# Copyright (C) 2016-2018 Philipp Hörist # Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Nikos Kouremenos # Copyright (C) 2005-2014 Yann Leboulanger # Copyright (C) 2008 Stephan Erb # # This file is part of Gajim. # # Gajim is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published # by the Free Software Foundation; version 3 only. # # Gajim is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Gajim. If not, see . from typing import cast import sys import os import traceback import threading import webbrowser import platform from io import StringIO from urllib.parse import urlencode import nbxmpp from gi.repository import Gtk, GObject try: import gajim gajim_version = gajim.__version__ except ImportError: # For standalone testing gajim_version = 'Package not installed' if __name__ == '__main__': glade_file = os.path.join('data', 'gui', 'exception_dialog.ui') else: from gajim.common import configpaths gui_path = cast(str, configpaths.get('GUI')) glade_file = os.path.join(gui_path, 'exception_dialog.ui') _exception_in_progress = threading.Lock() ISSUE_TEXT = '''## Versions - OS: {} - GTK+ Version: {} - PyGObject Version: {} - python-nbxmpp Version: {} - Gajim Version: {} ## Traceback ``` {} ``` ## Steps to reproduce the problem ...''' def _hook(type_, value, tb): if not _exception_in_progress.acquire(False): # Exceptions have piled up, so we use the default exception # handler for such exceptions sys.__excepthook__(type_, value, tb) return ExceptionDialog(type_, value, tb) _exception_in_progress.release() class ExceptionDialog(): def __init__(self, type_, value, tb): builder = Gtk.Builder() builder.add_from_file(glade_file) self.dialog = builder.get_object("ExceptionDialog") builder.connect_signals(self) builder.get_object("report_btn").grab_focus() self.exception_view = builder.get_object("exception_view") buffer_ = self.exception_view.get_buffer() trace = StringIO() traceback.print_exception(type_, value, tb, None, trace) self.text = self.get_issue_text(trace.getvalue()) buffer_.set_text(self.text) print(self.text) self.exception_view.set_editable(False) self.dialog.show() if __name__ == '__main__': self.dialog.connect('delete-event', self._on_delete_event) def on_report_clicked(self, *args): issue_url = 'https://dev.gajim.org/gajim/gajim/issues/new' params = {'issue[description]': self.text} url = '{}?{}'.format(issue_url, urlencode(params)) webbrowser.open(url, new=2) def on_close_clicked(self, *args): self.dialog.destroy() if __name__ == '__main__': Gtk.main_quit() def _on_delete_event(self, *args): Gtk.main_quit() def get_issue_text(self, traceback_text): gtk_ver = '%i.%i.%i' % ( Gtk.get_major_version(), Gtk.get_minor_version(), Gtk.get_micro_version()) gobject_ver = '.'.join(map(str, GObject.pygobject_version)) return ISSUE_TEXT.format(get_os_info(), gtk_ver, gobject_ver, nbxmpp.__version__, gajim_version, traceback_text) def init(): if os.name == 'nt' or not sys.stderr.isatty(): sys.excepthook = _hook def get_os_info(): if os.name == 'nt' or sys.platform == 'darwin': return platform.system() + " " + platform.release() if os.name == 'posix': try: import distro return distro.name(pretty=True) except ImportError: return platform.system() return '' # this is just to assist testing (python3 gtkexcepthook.py) if __name__ == '__main__': init() print(sys.version) ExceptionDialog(None, None, None) Gtk.main()