll really remove it gajim.to_be_removed[account].remove(c.jid) gajim.contacts.remove_jid(account, c.jid) self.roster.remove_contact(c.jid, account) def handle_event_register_agent_info(self, account, array): # ('REGISTER_AGENT_INFO', account, (agent, infos, is_form)) # info in a dataform if is_form is True if array[2] or array[1].has_key('instructions'): config.ServiceRegistrationWindow(array[0], array[1], account, array[2]) else: dialogs.ErrorDialog(_('Contact with "%s" cannot be established') \ % array[0], _('Check your connection or try again later.')) def handle_event_agent_info_items(self, account, array): #('AGENT_INFO_ITEMS', account, (agent, node, items)) our_jid = gajim.get_jid_from_account(account) if gajim.interface.instances[account].has_key('pep_services') and \ array[0] == our_jid: gajim.interface.instances[account]['pep_services'].items_received( array[2]) try: gajim.connections[account].services_cache.agent_items(array[0], array[1], array[2]) except AttributeError: return def handle_event_agent_info_info(self, account, array): #('AGENT_INFO_INFO', account, (agent, node, identities, features, data)) try: gajim.connections[account].services_cache.agent_info(array[0], array[1], array[2], array[3], array[4]) except AttributeError: return def handle_event_new_acc_connected(self, account, array): #('NEW_ACC_CONNECTED', account, (infos, is_form, ssl_msg, ssl_err, # ssl_cert, ssl_fingerprint)) if self.instances.has_key('account_creation_wizard'): self.instances['account_creation_wizard'].new_acc_connected(array[0], array[1], array[2], array[3], array[4], array[5]) def handle_event_new_acc_not_connected(self, account, array): #('NEW_ACC_NOT_CONNECTED', account, (reason)) if self.instances.has_key('account_creation_wizard'): self.instances['account_creation_wizard'].new_acc_not_connected(array) def handle_event_acc_ok(self, account, array): #('ACC_OK', account, (config)) if self.instances.has_key('account_creation_wizard'): self.instances['account_creation_wizard'].acc_is_ok(array) if self.remote_ctrl: self.remote_ctrl.raise_signal('NewAccount', (account, array)) def handle_event_acc_not_ok(self, account, array): #('ACC_NOT_OK', account, (reason)) if self.instances.has_key('account_creation_wizard'): self.instances['account_creation_wizard'].acc_is_not_ok(array) def handle_event_quit(self, p1, p2): self.roster.quit_gtkgui_interface() def handle_event_myvcard(self, account, array): nick = '' if array.has_key('NICKNAME') and array['NICKNAME']: gajim.nicks[account] = array['NICKNAME'] elif array.has_key('FN') and array['FN']: gajim.nicks[account] = array['FN'] if self.instances[account].has_key('profile'): win = self.instances[account]['profile'] win.set_values(array) if account in self.show_vcard_when_connect: self.show_vcard_when_connect.remove(account) jid = array['jid'] if self.instances[account]['infos'].has_key(jid): self.instances[account]['infos'][jid].set_values(array) def handle_event_vcard(self, account, vcard): # ('VCARD', account, data) '''vcard holds the vcard data''' jid = vcard['jid'] resource = '' if vcard.has_key('resource'): resource = vcard['resource'] # vcard window win = None if self.instances[account]['infos'].has_key(jid): win = self.instances[account]['infos'][jid] elif resource and self.instances[account]['infos'].has_key( jid + '/' + resource): win = self.instances[account]['infos'][jid + '/' + resource] if win: win.set_values(vcard) # show avatar in chat ctrls = [] if resource and self.msg_win_mgr.has_window( jid + '/' + resource, account): win = self.msg_win_mgr.get_window(jid + '/' + resource, account) ctrls = win.get_controls(jid + '/' + resource, account) elif self.msg_win_mgr.has_window(jid, account): win = self.msg_win_mgr.get_window(jid, account) ctrls = win.get_controls(jid, account) for ctrl in ctrls: if ctrl.type_id != message_control.TYPE_GC: ctrl.show_avatar() # Show avatar in roster or gc_roster gc_ctrl = self.msg_win_mgr.get_gc_control(jid, account) if not gc_ctrl and \ jid in self.minimized_controls[account]: gc_ctrl = self.minimized_controls[account][jid] if gc_ctrl and gc_ctrl.type_id == message_control.TYPE_GC: gc_ctrl.draw_avatar(resource) else: self.roster.draw_avatar(jid, account) if self.remote_ctrl: self.remote_ctrl.raise_signal('VcardInfo', (account, vcard)) def handle_event_last_status_time(self, account, array): # ('LAST_STATUS_TIME', account, (jid, resource, seconds, status)) tim = array[2] if tim < 0: # Ann error occured return win = None if self.instances[account]['infos'].has_key(array[0]): win = self.instances[account]['infos'][array[0]] elif self.instances[account]['infos'].has_key(array[0] + '/' + array[1]): win = self.instances[account]['infos'][array[0] + '/' + array[1]] if win: c = gajim.contacts.get_contact(account, array[0], array[1]) if c: # c can be none if it's a gc contact c.last_status_time = time.localtime(time.time() - tim) if array[3]: c.status = array[3] win.set_last_status_time() if self.remote_ctrl: self.remote_ctrl.raise_signal('LastStatusTime', (account, array)) def handle_event_os_info(self, account, array): #'OS_INFO' (account, (jid, resource, client_info, os_info)) win = None if self.instances[account]['infos'].has_key(array[0]): win = self.instances[account]['infos'][array[0]] elif self.instances[account]['infos'].has_key(array[0] + '/' + array[1]): win = self.instances[account]['infos'][array[0] + '/' + array[1]] if win: win.set_os_info(array[1], array[2], array[3]) if self.remote_ctrl: self.remote_ctrl.raise_signal('OsInfo', (account, array)) def handle_event_gc_notify(self, account, array): #'GC_NOTIFY' (account, (room_jid, show, status, nick, # role, affiliation, jid, reason, actor, statusCode, newNick, avatar_sha)) nick = array[3] if not nick: return room_jid = array[0] fjid = room_jid + '/' + nick show = array[1] status = array[2] # Get the window and control for the updated status, this may be a # PrivateChatControl control = self.msg_win_mgr.get_gc_control(room_jid, account) if not control and \ room_jid in self.minimized_controls[account]: control = self.minimized_controls[account][room_jid] if not control or (control and control.type_id != message_control.TYPE_GC): return control.chg_contact_status(nick, show, status, array[4], array[5], array[6], array[7], array[8], array[9], array[10], array[11]) contact = gajim.contacts.\ get_contact_with_highest_priority(account, room_jid) if contact: self.roster.draw_contact(room_jid, account) # print status in chat windows and update status/GPG image for ctrl in self.msg_win_mgr.get_chat_controls(fjid, account): statusCode = array[9] if '303' in statusCode: new_nick = array[10] ctrl.print_conversation(_('%s is now known as %s') % (nick, new_nick), 'status') gc_c = gajim.contacts.get_gc_contact(account, room_jid, new_nick) c = gajim.contacts.contact_from_gc_contact(gc_c) ctrl.gc_contact = gc_c ctrl.contact = c ctrl.draw_banner() old_jid = room_jid + '/' + nick new_jid = room_jid + '/' + new_nick self.msg_win_mgr.change_key(old_jid, new_jid, account) else: contact = ctrl.contact contact.show = show contact.status = status uf_show = helpers.get_uf_show(show) ctrl.print_conversation(_('%s is now %s') % (nick, uf_show), 'status') if status: ctrl.print_conversation(' (', 'status', simple=True) ctrl.print_conversation('%s' % (status), 'status', simple=True) ctrl.print_conversation(')', 'status', simple=True) ctrl.parent_win.redraw_tab(ctrl) ctrl.update_ui() if self.remote_ctrl: self.remote_ctrl.raise_signal('GCPresence', (account, array)) def handle_event_gc_msg(self, account, array): # ('GC_MSG', account, (jid, msg, time, has_timestamp, htmlmsg, # [status_codes])) jids = array[0].split('/', 1) room_jid = jids[0] gc_control = self.msg_win_mgr.get_gc_control(room_jid, account) if not gc_control and \ room_jid in self.minimized_controls[account]: gc_control = self.minimized_controls[account][room_jid] if not gc_control: return xhtml = array[4] if gajim.config.get('ignore_incoming_xhtml'): xhtml = None if len(jids) == 1: # message from server nick = '' else: # message from someone nick = jids[1] gc_control.on_message(nick, array[1], array[2], array[3], xhtml, array[5]) if self.remote_ctrl: self.remote_ctrl.raise_signal('GCMessage', (account, array)) def handle_event_gc_subject(self, account, array): #('GC_SUBJECT', account, (jid, subject, body, has_timestamp)) jids = array[0].split('/', 1) jid = jids[0] gc_control = self.msg_win_mgr.get_gc_control(jid, account) if not gc_control and \ jid in self.minimized_controls[account]: gc_control = self.minimized_controls[account][jid] contact = gajim.contacts.\ get_contact_with_highest_priority(account, jid) if contact: contact.status = array[1] self.roster.draw_contact(jid, account) if not gc_control: return gc_control.set_subject(array[1]) # Standard way, the message comes from the occupant who set the subject text = None if len(jids) > 1: text = '%s has set the subject to %s' % (jids[1], array[1]) # Workaround for psi bug http://flyspray.psi-im.org/task/595 , to be # deleted one day. We can receive a subject with a body that contains # "X has set the subject to Y" ... elif array[2]: text = array[2] if text is not None: if array[3]: gc_control.print_old_conversation(text) else: gc_control.print_conversation(text) def handle_event_gc_config(self, account, array): #('GC_CONFIG', account, (jid, form)) config is a dict room_jid = array[0].split('/')[0] if room_jid in gajim.automatic_rooms[account]: if gajim.automatic_rooms[account][room_jid].has_key('continue_tag'): # We're converting chat to muc. allow participants to invite form = dataforms.ExtendForm(node = array[1]) for f in form.iter_fields(): if f.var == 'muc#roomconfig_allowinvites': f.value = True elif f.var == 'muc#roomconfig_publicroom': f.value = False gajim.connections[account].send_gc_config(room_jid, form) else: # use default configuration gajim.connections[account].send_gc_config(room_jid, array[1]) # invite contacts # check if it is necessary to add continue_tag = False if gajim.automatic_rooms[account][room_jid].has_key('continue_tag'): continue_tag = True if