# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- ## src/chat_control.py ## ## Copyright (C) 2006 Dimitur Kirov ## Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Yann Leboulanger ## Jean-Marie Traissard ## Nikos Kouremenos ## Travis Shirk ## Copyright (C) 2007 Lukas Petrovicky ## Julien Pivotto ## Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Brendan Taylor ## Stephan Erb ## Copyright (C) 2008 Jonathan Schleifer ## ## This file is part of Gajim. ## ## Gajim is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published ## by the Free Software Foundation; version 3 only. ## ## Gajim is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ## GNU General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with Gajim. If not, see . ## import os import time import gtk import pango import gobject import gtkgui_helpers import message_control import dialogs import history_window import notify import re from common import gajim from common import helpers from common import exceptions from message_control import MessageControl from conversation_textview import ConversationTextview from message_textview import MessageTextView from common.contacts import GC_Contact from common.logger import constants from common.pep import MOODS, ACTIVITIES from common.xmpp.protocol import NS_XHTML, NS_XHTML_IM, NS_FILE, NS_MUC from common.xmpp.protocol import NS_RECEIPTS, NS_ESESSION from common.xmpp.protocol import NS_JINGLE_RTP_AUDIO try: import gtkspell HAS_GTK_SPELL = True except ImportError: HAS_GTK_SPELL = False # the next script, executed in the "po" directory, # generates the following list. ##!/bin/sh #LANG=$(for i in *.po; do j=${i/.po/}; echo -n "_('"$j"')":" '"$j"', " ; done) #echo "{_('en'):'en'",$LANG"}" langs = {_('English'): 'en', _('Belarusian'): 'be', _('Bulgarian'): 'bg', _('Breton'): 'br', _('Czech'): 'cs', _('German'): 'de', _('Greek'): 'el', _('British'): 'en_GB', _('Esperanto'): 'eo', _('Spanish'): 'es', _('Basque'): 'eu', _('French'): 'fr', _('Croatian'): 'hr', _('Italian'): 'it', _('Norwegian (b)'): 'nb', _('Dutch'): 'nl', _('Norwegian'): 'no', _('Polish'): 'pl', _('Portuguese'): 'pt', _('Brazilian Portuguese'): 'pt_BR', _('Russian'): 'ru', _('Serbian'): 'sr', _('Slovak'): 'sk', _('Swedish'): 'sv', _('Chinese (Ch)'): 'zh_CN'} if gajim.config.get('use_speller') and HAS_GTK_SPELL: # loop removing non-existent dictionaries # iterating on a copy tv = gtk.TextView() spell = gtkspell.Spell(tv) for lang in dict(langs): try: spell.set_language(langs[lang]) except OSError: del langs[lang] ################################################################################ class ChatControlBase(MessageControl): '''A base class containing a banner, ConversationTextview, MessageTextView ''' def make_href(self, match): url_color = gajim.config.get('urlmsgcolor') return '%s' % (match.group(), url_color, match.group()) def get_font_attrs(self): ''' get pango font attributes for banner from theme settings ''' theme = gajim.config.get('roster_theme') bannerfont = gajim.config.get_per('themes', theme, 'bannerfont') bannerfontattrs = gajim.config.get_per('themes', theme, 'bannerfontattrs') if bannerfont: font = pango.FontDescription(bannerfont) else: font = pango.FontDescription('Normal') if bannerfontattrs: # B attribute is set by default if 'B' in bannerfontattrs: font.set_weight(pango.WEIGHT_HEAVY) if 'I' in bannerfontattrs: font.set_style(pango.STYLE_ITALIC) font_attrs = 'font_desc="%s"' % font.to_string() # in case there is no font specified we use x-large font size if font.get_size() == 0: font_attrs = '%s size="x-large"' % font_attrs font.set_weight(pango.WEIGHT_NORMAL) font_attrs_small = 'font_desc="%s" size="small"' % font.to_string() return (font_attrs, font_attrs_small) def get_nb_unread(self): jid = self.contact.jid if self.resource: jid += '/' + self.resource type_ = self.type_id return len(gajim.events.get_events(self.account, jid, ['printed_' + type_, type_])) def draw_banner(self): '''Draw the fat line at the top of the window that houses the icon, jid, ... ''' self.draw_banner_text() self._update_banner_state_image() # Derived types MAY implement this def draw_banner_text(self): pass # Derived types SHOULD implement this def update_ui(self): self.draw_banner() # Derived types SHOULD implement this def repaint_themed_widgets(self): self._paint_banner() self.draw_banner() # Derived classes MAY implement this def _update_banner_state_image(self): pass # Derived types MAY implement this def handle_message_textview_mykey_press(self, widget, event_keyval, event_keymod): # Derived should implement this rather than connecting to the event # itself. pass def status_url_clicked(self, widget, url): helpers.launch_browser_mailer('url', url) def __init__(self, type_id, parent_win, widget_name, contact, acct, resource = None): if resource is None: # We very likely got a contact with a random resource. # This is bad, we need the highest for caps etc. c = gajim.contacts.get_contact_with_highest_priority( acct, contact.jid) if c and not isinstance(c, GC_Contact): contact = c MessageControl.__init__(self, type_id, parent_win, widget_name, contact, acct, resource = resource) widget = self.xml.get_widget('history_button') id_ = widget.connect('clicked', self._on_history_menuitem_activate) self.handlers[id_] = widget # when/if we do XHTML we will put formatting buttons back widget = self.xml.get_widget('emoticons_button') id_ = widget.connect('clicked', self.on_emoticons_button_clicked) self.handlers[id_] = widget # Create banner and connect signals widget = self.xml.get_widget('banner_eventbox') id_ = widget.connect('button-press-event', self._on_banner_eventbox_button_press_event) self.handlers[id_] = widget self.urlfinder = re.compile( r"(www\.(?!\.)|[a-z][a-z0-9+.-]*://)[^\s<>'\"]+[^!,\.\s<>\)'\"\]]") if gajim.HAVE_PYSEXY: import sexy self.banner_status_label = sexy.UrlLabel() self.banner_status_label.connect('url_activated', self.status_url_clicked) else: self.banner_status_label = gtk.Label() self.banner_status_label.set_selectable(True) self.banner_status_label.set_alignment(0,0.5) self.banner_status_label.connect('populate_popup', self.on_banner_label_populate_popup) banner_vbox = self.xml.get_widget('banner_vbox') banner_vbox.pack_start(self.banner_status_label) self.banner_status_label.show() # Init DND self.TARGET_TYPE_URI_LIST = 80 self.dnd_list = [ ( 'text/uri-list', 0, self.TARGET_TYPE_URI_LIST ), ('MY_TREE_MODEL_ROW', gtk.TARGET_SAME_APP, 0)] id_ = self.widget.connect('drag_data_received', self._on_drag_data_received) self.handlers[id_] = self.widget self.widget.drag_dest_set(gtk.DEST_DEFAULT_MOTION | gtk.DEST_DEFAULT_HIGHLIGHT | gtk.DEST_DEFAULT_DROP, self.dnd_list, gtk.gdk.ACTION_COPY) # Create textviews and connect signals self.conv_textview = ConversationTextview(self.account) id_ = self.conv_textview.connect('quote', self.on_quote) self.handlers[id_] = self.conv_textview.tv id_ = self.conv_textview.tv.connect('key_press_event', self._conv_textview_key_press_event) self.handlers[id_] = self.conv_textview.tv # FIXME: DND on non editable TextView, find a better way self.drag_entered = False id_ = self.conv_textview.tv.connect('drag_data_received', self._on_drag_data_received) self.handlers[id_] = self.conv_textview.tv id_ = self.conv_textview.tv.connect('drag_motion', self._on_drag_motion) self.handlers[id_] = self.conv_textview.tv id_ = self.conv_textview.tv.connect('drag_leave', self._on_drag_leave) self.handlers[id_] = self.conv_textview.tv self.conv_textview.tv.drag_dest_set(gtk.DEST_DEFAULT_MOTION | gtk.DEST_DEFAULT_HIGHLIGHT | gtk.DEST_DEFAULT_DROP, self.dnd_list, gtk.gdk.ACTION_COPY) self.conv_scrolledwindow = self.xml.get_widget( 'conversation_scrolledwindow') self.conv_scrolledwindow.add(self.conv_textview.tv) widget = self.conv_scrolledwindow.get_vadjustment() id_ = widget.connect('value-changed', self.on_conversation_vadjustment_value_changed) self.handlers[id_] = widget id_ = widget.connect('changed', self.on_conversation_vadjustment_changed) self.handlers[id_] = widget self.scroll_to_end_id = None self.was_at_the_end = True # add MessageTextView to UI and connect signals self.msg_scrolledwindow = self.xml.get_widget('message_scrolledwindow') self.msg_textview = MessageTextView() id_ = self.msg_textview.connect('mykeypress', self._on_message_textview_mykeypress_event) self.handlers[id_] = self.msg_textview self.msg_scrolledwindow.add(self.msg_textview) id_ = self.msg_textview.connect('key_press_event', self._on_message_textview_key_press_event) self.handlers[id_] = self.msg_textview id_ = self.msg_textview.connect('size-request', self.size_request) self.handlers[id_] = self.msg_textview id_ = self.msg_textview.connect('populate_popup', self.on_msg_textview_populate_popup) self.handlers[id_] = self.msg_textview # Setup DND id_ = self.msg_textview.connect('drag_data_received', self._on_drag_data_received) self.handlers[id_] = self.msg_textview self.msg_textview.drag_dest_set(gtk.DEST_DEFAULT_MOTION | gtk.DEST_DEFAULT_HIGHLIGHT, self.dnd_list, gtk.gdk.ACTION_COPY) self.update_font() # Hook up send button widget = self.xml.get_widget('send_button') id_ = widget.connect('clicked', self._on_send_button_clicked) self.handlers[id_] = widget widget = self.xml.get_widget('formattings_button') id_ = widget.connect('clicked', self.on_formattings_button_clicked) self.handlers[id_] = widget # the following vars are used to keep history of user's messages self.sent_history = [] self.sent_history_pos = 0 self.orig_msg = None # Emoticons menu # set image no matter if user wants at this time emoticons or not # (so toggle works ok) img = self.xml.get_widget('emoticons_button_image') img.set_from_file(os.path.join(gajim.DATA_DIR, 'emoticons', 'static', 'smile.png')) self.toggle_emoticons() # Attach speller if gajim.config.get('use_speller') and HAS_GTK_SPELL: self.set_speller() self.conv_textview.tv.show() self._paint_banner() # For XEP-0172 self.user_nick = None self.smooth = True self.msg_textview.grab_focus() def set_speller(self): # now set the one the user selected per_type = 'contacts' if self.type_id == message_control.TYPE_GC: per_type = 'rooms' lang = gajim.config.get_per(per_type, self.contact.jid, 'speller_language') if not lang: # use the default one lang = gajim.config.get('speller_language') if not lang: lang = gajim.LANG if lang: try: gtkspell.Spell(self.msg_textview, lang) self.msg_textview.lang = lang except (gobject.GError, RuntimeError, TypeError, OSError): dialogs.AspellDictError(lang) def on_banner_label_populate_popup(self, label, menu): '''We override the default context menu and add our own menutiems''' item = gtk.SeparatorMenuItem() menu.prepend(item) menu2 = self.prepare_context_menu() i = 0 for item in menu2: menu2.remove(item) menu.prepend(item) menu.reorder_child(item, i) i += 1 menu.show_all() def on_msg_textview_populate_popup(self, textview, menu): '''we override the default context menu and we prepend an option to switch languages''' def _on_select_dictionary(widget, lang): per_type = 'contacts' if self.type_id == message_control.TYPE_GC: per_type = 'rooms' if not gajim.config.get_per(per_type, self.contact.jid): gajim.config.add_per(per_type, self.contact.jid) gajim.config.set_per(per_type, self.contact.jid, 'speller_language', lang) spell = gtkspell.get_from_text_view(self.msg_textview) self.msg_textview.lang = lang spell.set_language(lang) widget.set_active(True) item = gtk.SeparatorMenuItem() menu.prepend(item) item = gtk.ImageMenuItem(gtk.STOCK_CLEAR) menu.prepend(item) id_ = item.connect('activate', self.msg_textview.clear) self.handlers[id_] = item if gajim.config.get('use_speller') and HAS_GTK_SPELL: item = gtk.MenuItem(_('Spelling language')) menu.prepend(item) submenu = gtk.Menu() item.set_submenu(submenu) for lang in sorted(langs): item = gtk.CheckMenuItem(lang) if langs[lang] == self.msg_textview.lang: item.set_active(True) submenu.append(item) id_ = item.connect('activate', _on_select_dictionary, langs[lang]) self.handlers[id_] = item menu.show_all() def on_quote(self, widget, text): text = '>' + text.replace('\n', '\n>') + '\n' message_buffer = self.msg_textview.get_buffer() message_buffer.insert_at_cursor(text) # moved from ChatControl def _on_banner_eventbox_button_press_event(self, widget, event): '''If right-clicked, show popup''' if event.button == 3: # right click self.parent_win.popup_menu(event) def _on_send_button_clicked(self, widget): '''When send button is pressed: send the current message''' if gajim.connections[self.account].connected < 2: # we are not connected dialogs.ErrorDialog(_('A connection is not available'), _('Your message can not be sent until you are connected.')) return message_buffer = self.msg_textview.get_buffer() start_iter = message_buffer.get_start_iter() end_iter = message_buffer.get_end_iter() message = message_buffer.get_text(start_iter, end_iter, 0).decode('utf-8') xhtml = self.msg_textview.get_xhtml() # send the message self.send_message(message, xhtml=xhtml) def _paint_banner(self): '''Repaint banner with theme color''' theme = gajim.config.get('roster_theme') bgcolor = gajim.config.get_per('themes', theme, 'bannerbgcolor') textcolor = gajim.config.get_per('themes', theme, 'bannertextcolor') # the backgrounds are colored by using an eventbox by # setting the bg color of the eventbox and the fg of the name_label banner_eventbox = self.xml.get_widget('banner_eventbox') banner_name_label = self.xml.get_widget('banner_name_label') self.disconnect_style_event(banner_name_label) self.disconnect_style_event(self.banner_status_label) if bgcolor: banner_eventbox.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, gtk.gdk.color_parse(bgcolor)) default_bg = False else: default_bg = True if textcolor: banner_name_label.modify_fg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, gtk.gdk.color_parse(textcolor)) self.banner_status_label.modify_fg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, gtk.gdk.color_parse(textcolor)) default_fg = False else: default_fg = True if default_bg or default_fg: self._on_style_set_event(banner_name_label, None, default_fg, default_bg) if self.banner_status_label.flags() & gtk.REALIZED: # Widget is realized self._on_style_set_event(self.banner_status_label, None, default_fg, default_bg) def disconnect_style_event(self, widget): # Try to find the event_id for id_ in self.handlers.keys(): if self.handlers[id_] == widget: widget.disconnect(id_) del self.handlers[id_] break def connect_style_event(self, widget, set_fg = False, set_bg = False): self.disconnect_style_event(widget) id_ = widget.connect('style-set', self._on_style_set_event, set_fg, set_bg) self.handlers[id_] = widget def _on_style_set_event(self, widget, style, *opts): '''set style of widget from style class *.Frame.Eventbox opts[0] == True -> set fg color opts[1] == True -> set bg color''' banner_eventbox = self.xml.get_widget('banner_eventbox') self.disconnect_style_event(widget) if opts[1]: bg_color = widget.style.bg[gtk.STATE_SELECTED] banner_eventbox.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, bg_color) if opts[0]: fg_color = widget.style.fg[gtk.STATE_SELECTED] widget.modify_fg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, fg_color) self.connect_style_event(widget, opts[0], opts[1]) def _conv_textview_key_press_event(self, widget, event): if (event.state & gtk.gdk.CONTROL_MASK and event.keyval in (gtk.keysyms.c, gtk.keysyms.Insert)) or (event.state & gtk.gdk.SHIFT_MASK and \ event.keyval in (gtk.keysyms.Page_Down, gtk.keysyms.Page_Up)): return False self.parent_win.notebook.emit('key_press_event', event) return True def show_emoticons_menu(self): if not gajim.config.get('emoticons_theme'): return def set_emoticons_menu_position(w, msg_tv = self.msg_textview): window = msg_tv.get_window(gtk.TEXT_WINDOW_WIDGET) # get the window position origin = window.get_origin() size = window.get_size() buf = msg_tv.get_buffer() # get the cursor position cursor = msg_tv.get_iter_location(buf.get_iter_at_mark( buf.get_insert())) cursor = msg_tv.buffer_to_window_coords(gtk.TEXT_WINDOW_TEXT, cursor.x, cursor.y) x = origin[0] + cursor[0] y = origin[1] + size[1] menu_height = gajim.interface.emoticons_menu.size_request()[1] #FIXME: get_line_count is not so good #get the iter of cursor, then tv.get_line_yrange # so we know in which y we are typing (not how many lines we have # then go show just above the current cursor line for up # or just below the current cursor line for down #TEST with having 3 lines and writing in the 2nd if y + menu_height > gtk.gdk.screen_height(): # move menu just above cursor y -= menu_height + (msg_tv.allocation.height / buf.get_line_count()) #else: # move menu just below cursor # y -= (msg_tv.allocation.height / buf.get_line_count()) return (x, y, True) # push_in True gajim.interface.emoticon_menuitem_clicked = self.append_emoticon gajim.interface.emoticons_menu.popup(None, None, set_emoticons_menu_position, 1, 0) def _on_message_textview_key_press_event(self, widget, event): # Ctrl [+ Shift] + Tab are not forwarded to notebook. We handle it here if self.widget_name == 'muc_child_vbox': if event.keyval not in (gtk.keysyms.ISO_Left_Tab, gtk.keysyms.Tab): self.last_key_tabs = False if event.state & gtk.gdk.SHIFT_MASK: # CTRL + SHIFT + TAB if event.state & gtk.gdk.CONTROL_MASK and \ event.keyval == gtk.keysyms.ISO_Left_Tab: self.parent_win.move_to_next_unread_tab(False) return True # SHIFT + PAGE_[UP|DOWN]: send to conv_textview elif event.keyval == gtk.keysyms.Page_Down or \ event.keyval == gtk.keysyms.Page_Up: self.conv_textview.tv.emit('key_press_event', event) return True elif event.state & gtk.gdk.CONTROL_MASK: if event.keyval == gtk.keysyms.Tab: # CTRL + TAB self.parent_win.move_to_next_unread_tab(True) return True return False def _on_message_textview_mykeypress_event(self, widget, event_keyval, event_keymod): '''When a key is pressed: if enter is pressed without the shift key, message (if not empty) is sent and printed in the conversation''' # NOTE: handles mykeypress which is custom signal connected to this # CB in new_tab(). for this singal see message_textview.py message_textview = widget message_buffer = message_textview.get_buffer() start_iter, end_iter = message_buffer.get_bounds() message = message_buffer.get_text(start_iter, end_iter, False).decode( 'utf-8') xhtml = self.msg_textview.get_xhtml() # construct event instance from binding event = gtk.gdk.Event(gtk.gdk.KEY_PRESS) # it's always a key-press here event.keyval = event_keyval event.state = event_keymod event.time = 0 # assign current time if event.keyval == gtk.keysyms.Up: if event.state & gtk.gdk.CONTROL_MASK: # Ctrl+UP self.sent_messages_scroll('up', widget.get_buffer()) elif event.keyval == gtk.keysyms.Down: if event.state & gtk.gdk.CONTROL_MASK: # Ctrl+Down self.sent_messages_scroll('down', widget.get_buffer()) elif event.keyval == gtk.keysyms.Return or \ event.keyval == gtk.keysyms.KP_Enter: # ENTER # NOTE: SHIFT + ENTER is not needed to be emulated as it is not # binding at all (textview's default action is newline) if gajim.config.get('send_on_ctrl_enter'): # here, we emulate GTK default action on ENTER (add new line) # normally I would add in keypress but it gets way to complex # to get instant result on changing this advanced setting if event.state == 0: # no ctrl, no shift just ENTER add newline end_iter = message_buffer.get_end_iter() message_buffer.insert_at_cursor('\n') send_message = False elif event.state & gtk.gdk.CONTROL_MASK: # CTRL + ENTER send_message = True else: # send on Enter, do newline on Ctrl Enter if event.state & gtk.gdk.CONTROL_MASK: # Ctrl + ENTER end_iter = message_buffer.get_end_iter() message_buffer.insert_at_cursor('\n') send_message = False else: # ENTER send_message = True if gajim.connections[self.account].connected < 2 and send_message: # we are not connected dialogs.ErrorDialog(_('A connection is not available'), _('Your message can not be sent until you are connected.')) send_message = False if send_message: self.send_message(message, xhtml=xhtml) # send the message else: # Give the control itself a chance to process self.handle_message_textview_mykey_press(widget, event_keyval, event_keymod) def _on_drag_data_received(self, widget, context, x, y, selection, target_type, timestamp): pass # Derived classes SHOULD implement this method def _on_drag_leave(self, widget, context, time): # FIXME: DND on non editable TextView, find a better way self.drag_entered = False self.conv_textview.tv.set_editable(False) def _on_drag_motion(self, widget, context, x, y, time): # FIXME: DND on non editable TextView, find a better way if not self.drag_entered: # We drag new data over the TextView, make it editable to catch dnd self.drag_entered_conv = True self.conv_textview.tv.set_editable(True) def _process_command(self, message): if not message or message[0] != '/': return False message = message[1:] message_array = message.split(' ', 1) command = message_array.pop(0).lower() if message_array == ['']: message_array = [] if command == 'clear' and not len(message_array): self.conv_textview.clear() # clear conversation self.clear(self.msg_textview) # clear message textview too return True elif message == 'compact' and not len(message_array): self.chat_buttons_set_visible(not self.hide_chat_buttons) self.clear(self.msg_textview) return True return False def send_message(self, message, keyID='', type_='chat', chatstate=None, msg_id=None, composing_xep=None, resource=None, process_command=True, xhtml=None, callback=None, callback_args=[]): '''Send the given message to the active tab. Doesn't return None if error ''' if not message or message == '\n': return None if not process_command or not self._process_command(message): MessageControl.send_message(self, message, keyID, type_=type_, chatstate=chatstate, msg_id=msg_id, composing_xep=composing_xep, resource=resource, user_nick=self.user_nick, xhtml=xhtml, callback=callback, callback_args=callback_args) # Record message history self.save_sent_message(message) # Be sure to send user nickname only once according to JEP-0172 self.user_nick = None # Clear msg input message_buffer = self.msg_textview.get_buffer() message_buffer.set_text('') # clear message buffer (and tv of course) def save_sent_message(self, message): # save the message, so user can scroll though the list with key up/down size = len(self.sent_history) # we don't want size of the buffer to grow indefinately max_size = gajim.config.get('key_up_lines') if size >= max_size: for i in xrange(0, size - 1): self.sent_history[i] = self.sent_history[i + 1] self.sent_history[max_size - 1] = message # self.sent_history_pos has changed if we browsed sent_history, # reset to real value self.sent_history_pos = max_size else: self.sent_history.append(message) self.sent_history_pos = size + 1 self.orig_msg = None def print_conversation_line(self, text, kind, name, tim, other_tags_for_name=[], other_tags_for_time=[], other_tags_for_text=[], count_as_new=True, subject=None, old_kind=None, xhtml=None, simple=False, xep0184_id = None): '''prints 'chat' type messages''' jid = self.contact.jid full_jid = self.get_full_jid() textview = self.conv_textview end = False if self.was_at_the_end or kind == 'outgoing': end = True textview.print_conversation_line(text, jid, kind, name, tim, other_tags_for_name, other_tags_for_time, other_tags_for_text, subject, old_kind, xhtml, simple=simple) if xep0184_id is not None: textview.show_xep0184_warning(xep0184_id) if not count_as_new: return if kind == 'incoming': if not self.type_id == message_control.TYPE_GC or \ gajim.config.get('notify_on_all_muc_messages') or \ 'marked' in other_tags_for_text: # it's a normal message, or a muc message with want to be # notified about if quitting just after # other_tags_for_text == ['marked'] --> highlighted gc message gajim.last_message_time[self.account][full_jid] = time.time() if kind in ('incoming', 'incoming_queue', 'error'): gc_message = False if self.type_id == message_control.TYPE_GC: gc_message = True if ((self.parent_win and (not self.parent_win.get_active_control() or \ self != self.parent_win.get_active_control() or \ not self.parent_win.is_active() or not end)) or \ (gc_message and \ jid in gajim.interface.minimized_controls[self.account])) and \ kind in ('incoming', 'incoming_queue', 'error'): # we want to have save this message in events list # other_tags_for_text == ['marked'] --> highlighted gc message if gc_message: if 'marked' in other_tags_for_text: type_ = 'printed_marked_gc_msg' else: type_ = 'printed_gc_msg' event = 'gc_message_received' else: type_ = 'printed_' + self.type_id event = 'message_received' show_in_roster = notify.get_show_in_roster(event, self.account, self.contact, self.session) show_in_systray = notify.get_show_in_systray(event, self.account, self.contact, type_) event = gajim.events.create_event(type_, (self,), show_in_roster = show_in_roster, show_in_systray = show_in_systray) gajim.events.add_event(self.account, full_jid, event) # We need to redraw contact if we show in roster if show_in_roster: gajim.interface.roster.draw_contact(self.contact.jid, self.account) if not self.parent_win: return if (not self.parent_win.get_active_control() or \ self != self.parent_win.get_active_control() or \ not self.parent_win.is_active() or not end) and \ kind in ('incoming', 'incoming_queue', 'error'): self.parent_win.redraw_tab(self) if not self.parent_win.is_active(): self.parent_win.show_title(True, self) # Enabled Urgent hint else: self.parent_win.show_title(False, self) # Disabled Urgent hint def toggle_emoticons(self): '''hide show emoticons_button and make sure emoticons_menu is always there when needed''' emoticons_button = self.xml.get_widget('emoticons_button') if gajim.config.get('emoticons_theme'): emoticons_button.show() emoticons_button.set_no_show_all(False) else: emoticons_button.hide() emoticons_button.set_no_show_all(True) def append_emoticon(self, str_): buffer_ = self.msg_textview.get_buffer() if buffer_.get_char_count(): buffer_.insert_at_cursor(' %s ' % str_) else: # we are the beginning of buffer buffer_.insert_at_cursor('%s ' % str_) self.msg_textview.grab_focus() def on_emoticons_button_clicked(self, widget): '''popup emoticons menu''' gajim.interface.emoticon_menuitem_clicked = self.append_emoticon gajim.interface.popup_emoticons_under_button(widget, self.parent_win) def on_formattings_button_clicked(self, widget): '''popup formattings menu''' menu = gtk.Menu() menuitems = ((_('Bold'), 'bold'), (_('Italic'), 'italic'), (_('Underline'), 'underline'), (_('Strike'), 'strike')) active_tags = self.msg_textview.get_active_tags() for menuitem in menuitems: item = gtk.CheckMenuItem(menuitem[0]) if menuitem[1] in active_tags: item.set_active(True) else: item.set_active(False) item.connect('activate', self.msg_textview.set_tag, menuitem[1]) menu.append(item) item = gtk.SeparatorMenuItem() # separator menu.append(item) item = gtk.ImageMenuItem(_('Color')) icon = gtk.image_new_from_stock(gtk.STOCK_SELECT_COLOR, gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU) item.set_image(icon) item.connect('activate', self.on_color_menuitem_activale) menu.append(item) item = gtk.ImageMenuItem(_('Font')) icon = gtk.image_new_from_stock(gtk.STOCK_SELECT_FONT, gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU) item.set_image(icon) item.connect('activate', self.on_font_menuitem_activale) menu.append(item) item = gtk.SeparatorMenuItem() # separator menu.append(item) item = gtk.ImageMenuItem(_('Clear formating')) icon = gtk.image_new_from_stock(gtk.STOCK_CLEAR, gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU) item.set_image(icon) item.connect('activate', self.msg_textview.clear_tags) menu.append(item) menu.show_all() gtkgui_helpers.popup_emoticons_under_button(menu, widget, self.parent_win) def on_color_menuitem_activale(self, widget): color_dialog = gtk.ColorSelectionDialog('Select a color') color_dialog.connect('response', self.msg_textview.color_set, color_dialog.colorsel) color_dialog.show_all() def on_font_menuitem_activale(self, widget): font_dialog = gtk.FontSelectionDialog('Select a font') font_dialog.connect('response', self.msg_textview.font_set, font_dialog.fontsel) font_dialog.show_all() def on_actions_button_clicked(self, widget): '''popup action menu''' menu = self.prepare_context_menu(True) menu.show_all() gtkgui_helpers.popup_emoticons_under_button(menu, widget, self.parent_win) def update_font(self): font = pango.FontDescription(gajim.config.get('conversation_font')) self.conv_textview.tv.modify_font(font) self.msg_textview.modify_font(font) def update_tags(self): self.conv_textview.update_tags() def clear(self, tv): buffer_ = tv.get_buffer() start, end = buffer_.get_bounds() buffer_.delete(start, end) def _on_history_menuitem_activate(self, widget = None, jid = None): '''When history menuitem is pressed: call history window''' if not jid: jid = self.contact.jid if 'logs' in gajim.interface.instances: gajim.interface.instances['logs'].window.present() gajim.interface.instances['logs'].open_history(jid, self.account) else: gajim.interface.instances['logs'] = \ history_window.HistoryWindow(jid, self.account) def _on_send_file(self, gc_contact=None): '''gc_contact can be set when we are in a groupchat control''' def _on_ok(c): gajim.interface.instances['file_transfers'].show_file_send_request( self.account, c) if self.TYPE_ID == message_control.TYPE_PM: gc_contact = self.gc_contact if gc_contact: # gc or pm gc_control = gajim.interface.msg_win_mgr.get_gc_control( gc_contact.room_jid, self.account) self_contact = gajim.contacts.get_gc_contact(self.account, gc_control.room_jid, gc_control.nick) if gc_control.is_anonymous and gc_contact.affiliation not in ['admin', 'owner'] and self_contact.affiliation in ['admin', 'owner']: contact = gajim.contacts.get_contact(self.account, gc_contact.jid) if not contact or contact.sub not in ('both', 'to'): prim_text = _('Really send file?') sec_text = _('If you send a file to %s, he/she will know your ' 'real Jabber ID.') % gc_contact.name dialog = dialogs.NonModalConfirmationDialog(prim_text, sec_text, on_response_ok = (_on_ok, gc_contact)) dialog.popup() return _on_ok(gc_contact) return _on_ok(self.contact) def on_minimize_menuitem_toggled(self, widget): '''When a grouchat is minimized, unparent the tab, put it in roster etc''' old_value = False minimized_gc = gajim.config.get_per('accounts', self.account, 'minimized_gc').split() if self.contact.jid in minimized_gc: old_value = True minimize = widget.get_active() if minimize and not self.contact.jid in minimized_gc: minimized_gc.append(self.contact.jid) if not minimize and self.contact.jid in minimized_gc: minimized_gc.remove(self.contact.jid) if old_value != minimize: gajim.config.set_per('accounts', self.account, 'minimized_gc', ' '.join(minimized_gc)) def set_control_active(self, state): if state: jid = self.contact.jid if self.was_at_the_end: # we are at the end type_ = ['printed_' + self.type_id] if self.type_id == message_control.TYPE_GC: type_ = ['printed_gc_msg', 'printed_marked_gc_msg'] if not gajim.events.remove_events(self.account, self.get_full_jid(), types = type_): # There were events to remove self.redraw_after_event_removed(jid) def bring_scroll_to_end(self, textview, diff_y = 0): ''' scrolls to the end of textview if end is not visible ''' if self.scroll_to_end_id: # a scroll is already planned return buffer_ = textview.get_buffer() end_iter = buffer_.get_end_iter() end_rect = textview.get_iter_location(end_iter) visible_rect = textview.get_visible_rect() # scroll only if expected end is not visible if end_rect.y >= (visible_rect.y + visible_rect.height + diff_y): self.scroll_to_end_id = gobject.idle_add(self.scroll_to_end_iter, textview) def scroll_to_end_iter(self, textview): buffer_ = textview.get_buffer() end_iter = buffer_.get_end_iter() textview.scroll_to_iter(end_iter, 0, False, 1, 1) self.scroll_to_end_id = None return False def size_request(self, msg_textview , requisition): ''' When message_textview changes its size. If the new height will enlarge the window, enable the scrollbar automatic policy Also enable scrollbar automatic policy for horizontal scrollbar if message we have in message_textview is too big''' if msg_textview.window is None: return min_height = self.conv_scrolledwindow.get_property('height-request') conversation_height = self.conv_textview.tv.window.get_size()[1] message_height = msg_textview.window.get_size()[1] message_width = msg_textview.window.get_size()[0] # new tab is not exposed yet if conversation_height < 2: return if conversation_height < min_height: min_height = conversation_height # we don't want to always resize in height the message_textview # so we have minimum on conversation_textview's scrolled window # but we also want to avoid window resizing so if we reach that # minimum for conversation_textview and maximum for message_textview # we set to automatic the scrollbar policy diff_y = message_height - requisition.height if diff_y != 0: if conversation_height + diff_y < min_height: if message_height + conversation_height - min_height > min_height: policy = self.msg_scrolledwindow.get_property( 'vscrollbar-policy') # scroll only when scrollbar appear if policy != gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC: self.msg_scrolledwindow.set_property('vscrollbar-policy', gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC) self.msg_scrolledwindow.set_property('height-request', message_height + conversation_height - min_height) self.bring_scroll_to_end(msg_textview) else: self.msg_scrolledwindow.set_property('vscrollbar-policy', gtk.POLICY_NEVER) self.msg_scrolledwindow.set_property('height-request', -1) self.conv_textview.bring_scroll_to_end(diff_y - 18, False) else: self.conv_textview.bring_scroll_to_end(diff_y - 18, self.smooth) self.smooth = True # reinit the flag # enable scrollbar automatic policy for horizontal scrollbar # if message we have in message_textview is too big if requisition.width > message_width: self.msg_scrolledwindow.set_property('hscrollbar-policy', gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC) else: self.msg_scrolledwindow.set_property('hscrollbar-policy', gtk.POLICY_NEVER) return True def on_conversation_vadjustment_changed(self, adjustment): # used to stay at the end of the textview when we shrink conversation # textview. if self.was_at_the_end: self.conv_textview.bring_scroll_to_end(-18) self.was_at_the_end = (adjustment.upper - adjustment.value - adjustment.page_size) < 18 def on_conversation_vadjustment_value_changed(self, adjustment): # stop automatic scroll when we manually scroll if not self.conv_textview.auto_scrolling: self.conv_textview.stop_scrolling() self.was_at_the_end = (adjustment.upper - adjustment.value - adjustment.page_size) < 18 if self.resource: jid = self.contact.get_full_jid() else: jid = self.contact.jid types_list = [] type_ = self.type_id if type_ == message_control.TYPE_GC: type_ = 'gc_msg' types_list = ['printed_' + type_, type_, 'printed_marked_gc_msg'] else: # Not a GC types_list = ['printed_' + type_, type_] if not len(gajim.events.get_events(self.account, jid, types_list)): return if not self.parent_win: return if self.conv_textview.at_the_end() and \ self.parent_win.get_active_control() == self and \ self.parent_win.window.is_active(): # we are at the end if self.type_id == message_control.TYPE_GC: if not gajim.events.remove_events(self.account, jid, types=types_list): self.redraw_after_event_removed(jid) elif self.session and self.session.remove_events(types_list): # There were events to remove self.redraw_after_event_removed(jid) def redraw_after_event_removed(self, jid): ''' We just removed a 'printed_*' event, redraw contact in roster or gc_roster and titles in roster and msg_win ''' self.parent_win.redraw_tab(self) self.parent_win.show_title() # TODO : get the contact and check notify.get_show_in_roster() if self.type_id == message_control.TYPE_PM: room_jid, nick = gajim.get_room_and_nick_from_fjid(jid) groupchat_control = gajim.interface.msg_win_mgr.get_gc_control( room_jid, self.account) if room_jid in gajim.interface.minimized_controls[self.account]: groupchat_control = \ gajim.interface.minimized_controls[self.account][room_jid] contact = \ gajim.contacts.get_contact_with_highest_priority(self.account, \ room_jid) if contact: gajim.interface.roster.draw_contact(room_jid, self.account) if groupchat_control: groupchat_control.draw_contact(nick) if groupchat_control.parent_win: groupchat_control.parent_win.redraw_tab(groupchat_control) else: gajim.interface.roster.draw_contact(jid, self.account) gajim.interface.roster.show_title() def sent_messages_scroll(self, direction, conv_buf): size = len(self.sent_history) if self.orig_msg is None: # user was typing something and then went into history, so save # whatever is already typed start_iter = conv_buf.get_start_iter() end_iter = conv_buf.get_end_iter() self.orig_msg = conv_buf.get_text(start_iter, end_iter, 0).decode( 'utf-8') if direction == 'up': if self.sent_history_pos == 0: return self.sent_history_pos = self.sent_history_pos - 1 self.smooth = False conv_buf.set_text(self.sent_history[self.sent_history_pos]) elif direction == 'down': if self.sent_history_pos >= size - 1: conv_buf.set_text(self.orig_msg) self.orig_msg = None self.sent_history_pos = size return self.sent_history_pos = self.sent_history_pos + 1 self.smooth = False conv_buf.set_text(self.sent_history[self.sent_history_pos]) def lighten_color(self, color): p = 0.4 mask = 0 color.red = int((color.red * p) + (mask * (1 - p))) color.green = int((color.green * p) + (mask * (1 - p))) color.blue = int((color.blue * p) + (mask * (1 - p))) return color def widget_set_visible(self, widget, state): '''Show or hide a widget. state is bool''' # make the last message visible, when changing to "full view" if not state: gobject.idle_add(self.conv_textview.scroll_to_end_iter) widget.set_no_show_all(state) if state: widget.hide() else: widget.show_all() def chat_buttons_set_visible(self, state): '''Toggle chat buttons. state is bool''' MessageControl.chat_buttons_set_visible(self, state) self.widget_set_visible(self.xml.get_widget('actions_hbox'), state) def got_connected(self): self.msg_textview.set_sensitive(True) self.msg_textview.set_editable(True) # FIXME: Set sensitivity for toolbar def got_disconnected(self): self.msg_textview.set_sensitive(False) self.msg_textview.set_editable(False) self.conv_textview.tv.grab_focus() self.no_autonegotiation = False # FIXME: Set sensitivity for toolbar ################################################################################ class ChatControl(ChatControlBase): '''A control for standard 1-1 chat''' ( AUDIO_STATE_NOT_AVAILABLE, AUDIO_STATE_AVAILABLE, AUDIO_STATE_CONNECTING, AUDIO_STATE_CONNECTION_RECEIVED, AUDIO_STATE_CONNECTED, AUDIO_STATE_ERROR ) = range(6) TYPE_ID = message_control.TYPE_CHAT old_msg_kind = None # last kind of the printed message CHAT_CMDS = ['clear', 'compact', 'help', 'me', 'ping', 'say'] def __init__(self, parent_win, contact, acct, session, resource = None): ChatControlBase.__init__(self, self.TYPE_ID, parent_win, 'chat_child_vbox', contact, acct, resource) self.gpg_is_active = False # for muc use: # widget = self.xml.get_widget('muc_window_actions_button') self.actions_button = self.xml.get_widget('message_window_actions_button') id_ = self.actions_button.connect('clicked', self.on_actions_button_clicked) self.handlers[id_] = self.actions_button self._formattings_button = self.xml.get_widget('formattings_button') self._add_to_roster_button = self.xml.get_widget( 'add_to_roster_button') id_ = self._add_to_roster_button.connect('clicked', self._on_add_to_roster_menuitem_activate) self.handlers[id_] = self._add_to_roster_button self._start_audio_button = self.xml.get_widget('start_audio_button') id_ = self._start_audio_button.connect('clicked', self.on_start_audio_button_activate) self.handlers[id_] = self._start_audio_button self._stop_audio_button = self.xml.get_widget('stop_audio_button') id_ = self._stop_audio_button.connect('clicked', self.on_stop_audio_button_activate) self.handlers[id_] = self._stop_audio_button self._send_file_button = self.xml.get_widget('send_file_button') # add a special img for send file button path_to_upload_img = os.path.join(gajim.DATA_DIR, 'pixmaps', 'upload.png') img = gtk.Image() img.set_from_file(path_to_upload_img) self._send_file_button.set_image(img) id_ = self._send_file_button.connect('clicked', self._on_send_file_menuitem_activate) self.handlers[id_] = self._send_file_button self._convert_to_gc_button = self.xml.get_widget( 'convert_to_gc_button') id_ = self._convert_to_gc_button.connect('clicked', self._on_convert_to_gc_menuitem_activate) self.handlers[id_] = self._convert_to_gc_button contact_information_button = self.xml.get_widget( 'contact_information_button') id_ = contact_information_button.connect('clicked', self._on_contact_information_menuitem_activate) self.handlers[id_] = contact_information_button compact_view = gajim.config.get('compact_view') self.chat_buttons_set_visible(compact_view) self.widget_set_visible(self.xml.get_widget('banner_eventbox'), gajim.config.get('hide_chat_banner')) self.authentication_button = self.xml.get_widget( 'authentication_button') id_ = self.authentication_button.connect('clicked', self._on_authentication_button_clicked) self.handlers[id_] = self.authentication_button # Add lock image to show chat encryption self.lock_image = self.xml.get_widget('lock_image') self.lock_tooltip = gtk.Tooltips() # Convert to GC icon img = self.xml.get_widget('convert_to_gc_button_image') img.set_from_pixbuf(gtkgui_helpers.load_icon( 'muc_active').get_pixbuf()) self._audio_image = self.xml.get_widget('audio_image') if gajim.capscache.is_supported(contact, NS_JINGLE_RTP_AUDIO): self.set_audio_state('available') else: self.set_audio_state('not_available') self.audio_sid = None self.update_toolbar() self._mood_image = self.xml.get_widget('mood_image') self._activity_image = self.xml.get_widget('activity_image') self._tune_image = self.xml.get_widget('tune_image') self.update_mood() self.update_activity() self.update_tune() # keep timeout id and window obj for possible big avatar # it is on enter-notify and leave-notify so no need to be # per jid self.show_bigger_avatar_timeout_id = None self.bigger_avatar_window = None self.show_avatar(self.contact.resource) # chatstate timers and state self.reset_kbd_mouse_timeout_vars() self._schedule_activity_timers() # Hook up signals id_ = self.parent_win.window.connect('motion-notify-event', self._on_window_motion_notify) self.handlers[id_] = self.parent_win.window message_tv_buffer = self.msg_textview.get_buffer() id_ = message_tv_buffer.connect('changed', self._on_message_tv_buffer_changed) self.handlers[id_] = message_tv_buffer widget = self.xml.get_widget('avatar_eventbox') widget.set_property('height-request', gajim.config.get( 'chat_avatar_height')) id_ = widget.connect('enter-notify-event', self.on_avatar_eventbox_enter_notify_event) self.handlers[id_] = widget id_ = widget.connect('leave-notify-event', self.on_avatar_eventbox_leave_notify_event) self.handlers[id_] = widget id_ = widget.connect('button-press-event', self.on_avatar_eventbox_button_press_event) self.handlers[id_] = widget if not session: session = gajim.connections[self.account]. \ find_controlless_session(self.contact.jid) if session: # Don't use previous session if we want to a specific resource # and it's not the same r = gajim.get_room_and_nick_from_fjid(str(session.jid))[1] if resource and resource != r: session = None if session: session.control = self self.session = session if session.enable_encryption: self.print_esession_details() # Enable encryption if needed self.no_autonegotiation = False e2e_is_active = self.session and self.session.enable_encryption gpg_pref = gajim.config.get_per('contacts', contact.jid, 'gpg_enabled') # try GPG first if not e2e_is_active and gpg_pref and \ gajim.config.get_per('accounts', self.account, 'keyid') and \ gajim.connections[self.account].USE_GPG: self.gpg_is_active = True gajim.encrypted_chats[self.account].append(contact.jid) msg = _('GPG encryption enabled') ChatControlBase.print_conversation_line(self, msg, 'status', '', None) if self.session: self.session.loggable = gajim.config.get_per('accounts', self.account, 'log_encrypted_sessions') # GPG is always authenticated as we use GPG's WoT self._show_lock_image(self.gpg_is_active, 'GPG', self.gpg_is_active, self.session and self.session.is_loggable(), True) self.status_tooltip = gtk.Tooltips() self.update_ui() # restore previous conversation self.restore_conversation() self.msg_textview.grab_focus() def update_toolbar(self): # Formatting if gajim.capscache.is_supported(self.contact, NS_XHTML_IM) \ and not gajim.capscache.is_supported(self.contact, 'notexistant') \ and not self.gpg_is_active: self._formattings_button.set_sensitive(True) else: self._formattings_button.set_sensitive(False) # Add to roster if not isinstance(self.contact, GC_Contact) \ and _('Not in Roster') in self.contact.groups: self._add_to_roster_button.show() else: self._add_to_roster_button.hide() # Audio buttons if self.audio_state == self.AUDIO_STATE_NOT_AVAILABLE: self._start_audio_button.show() self._start_audio_button.set_sensitive(False) self._stop_audio_button.hide() elif self.audio_state in (self.AUDIO_STATE_AVAILABLE, self.AUDIO_STATE_ERROR): self._start_audio_button.show() self._start_audio_button.set_sensitive(True) self._stop_audio_button.hide() else: self._start_audio_button.hide() self._stop_audio_button.show() # Send file if gajim.capscache.is_supported(self.contact, NS_FILE) and \ self.contact.resource: self._send_file_button.set_sensitive(True) else: self._send_file_button.set_sensitive(False) if not gajim.capscache.is_supported(self.contact, NS_FILE): self._send_file_button.set_tooltip_text(_( "This contact does not support file transfer.")) else: self._send_file_button.set_tooltip_text( _("You need to know the real JID of the contact to send him or " "her a file.")) # Convert to GC if gajim.capscache.is_supported(self.contact, NS_MUC): self._convert_to_gc_button.set_sensitive(True) else: self._convert_to_gc_button.set_sensitive(False) def update_mood(self): mood = None text = None if isinstance(self.contact, GC_Contact): return if 'mood' in self.contact.mood: mood = self.contact.mood['mood'].strip() if 'text' in self.contact.mood: text = self.contact.mood['text'].strip() if mood is not None: if mood in MOODS: self._mood_image.set_from_pixbuf(gtkgui_helpers.load_mood_icon( mood).get_pixbuf()) # Translate standard moods mood = MOODS[mood] else: self._mood_image.set_from_pixbuf(gtkgui_helpers.load_mood_icon( 'unknown').get_pixbuf()) mood = gobject.markup_escape_text(mood) tooltip = '%s' % mood if text: text = gobject.markup_escape_text(text) tooltip += '\n' + text self._mood_image.set_tooltip_markup(tooltip) self._mood_image.show() else: self._mood_image.hide() def update_activity(self): activity = None subactivity = None text = None if isinstance(self.contact, GC_Contact): return if 'activity' in self.contact.activity: activity = self.contact.activity['activity'].strip() if 'subactivity' in self.contact.activity: subactivity = self.contact.activity['subactivity'].strip() if 'text' in self.contact.activity: text = self.contact.activity['text'].strip() if activity is not None: if activity in ACTIVITIES: # Translate standard activities if subactivity in ACTIVITIES[activity]: self._activity_image.set_from_pixbuf( gtkgui_helpers.load_activity_icon(activity, subactivity). \ get_pixbuf()) subactivity = ACTIVITIES[activity][subactivity] else: self._activity_image.set_from_pixbuf( gtkgui_helpers.load_activity_icon(activity).get_pixbuf()) activity = ACTIVITIES[activity]['category'] else: self._activity_image.set_from_pixbuf( gtkgui_helpers.load_activity_icon('unknown').get_pixbuf()) # Translate standard subactivities tooltip = '' + gobject.markup_escape_text(activity) if subactivity: tooltip += ': ' + gobject.markup_escape_text(subactivity) tooltip += '' if text: tooltip += '\n' + gobject.markup_escape_text(text) self._activity_image.set_tooltip_markup(tooltip) self._activity_image.show() else: self._activity_image.hide() def update_tune(self): artist = None title = None source = None if isinstance(self.contact, GC_Contact): return if 'artist' in self.contact.tune: artist = self.contact.tune['artist'].strip() artist = gobject.markup_escape_text(artist) if 'title' in self.contact.tune: title = self.contact.tune['title'].strip() title = gobject.markup_escape_text(title) if 'source' in self.contact.tune: source = self.contact.tune['source'].strip() source = gobject.markup_escape_text(source) if artist or title: if not artist: artist = _('Unknown Artist') if not title: title = _('Unknown Title') if not source: source = _('Unknown Source') self._tune_image.set_tooltip_markup( _('"%(title)s" by %(artist)s\n' 'from %(source)s') % {'title': title, 'artist': artist, 'source': source}) self._tune_image.show() else: self._tune_image.hide() def update_audio(self): if self.audio_state in (self.AUDIO_STATE_NOT_AVAILABLE, self.AUDIO_STATE_AVAILABLE): self._audio_image.hide() return elif self.audio_state == self.AUDIO_STATE_CONNECTING: self._audio_image.set_from_stock(gtk.STOCK_CONVERT, 1) elif self.audio_state == self.AUDIO_STATE_CONNECTION_RECEIVED: self._audio_image.set_from_stock(gtk.STOCK_NETWORK, 1) elif self.audio_state == self.AUDIO_STATE_CONNECTED: self._audio_image.set_from_stock(gtk.STOCK_CONNECT, 1) elif self.audio_state == self.AUDIO_STATE_ERROR: self._audio_image.set_from_stock(gtk.STOCK_DIALOG_WARNING, 1) self._audio_image.show() self.update_toolbar() def set_audio_state(self, state, sid=None, reason=None): if state in ('connecting', 'connected', 'stop'): str = _('Audio state : %s') % state if reason: str += ', ' + _('reason: %s') % reason self.print_conversation(str, 'info') if state == 'not_available': self.audio_state = self.AUDIO_STATE_NOT_AVAILABLE self.audio_sid = None elif state == 'available': self.audio_state = self.AUDIO_STATE_AVAILABLE self.audio_sid = None elif state == 'connecting': self.audio_state = self.AUDIO_STATE_CONNECTING self.audio_sid = sid elif state == 'connection_received': self.audio_state = self.AUDIO_STATE_CONNECTION_RECEIVED self.audio_sid = sid elif state == 'connected': self.audio_state = self.AUDIO_STATE_CONNECTED elif state == 'stop': self.audio_state = self.AUDIO_STATE_AVAILABLE self.audio_sid = None elif state == 'error': self.audio_state = self.AUDIO_STATE_ERROR self.update_audio() def on_avatar_eventbox_enter_notify_event(self, widget, event): ''' we enter the eventbox area so we under conditions add a timeout to show a bigger avatar after 0.5 sec ''' jid = self.contact.jid is_fake = False if self.type_id == message_control.TYPE_PM: is_fake = True avatar_pixbuf = gtkgui_helpers.get_avatar_pixbuf_from_cache(jid, is_fake) if avatar_pixbuf in ('ask', None): return avatar_w = avatar_pixbuf.get_width() avatar_h = avatar_pixbuf.get_height() scaled_buf = self.xml.get_widget('avatar_image').get_pixbuf() scaled_buf_w = scaled_buf.get_width() scaled_buf_h = scaled_buf.get_height() # do we have something bigger to show? if avatar_w > scaled_buf_w or avatar_h > scaled_buf_h: # wait for 0.5 sec in case we leave earlier self.show_bigger_avatar_timeout_id = gobject.timeout_add(500, self.show_bigger_avatar, widget) def on_avatar_eventbox_leave_notify_event(self, widget, event): '''we left the eventbox area that holds the avatar img''' # did we add a timeout? if yes remove it if self.show_bigger_avatar_timeout_id is not None: gobject.source_remove(self.show_bigger_avatar_timeout_id) def on_avatar_eventbox_button_press_event(self, widget, event): '''If right-clicked, show popup''' if event.button == 3: # right click menu = gtk.Menu() menuitem = gtk.ImageMenuItem(gtk.STOCK_SAVE_AS) id_ = menuitem.connect('activate', gtkgui_helpers.on_avatar_save_as_menuitem_activate, self.contact.jid, self.account, self.contact.get_shown_name() + \ '.jpeg') self.handlers[id_] = menuitem menu.append(menuitem) menu.show_all() menu.connect('selection-done', lambda w:w.destroy()) # show the menu menu.show_all() menu.popup(None, None, None, event.button, event.time) return True def _on_window_motion_notify(self, widget, event): '''it gets called no matter if it is the active window or not''' if self.parent_win.get_active_jid() == self.contact.jid: # if window is the active one, change vars assisting chatstate self.mouse_over_in_last_5_secs = True self.mouse_over_in_last_30_secs = True def _schedule_activity_timers(self): self.possible_paused_timeout_id = gobject.timeout_add_seconds(5, self.check_for_possible_paused_chatstate, None) self.possible_inactive_timeout_id = gobject.timeout_add_seconds(30, self.check_for_possible_inactive_chatstate, None) def update_ui(self): # The name banner is drawn here ChatControlBase.update_ui(self) self.update_toolbar() def _update_banner_state_image(self): contact = gajim.contacts.get_contact_with_highest_priority(self.account, self.contact.jid) if not contact or self.resource: # For transient contacts contact = self.contact show = contact.show jid = contact.jid # Set banner image img_32 = gajim.interface.roster.get_appropriate_state_images(jid, size = '32', icon_name = show) img_16 = gajim.interface.roster.get_appropriate_state_images(jid, icon_name = show) if show in img_32 and img_32[show].get_pixbuf(): # we have 32x32! use it! banner_image = img_32[show] use_size_32 = True else: banner_image = img_16[show] use_size_32 = False banner_status_img = self.xml.get_widget('banner_status_image') if banner_image.get_storage_type() == gtk.IMAGE_ANIMATION: banner_status_img.set_from_animation(banner_image.get_animation()) else: pix = banner_image.get_pixbuf() if pix is not None: if use_size_32: banner_status_img.set_from_pixbuf(pix) else: # we need to scale 16x16 to 32x32 scaled_pix = pix.scale_simple(32, 32, gtk.gdk.INTERP_BILINEAR) banner_status_img.set_from_pixbuf(scaled_pix) def draw_banner_text(self): '''Draw the text in the fat line at the top of the window that houses the name, jid. ''' contact = self.contact jid = contact.jid banner_name_label = self.xml.get_widget('banner_name_label') banner_name_tooltip = gtk.Tooltips() name = contact.get_shown_name() if self.resource: name += '/' + self.resource if self.TYPE_ID == message_control.TYPE_PM: name = _('%(nickname)s from group chat %(room_name)s') %\ {'nickname': name, 'room_name': self.room_name} name = gobject.markup_escape_text(name) # We know our contacts nick, but if another contact has the same nick # in another account we need to also display the account. # except if we are talking to two different resources of the same contact acct_info = '' for account in gajim.contacts.get_accounts(): if account == self.account: continue if acct_info: # We already found a contact with same nick break for jid in gajim.contacts.get_jid_list(account): other_contact_ = \ gajim.contacts.get_first_contact_from_jid(account, jid) if other_contact_.get_shown_name() == self.contact.get_shown_name(): acct_info = ' (%s)' % \ gobject.markup_escape_text(self.account) break status = contact.status if status is not None: banner_name_label.set_ellipsize(pango.ELLIPSIZE_END) self.banner_status_label.set_ellipsize(pango.ELLIPSIZE_END) status_reduced = helpers.reduce_chars_newlines(status, max_lines = 1) status_escaped = gobject.markup_escape_text(status_reduced) font_attrs, font_attrs_small = self.get_font_attrs() st = gajim.config.get('displayed_chat_state_notifications') cs = contact.chatstate if cs and st in ('composing_only', 'all'): if contact.show == 'offline': chatstate = '' elif contact.composing_xep == 'XEP-0085': if st == 'all' or cs == 'composing': chatstate = helpers.get_uf_chatstate(cs) else: chatstate = '' elif contact.composing_xep == 'XEP-0022': if cs in ('composing', 'paused'): # only print composing, paused chatstate = helpers.get_uf_chatstate(cs) else: chatstate = '' else: # When does that happen ? See [7797] and [7804] chatstate = helpers.get_uf_chatstate(cs) label_text = '%s%s %s' \ % (font_attrs, name, font_attrs_small, acct_info, chatstate) if acct_info: acct_info = ' ' + acct_info label_tooltip = '%s%s %s' % (name, acct_info, chatstate) else: # weight="heavy" size="x-large" label_text = '%s%s' % \ (font_attrs, name, font_attrs_small, acct_info) if acct_info: acct_info = ' ' + acct_info label_tooltip = '%s%s' % (name, acct_info) if status_escaped: if gajim.HAVE_PYSEXY: status_text = self.urlfinder.sub(self.make_href, status_escaped) status_text = '%s' % (font_attrs_small, status_text) else: status_text = '%s' % (font_attrs_small, status_escaped) self.status_tooltip.set_tip(self.banner_status_label, status) self.banner_status_label.show() self.banner_status_label.set_no_show_all(False) else: status_text = '' self.banner_status_label.hide() self.banner_status_label.set_no_show_all(True) self.banner_status_label.set_markup(status_text) # setup the label that holds name and jid banner_name_label.set_markup(label_text) banner_name_tooltip.set_tip(banner_name_label, label_tooltip) def on_start_audio_button_activate(self, *things): sid = gajim.connections[self.account].startVoIP(self.contact.get_full_jid( )) self.set_audio_state('connecting', sid) def on_stop_audio_button_activate(self, *things): session = gajim.connections[self.account].getJingleSession( self.contact.get_full_jid(), self.audio_sid) if session: session.end_session() def _toggle_gpg(self): if not self.gpg_is_active and not self.contact.keyID: dialogs.ErrorDialog(_('No GPG key assigned'), _('No GPG key is assigned to this contact. So you cannot ' 'encrypt messages with GPG.')) return ec = gajim.encrypted_chats[self.account] if self.gpg_is_active: # Disable encryption ec.remove(self.contact.jid) self.gpg_is_active = False loggable = False msg = _('GPG encryption disabled') ChatControlBase.print_conversation_line(self, msg, 'status', '', None) if self.session: self.session.loggable = True else: # Enable encryption ec.append(self.contact.jid) self.gpg_is_active = True msg = _('GPG encryption enabled') ChatControlBase.print_conversation_line(self, msg, 'status', '', None) loggable = gajim.config.get_per('accounts', self.account, 'log_encrypted_sessions') if self.session: self.session.loggable = loggable loggable = self.session.is_loggable() else: loggable = loggable and gajim.config.should_log(self.account, self.contact.jid) if loggable: msg = _('Session WILL be logged') else: msg = _('Session WILL NOT be logged') ChatControlBase.print_conversation_line(self, msg, 'status', '', None) gajim.config.set_per('contacts', self.contact.jid, 'gpg_enabled', self.gpg_is_active) self._show_lock_image(self.gpg_is_active, 'GPG', self.gpg_is_active, loggable, True) def _show_lock_image(self, visible, enc_type = '', enc_enabled = False, chat_logged = False, authenticated = False): '''Set lock icon visibility and create tooltip''' #encryption %s active status_string = enc_enabled and _('is') or _('is NOT') #chat session %s be logged logged_string = chat_logged and _('will') or _('will NOT') if authenticated: #About encrypted chat session authenticated_string = _('and authenticated') self.lock_image.set_from_file(os.path.join(gajim.DATA_DIR, 'pixmaps', 'security-high.png')) else: #About encrypted chat session authenticated_string = _('and NOT authenticated') self.lock_image.set_from_file(os.path.join(gajim.DATA_DIR, 'pixmaps', 'security-low.png')) #status will become 'is' or 'is not', authentificaed will become #'and authentificated' or 'and not authentificated', logged will become #'will' or 'will not' tooltip = _('%(type)s encryption %(status)s active %(authenticated)s.