# Contributors for this file: # - Yann Leboulanger # - Nikos Kouremenos # - Dimitur Kirov # - Travis Shirk # - Stefan Bethge # # Copyright (C) 2003-2014 Yann Leboulanger # Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Vincent Hanquez # Copyright (C) 2006 Nikos Kouremenos # Dimitur Kirov # Travis Shirk # Norman Rasmussen # Stefan Bethge # # This file is part of Gajim. # # Gajim is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published # by the Free Software Foundation; version 3 only. # # Gajim is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Gajim. If not, see . import socket import getpass import logging import time import nbxmpp from gi.repository import GLib from gajim.common import app from gajim.common import ged from gajim.common import modules from gajim.common.nec import NetworkEvent from gajim.common.i18n import _ from gajim.common.connection import CommonConnection from gajim.common.zeroconf import client_zeroconf from gajim.common.zeroconf import zeroconf from gajim.common.zeroconf.connection_handlers_zeroconf import ConnectionHandlersZeroconf from gajim.common.zeroconf.connection_handlers_zeroconf import STATUS_LIST from gajim.common.connection_handlers_events import OurShowEvent from gajim.common.connection_handlers_events import InformationEvent from gajim.common.connection_handlers_events import ConnectionLostEvent from gajim.common.connection_handlers_events import MessageSentEvent from gajim.common.connection_handlers_events import MessageErrorEvent log = logging.getLogger('gajim.c.connection_zeroconf') class ConnectionZeroconf(CommonConnection, ConnectionHandlersZeroconf): def __init__(self, name): ConnectionHandlersZeroconf.__init__(self) # system username self.username = None self.server_resource = '' # zeroconf has no resource, fake an empty one self.call_resolve_timeout = False # we don't need a password, but must be non-empty self.password = 'zeroconf' self.autoconnect = False self.httpupload = False CommonConnection.__init__(self, name) self.is_zeroconf = True # Register all modules modules.register(self) app.ged.register_event_handler('message-outgoing', ged.OUT_CORE, self._nec_message_outgoing) app.ged.register_event_handler('stanza-message-outgoing', ged.OUT_CORE, self._nec_stanza_message_outgoing) def get_config_values_or_default(self): """ Get name, host, port from config, or create zeroconf account with default values """ self.host = socket.gethostname() app.config.set_per('accounts', app.ZEROCONF_ACC_NAME, 'hostname', self.host) self.port = app.config.get_per('accounts', app.ZEROCONF_ACC_NAME, 'custom_port') self.autoconnect = app.config.get_per('accounts', app.ZEROCONF_ACC_NAME, 'autoconnect') self.sync_with_global_status = app.config.get_per('accounts', app.ZEROCONF_ACC_NAME, 'sync_with_global_status') self.first = app.config.get_per('accounts', app.ZEROCONF_ACC_NAME, 'zeroconf_first_name') self.last = app.config.get_per('accounts', app.ZEROCONF_ACC_NAME, 'zeroconf_last_name') self.jabber_id = app.config.get_per('accounts', app.ZEROCONF_ACC_NAME, 'zeroconf_jabber_id') self.email = app.config.get_per('accounts', app.ZEROCONF_ACC_NAME, 'zeroconf_email') if not self.username: self.username = getpass.getuser() app.config.set_per('accounts', app.ZEROCONF_ACC_NAME, 'name', self.username) else: self.username = app.config.get_per('accounts', app.ZEROCONF_ACC_NAME, 'name') # END __init__ def check_jid(self, jid): return jid def get_own_jid(self, *args, **kwargs): return nbxmpp.JID(self.username + '@' + self.host) def reconnect(self): # Do not try to reco while we are already trying self.time_to_reconnect = None log.debug('reconnect') self.disconnect() self.change_status(self.old_show, self.status) def disable_account(self): self.disconnect() def _on_resolve_timeout(self): if self.connected: if not self.connection.resolve_all(): self.disconnect() return False diffs = self.roster.getDiffs() for key in diffs: self.roster.setItem(key) app.nec.push_incoming_event(NetworkEvent( 'roster-info', conn=self, jid=key, nickname=self.roster.getName(key), sub='both', ask='no', groups=self.roster.getGroups(key), avatar_sha=None)) self._on_presence(key) #XXX open chat windows don't get refreshed (full name), add that return self.call_resolve_timeout # callbacks called from zeroconf def _on_new_service(self, jid): self.roster.setItem(jid) app.nec.push_incoming_event(NetworkEvent( 'roster-info', conn=self, jid=jid, nickname=self.roster.getName(jid), sub='both', ask='no', groups=self.roster.getGroups(jid), avatar_sha=None)) self._on_presence(jid) def _on_remove_service(self, jid): self.roster.delItem(jid) # 'NOTIFY' (account, (jid, status, status message, resource, priority, # keyID, timestamp)) self._on_presence(jid, show='offline', status='') def _on_presence(self, jid, show=None, status=None): if status is None: status = self.roster.getMessage(jid) if show is None: show = self.roster.getStatus(jid) ptype = 'unavailable' if show == 'offline' else None event_attrs = { 'conn': self, 'keyID': None, 'prio': 0, 'need_add_in_roster': False, 'popup': False, 'ptype': ptype, 'jid': jid, 'resource': 'local', 'id_': None, 'fjid': jid, 'timestamp': 0, 'avatar_sha': None, 'user_nick': '', 'idle_time': None, 'show': show, 'new_show': show, 'old_show': 0, 'status': status, 'contact_list': [], 'contact': None, } event_ = NetworkEvent('presence-received', **event_attrs) self._update_contact(event_) app.nec.push_incoming_event(event_) def _update_contact(self, event): jid = event.jid status_strings = ['offline', 'error', 'online', 'chat', 'away', 'xa', 'dnd', 'invisible'] event.new_show = status_strings.index(event.show) contact = app.contacts.get_contact_strict(self.name, jid, '') if contact is None: contact = app.contacts.get_contact_strict(self.name, jid, 'local') if contact.show in status_strings: event.old_show = status_strings.index(contact.show) # Update contact with presence data contact.resource = 'local' contact.show = event.show contact.status = event.status contact.priority = event.prio attached_keys = app.config.get_per('accounts', self.name, 'attached_gpg_keys').split() if jid in attached_keys: contact.keyID = attached_keys[attached_keys.index(jid) + 1] else: # Do not override assigned key contact.keyID = event.keyID contact.idle_time = event.idle_time event.contact = contact # It's not an agent if event.old_show == 0 and event.new_show > 1: if not jid in app.newly_added[self.name]: app.newly_added[self.name].append(jid) if jid in app.to_be_removed[self.name]: app.to_be_removed[self.name].remove(jid) elif event.old_show > 1 and event.new_show == 0 and self.connected > 1: if not jid in app.to_be_removed[self.name]: app.to_be_removed[self.name].append(jid) if jid in app.newly_added[self.name]: app.newly_added[self.name].remove(jid) if event.ptype == 'unavailable': # TODO: This causes problems when another # resource signs off! self.stop_all_active_file_transfers(contact) def _on_name_conflictCB(self, alt_name): self.disconnect() app.nec.push_incoming_event(OurShowEvent(None, conn=self, show='offline')) app.nec.push_incoming_event( NetworkEvent('zeroconf-name-conflict', conn=self, alt_name=alt_name)) def _on_error(self, message): app.nec.push_incoming_event(InformationEvent( None, dialog_name='avahi-error', args=message)) def connect(self, show='online', msg=''): self.get_config_values_or_default() if not self.connection: self.connection = client_zeroconf.ClientZeroconf(self) if not zeroconf.test_zeroconf(): app.nec.push_incoming_event(OurShowEvent(None, conn=self, show='offline')) self.status = 'offline' app.nec.push_incoming_event(ConnectionLostEvent(None, conn=self, title=_('Could not connect to "%s"') % self.name, msg=_('Please check if Avahi or Bonjour is installed.'))) self.disconnect() return result = self.connection.connect(show, msg) if not result: app.nec.push_incoming_event(OurShowEvent(None, conn=self, show='offline')) self.status = 'offline' if result is False: app.nec.push_incoming_event(ConnectionLostEvent(None, conn=self, title=_('Could not start local service'), msg=_('Unable to bind to port %d.' % self.port))) else: # result is None app.nec.push_incoming_event(ConnectionLostEvent(None, conn=self, title=_('Could not start local service'), msg=_('Please check if avahi/bonjour-daemon is running.'))) self.disconnect() return else: self.connection.announce() self.roster = self.connection.getRoster() app.nec.push_incoming_event(NetworkEvent('roster-received', conn=self, roster=self.roster.copy(), received_from_server=True)) # display contacts already detected and resolved for jid in self.roster.keys(): app.nec.push_incoming_event(NetworkEvent( 'roster-info', conn=self, jid=jid, nickname=self.roster.getName(jid), sub='both', ask='no', groups=self.roster.getGroups(jid), avatar_sha=None)) self._on_presence(jid) self.connected = STATUS_LIST.index(show) # refresh all contacts data every five seconds self.call_resolve_timeout = True GLib.timeout_add_seconds(5, self._on_resolve_timeout) return True def disconnect(self, reconnect=True, immediately=True): log.info('Start disconnecting zeroconf') if reconnect: if app.account_is_connected(self.name): # we cannot change our status to offline or connecting # after we auth to server self.old_show = STATUS_LIST[self.connected] # random number to show we wait network manager to send # us a reconenct self.time_to_reconnect = 5 else: self.time_to_reconnect = None self.connected = 0 if self.connection: self.connection.disconnect() self.connection = None # stop calling the timeout self.call_resolve_timeout = False app.nec.push_incoming_event(OurShowEvent(None, conn=self, show='offline')) def _on_disconnect(self): self.connected = 0 app.nec.push_incoming_event(OurShowEvent(None, conn=self, show='offline')) def reannounce(self): if self.connected: txt = {} txt['1st'] = app.config.get_per('accounts', app.ZEROCONF_ACC_NAME, 'zeroconf_first_name') txt['last'] = app.config.get_per('accounts', app.ZEROCONF_ACC_NAME, 'zeroconf_last_name') txt['jid'] = app.config.get_per('accounts', app.ZEROCONF_ACC_NAME, 'zeroconf_jabber_id') txt['email'] = app.config.get_per('accounts', app.ZEROCONF_ACC_NAME, 'zeroconf_email') self.connection.reannounce(txt) def update_details(self): if self.connection: port = app.config.get_per('accounts', app.ZEROCONF_ACC_NAME, 'custom_port') if port != self.port: self.port = port last_msg = self.connection.last_msg self.disconnect() if not self.connect(self.status, last_msg): return if self.status != 'invisible': self.connection.announce() else: self.reannounce() def connect_and_init(self, show, msg, sign_msg): # to check for errors from zeroconf check = True if not self.connect(show, msg): return if show != 'invisible': check = self.connection.announce() else: self.connected = STATUS_LIST.index(show) app.nec.push_incoming_event(NetworkEvent('signed-in', conn=self)) # stay offline when zeroconf does something wrong if check: app.nec.push_incoming_event(OurShowEvent(None, conn=self, show=show)) else: # show notification that avahi or system bus is down self.connected = 0 app.nec.push_incoming_event(OurShowEvent(None, conn=self, show='offline')) self.status = 'offline' app.nec.push_incoming_event(ConnectionLostEvent(None, conn=self, title=_('Could not change status of account "%s"') % self.name, msg=_('Please check if avahi-daemon is running.'))) def _change_to_invisible(self, msg): if self.connection.remove_announce(): app.nec.push_incoming_event(OurShowEvent(None, conn=self, show='invisible')) else: # show notification that avahi or system bus is down app.nec.push_incoming_event(OurShowEvent(None, conn=self, show='offline')) self.status = 'offline' app.nec.push_incoming_event(ConnectionLostEvent(None, conn=self, title=_('Could not change status of account "%s"') % self.name, msg=_('Please check if avahi-daemon is running.'))) def _change_from_invisible(self): self.connection.announce() def _update_status(self, show, msg, idle_time=None): if self.connection.set_show_msg(show, msg): app.nec.push_incoming_event(OurShowEvent(None, conn=self, show=show)) else: # show notification that avahi or system bus is down app.nec.push_incoming_event(OurShowEvent(None, conn=self, show='offline')) self.status = 'offline' app.nec.push_incoming_event(ConnectionLostEvent(None, conn=self, title=_('Could not change status of account "%s"') % self.name, msg=_('Please check if avahi-daemon is running.'))) def _nec_message_outgoing(self, obj): if obj.account != self.name: return self._prepare_message(obj) def _nec_stanza_message_outgoing(self, obj): if obj.conn.name != self.name: return def on_send_ok(stanza_id): app.nec.push_incoming_event(MessageSentEvent(None, **vars(obj))) self.log_message(obj, obj.jid) def on_send_not_ok(reason): reason += ' ' + _('Your message could not be sent.') app.nec.push_incoming_event(MessageErrorEvent( None, conn=self, fjid=obj.jid, error_code=-1, error_msg=reason, msg=None, time_=None, session=obj.session, zeroconf=True)) # Dont propagate event return True obj.timestamp = time.time() ret = self.connection.send( obj.msg_iq, obj.message is not None, on_ok=on_send_ok, on_not_ok=on_send_not_ok) if ret == -1: # Contact Offline error_message = _( 'Contact is offline. Your message could not be sent.') app.nec.push_incoming_event(MessageErrorEvent( None, conn=self, fjid=obj.jid, error_code=-1, error_msg=error_message, msg=None, time_=None, session=obj.session, zeroconf=True)) # Dont propagate event return True def send_stanza(self, stanza): # send a stanza untouched if not self.connection: return if not isinstance(stanza, nbxmpp.Node): stanza = nbxmpp.Protocol(node=stanza) self.connection.send(stanza) def _event_dispatcher(self, realm, event, data): CommonConnection._event_dispatcher(self, realm, event, data) if realm == '': if event == nbxmpp.transports.DATA_ERROR: thread_id = data[1] frm = data[0] session = self.get_or_create_session(frm, thread_id) error_message = _( 'Connection to host could not be established: ' 'Timeout while sending data.') app.nec.push_incoming_event(MessageErrorEvent( None, conn=self, fjid=frm, error_code=-1, error_msg=error_message, msg=None, time_=None, session=session, zeroconf=True)) # END ConnectionZeroconf