gajim.automatic_rooms[account][room_jid].has_key('invities'): for jid in gajim.automatic_rooms[account][room_jid]['invities']: gajim.connections[account].send_invite(room_jid, jid, continue_tag=continue_tag) del gajim.automatic_rooms[account][room_jid] elif not self.instances[account]['gc_config'].has_key(room_jid): self.instances[account]['gc_config'][room_jid] = \ config.GroupchatConfigWindow(account, room_jid, array[1]) def handle_event_gc_config_change(self, account, array): #('GC_CONFIG_CHANGE', account, (jid, statusCode)) statuscode is a list # http://www.xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0045.html#roomconfig-notify # http://www.xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0045.html#registrar-statuscodes-init jid = array[0] statusCode = array[1] gc_control = self.msg_win_mgr.get_gc_control(jid, account) if not gc_control and \ jid in self.minimized_controls[account]: gc_control = self.minimized_controls[account][jid] if not gc_control: return changes = [] if '100' in statusCode: # Can be a presence (see chg_contact_status in groupchat_control.py) changes.append(_('Any occupant is allowed to see your full JID')) gc_control.is_anonymous = False if '102' in statusCode: changes.append(_('Room now shows unavailable member')) if '103' in statusCode: changes.append(_('room now does not show unavailable members')) if '104' in statusCode: changes.append(\ _('A non-privacy-related room configuration change has occurred')) if '170' in statusCode: # Can be a presence (see chg_contact_status in groupchat_control.py) changes.append(_('Room logging is now enabled')) if '171' in statusCode: changes.append(_('Room logging is now disabled')) if '172' in statusCode: changes.append(_('Room is now non-anonymous')) gc_control.is_anonymous = False if '173' in statusCode: changes.append(_('Room is now semi-anonymous')) gc_control.is_anonymous = True if '174' in statusCode: changes.append(_('Room is now fully-anonymous')) gc_control.is_anonymous = True for change in changes: gc_control.print_conversation(change) def handle_event_gc_affiliation(self, account, array): #('GC_AFFILIATION', account, (room_jid, users_dict)) room_jid = array[0] if self.instances[account]['gc_config'].has_key(room_jid): self.instances[account]['gc_config'][room_jid].\ affiliation_list_received(array[1]) def handle_event_gc_password_required(self, account, array): #('GC_PASSWORD_REQUIRED', account, (room_jid, nick)) room_jid = array[0] nick = array[1] def on_ok(text): gajim.connections[account].join_gc(nick, room_jid, text) gajim.gc_passwords[room_jid] = text def on_cancel(): # get and destroy window if room_jid in gajim.interface.minimized_controls[account]: self.roster.on_disconnect(None, room_jid, account) else: win = self.msg_win_mgr.get_window(room_jid, account) ctrl = win.get_gc_control(room_jid, account) win.remove_tab(ctrl, 3) dlg = dialogs.InputDialog(_('Password Required'), _('A Password is required to join the room %s. Please type it.') % \ room_jid, is_modal=False, ok_handler=on_ok, cancel_handler=on_cancel) dlg.input_entry.set_visibility(False) def handle_event_gc_invitation(self, account, array): #('GC_INVITATION', (room_jid, jid_from, reason, password, is_continued)) jid = gajim.get_jid_without_resource(array[1]) room_jid = array[0] if helpers.allow_popup_window(account) or not self.systray_enabled: dialogs.InvitationReceivedDialog(account, room_jid, jid, array[3], array[2], is_continued=array[4]) return self.add_event(account, jid, 'gc-invitation', (room_jid, array[2], array[3], array[4])) if helpers.allow_showing_notification(account): path = os.path.join(gajim.DATA_DIR, 'pixmaps', 'events', 'gc_invitation.png') path = gtkgui_helpers.get_path_to_generic_or_avatar(path) event_type = _('Groupchat Invitation') notify.popup(event_type, jid, account, 'gc-invitation', path, event_type, room_jid) def forget_gpg_passphrase(self, keyid): if self.gpg_passphrase.has_key(keyid): del self.gpg_passphrase[keyid] return False def handle_event_bad_passphrase(self, account, array): #('BAD_PASSPHRASE', account, ()) use_gpg_agent = gajim.config.get('use_gpg_agent') sectext = '' if use_gpg_agent: sectext = _('You configured Gajim to use GPG agent, but there is no ' 'GPG agent running or it returned a wrong passphrase.\n') sectext += _('You are currently connected without your OpenPGP key.') keyID = gajim.config.get_per('accounts', account, 'keyid') self.forget_gpg_passphrase(keyID) dialogs.WarningDialog(_('Your passphrase is incorrect'), sectext) def handle_event_gpg_password_required(self, account, array): #('GPG_PASSWORD_REQUIRED', account, (callback,)) callback = array[0] keyid = gajim.config.get_per('accounts', account, 'keyid') if self.gpg_passphrase.has_key(keyid): gajim.connections[account].gpg_passphrase(self.gpg_passphrase[keyid]) callback() return if self.gpg_dialog: # A GPG dialog is already open, retry in 0.5 second gobject.timeout_add(500, self.handle_event_gpg_password_required, account, array) return password_ok = False count = 0 title = _('Passphrase Required') second = _('Enter GPG key passphrase for account %s.') % account while not password_ok and count < 3: count += 1 self.gpg_dialog = dialogs.PassphraseDialog(title, second, '') passphrase, save = self.gpg_dialog.run() if passphrase == -1: # User pressed cancel passphrase = None password_ok = True else: password_ok = gajim.connections[account].\ test_gpg_passphrase(passphrase) title = _('Wrong Passphrase') second = _('Please retype your GPG passphrase or press Cancel.') self.gpg_dialog = None if passphrase is not None: self.gpg_passphrase[keyid] = passphrase gobject.timeout_add(30000, self.forget_gpg_passphrase, keyid) gajim.connections[account].gpg_passphrase(passphrase) callback() def handle_event_roster_info(self, account, array): #('ROSTER_INFO', account, (jid, name, sub, ask, groups)) jid = array[0] name = array[1] sub = array[2] ask = array[3] groups = array[4] contacts = gajim.contacts.get_contacts(account, jid) # contact removes us. if (not sub or sub == 'none') and (not ask or ask == 'none') and \ not name and not groups: if contacts: c = contacts[0] self.roster.remove_contact(c.jid, account) gajim.contacts.remove_jid(account, jid) self.roster.draw_account(account) if gajim.events.get_events(account, c.jid): keyID = '' attached_keys = gajim.config.get_per('accounts', account, 'attached_gpg_keys').split() if jid in attached_keys: keyID = attached_keys[attached_keys.index(jid) + 1] contact = gajim.contacts.create_contact(jid = c.jid, name = '', groups = [_('Not in Roster')], show = 'not in roster', status = '', sub = 'none', keyID = keyID) gajim.contacts.add_contact(account, contact) self.roster.add_contact(contact.jid, account) #FIXME if it was the only one in its group, remove the group return elif not contacts: if sub == 'remove': return # Add it to roster contact = gajim.contacts.create_contact(jid = jid, name = name, groups = groups, show = 'offline', sub = sub, ask = ask) gajim.contacts.add_contact(account, contact) self.roster.add_contact(jid, account) else: re_add = False # if sub changed: remove and re-add, maybe observer status changed if contacts[0].sub != sub: self.roster.remove_contact(contacts[0].jid, account) re_add = True for contact in contacts: if not name: name = '' contact.name = name contact.sub = sub contact.ask = ask if groups: contact.groups = groups if re_add: self.roster.add_contact(jid, account) self.roster.draw_contact(jid, account) if self.remote_ctrl: self.remote_ctrl.raise_signal('RosterInfo', (account, array)) def handle_event_bookmarks(self, account, bms): # ('BOOKMARKS', account, [{name,jid,autojoin,password,nick}, {}]) # We received a bookmark item from the server (JEP48) # Auto join GC windows if neccessary self.roster.set_actions_menu_needs_rebuild() invisible_show = gajim.SHOW_LIST.index('invisible') # do not autojoin if we are invisible if gajim.connections[account].connected == invisible_show: return self.auto_join_bookmarks(account) def handle_event_file_send_error(self, account, array): jid = array[0] file_props = array[1] ft = self.instances['file_transfers'] ft.set_status(file_props['type'], file_props['sid'], 'stop') if helpers.allow_popup_window(account): ft.show_send_error(file_props) return self.add_event(account, jid, 'file-send-error', file_props) if helpers.allow_showing_notification(account): img = os.path.join(gajim.DATA_DIR, 'pixmaps', 'events', 'ft_error.png') path = gtkgui_helpers.get_path_to_generic_or_avatar(img) event_type = _('File Transfer Error') notify.popup(event_type, jid, account, 'file-send-error', path, event_type, file_props['name']) def handle_event_gmail_notify(self, account, array): jid = array[0] gmail_new_messages = int(array[1]) gmail_messages_list = array[2] if gajim.config.get('notify_on_new_gmail_email'): img = os.path.join(gajim.DATA_DIR, 'pixmaps', 'events', 'new_email_recv.png') title = _('New mail on %(gmail_mail_address)s') % \ {'gmail_mail_address': jid} text = i18n.ngettext('You have %d new mail conversation', 'You have %d new mail conversations', gmail_new_messages, gmail_new_messages, gmail_new_messages) if gajim.config.get('notify_on_new_gmail_email_extra'): for gmessage in gmail_messages_list: #FIXME: emulate Gtalk client popups. find out what they parse and how #they decide what to show # each message has a 'From', 'Subject' and 'Snippet' field text += _('\nFrom: %(from_address)s') % \ {'from_address': gmessage['From']} if gajim.config.get_per('soundevents', 'gmail_received', 'enabled'): helpers.play_sound('gmail_received') path = gtkgui_helpers.get_path_to_generic_or_avatar(img) notify.popup(_('New E-mail'), jid, account, 'gmail', path_to_image = path, title = title, text = text) if self.remote_ctrl: self.remote_ctrl.raise_signal('NewGmail', (account, array)) def handle_event_file_request_error(self, account, array): # ('FILE_REQUEST_ERROR', account, (jid, file_props, error_msg)) jid, file_props, errmsg = array ft = self.instances['file_transfers'] ft.set_status(file_props['type'], file_props['sid'], 'stop') errno = file_props['error'] if helpers.allow_popup_window(account): if errno in (-4, -5): ft.show_stopped(jid, file_props, errmsg) else: ft.show_request_error(file_props) return if errno in (-4, -5): msg_type = 'file-error' else: msg_type = 'file-request-error' self.add_event(account, jid, msg_type, file_props) if helpers.allow_showing_notification(account): # check if we should be notified img = os.path.join(gajim.DATA_DIR, 'pixmaps', 'events', 'ft_error.png') path = gtkgui_helpers.get_path_to_generic_or_avatar(img) event_type = _('File Transfer Error') notify.popup(event_type, jid, account, msg_type, path, title = event_type, text = file_props['name']) def handle_event_file_request(self, account, array): jid = array[0] if jid not in gajim.contacts.get_jid_list(account): keyID = '' attached_keys = gajim.config.get_per('accounts', account, 'attached_gpg_keys').split() if jid in attached_keys: keyID = attached_keys[attached_keys.index(jid) + 1] contact = gajim.contacts.create_contact(jid = jid, name = '', groups = [_('Not in Roster')], show = 'not in roster', status = '', sub = 'none', keyID = keyID) gajim.contacts.add_contact(account, contact) self.roster.add_contact(contact.jid, account) file_props = array[1] contact = gajim.contacts.get_first_contact_from_jid(account, jid) if helpers.allow_popup_window(account): self.instances['file_transfers'].show_file_request(account, contact, file_props) return self.add_event(account, jid, 'file-request', file_props) if helpers.allow_showing_notification(account): img = os.path.join(gajim.DATA_DIR, 'pixmaps', 'events', 'ft_request.png') txt = _('%s wants to send you a file.') % gajim.get_name_from_jid( account, jid) path = gtkgui_helpers.get_path_to_generic_or_avatar(img) event_type = _('File Transfer Request') notify.popup(event_type, jid, account, 'file-request', path_to_image = path, title = event_type, text = txt) def handle_event_file_progress(self, account, file_props): if time.time() - self.last_ftwindow_update > 0.5: # update ft window every 500ms self.last_ftwindow_update = time.time() self.instances['file_transfers'].set_progress(file_props['type'], file_props['sid'], file_props['received-len']) def handle_event_file_rcv_completed(self, account, file_props): ft = self.instances['file_transfers'] if file_props['error'] == 0: ft.set_progress(file_props['type'], file_props['sid'], file_props['received-len']) else: ft.set_status(file_props['type'], file_props['sid'], 'stop') if file_props.has_key('stalled') and file_props['stalled'] or \ file_props.has_key('paused') and file_props['paused']: return if file_props['type'] == 'r': # we receive a file jid = unicode(file_props['sender']) else: # we send a file jid = unicode(file_props['receiver']) if helpers.allow_popup_window(account): if file_props['error'] == 0: if gajim.config.get('notify_on_file_complete'): ft.show_completed(jid, file_props) elif file_props['error'] == -1: ft.show_stopped(jid, file_props) return msg_type = '' event_type = '' if file_props['error'] == 0 and gajim.config.get( 'notify_on_file_complete'): msg_type = 'file-completed' event_type = _('File Transfer Completed') elif file_props['error'] == -1: msg_type = 'file-stopped' event_type = _('File Transfer Stopped') if event_type == '': # FIXME: ugly workaround (this can happen Gajim sent, Gaim recvs) # this should never happen but it does. see process_result() in socks5.py # who calls this func (sth is really wrong unless this func is also registered # as progress_cb return if msg_type: self.add_event(account, jid, msg_type, file_props) if file_props is not None: if file_props['type'] == 'r': # get the name of the sender, as it is in the roster sender = unicode(file_props['sender']).split('/')[0] name = gajim.contacts.get_first_contact_from_jid(account, sender).get_shown_name() filename = os.path.basename(file_props['file-name']) if event_type == _('File Transfer Completed'): txt = _('You successfully received %(filename)s from %(name)s.')\ % {'filename': filename, 'name': name} img = 'ft_done.png' else: # ft stopped txt = _('File transfer of %(filename)s from %(name)s stopped.')\ % {'filename': filename, 'name': name} img = 'ft_stopped.png' else: receiver = file_props['receiver'] if hasattr(receiver, 'jid'): receiver = receiver.jid receiver = receiver.split('/')[0] # get the name of the contact, as it is in the roster name = gajim.contacts.get_first_contact_from_jid(account, receiver).get_shown_name() filename = os.path.basename(file_props['file-name']) if event_type == _('File Transfer Completed'): txt = _('You successfully sent %(filename)s to %(name)s.')\ % {'filename': filename, 'name': name} img = 'ft_done.png' else: # ft stopped txt = _('File transfer of %(filename)s to %(name)s stopped.')\ % {'filename': filename, 'name': name} img = 'ft_stopped.png' img = os.path.join(gajim.DATA_DIR, 'pixmaps', 'events', img) path = gtkgui_helpers.get_path_to_generic_or_avatar(img) else: txt = '' if gajim.config.get('notify_on_file_complete') and \ (gajim.config.get('autopopupaway') or \ gajim.connections[account].connected in (2, 3)): # we want to be notified and we are online/chat or we don't mind # bugged when away/na/busy notify.popup(event_type, jid, account, msg_type, path_to_image = path, title = event_type, text = txt) def handle_event_stanza_arrived(self, account, stanza): if not self.instances.has_key(account): return if self.instances[account].has_key('xml_console'): self.instances[account]['xml_console'].print_stanza(stanza, 'incoming') def handle_event_stanza_sent(self, account, stanza): if not self.instances.has_key(account): return if self.instances[account].has_key('xml_console'): self.instances[account]['xml_console'].print_stanza(stanza, 'outgoing') def handle_event_vcard_published(self, account, array): if self.instances[account].has_key('profile'): win = self.instances[account]['profile'] win.vcard_published() for gc_control in self.msg_win_mgr.get_controls(message_control.TYPE_GC) + \ self.minimized_controls[account].values(): if gc_control.account == account: show = gajim.SHOW_LIST[gajim.connections[account].connected] status = gajim.connections[account].status gajim.connections[account].send_gc_status(gc_control.nick, gc_control.room_jid, show, status) def handle_event_vcard_not_published(self, account, array): if self.instances[account].has_key('profile'): win = self.instances[account]['profile'] win.vcard_not_published() def handle_event_signed_in(self, account, empty): '''SIGNED_IN event is emitted when we sign in, so handle it''' # block signed in notifications for 30 seconds gajim.block_signed_in_notifications[account] = True self.roster.set_actions_menu_needs_rebuild() self.roster.draw_account(account) if self.sleeper.getState() != common.sleepy.STATE_UNKNOWN and \ gajim.connections[account].connected in (2, 3): # we go online or free for chat, so we activate auto status gajim.sleeper_state[account] = 'online' else: gajim.sleeper_state[account] = 'off' invisible_show = gajim.SHOW_LIST.index('invisible') # We cannot join rooms if we are invisible if gajim.connections[account].connected == invisible_show: return # join already open groupchats for gc_control in self.msg_win_mgr.get_controls(message_control.TYPE_GC) + \ self.minimized_controls[account].values(): if account != gc_control.account: continue room_jid = gc_control.room_jid if gajim.gc_connected[account].has_key(room_jid) and\ gajim.gc_connected[account][room_jid]: continue nick = gc_control.nick password = '' if gajim.gc_passwords.has_key(room_jid): password = gajim.gc_passwords[room_jid] gajim.connections[account].join_gc(nick, room_jid, password) def handle_event_metacontacts(self, account, tags_list): gajim.contacts.define_metacontacts(account, tags_list) def handle_atom_entry(self, account, data): atom_entry, = data AtomWindow.newAtomEntry(atom_entry) def handle_event_failed_decrypt(self, account, data): jid, tim, session = data if session.control: session.control.print_conversation_line('Unable to decrypt message from '+ '%s\nIt may have been tampered with.' % (jid), 'status', '', tim) else: print 'failed decrypt, unable to find a control to notify you in.' def handle_session_negotiation(self, account, data): jid, session, form = data if form.getField('accept') and not form['accept'] in ('1', 'true'): session.cancelled_negotiation() return # encrypted session states. these are described in stanza_session.py try: # bob responds if form.getType() == 'form' and 'security' in form.asDict(): def continue_with_negotiation(*args): if len(args): self.dialog.destroy() # we don't support 3-message negotiation as the responder if 'dhkeys' in form.asDict(): session.fail_bad_negotiation('3 message negotiation not supported when responding', ('dhkeys',)) return negotiated, not_acceptable, ask_user = session.verify_options_bob(form) if ask_user: def accept_nondefault_options(is_checked): self.dialog.destroy() negotiated.update(ask_user) session.respond_e2e_bob(form, negotiated, not_acceptable) def reject_nondefault_options(): self.dialog.destroy() for key in ask_user.keys(): not_acceptable.append(key) session.respond_e2e_bob(form, negotiated, not_acceptable) self.dialog = dialogs.YesNoDialog(_('Confirm these session options'), _('''The remote client wants to negotiate an session with these features: %s Are these options acceptable?''') % (negotiation.describe_features(ask_user)), on_response_yes=accept_nondefault_options, on_response_no=reject_nondefault_options) else: session.respond_e2e_bob(form, negotiated, not_acceptable) def ignore_negotiation(widget): self.dialog.destroy() return continue_with_negotiation() return # alice accepts elif session.status == 'requested-e2e' and form.getType() == 'submit': negotiated, not_acceptable, ask_user = session.verify_options_alice(form) if session.sigmai: def _cb(on_success): negotiation.show_sas_dialog(session, jid, session.sas, on_success) session.check_identity = _cb if ask_user: def accept_nondefault_options(is_checked): dialog.destroy() negotiated.update(ask_user) try: session.accept_e2e_alice(form, negotiated) except exceptions.NegotiationError, details: session.fail_bad_negotiation(details) def