''' Testing script for NonBlockingClient class (src/common/xmpp/client_nb.py) It actually connects to a xmpp server. ''' import unittest import lib lib.setup_env() from xmpp_mocks import MockConnection, IdleQueueThread from mock import Mock from common.xmpp import client_nb #import logging #log = logging.getLogger('gajim') #log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # (XMPP server hostname, c2s port). Script will connect to the machine. xmpp_server_port = ('gajim.org', 5222) # [username, password, passphrase]. Script will authenticate to server above credentials = ['unittest', 'testtest', 'res'] class TestNonBlockingClient(unittest.TestCase): ''' Test Cases class for NonBlockingClient. ''' def setUp(self): ''' IdleQueue thread is run and dummy connection is created. ''' self.idlequeue_thread = IdleQueueThread() self.connection = MockConnection() # for dummy callbacks self.idlequeue_thread.start() def tearDown(self): ''' IdleQueue thread is stopped. ''' self.idlequeue_thread.stop_thread() self.idlequeue_thread.join() self.client = None def open_stream(self, server_port, wrong_pass=False): ''' Method opening the XMPP connection. It returns when <stream:features> is received from server. :param server_port: tuple of (hostname, port) for where the client should connect. ''' class TempConnection(): def get_password(self, cb): if wrong_pass: cb('wrong pass') else: cb(credentials[1]) def on_connect_failure(self): pass self.client = client_nb.NonBlockingClient( domain=server_port[0], idlequeue=self.idlequeue_thread.iq, caller=Mock(realClass=TempConnection)) self.client.connect( hostname=server_port[0], port=server_port[1], on_connect=lambda *args: self.connection.on_connect(True, *args), on_connect_failure=lambda *args: self.connection.on_connect( False, *args)) self.assert_(self.connection.wait(), msg='waiting for callback from client constructor') # if on_connect was called, client has to be connected and vice versa if self.connection.connect_succeeded: self.assert_(self.client.get_connect_type()) else: self.assert_(not self.client.get_connect_type()) def client_auth(self, username, password, resource, sasl): ''' Method authenticating connected client with supplied credentials. Returns when authentication is over. :param sasl: whether to use sasl (sasl=1) or old (sasl=0) authentication :todo: to check and be more specific about when it returns (bind, session..) ''' self.client.auth(username, password, resource, sasl, on_auth=self.connection.on_auth) self.assert_(self.connection.wait(), msg='waiting for authentication') def do_disconnect(self): ''' Does disconnecting of connected client. Returns when TCP connection is closed. ''' self.client.RegisterDisconnectHandler(self.connection.set_event) self.client.disconnect() self.assertTrue(self.connection.wait(), msg='waiting for disconnecting') def test_proper_connect_sasl(self): ''' The ideal testcase - client is connected, authenticated with SASL and then disconnected. ''' self.open_stream(xmpp_server_port) # if client is not connected, lets raise the AssertionError self.assert_(self.client.get_connect_type()) # client.disconnect() is already called from NBClient via # _on_connected_failure, no need to call it here self.client_auth(credentials[0], credentials[1], credentials[2], sasl=1) self.assert_(self.connection.con) self.assert_(self.connection.auth=='sasl', msg='Unable to auth via SASL') self.do_disconnect() def test_proper_connect_oldauth(self): ''' The ideal testcase - client is connected, authenticated with old auth and then disconnected. ''' self.open_stream(xmpp_server_port) self.assert_(self.client.get_connect_type()) self.client_auth(credentials[0], credentials[1], credentials[2], sasl=0) self.assert_(self.connection.con) features = self.client.Dispatcher.Stream.features if not features.getTag('auth'): print "Server doesn't support old authentication type, ignoring test" else: self.assert_(self.connection.auth=='old_auth', msg='Unable to auth via old_auth') self.do_disconnect() def test_connect_to_nonexisting_host(self): ''' Connect to nonexisting host. DNS request for A records should return nothing. ''' self.open_stream(('fdsfsdf.fdsf.fss', 5222)) self.assert_(not self.client.get_connect_type()) def test_connect_to_wrong_port(self): ''' Connect to nonexisting server. DNS request for A records should return an IP but there shouldn't be XMPP server running on specified port. ''' self.open_stream((xmpp_server_port[0], 31337)) self.assert_(not self.client.get_connect_type()) def test_connect_with_wrong_creds(self): ''' Connecting with invalid password. ''' self.open_stream(xmpp_server_port, wrong_pass=True) self.assert_(self.client.get_connect_type()) self.client_auth(credentials[0], 'wrong pass', credentials[2], sasl=1) self.assert_(self.connection.auth is None) self.do_disconnect() if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()