# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
## src/common/contacts.py
## Copyright (C) 2006 Dimitur Kirov <dkirov AT gmail.com>
##                    Travis Shirk <travis AT pobox.com>
##                    Nikos Kouremenos <kourem AT gmail.com>
## Copyright (C) 2006-2014 Yann Leboulanger <asterix AT lagaule.org>
##                         Jean-Marie Traissard <jim AT lapin.org>
## Copyright (C) 2007 Lukas Petrovicky <lukas AT petrovicky.net>
##                    Tomasz Melcer <liori AT exroot.org>
##                    Julien Pivotto <roidelapluie AT gmail.com>
## Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Stephan Erb <steve-e AT h3c.de>
## Copyright (C) 2008 Brendan Taylor <whateley AT gmail.com>
##                    Jonathan Schleifer <js-gajim AT webkeks.org>
## This file is part of Gajim.
## Gajim is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
## by the Free Software Foundation; version 3 only.
## Gajim is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with Gajim. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

from functools import cmp_to_key

    from common import caps_cache
    from common.account import Account
    import common.gajim
except ImportError as e:
    if __name__ != "__main__":
        raise ImportError(str(e))

class XMPPEntity(object):
    Base representation of entities in XMPP

    def __init__(self, jid, account, resource):
        self.jid = jid
        self.resource = resource
        self.account = account

class CommonContact(XMPPEntity):

    def __init__(self, jid, account, resource, show, status, name,
    our_chatstate, chatstate, client_caps=None):

        XMPPEntity.__init__(self, jid, account, resource)

        self.show = show
        self.status = status
        self.name = name

        self.client_caps = client_caps or caps_cache.NullClientCaps()

        # please read xep-85 http://www.xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0085.html
        # this holds what WE SEND to contact (our current chatstate)
        self.our_chatstate = our_chatstate
        # this is contact's chatstate
        self.chatstate = chatstate

    def get_full_jid(self):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def get_shown_name(self):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def supports(self, requested_feature):
        Return True if the contact has advertised to support the feature
        identified by the given namespace. False otherwise.
        if self.show == 'offline':
            # Unfortunately, if all resources are offline, the contact
            # includes the last resource that was online. Check for its
            # show, so we can be sure it's existant. Otherwise, we still
            # return caps for a contact that has no resources left.
            return False
            return caps_cache.client_supports(self.client_caps, requested_feature)

class Contact(CommonContact):
    Information concerning a contact
    def __init__(self, jid, account, name='', groups=None, show='', status='',
    sub='', ask='', resource='', priority=0, keyID='', client_caps=None,
    our_chatstate=None, chatstate=None, idle_time=None):
        if not isinstance(jid, str):
            print('no str')
        if groups is None:
            groups = []

        CommonContact.__init__(self, jid, account, resource, show, status, name,
            our_chatstate, chatstate, client_caps=client_caps)

        self.contact_name = '' # nick choosen by contact
        self.groups = [i if i else _('General') for i in set(groups)] # filter duplicate values

        self.sub = sub
        self.ask = ask

        self.priority = priority
        self.keyID = keyID
        self.idle_time = idle_time

        self.pep = {}

    def get_full_jid(self):
        if self.resource:
            return self.jid + '/' + self.resource
        return self.jid

    def get_shown_name(self):
        if self.name:
            return self.name
        if self.contact_name:
            return self.contact_name
        return self.jid.split('@')[0]

    def get_shown_groups(self):
        if self.is_observer():
            return [_('Observers')]
        elif self.is_groupchat():
            return [_('Groupchats')]
        elif self.is_transport():
            return [_('Transports')]
        elif not self.groups:
            return [_('General')]
            return self.groups

    def is_hidden_from_roster(self):
        If contact should not be visible in roster
        # XEP-0162: http://www.xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0162.html
        if self.is_transport():
            return False
        if self.sub in ('both', 'to'):
            return False
        if self.sub in ('none', 'from') and self.ask == 'subscribe':
            return False
        if self.sub in ('none', 'from') and (self.name or len(self.groups)):
            return False
        if _('Not in Roster') in self.groups:
            return False
        return True

    def is_observer(self):
        # XEP-0162: http://www.xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0162.html
        is_observer = False
        if self.sub == 'from' and not self.is_transport()\
        and self.is_hidden_from_roster():
            is_observer = True
        return is_observer

    def is_groupchat(self):
        for account in common.gajim.gc_connected:
            if self.jid in common.gajim.gc_connected[account]:
                return True
        return False

    def is_transport(self):
        # if not '@' or '@' starts the jid then contact is transport
        return self.jid.find('@') <= 0

class GC_Contact(CommonContact):
    Information concerning each groupchat contact

    def __init__(self, room_jid, account, name='', show='', status='', role='',
    affiliation='', jid='', resource='', our_chatstate=None,