\n' 'Your chat session %(logged)s be logged.') % {'type': enc_type, 'status': status_string, 'authenticated': authenticated_string, 'logged': logged_string} self.lock_tooltip.set_tip(self.authentication_button, tooltip) self.widget_set_visible(self.authentication_button, not visible) self.lock_image.set_sensitive(enc_enabled) def _on_authentication_button_clicked(self, widget): if self.gpg_is_active: dialogs.GPGInfoWindow(self) elif self.session and self.session.enable_encryption: dialogs.ESessionInfoWindow(self.session) def _process_command(self, message): if message[0] != '/': return False # Handle common commands if ChatControlBase._process_command(self, message): return True message = message[1:] message_array = message.split(' ', 1) command = message_array.pop(0).lower() if message_array == ['']: message_array = [] if command == 'me': if len(message_array): return False # /me is not really a command else: self.get_command_help(command) return True # do not send "/me" as message if command == 'help': if len(message_array): subcommand = message_array.pop(0) self.get_command_help(subcommand) else: self.get_command_help(command) self.clear(self.msg_textview) return True elif command == 'ping': if not len(message_array): if self.account == gajim.ZEROCONF_ACC_NAME: self.print_conversation( _('Command not supported for zeroconf account.'), 'info') else: gajim.connections[self.account].sendPing(self.contact) else: self.get_command_help(command) self.clear(self.msg_textview) return True return False def get_command_help(self, command): if command == 'help': self.print_conversation(_('Commands: %s') % ChatControl.CHAT_CMDS, 'info') elif command == 'clear': self.print_conversation(_('Usage: /%s, clears the text window.') % \ command, 'info') elif command == 'compact': self.print_conversation(_('Usage: /%s, hide the chat buttons.') % \ command, 'info') elif command == 'me': self.print_conversation(_('Usage: /%(command)s , sends action ' 'to the current group chat. Use third person. (e.g. /%(command)s ' 'explodes.)' ) % {'command': command}, 'info') elif command == 'ping': self.print_conversation(_('Usage: /%s, sends a ping to the contact') %\ command, 'info') elif command == 'say': self.print_conversation(_('Usage: /%s, send the message to the contact') %\ command, 'info') else: self.print_conversation(_('No help info for /%s') % command, 'info') def send_message(self, message, keyID='', chatstate=None, xhtml=None): '''Send a message to contact''' if message in ('', None, '\n') or self._process_command(message): return None # Do we need to process command for the message ? process_command = True if message.startswith('/say'): message = message[5:] process_command = False # refresh timers self.reset_kbd_mouse_timeout_vars() contact = self.contact encrypted = bool(self.session) and self.session.enable_encryption keyID = '' if self.gpg_is_active: keyID = contact.keyID encrypted = True if not keyID: keyID = 'UNKNOWN' chatstates_on = gajim.config.get('outgoing_chat_state_notifications') != \ 'disabled' composing_xep = contact.composing_xep chatstate_to_send = None if chatstates_on and contact is not None: if composing_xep is None: # no info about peer # send active to discover chat state capabilities # this is here (and not in send_chatstate) # because we want it sent with REAL message # (not standlone) eg. one that has body if contact.our_chatstate: # We already asked for xep 85, don't ask it twice composing_xep = 'asked_once' chatstate_to_send = 'active' contact.our_chatstate = 'ask' # pseudo state # if peer supports jep85 and we are not 'ask', send 'active' # NOTE: first active and 'ask' is set in gajim.py elif composing_xep is not False: # send active chatstate on every message (as XEP says) chatstate_to_send = 'active' contact.our_chatstate = 'active' gobject.source_remove(self.possible_paused_timeout_id) gobject.source_remove(self.possible_inactive_timeout_id) self._schedule_activity_timers() def _on_sent(id_, contact, message, encrypted, xhtml): # XXX: Once we have fallback to disco, remove notexistant check if gajim.capscache.is_supported(contact, NS_RECEIPTS) \ and not gajim.capscache.is_supported(contact, 'notexistant') and gajim.config.get_per('accounts', self.account, 'request_receipt'): xep0184_id = id_ else: xep0184_id = None self.print_conversation(message, self.contact.jid, encrypted=encrypted, xep0184_id=xep0184_id, xhtml=xhtml) ChatControlBase.send_message(self, message, keyID, type_='chat', chatstate=chatstate_to_send, composing_xep=composing_xep, process_command=process_command, xhtml=xhtml, callback=_on_sent, callback_args=[contact, message, encrypted, xhtml]) def check_for_possible_paused_chatstate(self, arg): ''' did we move mouse of that window or write something in message textview in the last 5 seconds? if yes we go active for mouse, composing for kbd if no we go paused if we were previously composing ''' contact = self.contact jid = contact.jid current_state = contact.our_chatstate if current_state is False: # jid doesn't support chatstates return False # stop looping message_buffer = self.msg_textview.get_buffer() if self.kbd_activity_in_last_5_secs and message_buffer.get_char_count(): # Only composing if the keyboard activity was in text entry self.send_chatstate('composing') elif self.mouse_over_in_last_5_secs and\ jid == self.parent_win.get_active_jid(): self.send_chatstate('active') else: if current_state == 'composing': self.send_chatstate('paused') # pause composing # assume no activity and let the motion-notify or 'insert-text' make them # True refresh 30 seconds vars too or else it's 30 - 5 = 25 seconds! self.reset_kbd_mouse_timeout_vars() return True # loop forever def check_for_possible_inactive_chatstate(self, arg): ''' did we move mouse over that window or wrote something in message textview in the last 30 seconds? if yes we go active if no we go inactive ''' contact = self.contact current_state = contact.our_chatstate if current_state is False: # jid doesn't support chatstates return False # stop looping if self.mouse_over_in_last_5_secs or self.kbd_activity_in_last_5_secs: return True # loop forever if not self.mouse_over_in_last_30_secs or \ self.kbd_activity_in_last_30_secs: self.send_chatstate('inactive', contact) # assume no activity and let the motion-notify or 'insert-text' make them # True refresh 30 seconds too or else it's 30 - 5 = 25 seconds! self.reset_kbd_mouse_timeout_vars() return True # loop forever def reset_kbd_mouse_timeout_vars(self): self.kbd_activity_in_last_5_secs = False self.mouse_over_in_last_5_secs = False self.mouse_over_in_last_30_secs = False self.kbd_activity_in_last_30_secs = False def on_cancel_session_negotiation(self): msg = _('Session negotiation cancelled') ChatControlBase.print_conversation_line(self, msg, 'status', '', None) def print_esession_details(self): '''print esession settings to textview''' e2e_is_active = bool(self.session) and self.session.enable_encryption if e2e_is_active: msg = _('This session is encrypted') if self.session.is_loggable(): msg += _(' and WILL be logged') else: msg += _(' and WILL NOT be logged') ChatControlBase.print_conversation_line(self, msg, 'status', '', None) if not self.session.verified_identity: ChatControlBase.print_conversation_line(self, _("Remote contact's identity not verified. Click the shield button for more details."), 'status', '', None) else: msg = _('E2E encryption disabled') ChatControlBase.print_conversation_line(self, msg, 'status', '', None) self._show_lock_image(e2e_is_active, 'E2E', e2e_is_active, self.session and \ self.session.is_loggable(), self.session and self.session.verified_identity) def print_conversation(self, text, frm='', tim=None, encrypted=False, subject=None, xhtml=None, simple=False, xep0184_id=None): '''Print a line in the conversation: if frm is set to status: it's a status message if frm is set to error: it's an error message The difference between status and error is mainly that with error, msg count as a new message (in systray and in control). if frm is set to info: it's a information message if frm is set to print_queue: it is incomming from queue if frm is set to another value: it's an outgoing message if frm is not set: it's an incomming message''' contact = self.contact if frm == 'status': if not gajim.config.get('print_status_in_chats'): return kind = 'status' name = '' elif frm == 'error': kind = 'error' name = '' elif frm == 'info': kind = 'info' name = '' else: if self.session and self.session.enable_encryption: # ESessions if not encrypted: msg = _('The following message was NOT encrypted') ChatControlBase.print_conversation_line(self, msg, 'status', '', tim) else: # GPG encryption if encrypted and not self.gpg_is_active: msg = _('The following message was encrypted') ChatControlBase.print_conversation_line(self, msg, 'status', '', tim) # turn on OpenPGP if this was in fact a XEP-0027 encrypted message if encrypted == 'xep27': self._toggle_gpg() elif not encrypted and self.gpg_is_active: msg = _('The following message was NOT encrypted') ChatControlBase.print_conversation_line(self, msg, 'status', '', tim) if not frm: kind = 'incoming' name = contact.get_shown_name() elif frm == 'print_queue': # incoming message, but do not update time kind = 'incoming_queue' name = contact.get_shown_name() else: kind = 'outgoing' name = gajim.nicks[self.account] if not xhtml and not (encrypted and self.gpg_is_active) and \ gajim.config.get('rst_formatting_outgoing_messages'): from common.rst_xhtml_generator import create_xhtml xhtml = create_xhtml(text) if xhtml: xhtml = '%s' % (NS_XHTML, xhtml) ChatControlBase.print_conversation_line(self, text, kind, name, tim, subject=subject, old_kind=self.old_msg_kind, xhtml=xhtml, simple=simple, xep0184_id=xep0184_id) if text.startswith('/me ') or text.startswith('/me\n'): self.old_msg_kind = None else: self.old_msg_kind = kind def get_tab_label(self, chatstate): unread = '' if self.resource: jid = self.contact.get_full_jid() else: jid = self.contact.jid num_unread = len(gajim.events.get_events(self.account, jid, ['printed_' + self.type_id, self.type_id])) if num_unread == 1 and not gajim.config.get('show_unread_tab_icon'): unread = '*' elif num_unread > 1: unread = '[' + unicode(num_unread) + ']' # Draw tab label using chatstate theme = gajim.config.get('roster_theme') color = None if not chatstate: chatstate = self.contact.chatstate if chatstate is not None: if chatstate == 'composing': color = gajim.config.get_per('themes', theme, 'state_composing_color') elif chatstate == 'inactive': color = gajim.config.get_per('themes', theme, 'state_inactive_color') elif chatstate == 'gone': color = gajim.config.get_per('themes', theme, 'state_gone_color') elif chatstate == 'paused': color = gajim.config.get_per('themes', theme, 'state_paused_color') if color: # We set the color for when it's the current tab or not color = gtk.gdk.colormap_get_system().alloc_color(color) # In inactive tab color to be lighter against the darker inactive # background