reject_nondefault_options(): session.reject_negotiation() dialog.destroy() dialog = dialogs.YesNoDialog(_('Confirm these session options'), _('The remote client selected these options:\n\n%s\n\nContinue with the session?') % (negotiation.describe_features(ask_user)), on_response_yes = accept_nondefault_options, on_response_no = reject_nondefault_options) else: try: session.accept_e2e_alice(form, negotiated) except exceptions.NegotiationError, details: session.fail_bad_negotiation(details) return elif session.status == 'responded-e2e' and form.getType() == 'result': def _cb(on_success): negotiation.show_sas_dialog(session, jid, session.sas, on_success) session.check_identity = _cb try: session.accept_e2e_bob(form) except exceptions.NegotiationError, details: session.fail_bad_negotiation(details) return elif session.status == 'identified-alice' and form.getType() == 'result': def _cb(on_success): negotiation.show_sas_dialog(session, jid, session.sas, on_success) session.check_identity = _cb try: session.final_steps_alice(form) except exceptions.NegotiationError, details: session.fail_bad_negotiation(details) return except exceptions.Cancelled: # user cancelled the negotiation session.reject_negotiation() return if form.getField('terminate') and\ form.getField('terminate').getValue() in ('1', 'true'): jid = str(jid) session.acknowledge_termination() conn = gajim.connections[account] conn.delete_session(jid, session.thread_id) return # non-esession negotiation. this isn't very useful, but i'm keeping it around # to test my test suite. if form.getType() == 'form': if not session.control: resource = jid.getResource() contact = gajim.contacts.get_contact(account, str(jid), resource) if not contact: connection = gajim.connections[account] contact = gajim.contacts.create_contact(jid = jid.getStripped(), resource = resource, show = connection.get_status()) self.new_chat(session, contact, account, resource = resource) negotiation.FeatureNegotiationWindow(account, jid, session, form) def handle_event_privacy_lists_received(self, account, data): # ('PRIVACY_LISTS_RECEIVED', account, list) if not self.instances.has_key(account): return if self.instances[account].has_key('privacy_lists'): self.instances[account]['privacy_lists'].privacy_lists_received(data) def handle_event_privacy_list_received(self, account, data): # ('PRIVACY_LISTS_RECEIVED', account, (name, rules)) if not self.instances.has_key(account): return name = data[0] rules = data[1] if self.instances[account].has_key('privacy_list_%s' % name): self.instances[account]['privacy_list_%s' % name].\ privacy_list_received(rules) if name == 'block': gajim.connections[account].blocked_contacts = [] gajim.connections[account].blocked_groups = [] gajim.connections[account].blocked_list = [] for rule in rules: if rule['type'] == 'jid' and rule['action'] == 'deny': gajim.connections[account].blocked_contacts.append(rule['value']) if rule['type'] == 'group' and rule['action'] == 'deny': gajim.connections[account].blocked_groups.append(rule['value']) gajim.connections[account].blocked_list.append(rule) #elif rule['type'] == "group" and action == "deny": # text_item = _('%s group "%s"') % _(rule['action']), rule['value'] # self.store.append([text_item]) # self.global_rules.append(rule) #else: # self.global_rules_to_append.append(rule) if self.instances[account].has_key('blocked_contacts'): self.instances[account]['blocked_contacts'].\ privacy_list_received(rules) def handle_event_privacy_lists_active_default(self, account, data): if not data: return # Send to all privacy_list_* windows as we can't know which one asked for win in self.instances[account]: if win.startswith('privacy_list_'): self.instances[account][win].check_active_default(data) def handle_event_privacy_list_removed(self, account, name): # ('PRIVACY_LISTS_REMOVED', account, name) if not self.instances.has_key(account): return if self.instances[account].has_key('privacy_lists'): self.instances[account]['privacy_lists'].privacy_list_removed(name) def handle_event_zc_name_conflict(self, account, data): dlg = dialogs.InputDialog(_('Username Conflict'), _('Please type a new username for your local account'), is_modal = True) dlg.input_entry.set_text(data) response = dlg.get_response() if response == gtk.RESPONSE_OK: new_name = dlg.input_entry.get_text() gajim.config.set_per('accounts', account, 'name', new_name) status = gajim.connections[account].status gajim.connections[account].username = new_name gajim.connections[account].change_status(status, '') else: gajim.connections[account].change_status('offline','') def handle_event_ping_sent(self, account, contact): for ctrl in self.msg_win_mgr.get_chat_controls(contact.jid, account): ctrl.print_conversation(_('Ping?'), 'status') for ctrl in self.msg_win_mgr.get_chat_controls(contact.get_full_jid(), account): ctrl.print_conversation(_('Ping?'), 'status') def handle_event_ping_reply(self, account, data): contact = data[0] seconds = data[1] for ctrl in self.msg_win_mgr.get_chat_controls(contact.jid, account): ctrl.print_conversation(_('Pong! (%s s.)') % seconds, 'status') for ctrl in self.msg_win_mgr.get_chat_controls(contact.get_full_jid(), account): ctrl.print_conversation(_('Pong! (%s s.)') % seconds, 'status') def handle_event_ping_error(self, account, contact): for ctrl in self.msg_win_mgr.get_chat_controls(contact.jid, account): ctrl.print_conversation(_('Error.'), 'status') for ctrl in self.msg_win_mgr.get_chat_controls(contact.get_full_jid(), account): ctrl.print_conversation(_('Error.'), 'status') def handle_event_search_form(self, account, data): # ('SEARCH_FORM', account, (jid, dataform, is_dataform)) if not self.instances[account]['search'].has_key(data[0]): return self.instances[account]['search'][data[0]].on_form_arrived(data[1], data[2]) def handle_event_search_result(self, account, data): # ('SEARCH_RESULT', account, (jid, dataform, is_dataform)) if not self.instances[account]['search'].has_key(data[0]): return self.instances[account]['search'][data[0]].on_result_arrived(data[1], data[2]) def handle_event_resource_conflict(self, account, data): # ('RESOURCE_CONFLICT', account, ()) # First we go offline, but we don't overwrite status message self.roster.send_status(account, 'offline', gajim.connections[account].status) def on_ok(new_resource): gajim.config.set_per('accounts', account, 'resource', new_resource) self.roster.send_status(account, gajim.connections[account].old_show, gajim.connections[account].status) dlg = dialogs.InputDialog(_('Resource Conflict'), _('You are already connected to this account with the same resource. Please type a new one'), input_str = gajim.connections[account].server_resource, is_modal = False, ok_handler = on_ok) def handle_event_pep_config(self, account, data): # ('PEP_CONFIG', account, (node, form)) if self.instances[account].has_key('pep_services'): self.instances[account]['pep_services'].config(data[0], data[1]) def handle_event_unique_room_id_supported(self, account, data): '''Receive confirmation that unique_room_id are supported''' # ('UNIQUE_ROOM_ID_SUPPORTED', server, instance, room_id) instance = data[1] instance.unique_room_id_supported(data[0], data[2]) def handle_event_unique_room_id_unsupported(self, account, data): # ('UNIQUE_ROOM_ID_UNSUPPORTED', server, instance) instance = data[1] instance.unique_room_id_error(data[0]) def handle_event_ssl_error(self, account, data): # ('SSL_ERROR', account, (text, errnum, cert, sha1_fingerprint)) server = gajim.config.get_per('accounts', account, 'hostname') def on_ok(is_checked): if is_checked[0]: # Check if cert is already in file certs = '' if os.path.isfile(gajim.MY_CACERTS): f = open(gajim.MY_CACERTS) certs = f.read() f.close() if data[2] in certs: dialogs.ErrorDialog(_('Certificate Already in File'), _('This certificate is already in file %s, so it\'s not added again.') % gajim.MY_CACERTS) else: f = open(gajim.MY_CACERTS, 'a') f.write(server + '\n') f.write(data[2] + '\n\n') f.close() gajim.config.set_per('accounts', account, 'ssl_fingerprint_sha1', data[3]) if is_checked[1]: ignore_ssl_errors = gajim.config.get_per('accounts', account, 'ignore_ssl_errors').split() ignore_ssl_errors.append(str(data[1])) gajim.config.set_per('accounts', account, 'ignore_ssl_errors', ' '.join(ignore_ssl_errors)) gajim.connections[account].ssl_certificate_accepted() def on_cancel(): gajim.connections[account].disconnect(on_purpose=True) self.handle_event_status(account, 'offline') pritext = _('Error verifying SSL certificate') sectext = _('There was an error verifying the SSL certificate of your jabber server: %(error)s\nDo you still want to connect to this server?') % {'error': data[0]} if data[1] in (18, 27): checktext1 = _('Add this certificate to the list of trusted certificates.\nSHA1 fingerprint of the certificate:\n%s') % data[3] else: checktext1 = '' checktext2 = _('Ignore this error for this certificate.') dialogs.ConfirmationDialogDubbleCheck(pritext, sectext, checktext1, checktext2, on_response_ok=on_ok, on_response_cancel=on_cancel) def handle_event_fingerprint_error(self, account, data): # ('FINGERPRINT_ERROR', account, (new_fingerprint,)) def on_yes(is_checked): gajim.config.set_per('accounts', account, 'ssl_fingerprint_sha1', data[0]) # Reset the ignored ssl errors gajim.config.set_per('accounts', account, 'ignore_ssl_errors', '') gajim.connections[account].ssl_certificate_accepted() def on_no(): gajim.connections[account].disconnect(on_purpose=True) self.handle_event_status(account, 'offline') pritext = _('SSL certificate error') sectext = _('It seems the SSL certificate has changed or your connection ' 'is being hacked.\nOld fingerprint: %s\nNew fingerprint: %s\n\nDo you ' 'still want to connect and update the fingerprint of the certificate?'\ ) % (gajim.config.get_per('accounts', account, 'ssl_fingerprint_sha1'), data[0]) dialog = dialogs.YesNoDialog(pritext, sectext, on_response_yes=on_yes, on_response_no=on_no) def handle_event_plain_connection(self, account, data): # ('PLAIN_CONNECTION', account, (connection)) server = gajim.config.get_per('accounts', account, 'hostname') def on_yes(is_checked): if is_checked: gajim.config.set_per('accounts', account, 'warn_when_insecure_connection', False) gajim.connections[account].connection_accepted(data[0], 'tcp') def on_no(): gajim.connections[account].disconnect(on_purpose=True) self.handle_event_status(account, 'offline') pritext = _('Insecure connection') sectext = _('You are about to send your password on an insecure ' 'connection. Are you sure you want to do that?') checktext = _('Do _not ask me again') dialog = dialogs.YesNoDialog(pritext, sectext, checktext, on_response_yes=on_yes, on_response_no=on_no) def handle_event_pubsub_node_removed(self, account, data): # ('PUBSUB_NODE_REMOVED', account, (jid, node)) if self.instances[account].has_key('pep_services'): if data[0] == gajim.get_jid_from_account(account): self.instances[account]['pep_services'].node_removed(data[1]) def handle_event_pubsub_node_not_removed(self, account, data): # ('PUBSUB_NODE_NOT_REMOVED', account, (jid, node, msg)) if data[0] == gajim.get_jid_from_account(account): dialogs.WarningDialog(_('PEP node was not removed'), _('PEP node %s was not removed: %s') % (data[1], data[2])) def register_handlers(self): self.handlers = { 'ROSTER': self.handle_event_roster, 'WARNING': self.handle_event_warning, 'ERROR': self.handle_event_error, 'INFORMATION': self.handle_event_information, 'ERROR_ANSWER': self.handle_event_error_answer, 'STATUS': self.handle_event_status, 'NOTIFY': self.handle_event_notify, 'MSGERROR': self.handle_event_msgerror, 'MSGSENT': self.handle_event_msgsent, 'MSGNOTSENT': self.handle_event_msgnotsent, 'SUBSCRIBED': self.handle_event_subscribed, 'UNSUBSCRIBED': self.handle_event_unsubscribed, 'SUBSCRIBE': self.handle_event_subscribe, 'AGENT_ERROR_INFO': self.handle_event_agent_info_error, 'AGENT_ERROR_ITEMS': self.handle_event_agent_items_error, 'AGENT_REMOVED': self.handle_event_agent_removed, 'REGISTER_AGENT_INFO': self.handle_event_register_agent_info, 'AGENT_INFO_ITEMS': self.handle_event_agent_info_items, 'AGENT_INFO_INFO': self.handle_event_agent_info_info, 'QUIT': self.handle_event_quit, 'NEW_ACC_CONNECTED': self.handle_event_new_acc_connected, 'NEW_ACC_NOT_CONNECTED': self.handle_event_new_acc_not_connected, 'ACC_OK': self.handle_event_acc_ok, 'ACC_NOT_OK': self.handle_event_acc_not_ok, 'MYVCARD': self.handle_event_myvcard, 'VCARD': self.handle_event_vcard, 'LAST_STATUS_TIME': self.handle_event_last_status_time, 'OS_INFO': self.handle_event_os_info, 'GC_NOTIFY': self.handle_event_gc_notify, 'GC_MSG': self.handle_event_gc_msg, 'GC_SUBJECT': self.handle_event_gc_subject, 'GC_CONFIG': self.handle_event_gc_config, 'GC_CONFIG_CHANGE': self.handle_event_gc_config_change, 'GC_INVITATION': self.handle_event_gc_invitation, 'GC_AFFILIATION': self.handle_event_gc_affiliation, 'GC_PASSWORD_REQUIRED': self.handle_event_gc_password_required, 'BAD_PASSPHRASE': self.handle_event_bad_passphrase, 'ROSTER_INFO': self.handle_event_roster_info, 'BOOKMARKS': self.handle_event_bookmarks, 'CON_TYPE': self.handle_event_con_type, 'CONNECTION_LOST': self.handle_event_connection_lost, 'FILE_REQUEST': self.handle_event_file_request, 'GMAIL_NOTIFY': self.handle_event_gmail_notify, 'FILE_REQUEST_ERROR': self.handle_event_file_request_error, 'FILE_SEND_ERROR': self.handle_event_file_send_error, 'STANZA_ARRIVED': self.handle_event_stanza_arrived, 'STANZA_SENT': self.handle_event_stanza_sent, 'HTTP_AUTH': self.handle_event_http_auth, 'VCARD_PUBLISHED': self.handle_event_vcard_published, 'VCARD_NOT_PUBLISHED': self.handle_event_vcard_not_published, 'ASK_NEW_NICK': self.handle_event_ask_new_nick, 'SIGNED_IN': self.handle_event_signed_in, 'METACONTACTS': self.handle_event_metacontacts, 'ATOM_ENTRY': self.handle_atom_entry, 'FAILED_DECRYPT': self.handle_event_failed_decrypt, 'PRIVACY_LISTS_RECEIVED': self.handle_event_privacy_lists_received, 'PRIVACY_LIST_RECEIVED': self.handle_event_privacy_list_received, 'PRIVACY_LISTS_ACTIVE_DEFAULT': \ self.handle_event_privacy_lists_active_default, 'PRIVACY_LIST_REMOVED': self.handle_event_privacy_list_removed, 'ZC_NAME_CONFLICT': self.handle_event_zc_name_conflict, 'PING_SENT': self.handle_event_ping_sent, 'PING_REPLY': self.handle_event_ping_reply, 'PING_ERROR': self.handle_event_ping_error, 'SEARCH_FORM': self.handle_event_search_form, 'SEARCH_RESULT': self.handle_event_search_result, 'RESOURCE_CONFLICT': self.handle_event_resource_conflict, 'PEP_CONFIG': self.handle_event_pep_config, 'UNIQUE_ROOM_ID_UNSUPPORTED': \ self.handle_event_unique_room_id_unsupported, 'UNIQUE_ROOM_ID_SUPPORTED': self.handle_event_unique_room_id_supported, 'SESSION_NEG': self.handle_session_negotiation, 'GPG_PASSWORD_REQUIRED': self.handle_event_gpg_password_required, 'SSL_ERROR': self.handle_event_ssl_error, 'FINGERPRINT_ERROR': self.handle_event_fingerprint_error, 'PLAIN_CONNECTION': self.handle_event_plain_connection, 'PUBSUB_NODE_REMOVED': self.handle_event_pubsub_node_removed, 'PUBSUB_NODE_NOT_REMOVED': self.handle_event_pubsub_node_not_removed, } gajim.handlers = self.handlers ################################################################################ ### Methods dealing with gajim.events ################################################################################ def add_event(self, account, jid, type_, event_args): '''add an event to the gajim.events var''' # We add it to the gajim.events queue # Do we have a queue? jid = gajim.get_jid_without_resource(jid) no_queue = len(gajim.events.get_events(account, jid)) == 0 event_type = None # type_ can be gc-invitation file-send-error file-error file-request-error # file-request file-completed file-stopped # event_type can be in advancedNotificationWindow.events_list event_types = {'file-request': 'ft_request', 'file-completed': 'ft_finished'} if type_ in event_types: event_type = event_types[type_] show_in_roster = notify.get_show_in_roster(event_type, account, jid) show_in_systray = notify.get_show_in_systray(event_type, account, jid) event = gajim.events.create_event(type_, event_args, show_in_roster = show_in_roster, show_in_systray = show_in_systray) gajim.events.add_event(account, jid, event) self.roster.show_title() if no_queue: # We didn't have a queue: we change icons if not gajim.contacts.get_contact_with_highest_priority(account, jid): if type_ == 'gc-invitation': self.roster.add_groupchat(jid, account, status='offline') else: # add contact to roster ("Not In The Roster") if he is not self.roster.add_to_not_in_the_roster(account, jid) self.roster.draw_contact(jid, account) # Select the contact in roster, it's visible because it has events. self.roster.select_contact(jid, account) def remove_first_event(self, account, jid, type_ = None): event = gajim.events.get_first_event(account, jid, type_) self.remove_event(account, jid, event) def remove_event(self, account, jid, event): if gajim.events.remove_events(account, jid, event): # No such event found return # no other event? if not len(gajim.events.get_events(account, jid)): contact = gajim.contacts.get_contact_with_highest_priority(account, jid) show_transport = gajim.config.get('show_transports_group') if contact and (contact.show in ('error', 'offline') and \ not gajim.config.get('showoffline') or ( gajim.jid_is_transport(jid) and not show_transport)): self.roster.remove_contact(contact.jid, account) self.roster.show_title() self.roster.draw_contact(jid, account) def handle_event(self, account, fjid, type_): w = None resource = gajim.get_resource_from_jid(fjid) jid = gajim.get_jid_without_resource(fjid) if type_ in ('printed_gc_msg', 'printed_marked_gc_msg', 'gc_msg'): w = self.msg_win_mgr.get_window(jid, account) ctrl = None if self.minimized_controls[account].has_key(jid): if not w: ctrl = self.minimized_controls[account][jid] w = self.msg_win_mgr.create_window(ctrl.contact, \ ctrl.account, ctrl.type_id) self.roster.on_groupchat_maximized(None, jid, account) if not ctrl: ctrl = self.msg_win_mgr.get_gc_control(jid, account) elif type_ in ('printed_chat', 'chat', ''): # '' is for log in/out notifications event = gajim.events.get_first_event(account, fjid, type_) if not event: event = gajim.events.get_first_event(account, jid, type_) session = None if type_ == 'printed_chat': session = event.parameters[0] elif type_ == 'chat': session = event.parameters[8] if session and session.control: ctrl = session.control elif type_ == '' and self.msg_win_mgr.has_window(fjid, account): # assume that the most recently updated control we have for this party # is the one that this event was in ctrl = self.msg_win_mgr.get_chat_controls(fjid, account)[0] else: highest_contact = gajim.contacts.get_contact_with_highest_priority( account, jid) # jid can have a window if this resource was lower when he sent # message and is now higher because the other one is offline if resource and highest_contact.resource == resource and \ not self.msg_win_mgr.has_window(jid, account): # remove resource of events too gajim.events.change_jid(account, fjid, jid) resource = None fjid = jid contact = None if resource: contact = gajim.contacts.get_contact(account, jid, resource) if not contact: contact = highest_contact if not session: session = gajim.connections[account].get_or_create_session(fjid, None) self.new_chat(session, contact, account, resource = resource) ctrl = session.control gajim.last_message_time[account][jid] = 0 # long time ago w = ctrl.parent_win elif type_ in ('printed_pm', 'pm'): # assume that the most recently updated control we have for this party # is the one that this event was in event = gajim.events.get_first_event(account, fjid, type_) if not event: event = gajim.events.get_first_event(account, jid, type_) session = None if type_ == 'printed_pm': session = event.parameters[0] elif type_ == 'pm': session = event.parameters[8] if session and session.control: ctrl = session.control else: room_jid = jid nick = resource gc_contact = gajim.contacts.get_gc_contact(account, room_jid, nick) if gc_contact: show = gc_contact.show else: show = 'offline' gc_contact = gajim.contacts.create_gc_contact( room_jid = room_jid, name = nick, show = show) if not session: session = gajim.connections[account].make_new_session(fjid, None, type='pm') self.new_private_chat(gc_contact, account, session=session) ctrl = session.control w = ctrl.parent_win elif type_ in ('normal', 'file-request', 'file-request-error', 'file-send-error', 'file-error', 'file-stopped', 'file-completed'): # Get the first single message event event = gajim.events.get_first_event(account, fjid, type_) if not event: # default to jid without resource event = gajim.events.get_first_event(account, jid, type_) if not event: return # Open the window self.roster.open_event(account, jid, event) else: # Open the window self.roster.open_event(account, fjid, event) elif type_ == 'gmail': url=gajim.connections[account].gmail_url if url: helpers.launch_browser_mailer('url', url) elif type_ == 'gc-invitation': event = gajim.events.get_first_event(account, jid, type_) data = event.parameters dialogs.InvitationReceivedDialog(account, data[0], jid, data[2], data[1], data[3]) gajim.events.remove_events(account, jid, event) self.roster.draw_contact(jid, account) if w: w.set_active_tab(ctrl) w.window.present() w.window.window.focus() # Using isinstance here because we want to catch all derived types if isinstance(ctrl, ChatControlBase): tv = ctrl.conv_textview tv.scroll_to_end() ################################################################################ ### Methods dealing with emoticons ################################################################################ def image_is_ok(self, image): if not os.path.exists(image): return False img = gtk.Image() try: img.set_from_file(image) except: return False t = img.get_storage_type() if t != gtk.IMAGE_PIXBUF and t != gtk.IMAGE_ANIMATION: return False return True def make_regexps(self): # regexp meta characters are: . ^ $ * + ? { } [ ] \ | ( ) # one escapes the metachars with \ # \S matches anything but ' ' '\t' '\n' '\r' '\f' and '\v' # \s matches any whitespace character # \w any alphanumeric character # \W any non-alphanumeric character # \b means word boundary. This is a zero-width assertion that # matches only at the beginning or end of a word. # ^ matches at the beginning of lines # # * means 0 or more times # + means 1 or more times # ? means 0 or 1 time # | means or # [^*] anything but '*' (inside [] you don't have to escape metachars) # [^\s*] anything but whitespaces and '*' # (? in the matching string don't match ? or ) etc.. if at the end # so http://be) will match http://be and http://be)be) will match http://be)be prefixes = '|'.join((r'http://', r'https://', r'gopher://', r'news://', r'ftp://', r'ed2k://', r'irc://', r'magnet:', r'sip:', r'www\.', r'ftp\.')) # NOTE: it's ok to catch www.gr such stuff exist! #FIXME: recognize xmpp: and treat it specially links = r"(www\.(?!\.)|[a-z][a-z0-9+.-]*://)[^\s<>'\"]+[^!,\.\s<>\)'\"\]]" #2nd one: at_least_one_char@at_least_one_char.at_least_one_char mail = r'\bmailto:\S*[^\s\W]|' r'\b\S+@\S+\.\S*[^\s\W]' #detects eg. *b* *bold* *bold bold* test *bold* *bold*! (*bold*) #doesn't detect (it's a feature :P) * bold* *bold * * bold * test*bold* formatting = r'|(? len2: return -1 return 0 def popup_emoticons_under_button(self, button, parent_win): ''' pops emoticons menu under button, located in parent_win''' gtkgui_helpers.popup_emoticons_under_button(self.emoticons_menu, button, parent_win) def prepare_emoticons_menu(self): menu = gtk.Menu() def emoticon_clicked(w, str_): if self.emoticon_menuitem_clicked: self.emoticon_menuitem_clicked(str_) # don't keep reference to CB of object # this will prevent making it uncollectable self.emoticon_menuitem_clicked = None def selection_done(widget): # remove reference to CB of object, which will # make it uncollectable self.emoticon_menuitem_clicked = None counter = 0 # Calculate the side lenght of the popup to make it a square size = int(round(math.sqrt(len(self.emoticons_images)))) for image in self.emoticons_images: item = gtk.MenuItem() img = gtk.Image() if type(image[1]) == gtk.gdk.PixbufAnimation: img.set_from_animation(image[1]) else: img.set_from_pixbuf(image[1]) item.add(img) item.connect('activate', emoticon_clicked, image[0]) #FIXME: add tooltip with ascii menu.attach(item, counter % size, counter % size + 1, counter / size, counter / size + 1) counter += 1 menu.connect('selection-done', selection_done) menu.show_all() return menu def _init_emoticons(self, path, need_reload = False): #initialize emoticons dictionary and unique images list self.emoticons_images = list() self.emoticons = dict() self.emoticons_animations = dict() sys.path.append(path) import emoticons if need_reload: # we need to reload else that doesn't work when changing emoticon set reload(emoticons) emots = emoticons.emoticons for emot_filename in emots: emot_file = os.path.join(path, emot_filename) if not self.image_is_ok(emot_file): continue for emot in emots[emot_filename]: emot = emot.decode('utf-8') # This avoids duplicated emoticons with the same image eg. :) and :-) if not emot_file in self.emoticons.values(): if emot_file.endswith('.gif'): pix = gtk.gdk.PixbufAnimation(emot_file) else: pix = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file(emot_file) self.emoticons_images.append((emot, pix)) self.emoticons[emot.upper()] = emot_file del emoticons sys.path.remove(path) def init_emoticons(self, need_reload = False): emot_theme = gajim.config.get('emoticons_theme') if not emot_theme: return path = os.path.join(gajim.DATA_DIR, 'emoticons', emot_theme) if not os.path.exists(path): # It's maybe a user theme path = os.path.join(gajim.MY_EMOTS_PATH, emot_theme) if not os.path.exists(path): # theme doesn't exist, disable emoticons dialogs.WarningDialog(_('Emoticons disabled'), _('Your configured emoticons theme has not been found, so emoticons have been disabled.')) gajim.config.set('emoticons_theme', '') return self._init_emoticons(path, need_reload) if len(self.emoticons) == 0: # maybe old format of emoticons file, try to convert it try: import pprint import emoticons emots = emoticons.emoticons fd = open(os.path.join(path, 'emoticons.py'), 'w') fd.write('emoticons = ') pprint.pprint( dict([(file, [i for i in emots.keys() if emots[i] ==\ file]) for file in set(emots.values())]), fd) fd.close() del emoticons self._init_emoticons(path, need_reload=True) except: pass if len(self.emoticons) == 0: dialogs.WarningDialog(_('Emoticons disabled'), _('Your configured emoticons theme cannot been loaded. You maybe need to update the format of emoticons.py file. See http://trac.gajim.org/wiki/Emoticons for more details.')) if self.emoticons_menu: self.emoticons_menu.destroy() self.emoticons_menu = self.prepare_emoticons_menu() ################################################################################ ### Methods for opening new messages controls ################################################################################ def join_gc_room(self, account, room_jid, nick, password, minimize=False, is_continued=False): '''joins the room immediately''' if self.msg_win_mgr.has_window(room_jid, account) and \ gajim.gc_connected[account][room_jid]: gc_ctrl = self.msg_win_mgr.get_gc_control(room_jid, account) win = gc_ctrl.parent_win win.window.present() win.set_active_tab(gc_ctrl) dialogs.ErrorDialog(_('You are already in group chat %s') % room_jid) return minimized_control_exists = False if room_jid in gajim.interface.minimized_controls[account]: minimized_control_exists = True invisible_show = gajim.SHOW_LIST.index('invisible') if gajim.connections[account].connected == invisible_show: dialogs.ErrorDialog( _('You cannot join a group chat while you are invisible')) return if minimize and not minimized_control_exists and \ not self.msg_win_mgr.has_window(room_jid, account): contact = gajim.contacts.create_contact(jid = room_jid, name = nick) gc_control = GroupchatControl(None, contact, account) self.minimized_controls[account][room_jid] = gc_control gajim.connections[account].join_gc(nick, room_jid, password) if password: gajim.gc_passwords[room_jid] = password self.roster.add_groupchat(room_jid, account) return if not minimized_control_exists and \ not self.msg_win_mgr.has_window(room_jid, account): self.new_room(room_jid, nick, account, is_continued=is_continued) if not minimized_control_exists: gc_control = self.msg_win_mgr.get_gc_control(room_jid, account) gc_control.parent_win.set_active_tab(gc_control) gc_control.parent_win.window.present() gajim.connections[account].join_gc(nick, room_jid, password) if password: gajim.gc_passwords[room_jid] = password contact = gajim.contacts.get_contact_with_highest_priority(account, \ room_jid) if contact or minimized_control_exists: self.roster.add_groupchat(room_jid, account) def new_room(self, room_jid, nick, account, is_continued=False): # Get target window, create a control, and associate it with the window contact = gajim.contacts.create_contact(jid = room_jid, name = nick) mw = self.msg_win_mgr.get_window(contact.jid, account) if not mw: mw = self.msg_win_mgr.create_window(contact, account, GroupchatControl.TYPE_ID) gc_control = GroupchatControl(mw, contact, account, is_continued=is_continued) mw.new_tab(gc_control) def new_private_chat(self, gc_contact, account, session = None): contact = gajim.contacts.contact_from_gc_contact(gc_contact) type_ = message_control.TYPE_PM fjid = gc_contact.room_jid + '/' + gc_contact.name conn = gajim.connections[account] if not session and fjid in conn.sessions: sessions = filter(lambda s: isinstance(s, ChatControlSession), conn.sessions[fjid].values()) # look for an existing session with a chat control for s in sessions: if s.control: session = s break if not session and not len(sessions) == 0: # there are no sessions with chat controls, just take the first one session = sessions[0] if not session: # couldn't find an existing ChatControlSession, just make a new one session = conn.make_new_session(fjid, None, 'pm') if not session.control: mw = self.msg_win_mgr.get_window(fjid, account) if not mw: mw = self.msg_win_mgr.create_window(contact, account, type_) session.control = PrivateChatControl(mw, gc_contact, contact, account, session) mw.new_tab(session.control) if len(gajim.events.get_events(account, fjid)): # We call this here to avoid race conditions with widget validation session.control.read_queue() def new_chat(self, session, contact, account, resource = None): # Get target window, create a control, and associate it with the window type_ = message_control.TYPE_CHAT fjid = contact.jid if resource: fjid += '/' + resource mw = self.msg_win_mgr.get_window(fjid, account) if not mw: mw = self.msg_win_mgr.create_window(contact, account, type_) chat_control = ChatControl(mw, contact, account, session, resource) mw.new_tab(chat_control) if len(gajim.events.get_events(account, fjid)): # We call this here to avoid race conditions with widget validation chat_control.read_queue() return chat_control def new_chat_from_jid(self, account, fjid): jid, resource = gajim.get_room_and_nick_from_fjid(fjid) contact = gajim.contacts.get_contact(account, jid, resource) added_to_roster = False if not contact: added_to_roster = True contact = self.roster.add_to_not_in_the_roster(account, jid, resource=resource) session = gajim.connections[account].get_or_create_session(fjid, None) if not self.msg_win_mgr.has_window(fjid, account): session.control = self.new_chat(session, contact, account, resource=resource) if len(gajim.events.get_events(account, fjid)): session.control.read_queue() mw = session.control.parent_win mw.set_active_tab(session.control) mw.window.present() # For JEP-0172 if added_to_roster: session.control.user_nick = gajim.nicks[account] def on_open_chat_window(self, widget, contact, account, resource=None, session=None): # Get the window containing the chat fjid = contact.jid if resource: fjid += '/' + resource conn = gajim.connections[account] if not session and fjid in conn.sessions: sessions = filter(lambda s: isinstance(s, ChatControlSession), conn.sessions[fjid].values()) # look for an existing session with a chat control for s in sessions: if s.control: session = s break if not session and not len(sessions) == 0: # there are no sessions with chat controls, just take the first one session = sessions[0] if not session: # couldn't find an existing ChatControlSession, just make a new one session = conn.make_new_session(fjid, None, 'chat') if not session.control: # open a new chat control session.control = self.new_chat(session, contact, account, resource=resource) if len(gajim.events.get_events(account, fjid)): session.control.read_queue() # last message is long time ago gajim.last_message_time[account][session.control.get_full_jid()] = 0 win = session.control.parent_win win.set_active_tab(session.control) if conn.is_zeroconf and conn.status in ('offline', 'invisible'): for ctrl in win.get_controls(fjid, account): ctrl.got_disconnected() win.window.present() ################################################################################ ### Other Methods ################################################################################ def read_sleepy(self): '''Check idle status and change that status if needed''' if not self.sleeper.poll(): # idle detection is not supported in that OS return False # stop looping in vain state = self.sleeper.getState() for account in gajim.connections: if not gajim.sleeper_state.has_key(account) or \ not gajim.sleeper_state[account]: continue if state == common.sleepy.STATE_AWAKE and \ gajim.sleeper_state[account] in ('autoaway', 'autoxa'): # we go online self.roster.send_status(account, 'online', gajim.status_before_autoaway[account]) gajim.status_before_autoaway[account] = '' gajim.sleeper_state[account] = 'online' elif state == common.sleepy.STATE_AWAY and \ gajim.sleeper_state[account] == 'online' and \ gajim.config.get('autoaway'): # we save out online status gajim.status_before_autoaway[account] = \ gajim.connections[account].status # we go away (no auto status) [we pass True to auto param] auto_message = gajim.config.get('autoaway_message') if not auto_message: auto_message = gajim.connections[account].status else: auto_message = auto_message.replace('$S','%(status)s') auto_message = auto_message.replace('$T','%(time)s') auto_message = auto_message % { 'status': gajim.status_before_autoaway[account], 'time': gajim.config.get('autoawaytime') } self.roster.send_status(account, 'away', auto_message, auto=True) gajim.sleeper_state[account] = 'autoaway' elif state == common.sleepy.STATE_XA and (\ gajim.sleeper_state[account] == 'autoaway' or \ gajim.sleeper_state[account] == 'online') and \ gajim.config.get('autoxa'): # we go extended away [we pass True to auto param] auto_message = gajim.config.get('autoxa_message') if not auto_message: auto_message = gajim.connections[account].status else: auto_message = auto_message.replace('$S','%(status)s') auto_message = auto_message.replace('$T','%(time)s') auto_message = auto_message % { 'status': gajim.status_before_autoaway[account], 'time': gajim.config.get('autoxatime') } self.roster.send_status(account, 'xa', auto_message, auto=True) gajim.sleeper_state[account] = 'autoxa' return True # renew timeout (loop for ever) def autoconnect(self): '''auto connect at startup''' # dict of account that want to connect sorted by status shows = {} for a in gajim.connections: if gajim.config.get_per('accounts', a, 'autoconnect'): show = gajim.config.get_per('accounts', a, 'autoconnect_as') if not show in gajim.SHOW_LIST: continue if not show in shows: shows[show] = [a] else: shows[show].append(a) for show in shows: message = self.roster.get_status_message(show) if message is None: continue for a in shows[show]: self.roster.send_status(a, show, message) return False def show_systray(self): self.systray_enabled = True self.systray.show_icon() def hide_systray(self): self.systray_enabled = False self.systray.hide_icon() def on_launch_browser_mailer(self, widget, url, kind): helpers.launch_browser_mailer(kind, url) def process_connections(self): ''' called each foo (200) miliseconds. Check for idlequeue timeouts. ''' gajim.idlequeue.process() return True # renew timeout (loop for ever) def save_config(self): err_str = parser.write() if err_str is not None: print >> sys.stderr, err_str # it is good to notify the user # in case he or she cannot see the output of the console dialogs.ErrorDialog(_('Could not save your settings and preferences'), err_str) sys.exit() def save_avatar_files(self, jid, photo, puny_nick = None, local = False): '''Saves an avatar to a separate file, and generate files for dbus notifications. An avatar can be given as a pixmap directly or as an decoded image.''' puny_jid = helpers.sanitize_filename(jid) path_to_file = os.path.join(gajim.AVATAR_PATH, puny_jid) if puny_nick: path_to_file = os.path.join(path_to_file, puny_nick) # remove old avatars for typ in ('jpeg', 'png'): if local: path_to_original_file = path_to_file + '_local'+ '.' + typ else: path_to_original_file = path_to_file + '.' + typ if os.path.isfile(path_to_original_file): os.remove(path_to_original_file) if local and photo: pixbuf = photo type = 'png' extension = '_local.png' # save local avatars as png file else: pixbuf, typ = gtkgui_helpers.get_pixbuf_from_data(photo, want_type = True) if pixbuf is None: return extension = '.' + typ if typ not in ('jpeg', 'png'): gajim.log.debug('gtkpixbuf cannot save other than jpeg and png formats. saving %s\'avatar as png file (originaly %s)' % (jid, typ)) typ = 'png' extension = '.png' path_to_original_file = path_to_file + extension pixbuf.save(path_to_original_file, typ) # Generate and save the resized, color avatar pixbuf = gtkgui_helpers.get_scaled_pixbuf(pixbuf, 'notification') if pixbuf: path_to_normal_file = path_to_file + '_notif_size_colored' + extension pixbuf.save(path_to_normal_file, 'png') # Generate and save the resized, black and white avatar bwbuf = gtkgui_helpers.get_scaled_pixbuf( gtkgui_helpers.make_pixbuf_grayscale(pixbuf), 'notification') if bwbuf: path_to_bw_file = path_to_file + '_notif_size_bw' + extension bwbuf.save(path_to_bw_file, 'png') def remove_avatar_files(self, jid, puny_nick = None, local = False): '''remove avatar files of a jid''' puny_jid = helpers.sanitize_filename(jid) path_to_file = os.path.join(gajim.AVATAR_PATH, puny_jid) if puny_nick: path_to_file = os.path.join(path_to_file, puny_nick) for ext in ('.jpeg', '.png'): if local: ext = '_local' + ext path_to_original_file = path_to_file + ext if os.path.isfile(path_to_file + ext): os.remove(path_to_file + ext) if os.path.isfile(path_to_file + '_notif_size_colored' + ext): os.remove(path_to_file + '_notif_size_colored' + ext) if os.path.isfile(path_to_file + '_notif_size_bw' + ext): os.remove(path_to_file + '_notif_size_bw' + ext) def auto_join_bookmarks(self, account): '''autojoin bookmarked GCs that have 'auto join' on for this account''' for bm in gajim.connections[account].bookmarks: if bm['autojoin'] in ('1', 'true'): jid = bm['jid'] if not gajim.gc_connected[account].has_key(jid) or\ not gajim.gc_connected[account][jid]: # we are not already connected minimize = bm['minimize'] in ('1', 'true') gajim.interface.join_gc_room(account, jid, bm['nick'], bm['password'], minimize = minimize) def add_gc_bookmark(self, account, name, jid, autojoin, minimize, password, nick): '''add a bookmark for this account, sorted in bookmark list''' bm = { 'name': name, 'jid': jid, 'autojoin': autojoin, 'minimize': minimize, 'password': password, 'nick': nick } place_found = False index = 0 # check for duplicate entry and respect alpha order for bookmark in gajim.connections[account].bookmarks: if bookmark['jid'] == bm['jid']: dialogs.ErrorDialog( _('Bookmark already set'), _('Group Chat "%s" is already in your bookmarks.') % bm['jid']) return if bookmark['name'] > bm['name']: place_found = True break index += 1 if place_found: gajim.connections[account].bookmarks.insert(index, bm) else: gajim.connections[account].bookmarks.append(bm) gajim.connections[account].store_bookmarks() self.roster.set_actions_menu_needs_rebuild() dialogs.InformationDialog( _('Bookmark has been added successfully'), _('You can manage your bookmarks via Actions menu in your roster.')) # does JID exist only within a groupchat? def is_pm_contact(self, fjid, account): bare_jid = gajim.get_jid_without_resource(fjid) gc_ctrl = self.msg_win_mgr.get_gc_control(bare_jid, account) if not gc_ctrl and \ bare_jid in self.minimized_controls[account]: gc_ctrl = self.minimized_controls[account][bare_jid] return gc_ctrl and gc_ctrl.type_id == message_control.TYPE_GC def create_ipython_window(self): try: from ipython_view import IPythonView except ImportError: print 'ipython_view not found' return import pango if os.name == 'nt': font = 'Lucida Console 9' else: font = 'Luxi Mono 10' window = gtk.Window() window.set_size_request(750,550) window.set_resizable(True) sw = gtk.ScrolledWindow() sw.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC,gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC) view = IPythonView() view.modify_font(pango.FontDescription(font)) view.set_wrap_mode(gtk.WRAP_CHAR) sw.add(view) window.add(sw) window.show_all() def on_delete(win, event): win.hide() return True window.connect('delete_event',on_delete) view.updateNamespace({'gajim': gajim}) gajim.ipython_window = window def __init__(self): gajim.interface = self # This is the manager and factory of message windows set by the module self.msg_win_mgr = None self.jabber_state_images = {'16': {}, '32': {}, 'opened': {}, 'closed': {}} self.emoticons_menu = None # handler when an emoticon is clicked in emoticons_menu self.emoticon_menuitem_clicked = None self.minimized_controls = {} self.status_sent_to_users = {} self.status_sent_to_groups = {} self.gpg_passphrase = {} self.gpg_dialog = None self.default_colors = { 'inmsgcolor': gajim.config.get('inmsgcolor'), 'outmsgcolor': gajim.config.get('outmsgcolor'), 'statusmsgcolor': gajim.config.get('statusmsgcolor'), 'urlmsgcolor': gajim.config.get('urlmsgcolor'), } cfg_was_read = parser.read() # Do not set gajim.verbose to False if -v option was given if gajim.config.get('verbose'): gajim.verbose = True # Is Gajim default app? if os.name != 'nt' and gajim.config.get('check_if_gajim_is_default'): gtkgui_helpers.possibly_set_gajim_as_xmpp_handler() # Is gnome configured to activate row on single click ? try: import gconf client = gconf.client_get_default() click_policy = client.get_string( '/apps/nautilus/preferences/click_policy') if click_policy == 'single': gajim.single_click = True except: pass # add default status messages if there is not in the config file if len(gajim.config.get_per('statusmsg')) == 0: for msg in gajim.config.statusmsg_default: gajim.config.add_per('statusmsg', msg) gajim.config.set_per('statusmsg', msg, 'message', gajim.config.statusmsg_default[msg]) #add default themes if there is not in the config file theme = gajim.config.get('roster_theme') if not theme in gajim.config.get_per('themes'): gajim.config.set('roster_theme', _('default')) if len(gajim.config.get_per('themes')) == 0: d = ['accounttextcolor', 'accountbgcolor', 'accountfont', 'accountfontattrs', 'grouptextcolor', 'groupbgcolor', 'groupfont', 'groupfontattrs', 'contacttextcolor', 'contactbgcolor', 'contactfont', 'contactfontattrs', 'bannertextcolor', 'bannerbgcolor'] default = gajim.config.themes_default for theme_name in default: gajim.config.add_per('themes', theme_name) theme = default[theme_name] for o in d: gajim.config.set_per('themes', theme_name, o, theme[d.index(o)]) if gajim.config.get('autodetect_browser_mailer') or not cfg_was_read: gtkgui_helpers.autodetect_browser_mailer() helpers.update_optional_features() if gajim.verbose: gajim.log.setLevel(gajim.logging.DEBUG) else: gajim.log.setLevel(None) # pygtk2.8+ on win, breaks io_add_watch. # We use good old select.select() if os.name == 'nt': gajim.idlequeue = idlequeue.SelectIdleQueue() else: # in a nongui implementation, just call: # gajim.idlequeue = IdleQueue() , and # gajim.idlequeue.process() each foo miliseconds gajim.idlequeue = GlibIdleQueue() # resolve and keep current record of resolved hosts gajim.resolver = nslookup.Resolver(gajim.idlequeue) gajim.socks5queue = socks5.SocksQueue(gajim.idlequeue, self.handle_event_file_rcv_completed, self.handle_event_file_progress) gajim.proxy65_manager = proxy65_manager.Proxy65Manager(gajim.idlequeue) self.register_handlers() if gajim.config.get('enable_zeroconf'): gajim.connections[gajim.ZEROCONF_ACC_NAME] = common.zeroconf.connection_zeroconf.ConnectionZeroconf(gajim.ZEROCONF_ACC_NAME) for account in gajim.config.get_per('accounts'): if not gajim.config.get_per('accounts', account, 'is_zeroconf'): gajim.connections[account] = common.connection.Connection(account) # gtk hooks gtk.about_dialog_set_email_hook(self.on_launch_browser_mailer, 'mail') gtk.about_dialog_set_url_hook(self.on_launch_browser_mailer, 'url') if gtk.pygtk_version >= (2, 10, 0) and gtk.gtk_version >= (2, 10, 0): gtk.link_button_set_uri_hook(self.on_launch_browser_mailer, 'url') self.instances = {} for a in gajim.connections: self.instances[a] = {'infos': {}, 'disco': {}, 'gc_config': {}, 'search': {}} self.minimized_controls[a] = {} gajim.contacts.add_account(a) gajim.groups[a] = {} gajim.gc_connected[a] = {} gajim.automatic_rooms[a] = {} gajim.newly_added[a] = [] gajim.to_be_removed[a] = [] gajim.nicks[a] = gajim.config.get_per('accounts', a, 'name') gajim.block_signed_in_notifications[a] = True gajim.sleeper_state[a] = 0 gajim.encrypted_chats[a] = [] gajim.last_message_time[a] = {} gajim.status_before_autoaway[a] = '' gajim.transport_avatar[a] = {} gajim.gajim_optional_features[a] = [] gajim.caps_hash[a] = '' if gajim.config.get('remote_control'): try: import remote_control self.remote_ctrl = remote_control.Remote() except: self.remote_ctrl = None else: self.remote_ctrl = None if gajim.config.get('networkmanager_support') and dbus_support.supported: import network_manager_listener if not network_manager_listener.supported: print >> sys.stderr, _('Network Manager support not available') # Handle gnome screensaver if dbus_support.supported: def gnome_screensaver_ActiveChanged_cb(active): if not active: return if not gajim.config.get('autoaway'): # Don't go auto away if user disabled the option return for account in gajim.connections: if not gajim.sleeper_state.has_key(account) or \ not gajim.sleeper_state[account]: continue if gajim.sleeper_state[account] == 'online': # we save out online status gajim.status_before_autoaway[account] = \ gajim.connections[account].status # we go away (no auto status) [we pass True to auto param] auto_message = gajim.config.get('autoaway_message') if not auto_message: auto_message = gajim.connections[account].status self.roster.send_status(account, 'away', auto_message, auto=True) gajim.sleeper_state[account] = 'autoaway' try: bus = dbus.SessionBus() bus.add_signal_receiver(gnome_screensaver_ActiveChanged_cb, 'ActiveChanged', 'org.gnome.ScreenSaver') except: pass self.show_vcard_when_connect = [] self.sleeper = common.sleepy.Sleepy( gajim.config.get('autoawaytime') * 60, # make minutes to seconds gajim.config.get('autoxatime') * 60) gtkgui_helpers.make_jabber_state_images() self.systray_enabled = False self.systray_capabilities = False if (((os.name == 'nt') or (sys.platform == 'darwin')) and (gtk.pygtk_version >= (2, 10, 0)) and (gtk.gtk_version >= (2, 10, 0))): import statusicon self.systray = statusicon.StatusIcon() self.systray_capabilities = True else: # use ours, not GTK+ one # [FIXME: remove this when we migrate to 2.10 and we can do # cool tooltips somehow and (not dying to keep) animation] import systray self.systray_capabilities = systray.HAS_SYSTRAY_CAPABILITIES if self.systray_capabilities: self.systray = systray.Systray() if self.systray_capabilities and gajim.config.get('trayicon'): self.show_systray() path_to_file = os.path.join(gajim.DATA_DIR, 'pixmaps', 'gajim.png') pix = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file(path_to_file) # set the icon to all windows gtk.window_set_default_icon(pix) self.roster = roster_window.RosterWindow() self.init_emoticons() self.make_regexps() # get instances for windows/dialogs that will show_all()/hide() self.instances['file_transfers'] = dialogs.FileTransfersWindow() # get transports type from DB gajim.transport_type = gajim.logger.get_transports_type() # test is dictionnary is present for speller if gajim.config.get('use_speller'): lang = gajim.config.get('speller_language') if not lang: lang = gajim.LANG tv = gtk.TextView() try: import gtkspell spell = gtkspell.Spell(tv, lang) except: dialogs.AspellDictError(lang) self.last_ftwindow_update = 0 gobject.timeout_add(100, self.autoconnect) if os.name == 'nt': gobject.timeout_add(200, self.process_connections) else: gobject.timeout_add_seconds(2, self.process_connections) gobject.timeout_add_seconds(gajim.config.get( 'check_idle_every_foo_seconds'), self.read_sleepy) # Creating plugin manager import plugins gajim.plugin_manager = plugins.PluginManager() if __name__ == '__main__': def sigint_cb(num, stack): sys.exit(5) # ^C exits the application normally to delete pid file signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, sigint_cb) if gajim.verbose: print >> sys.stderr, "Encodings: d:%s, fs:%s, p:%s" % \ (sys.getdefaultencoding(), sys.getfilesystemencoding(), locale.getpreferredencoding()) if ((os.name != 'nt') and (sys.platform != 'darwin')): # Session Management support try: import gnome.ui except ImportError: print >> sys.stderr, _('Session Management support not available (missing gnome.ui module)') else: def die_cb(cli): gajim.interface.roster.quit_gtkgui_interface() gnome.program_init('gajim', gajim.version) cli = gnome.ui.master_client() cli.connect('die', die_cb) path_to_gajim_script = gtkgui_helpers.get_abspath_for_script( 'gajim') if path_to_gajim_script: argv = [path_to_gajim_script] # FIXME: remove this typeerror catch when gnome python is old and # not bad patched by distro men [2.12.0 + should not need all that # NORMALLY] try: cli.set_restart_command(argv) except AttributeError: cli.set_restart_command(len(argv), argv) check_paths.check_and_possibly_create_paths() if sys.platform == 'darwin': import osx osx.init() Interface() try: gtk.main() except KeyboardInterrupt: print >> sys.stderr, 'KeyboardInterrupt'