        CommonContact.__init__(self, jid, account, resource, show, status, name,
            our_chatstate, chatstate)

        self.room_jid = room_jid
        self.role = role
        self.affiliation = affiliation

    def get_full_jid(self):
        return self.room_jid + '/' + self.name

    def get_shown_name(self):
        return self.name

    def as_contact(self):
        Create a Contact instance from this GC_Contact instance
        return Contact(jid=self.get_full_jid(), account=self.account,
            name=self.name, groups=[], show=self.show, status=self.status,
            sub='none', client_caps=self.client_caps)

class LegacyContactsAPI:
    This is a GOD class for accessing contact and groupchat information.
    The API has several flaws:

            * it mixes concerns because it deals with contacts, groupchats,
              groupchat contacts and metacontacts
            * some methods like get_contact() may return None. This leads to
              a lot of duplication all over Gajim because it is not sure
              if we receive a proper contact or just None.

    It is a long way to cleanup this API. Therefore just stick with it
    and use it as before. We will try to figure out a migration path.
    def __init__(self):
        self._metacontact_manager = MetacontactManager(self)
        self._accounts = {}

    def change_account_name(self, old_name, new_name):
        self._accounts[new_name] = self._accounts[old_name]
        self._accounts[new_name].name = new_name
        del self._accounts[old_name]

        self._metacontact_manager.change_account_name(old_name, new_name)

    def add_account(self, account_name):
        self._accounts[account_name] = Account(account_name, Contacts(),

    def get_accounts(self):
        return list(self._accounts.keys())

    def remove_account(self, account):
        del self._accounts[account]

    def create_contact(self, jid, account, name='', groups=None, show='',
    status='', sub='', ask='', resource='', priority=0, keyID='',
    client_caps=None, our_chatstate=None, chatstate=None, idle_time=None):
        if groups is None:
            groups = []
        # Use Account object if available
        account = self._accounts.get(account, account)
        return Contact(jid=jid, account=account, name=name, groups=groups,
            show=show, status=status, sub=sub, ask=ask, resource=resource,
            priority=priority, keyID=keyID, client_caps=client_caps,
            our_chatstate=our_chatstate, chatstate=chatstate,

    def create_self_contact(self, jid, account, resource, show, status, priority,
    name='', keyID=''):
        conn = common.gajim.connections[account]
        nick = name or common.gajim.nicks[account]
        account = self._accounts.get(account, account) # Use Account object if available
        self_contact = self.create_contact(jid=jid, account=account,
                name=nick, groups=['self_contact'], show=show, status=status,
                sub='both', ask='none', priority=priority, keyID=keyID,
        self_contact.pep = conn.pep
        return self_contact

    def create_not_in_roster_contact(self, jid, account, resource='', name='',
        # Use Account object if available
        account = self._accounts.get(account, account)
        return self.create_contact(jid=jid, account=account, resource=resource,
            name=name, groups=[_('Not in Roster')], show='not in roster',
            status='', sub='none', keyID=keyID)

    def copy_contact(self, contact):
        return self.create_contact(contact.jid, contact.account,
            name=contact.name, groups=contact.groups, show=contact.show,
            status=contact.status, sub=contact.sub, ask=contact.ask,
            resource=contact.resource, priority=contact.priority,
            keyID=contact.keyID, client_caps=contact.client_caps,
            our_chatstate=contact.our_chatstate, chatstate=contact.chatstate,

    def add_contact(self, account, contact):
        if account not in self._accounts:
        return self._accounts[account].contacts.add_contact(contact)

    def remove_contact(self, account, contact):
        if account not in self._accounts:
        return self._accounts[account].contacts.remove_contact(contact)

    def remove_jid(self, account, jid, remove_meta=True):
        if remove_meta:
            self._metacontact_manager.remove_metacontact(account, jid)

    def get_contacts(self, account, jid):
        return self._accounts[account].contacts.get_contacts(jid)

    def get_contact(self, account, jid, resource=None):
        return self._accounts[account].contacts.get_contact(jid, resource=resource)

    def iter_contacts(self, account):
        for contact in self._accounts[account].contacts.iter_contacts():
            yield contact

    def get_contact_from_full_jid(self, account, fjid):
        return self._accounts[account].contacts.get_contact_from_full_jid(fjid)

    def get_first_contact_from_jid(self, account, jid):
        return self._accounts[account].contacts.get_first_contact_from_jid(jid)

    def get_contacts_from_group(self, account, group):
        return self._accounts[account].contacts.get_contacts_from_group(group)

    def get_contacts_jid_list(self, account):
        return self._accounts[account].contacts.get_contacts_jid_list()

    def get_jid_list(self, account):
        return self._accounts[account].contacts.get_jid_list()

    def change_contact_jid(self, old_jid, new_jid, account):
        return self._accounts[account].change_contact_jid(old_jid, new_jid)

    def get_highest_prio_contact_from_contacts(self, contacts):
        if not contacts:
            return None
        prim_contact = contacts[0]
        for contact in contacts[1:]:
            if int(contact.priority) > int(prim_contact.priority):
                prim_contact = contact
        return prim_contact

    def get_contact_with_highest_priority(self, account, jid):
        contacts = self.get_contacts(account, jid)
        if not contacts and '/' in jid:
            # jid may be a fake jid, try it
            room, nick = jid.split('/', 1)
            contact = self.get_gc_contact(account, room, nick)
            return contact
        return self.get_highest_prio_contact_from_contacts(contacts)

    def get_nb_online_total_contacts(self, accounts=None, groups=None):
        Return the number of online contacts and the total number of contacts
        if not accounts:
            accounts = self.get_accounts()
        if groups is None:
            groups = []
        nbr_online = 0
        nbr_total = 0
        for account in accounts:
            our_jid = common.gajim.get_jid_from_account(account)
            for jid in self.get_jid_list(account):
                if jid == our_jid:
                if common.gajim.jid_is_transport(jid) and not \
                _('Transports') in groups:
                    # do not count transports
                if self.has_brother(account, jid, accounts) and not \
                self.is_big_brother(account, jid, accounts):
                    # count metacontacts only once
                contact = self._accounts[account].contacts._contacts[jid][0]
                if _('Not in roster') in contact.groups:
                in_groups = False
                if groups == []:
                    in_groups = True
                    for group in groups:
                        if group in contact.get_shown_groups():
                            in_groups = True

                if in_groups:
                    if contact.show not in ('offline', 'error'):
                        nbr_online += 1
                    nbr_total += 1
        return nbr_online, nbr_total

    def __getattr__(self, attr_name):
        # Only called if self has no attr_name
        if hasattr(self._metacontact_manager, attr_name):
            return getattr(self._metacontact_manager, attr_name)
            raise AttributeError(attr_name)

    def create_gc_contact(self, room_jid, account, name='', show='', status='',
            role='', affiliation='', jid='', resource=''):
        account = self._accounts.get(account, account) # Use Account object if available
        return GC_Contact(room_jid, account, name, show, status, role, affiliation, jid,

    def add_gc_contact(self, account, gc_contact):
        return self._accounts[account].gc_contacts.add_gc_contact(gc_contact)

    def remove_gc_contact(self, account, gc_contact):
        return self._accounts[account].gc_contacts.remove_gc_contact(gc_contact)

    def remove_room(self, account, room_jid):
        return self._accounts[account].gc_contacts.remove_room(room_jid)

    def get_gc_list(self, account):
        return self._accounts[account].gc_contacts.get_gc_list()

    def get_nick_list(self, account, room_jid):
        return self._accounts[account].gc_contacts.get_nick_list(room_jid)

    def get_gc_contact(self, account, room_jid, nick):
        return self._accounts[account].gc_contacts.get_gc_contact(room_jid, nick)

    def is_gc_contact(self, account, jid):
        return self._accounts[account].gc_contacts.is_gc_contact(jid)

    def get_nb_role_total_gc_contacts(self, account, room_jid, role):
        return self._accounts[account].gc_contacts.get_nb_role_total_gc_contacts(room_jid, role)

class Contacts():
    This is a breakout of the contact related behavior of the old
    Contacts class (which is not called LegacyContactsAPI)
    def __init__(self):
        # list of contacts  {jid1: [C1, C2]}, } one Contact per resource
        self._contacts = {}

    def add_contact(self, contact):
        if contact.jid not in self._contacts:
            self._contacts[contact.jid] = [contact]
        contacts = self._contacts[contact.jid]
        # We had only one that was offline, remove it
        if len(contacts) == 1 and contacts[0].show == 'offline':
            # Do not use self.remove_contact: it deteles
            # self._contacts[account][contact.jid]
        # If same JID with same resource already exists, use the new one
        for c in contacts:
            if c.resource == contact.resource:

    def remove_contact(self, contact):
        if contact.jid not in self._contacts:
        if contact in self._contacts[contact.jid]:
        if len(self._contacts[contact.jid]) == 0:
            del self._contacts[contact.jid]

    def remove_jid(self, jid):
        Remove all contacts for a given jid
        if jid in self._contacts:
            del self._contacts[jid]

    def get_contacts(self, jid):
        Return the list of contact instances for this jid
        return self._contacts.get(jid, [])

    def get_contact(self, jid, resource=None):
        ### WARNING ###
        # This function returns a *RANDOM* resource if resource = None!
        # Do *NOT* use if you need to get the contact to which you
        # send a message for example, as a bare JID in Jabber means
        # highest available resource, which this function ignores!
        Return the contact instance for the given resource if it's given else the
        first contact is no resource is given or None if there is not
        if jid in self._contacts:
            if not resource:
                return self._contacts[jid][0]
            for c in self._contacts[jid]:
                if c.resource == resource:
                    return c
            return self._contacts[jid][0]

    def iter_contacts(self):
        for jid in list(self._contacts.keys()):
            for contact in self._contacts[jid][:]:
                yield contact

    def get_jid_list(self):
        return list(self._contacts.keys())

    def get_contacts_jid_list(self):
        return [jid for jid, contact in self._contacts.items() if not

    def get_contact_from_full_jid(self, fjid):
        Get Contact object for specific resource of given jid
        barejid, resource = common.gajim.get_room_and_nick_from_fjid(fjid)
        return self.get_contact(barejid, resource)

    def get_first_contact_from_jid(self, jid):
        if jid in self._contacts:
            return self._contacts[jid][0]

    def get_contacts_from_group(self, group):
        Return all contacts in the given group
        group_contacts = []
        for jid in self._contacts:
            contacts = self.get_contacts(jid)
            if group in contacts[0].groups:
                group_contacts += contacts
        return group_contacts

    def change_contact_jid(self, old_jid, new_jid):
        if old_jid not in self._contacts:
        self._contacts[new_jid] = []
        for _contact in self._contacts[old_jid]:
            _contact.jid = new_jid
            del self._contacts[old_jid]

class GC_Contacts():

    def __init__(self):
        # list of contacts that are in gc {room_jid: {nick: C}}}
        self._rooms = {}

    def add_gc_contact(self, gc_contact):
        if gc_contact.room_jid not in self._rooms:
            self._rooms[gc_contact.room_jid] = {gc_contact.name: gc_contact}
            self._rooms[gc_contact.room_jid][gc_contact.name] = gc_contact

    def remove_gc_contact(self, gc_contact):
        if gc_contact.room_jid not in self._rooms:
        if gc_contact.name not in self._rooms[gc_contact.room_jid]:
        del self._rooms[gc_contact.room_jid][gc_contact.name]
        # It was the last nick in room ?
        if not len(self._rooms[gc_contact.room_jid]):
            del self._rooms[gc_contact.room_jid]

    def remove_room(self, room_jid):
        if room_jid in self._rooms:
            del self._rooms[room_jid]

    def get_gc_list(self):
        return self._rooms.keys()

    def get_nick_list(self, room_jid):
        gc_list = self.get_gc_list()
        if not room_jid in gc_list:
            return []
        return list(self._rooms[room_jid].keys())

    def get_gc_contact(self, room_jid, nick):
        nick_list = self.get_nick_list(room_jid)
        if not nick in nick_list:
            return None
        return self._rooms[room_jid][nick]

    def is_gc_contact(self, jid):
        >>> gc = GC_Contacts()
        >>> gc._rooms = {'gajim@conference.gajim.org' : {'test' : True}}
        >>> gc.is_gc_contact('gajim@conference.gajim.org/test')
        >>> gc.is_gc_contact('test@jabbim.com')
        jid = jid.split('/')
        if len(jid) != 2:
            return False
        gcc = self.get_gc_contact(jid[0], jid[1])
        return gcc != None

    def get_nb_role_total_gc_contacts(self, room_jid, role):
        Return the number of group chat contacts for the given role and the total
        number of group chat contacts
        if room_jid not in self._rooms:
            return 0, 0
        nb_role = nb_total = 0
        for nick in self._rooms[room_jid]:
            if self._rooms[room_jid][nick].role == role:
                nb_role += 1
            nb_total += 1
        return nb_role, nb_total

class MetacontactManager():

    def __init__(self, contacts):
        self._metacontacts_tags = {}
        self._contacts = contacts

    def change_account_name(self, old_name, new_name):
        self._metacontacts_tags[new_name] = self._metacontacts_tags[old_name]
        del self._metacontacts_tags[old_name]

    def add_account(self, account):
        if account not in self._metacontacts_tags:
            self._metacontacts_tags[account] = {}

    def remove_account(self, account):
        del self._metacontacts_tags[account]

    def define_metacontacts(self, account, tags_list):
        self._metacontacts_tags[account] = tags_list

    def _get_new_metacontacts_tag(self, jid):
        if not jid in self._metacontacts_tags:
            return jid
        #FIXME: can this append ?
        assert False

    def iter_metacontacts_families(self, account):
        for tag in self._metacontacts_tags[account]:
            family = self._get_metacontacts_family_from_tag(account, tag)
            yield family

    def _get_metacontacts_tag(self, account, jid):
        Return the tag of a jid
        if not account in self._metacontacts_tags:
            return None
        for tag in self._metacontacts_tags[account]:
            for data in self._metacontacts_tags[account][tag]:
                if data['jid'] == jid:
                    return tag
        return None

    def add_metacontact(self, brother_account, brother_jid, account, jid, order=None):
        tag = self._get_metacontacts_tag(brother_account, brother_jid)
        if not tag:
            tag = self._get_new_metacontacts_tag(brother_jid)
            self._metacontacts_tags[brother_account][tag] = [{'jid': brother_jid,
                    'tag': tag}]
            if brother_account != account:
        # be sure jid has no other tag
        old_tag = self._get_metacontacts_tag(account, jid)
        while old_tag:
            self.remove_metacontact(account, jid)
            old_tag = self._get_metacontacts_tag(account, jid)
        if tag not in self._metacontacts_tags[account]:
            self._metacontacts_tags[account][tag] = [{'jid': jid, 'tag': tag}]
            if order:
                self._metacontacts_tags[account][tag].append({'jid': jid,
                        'tag': tag, 'order': order})
                self._metacontacts_tags[account][tag].append({'jid': jid,
                        'tag': tag})

    def remove_metacontact(self, account, jid):
        if not account in self._metacontacts_tags:

        found = None
        for tag in self._metacontacts_tags[account]:
            for data in self._metacontacts_tags[account][tag]:
                if data['jid'] == jid:
                    found = data
            if found:

    def has_brother(self, account, jid, accounts):
        tag = self._get_metacontacts_tag(account, jid)
        if not tag:
            return False
        meta_jids = self._get_metacontacts_jids(tag, accounts)
        return len(meta_jids) > 1 or len(meta_jids[account]) > 1

    def is_big_brother(self, account, jid, accounts):
        family = self.get_metacontacts_family(account, jid)
        if family:
            nearby_family = [data for data in family
                    if account in accounts]
            bb_data = self._get_metacontacts_big_brother(nearby_family)
            if bb_data['jid'] == jid and bb_data['account'] == account:
                return True
        return False

    def _get_metacontacts_jids(self, tag, accounts):
        Return all jid for the given tag in the form {acct: [jid1, jid2],.}
        answers = {}
        for account in self._metacontacts_tags:
            if tag in self._metacontacts_tags[account]:
                if account not in accounts:
                answers[account] = []
                for data in self._metacontacts_tags[account][tag]:
        return answers

    def get_metacontacts_family(self, account, jid):
        Return the family of the given jid, including jid in the form:
        [{'account': acct, 'jid': jid, 'order': order}, ] 'order' is optional
        tag = self._get_metacontacts_tag(account, jid)
        return self._get_metacontacts_family_from_tag(account, tag)

    def _get_metacontacts_family_from_tag(self, account, tag):
        if not tag:
            return []
        answers = []
        for account in self._metacontacts_tags:
            if tag in self._metacontacts_tags[account]:
                for data in self._metacontacts_tags[account][tag]:
                    data['account'] = account
        return answers

    def _compare_metacontacts(self, data1, data2):
        Compare 2 metacontacts

        Data is {'jid': jid, 'account': account, 'order': order} order is
        jid1 = data1['jid']
        jid2 = data2['jid']
        account1 = data1['account']
        account2 = data2['account']
        contact1 = self._contacts.get_contact_with_highest_priority(account1, jid1)
        contact2 = self._contacts.get_contact_with_highest_priority(account2, jid2)
        show_list = ['not in roster', 'error', 'offline', 'invisible', 'dnd',
                'xa', 'away', 'chat', 'online', 'requested', 'message']
        # contact can be null when a jid listed in the metacontact data
        # is not in our roster
        if not contact1:
            if contact2:
                return -1 # prefer the known contact
                show1 = 0
                priority1 = 0
            show1 = show_list.index(contact1.show)
            priority1 = contact1.priority
        if not contact2:
            if contact1:
                return 1 # prefer the known contact
                show2 = 0
                priority2 = 0
            show2 = show_list.index(contact2.show)
            priority2 = contact2.priority
        # If only one is offline, it's always second
        if show1 > 2 and show2 < 3:
            return 1
        if show2 > 2 and show1 < 3:
            return -1
        if 'order' in data1 and 'order' in data2:
            if data1['order'] > data2['order']:
                return 1
            if data1['order'] < data2['order']:
                return -1
        if 'order' in data1:
            return 1
        if 'order' in data2:
            return -1
        transport1 = common.gajim.get_transport_name_from_jid(jid1)
        transport2 = common.gajim.get_transport_name_from_jid(jid2)
        if transport2 and not transport1:
            return 1
        if transport1 and not transport2:
            return -1
        if show1 > show2:
            return 1
        if show2 > show1:
            return -1
        if priority1 > priority2:
            return 1
        if priority2 > priority1:
            return -1
        server1 = common.gajim.get_server_from_jid(jid1)
        server2 = common.gajim.get_server_from_jid(jid2)
        myserver1 = common.gajim.config.get_per('accounts', account1, 'hostname')
        myserver2 = common.gajim.config.get_per('accounts', account2, 'hostname')
        if server1 == myserver1:
            if server2 != myserver2:
                return 1
        elif server2 == myserver2:
            return -1
        if jid1 > jid2:
            return 1
        if jid2 > jid1:
            return -1
        # If all is the same, compare accounts, they can't be the same
        if account1 > account2:
            return 1
        if account2 > account1:
            return -1
        return 0

    def get_nearby_family_and_big_brother(self, family, account):
        Return the nearby family and its Big Brother

        Nearby family is the part of the family that is grouped with the
        metacontact.  A metacontact may be over different accounts. If accounts
        are not merged then the given family is split account wise.

        (nearby_family, big_brother_jid, big_brother_account)
        if common.gajim.config.get('mergeaccounts'):
            # group all together
            nearby_family = family
            # we want one nearby_family per account
            nearby_family = [data for data in family if account == data['account']]

        if not nearby_family:
            return (None, None, None)
        big_brother_data = self._get_metacontacts_big_brother(nearby_family)
        big_brother_jid = big_brother_data['jid']
        big_brother_account = big_brother_data['account']

        return (nearby_family, big_brother_jid, big_brother_account)

    def _get_metacontacts_big_brother(self, family):
        Which of the family will be the big brother under wich all others will be
        return family[-1]

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import doctest