if chatstate in ('inactive', 'gone') and\ self.parent_win.get_active_control() != self: color = self.lighten_color(color) else: # active or not chatstate, get color from gtk color = self.parent_win.notebook.style.fg[gtk.STATE_ACTIVE] name = self.contact.get_shown_name() if self.resource: name += '/' + self.resource label_str = gobject.markup_escape_text(name) if num_unread: # if unread, text in the label becomes bold label_str = '' + unread + label_str + '' return (label_str, color) def get_tab_image(self): if self.resource: jid = self.contact.get_full_jid() else: jid = self.contact.jid num_unread = len(gajim.events.get_events(self.account, jid, ['printed_' + self.type_id, self.type_id])) # Set tab image (always 16x16); unread messages show the 'event' image tab_img = None if num_unread and gajim.config.get('show_unread_tab_icon'): img_16 = gajim.interface.roster.get_appropriate_state_images( self.contact.jid, icon_name = 'event') tab_img = img_16['event'] else: contact = gajim.contacts.get_contact_with_highest_priority( self.account, self.contact.jid) if not contact or self.resource: # For transient contacts contact = self.contact img_16 = gajim.interface.roster.get_appropriate_state_images( self.contact.jid, icon_name = contact.show) tab_img = img_16[contact.show] return tab_img def prepare_context_menu(self, hide_buttonbar_entries = False): '''sets compact view menuitem active state sets active and sensitivity state for toggle_gpg_menuitem sets sensitivity for history_menuitem (False for tranasports) and file_transfer_menuitem and hide()/show() for add_to_roster_menuitem ''' xml = gtkgui_helpers.get_glade('chat_control_popup_menu.glade') menu = xml.get_widget('chat_control_popup_menu') add_to_roster_menuitem = xml.get_widget('add_to_roster_menuitem') history_menuitem = xml.get_widget('history_menuitem') toggle_gpg_menuitem = xml.get_widget('toggle_gpg_menuitem') toggle_e2e_menuitem = xml.get_widget('toggle_e2e_menuitem') send_file_menuitem = xml.get_widget('send_file_menuitem') information_menuitem = xml.get_widget('information_menuitem') convert_to_gc_menuitem = xml.get_widget('convert_to_groupchat') separatormenuitem1 = xml.get_widget('separatormenuitem1') separatormenuitem2 = xml.get_widget('separatormenuitem2') # add a special img for send file menuitem path_to_upload_img = os.path.join(gajim.DATA_DIR, 'pixmaps', 'upload.png') img = gtk.Image() img.set_from_file(path_to_upload_img) send_file_menuitem.set_image(img) muc_icon = gtkgui_helpers.load_icon('muc_active') if muc_icon: convert_to_gc_menuitem.set_image(muc_icon) if not hide_buttonbar_entries: history_menuitem.show() send_file_menuitem.show() information_menuitem.show() convert_to_gc_menuitem.show() separatormenuitem1.show() separatormenuitem2.show() ag = gtk.accel_groups_from_object(self.parent_win.window)[0] send_file_menuitem.add_accelerator('activate', ag, gtk.keysyms.f, gtk.gdk.CONTROL_MASK, gtk.ACCEL_VISIBLE) convert_to_gc_menuitem.add_accelerator('activate', ag, gtk.keysyms.g, gtk.gdk.CONTROL_MASK, gtk.ACCEL_VISIBLE) history_menuitem.add_accelerator('activate', ag, gtk.keysyms.h, gtk.gdk.CONTROL_MASK, gtk.ACCEL_VISIBLE) information_menuitem.add_accelerator('activate', ag, gtk.keysyms.i, gtk.gdk.CONTROL_MASK, gtk.ACCEL_VISIBLE) contact = self.parent_win.get_active_contact() jid = contact.jid e2e_is_active = self.session is not None and self.session.enable_encryption # check if we support and use gpg if not gajim.config.get_per('accounts', self.account, 'keyid') or\ not gajim.connections[self.account].USE_GPG or\ gajim.jid_is_transport(jid): toggle_gpg_menuitem.set_sensitive(False) else: toggle_gpg_menuitem.set_sensitive(self.gpg_is_active or not e2e_is_active) toggle_gpg_menuitem.set_active(self.gpg_is_active) # disable esessions if we or the other client don't support them # XXX: Once we have fallback to disco, remove notexistant check if not gajim.HAVE_PYCRYPTO or \ not gajim.capscache.is_supported(contact, NS_ESESSION) or \ gajim.capscache.is_supported(contact, 'notexistant'): toggle_e2e_menuitem.set_sensitive(False) else: toggle_e2e_menuitem.set_active(e2e_is_active) toggle_e2e_menuitem.set_sensitive(e2e_is_active or not self.gpg_is_active) # add_to_roster_menuitem if not hide_buttonbar_entries and _('Not in Roster') in contact.groups: add_to_roster_menuitem.show() # check if it's possible to send a file if gajim.capscache.is_supported(contact, NS_FILE): send_file_menuitem.set_sensitive(True) else: send_file_menuitem.set_sensitive(False) # check if it's possible to convert to groupchat if gajim.capscache.is_supported(contact, NS_MUC): convert_to_gc_menuitem.set_sensitive(True) else: convert_to_gc_menuitem.set_sensitive(False) # connect signals id_ = history_menuitem.connect('activate', self._on_history_menuitem_activate) self.handlers[id_] = history_menuitem id_ = send_file_menuitem.connect('activate', self._on_send_file_menuitem_activate) self.handlers[id_] = send_file_menuitem id_ = add_to_roster_menuitem.connect('activate', self._on_add_to_roster_menuitem_activate) self.handlers[id_] = add_to_roster_menuitem id_ = toggle_gpg_menuitem.connect('activate', self._on_toggle_gpg_menuitem_activate) self.handlers[id_] = toggle_gpg_menuitem id_ = toggle_e2e_menuitem.connect('activate', self._on_toggle_e2e_menuitem_activate) self.handlers[id_] = toggle_e2e_menuitem id_ = information_menuitem.connect('activate', self._on_contact_information_menuitem_activate) self.handlers[id_] = information_menuitem id_ = convert_to_gc_menuitem.connect('activate', self._on_convert_to_gc_menuitem_activate) self.handlers[id_] = convert_to_gc_menuitem menu.connect('selection-done', self.destroy_menu, send_file_menuitem, convert_to_gc_menuitem, information_menuitem, history_menuitem) return menu def destroy_menu(self, menu, send_file_menuitem, convert_to_gc_menuitem, information_menuitem, history_menuitem): # destroy accelerators ag = gtk.accel_groups_from_object(self.parent_win.window)[0] send_file_menuitem.remove_accelerator(ag, gtk.keysyms.f, gtk.gdk.CONTROL_MASK) convert_to_gc_menuitem.remove_accelerator(ag, gtk.keysyms.g, gtk.gdk.CONTROL_MASK) information_menuitem.remove_accelerator(ag, gtk.keysyms.i, gtk.gdk.CONTROL_MASK) history_menuitem.remove_accelerator(ag, gtk.keysyms.h, gtk.gdk.CONTROL_MASK) # destroy menu menu.destroy() def send_chatstate(self, state, contact = None): ''' sends OUR chatstate as STANDLONE chat state message (eg. no body) to contact only if new chatstate is different from the previous one if jid is not specified, send to active tab''' # JEP 85 does not allow resending the same chatstate # this function checks for that and just returns so it's safe to call it # with same state. # This functions also checks for violation in state transitions # and raises RuntimeException with appropriate message # more on that http://www.jabber.org/jeps/jep-0085.html#statechart # do not send nothing if we have chat state notifications disabled # that means we won't reply to the from other peer # so we do not broadcast jep85 capabalities chatstate_setting = gajim.config.get('outgoing_chat_state_notifications') if chatstate_setting == 'disabled': return elif chatstate_setting == 'composing_only' and state != 'active' and\ state != 'composing': return if contact is None: contact = self.parent_win.get_active_contact() if contact is None: # contact was from pm in MUC, and left the room so contact is None # so we cannot send chatstate anymore return # Don't send chatstates to offline contacts if contact.show == 'offline': return if contact.composing_xep is False: # jid cannot do xep85 nor xep22 return # if the new state we wanna send (state) equals # the current state (contact.our_chatstate) then return if contact.our_chatstate == state: return if contact.composing_xep is None: # we don't know anything about jid, so return # NOTE: # send 'active', set current state to 'ask' and return is done # in self.send_message() because we need REAL message (with ) # for that procedure so return to make sure we send only once # 'active' until we know peer supports jep85 return if contact.our_chatstate == 'ask': return # in JEP22, when we already sent stop composing # notification on paused, don't resend it if contact.composing_xep == 'XEP-0022' and \ contact.our_chatstate in ('paused', 'active', 'inactive') and \ state is not 'composing': # not composing == in (active, inactive, gone) contact.our_chatstate = 'active' self.reset_kbd_mouse_timeout_vars() return # prevent going paused if we we were not composing (JEP violation) if state == 'paused' and not contact.our_chatstate == 'composing': # go active before MessageControl.send_message(self, None, chatstate = 'active') contact.our_chatstate = 'active' self.reset_kbd_mouse_timeout_vars() # if we're inactive prevent composing (JEP violation) elif contact.our_chatstate == 'inactive' and state == 'composing': # go active before MessageControl.send_message(self, None, chatstate = 'active') contact.our_chatstate = 'active' self.reset_kbd_mouse_timeout_vars() MessageControl.send_message(self, None, chatstate = state, msg_id = contact.msg_id, composing_xep = contact.composing_xep) contact.our_chatstate = state if contact.our_chatstate == 'active': self.reset_kbd_mouse_timeout_vars() def shutdown(self): # destroy banner tooltip - bug #pygtk for that! self.status_tooltip.destroy() # Send 'gone' chatstate self.send_chatstate('gone', self.contact) self.contact.chatstate = None self.contact.our_chatstate = None # disconnect self from session if self.session: self.session.control = None # Disconnect timer callbacks gobject.source_remove(self.possible_paused_timeout_id) gobject.source_remove(self.possible_inactive_timeout_id) # Remove bigger avatar window if self.bigger_avatar_window: self.bigger_avatar_window.destroy() # Clean events gajim.events.remove_events(self.account, self.get_full_jid(), types = ['printed_' + self.type_id, self.type_id]) # Remove contact instance if contact has been removed key = (self.contact.jid, self.account) roster = gajim.interface.roster if key in roster.contacts_to_be_removed.keys() and \ not roster.contact_has_pending_roster_events(self.contact, self.account): backend = roster.contacts_to_be_removed[key]['backend'] del roster.contacts_to_be_removed[key] roster.remove_contact(self.contact.jid, self.account, force=True, backend=backend) # remove all register handlers on widgets, created by self.xml # to prevent circular references among objects for i in self.handlers.keys(): if self.handlers[i].handler_is_connected(i): self.handlers[i].disconnect(i) del self.handlers[i] self.conv_textview.del_handlers() self.msg_textview.destroy() def minimizable(self): return False def safe_shutdown(self): return False def allow_shutdown(self, method, on_yes, on_no, on_minimize): if time.time() - gajim.last_message_time[self.account]\ [self.get_full_jid()] < 2: # 2 seconds def on_ok(): on_yes(self) def on_cancel(): on_no(self) dialogs.ConfirmationDialog( # %s is being replaced in the code with JID _('You just received a new message from "%s"') % self.contact.jid, _('If you close this tab and you have history disabled, '\ 'this message will be lost.'), on_response_ok=on_ok, on_response_cancel=on_cancel) return on_yes(self) def handle_incoming_chatstate(self): ''' handle incoming chatstate that jid SENT TO us ''' self.draw_banner_text() # update chatstate in tab for this chat self.parent_win.redraw_tab(self, self.contact.chatstate) def set_control_active(self, state): ChatControlBase.set_control_active(self, state) # send chatstate inactive to the one we're leaving # and active to the one we visit if state: self.send_chatstate('active', self.contact) else: self.send_chatstate('inactive', self.contact) # Hide bigger avatar window if self.bigger_avatar_window: self.bigger_avatar_window.destroy() self.bigger_avatar_window = None # Re-show the small avatar self.show_avatar() def show_avatar(self, resource = None): if not gajim.config.get('show_avatar_in_chat'): return is_fake = False if self.TYPE_ID == message_control.TYPE_PM: is_fake = True jid_with_resource = self.contact.jid # fake jid else: jid_with_resource = self.contact.jid if resource: jid_with_resource += '/' + resource # we assume contact has no avatar scaled_pixbuf = None pixbuf = gtkgui_helpers.get_avatar_pixbuf_from_cache(jid_with_resource, is_fake) if pixbuf == 'ask': # we don't have the vcard if self.TYPE_ID == message_control.TYPE_PM: if self.gc_contact.jid: # We know the real jid of this contact real_jid = self.gc_contact.jid if self.gc_contact.resource: real_jid += '/' + self.gc_contact.resource else: real_jid = jid_with_resource gajim.connections[self.account].request_vcard(real_jid, jid_with_resource) else: gajim.connections[self.account].request_vcard(jid_with_resource) return if pixbuf is not None: scaled_pixbuf = gtkgui_helpers.get_scaled_pixbuf(pixbuf, 'chat') image = self.xml.get_widget('avatar_image') image.set_from_pixbuf(scaled_pixbuf) image.show_all() def _on_drag_data_received(self, widget, context, x, y, selection, target_type, timestamp): if not selection.data: return if self.TYPE_ID == message_control.TYPE_PM: c = self.gc_contact else: c = self.contact if target_type == self.TARGET_TYPE_URI_LIST: if not c.resource: # If no resource is known, we can't send a file return uri = selection.data.strip() uri_splitted = uri.split() # we may have more than one file dropped for uri in uri_splitted: path = helpers.get_file_path_from_dnd_dropped_uri(uri) if os.path.isfile(path): # is it file? ft = gajim.interface.instances['file_transfers'] ft.send_file(self.account, c, path) return # chat2muc treeview = gajim.interface.roster.tree model = treeview.get_model() data = selection.data path = treeview.get_selection().get_selected_rows()[1][0] iter_ = model.get_iter(path) type_ = model[iter_][2] if type_ != 'contact': # source is not a contact return dropped_jid = data.decode('utf-8') dropped_transport = gajim.get_transport_name_from_jid(dropped_jid) c_transport = gajim.get_transport_name_from_jid(c.jid) if dropped_transport or c_transport: return # transport contacts cannot be invited dialogs.TransformChatToMUC(self.account, [c.jid], [dropped_jid]) def _on_message_tv_buffer_changed(self, textbuffer): self.kbd_activity_in_last_5_secs = True self.kbd_activity_in_last_30_secs = True if textbuffer.get_char_count(): self.send_chatstate('composing', self.contact) e2e_is_active = self.session and \ self.session.enable_encryption e2e_pref = gajim.config.get_per('accounts', self.account, 'enable_esessions') and gajim.config.get_per('accounts', self.account, 'autonegotiate_esessions') and gajim.config.get_per( 'contacts', self.contact.jid, 'autonegotiate_esessions') want_e2e = not e2e_is_active and not self.gpg_is_active \ and e2e_pref # XXX: Once we have fallback to disco, remove notexistant check if want_e2e and not self.no_autonegotiation \ and gajim.HAVE_PYCRYPTO \ and gajim.capscache.is_supported(self.contact, NS_ESESSION) and not gajim.capscache.is_supported( self.contact, 'notexistant'): self.begin_e2e_negotiation() else: self.send_chatstate('active', self.contact) def restore_conversation(self): jid = self.contact.jid # don't restore lines if it's a transport if gajim.jid_is_transport(jid): return # How many lines to restore and when to time them out restore_how_many = gajim.config.get('restore_lines') if restore_how_many <= 0: return timeout = gajim.config.get('restore_timeout') # in minutes # number of messages that are in queue and are already logged, we want # to avoid duplication pending_how_many = len(gajim.events.get_events(self.account, jid, ['chat', 'pm'])) if self.resource: pending_how_many += len(gajim.events.get_events(self.account, self.contact.get_full_jid(), ['chat', 'pm'])) try: rows = gajim.logger.get_last_conversation_lines(jid, restore_how_many, pending_how_many, timeout, self.account) except exceptions.DatabaseMalformed: import common.logger dialogs.ErrorDialog(_('Database Error'), _('The database file (%s) cannot be read. Try to repair it or remove it (all history will be lost).') % common.logger.LOG_DB_PATH) rows = [] local_old_kind = None for row in rows: # row[0] time, row[1] has kind, row[2] the message if not row[2]: # message is empty, we don't print it continue if row[1] in (constants.KIND_CHAT_MSG_SENT, constants.KIND_SINGLE_MSG_SENT): kind = 'outgoing' name = gajim.nicks[self.account] elif row[1] in (constants.KIND_SINGLE_MSG_RECV, constants.KIND_CHAT_MSG_RECV): kind = 'incoming' name = self.contact.get_shown_name() elif row[1] == constants.KIND_ERROR: kind = 'status' name = self.contact.get_shown_name() tim = time.localtime(float(row[0])) if gajim.config.get('restored_messages_small'): small_attr = ['small'] else: small_attr = [] ChatControlBase.print_conversation_line(self, row[2], kind, name, tim, small_attr, small_attr + ['restored_message'], small_attr + ['restored_message'], False, old_kind = local_old_kind) if row[2].startswith('/me ') or row[2].startswith('/me\n'): local_old_kind = None else: local_old_kind = kind if len(rows): self.conv_textview.print_empty_line() def read_queue(self): '''read queue and print messages containted in it''' jid = self.contact.jid jid_with_resource = jid if self.resource: jid_with_resource += '/' + self.resource events = gajim.events.get_events(self.account, jid_with_resource) # list of message ids which should be marked as read message_ids = [] for event in events: if event.type_ != self.type_id: continue data = event.parameters kind = data[2] if kind == 'error': kind = 'info' else: kind = 'print_queue' self.print_conversation(data[0], kind, tim = data[3], encrypted = data[4], subject = data[1], xhtml = data[7]) if len(data) > 6 and isinstance(data[6], int): message_ids.append(data[6]) if len(data) > 8: self.set_session(data[8]) if message_ids: gajim.logger.set_read_messages(message_ids) gajim.events.remove_events(self.account, jid_with_resource, types = [self.type_id]) typ = 'chat' # Is it a normal chat or a pm ? # reset to status image in gc if it is a pm # Is it a pm ? room_jid, nick = gajim.get_room_and_nick_from_fjid(jid) control = gajim.interface.msg_win_mgr.get_gc_control(room_jid, self.account) if control and control.type_id == message_control.TYPE_GC: control.update_ui() control.parent_win.show_title() typ = 'pm' self.redraw_after_event_removed(jid) if (self.contact.show in ('offline', 'error')): show_offline = gajim.config.get('showoffline') show_transports = gajim.config.get('show_transports_group') if (not show_transports and gajim.jid_is_transport(jid)) or \ (not show_offline and typ == 'chat' and \ len(gajim.contacts.get_contacts(self.account, jid)) < 2): gajim.interface.roster.remove_to_be_removed(self.contact.jid, self.account) elif typ == 'pm': control.remove_contact(nick) def show_bigger_avatar(self, small_avatar): '''resizes the avatar, if needed, so it has at max half the screen size and shows it''' if not small_avatar.window: # Tab has been closed since we hovered the avatar return is_fake = False if self.type_id == message_control.TYPE_PM: is_fake = True avatar_pixbuf = gtkgui_helpers.get_avatar_pixbuf_from_cache( self.contact.jid, is_fake) if avatar_pixbuf in ('ask', None): return # Hide the small avatar # this code hides the small avatar when we show a bigger one in case # the avatar has a transparency hole in the middle # so when we show the big one we avoid seeing the small one behind. # It's why I set it transparent. image = self.xml.get_widget('avatar_image') pixbuf = image.get_pixbuf() pixbuf.fill(0xffffff00L) # RGBA image.queue_draw() screen_w = gtk.gdk.screen_width() screen_h = gtk.gdk.screen_height() avatar_w = avatar_pixbuf.get_width() avatar_h = avatar_pixbuf.get_height() half_scr_w = screen_w / 2 half_scr_h = screen_h / 2 if avatar_w > half_scr_w: avatar_w = half_scr_w if avatar_h > half_scr_h: avatar_h = half_scr_h window = gtk.Window(gtk.WINDOW_POPUP) self.bigger_avatar_window = window pixmap, mask = avatar_pixbuf.render_pixmap_and_mask() window.set_size_request(avatar_w, avatar_h) # we should make the cursor visible # gtk+ doesn't make use of the motion notify on gtkwindow by default # so this line adds that window.set_events(gtk.gdk.POINTER_MOTION_MASK) window.set_app_paintable(True) window.set_type_hint(gtk.gdk.WINDOW_TYPE_HINT_TOOLTIP) window.realize() window.window.set_back_pixmap(pixmap, False) # make it transparent window.window.shape_combine_mask(mask, 0, 0) # make the bigger avatar window show up centered x0, y0 = small_avatar.window.get_origin() x0 += small_avatar.allocation.x y0 += small_avatar.allocation.y center_x= x0 + (small_avatar.allocation.width / 2) center_y = y0 + (small_avatar.allocation.height / 2) pos_x, pos_y = center_x - (avatar_w / 2), center_y - (avatar_h / 2) window.move(pos_x, pos_y) # make the cursor invisible so we can see the image invisible_cursor = gtkgui_helpers.get_invisible_cursor() window.window.set_cursor(invisible_cursor) # we should hide the window window.connect('leave_notify_event', self._on_window_avatar_leave_notify_event) window.connect('motion-notify-event', self._on_window_motion_notify_event) window.show_all() def _on_window_avatar_leave_notify_event(self, widget, event): '''we just left the popup window that holds avatar''' self.bigger_avatar_window.destroy() self.bigger_avatar_window = None # Re-show the small avatar self.show_avatar() def _on_window_motion_notify_event(self, widget, event): '''we just moved the mouse so show the cursor''' cursor = gtk.gdk.Cursor(gtk.gdk.LEFT_PTR) self.bigger_avatar_window.window.set_cursor(cursor) def _on_send_file_menuitem_activate(self, widget): self._on_send_file() def _on_add_to_roster_menuitem_activate(self, widget): dialogs.AddNewContactWindow(self.account, self.contact.jid) def _on_contact_information_menuitem_activate(self, widget): gajim.interface.roster.on_info(widget, self.contact, self.account) def _on_toggle_gpg_menuitem_activate(self, widget): self._toggle_gpg() def _on_convert_to_gc_menuitem_activate(self, widget): '''user want to invite some friends to chat''' dialogs.TransformChatToMUC(self.account, [self.contact.jid]) def _on_toggle_e2e_menuitem_activate(self, widget): if self.session and self.session.enable_encryption: # e2e was enabled, disable it jid = str(self.session.jid) thread_id = self.session.thread_id self.session.terminate_e2e() gajim.connections[self.account].delete_session(jid, thread_id) # presumably the user had a good reason to shut it off, so # disable autonegotiation too self.no_autonegotiation = True else: self.begin_e2e_negotiation() def begin_e2e_negotiation(self): self.no_autonegotiation = True if not self.session: fjid = self.contact.get_full_jid() new_sess = gajim.connections[self.account].make_new_session(fjid, type_=self.type_id) self.set_session(new_sess) self.session.negotiate_e2e(False) def got_connected(self): ChatControlBase.got_connected(self) # Refreshing contact contact = gajim.contacts.get_contact_with_highest_priority( self.account, self.contact.jid) if isinstance(contact, GC_Contact): contact = gajim.contacts.contact_from_gc_contact(contact) if contact: self.contact = contact self.draw_banner() def update_status_display(self, name, uf_show, status): '''print the contact's status and update the status/GPG image''' self.update_ui() self.parent_win.redraw_tab(self) self.print_conversation(_('%(name)s is now %(status)s') % {'name': name, 'status': uf_show}, 'status') if status: self.print_conversation(' (', 'status', simple=True) self.print_conversation('%s' % (status), 'status', simple=True) self.print_conversation(')', 'status', simple=True) # vim: se ts=3: