# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- ## src/common/connection_handlers.py ## ## Copyright (C) 2006 Dimitur Kirov <dkirov AT gmail.com> ## Junglecow J <junglecow AT gmail.com> ## Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Tomasz Melcer <liori AT exroot.org> ## Travis Shirk <travis AT pobox.com> ## Nikos Kouremenos <kourem AT gmail.com> ## Copyright (C) 2006-2014 Yann Leboulanger <asterix AT lagaule.org> ## Copyright (C) 2007 Julien Pivotto <roidelapluie AT gmail.com> ## Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Brendan Taylor <whateley AT gmail.com> ## Jean-Marie Traissard <jim AT lapin.org> ## Stephan Erb <steve-e AT h3c.de> ## Copyright (C) 2008 Jonathan Schleifer <js-gajim AT webkeks.org> ## ## This file is part of Gajim. ## ## Gajim is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published ## by the Free Software Foundation; version 3 only. ## ## Gajim is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ## GNU General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with Gajim. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. ## import socket import base64 from gi.repository import GLib import time import nbxmpp from gajim.common import app from gajim.common import helpers from gajim.common import ged from gajim.common import jingle_xtls from gajim.common.file_props import FilesProp from gajim.common.socks5 import Socks5SenderClient import logging log = logging.getLogger('gajim.c.p.bytestream') def is_transfer_paused(file_props): if file_props.stopped: return False if file_props.completed: return False if file_props.disconnect_cb: return False return file_props.paused def is_transfer_active(file_props): if file_props.stopped: return False if file_props.completed: return False if not file_props.started: return False if file_props.paused: return True return not file_props.paused def is_transfer_stopped(file_props): if not file_props: return True if file_props.error: return True if file_props.completed: return True if not file_props.stopped: return False return True class ConnectionBytestream: def __init__(self): app.ged.register_event_handler('file-request-received', ged.GUI1, self._nec_file_request_received) def cleanup(self): app.ged.remove_event_handler('file-request-received', ged.GUI1, self._nec_file_request_received) def _ft_get_our_jid(self): our_jid = app.get_jid_from_account(self.name) resource = self.server_resource return our_jid + '/' + resource def _ft_get_receiver_jid(self, file_props): return file_props.receiver.jid + '/' + file_props.receiver.resource def _ft_get_from(self, iq_obj): return helpers.get_full_jid_from_iq(iq_obj) def _ft_get_streamhost_jid_attr(self, streamhost): return helpers.parse_jid(streamhost.getAttr('jid')) def send_file_request(self, file_props): """ Send iq for new FT request """ if not self.connection or self.connected < 2: return file_props.sender = self._ft_get_our_jid() fjid = self._ft_get_receiver_jid(file_props) iq = nbxmpp.Iq(to=fjid, typ='set') iq.setID(file_props.sid) si = iq.setTag('si', namespace=nbxmpp.NS_SI) si.setAttr('profile', nbxmpp.NS_FILE) si.setAttr('id', file_props.sid) file_tag = si.setTag('file', namespace=nbxmpp.NS_FILE) file_tag.setAttr('name', file_props.name) file_tag.setAttr('size', file_props.size) desc = file_tag.setTag('desc') if file_props.desc: desc.setData(file_props.desc) file_tag.setTag('range') feature = si.setTag('feature', namespace=nbxmpp.NS_FEATURE) _feature = nbxmpp.DataForm(typ='form') feature.addChild(node=_feature) field = _feature.setField('stream-method') field.setAttr('type', 'list-single') field.addOption(nbxmpp.NS_BYTESTREAM) field.addOption(nbxmpp.NS_IBB) self.connection.send(iq) def send_file_approval(self, file_props): """ Send iq, confirming that we want to download the file """ # user response to ConfirmationDialog may come after we've disconneted if not self.connection or self.connected < 2: return # file transfer initiated by a jingle session log.info("send_file_approval: jingle session accept") if file_props.session_type == 'jingle': session = self.get_jingle_session(file_props.sender, file_props.sid) if not session: return content = None for c in session.contents.values(): if c.transport.sid == file_props.transport_sid: content = c break if not content: return if not session.accepted: content = session.get_content('file', content.name) if content.use_security: fingerprint = content.x509_fingerprint if not jingle_xtls.check_cert( app.get_jid_without_resource(file_props.sender), fingerprint): id_ = jingle_xtls.send_cert_request(self, file_props.sender) jingle_xtls.key_exchange_pend(id_, content.on_cert_received, []) return session.approve_session() session.approve_content('file', content.name) return iq = nbxmpp.Iq(to=file_props.sender, typ='result') iq.setAttr('id', file_props.request_id) si = iq.setTag('si', namespace=nbxmpp.NS_SI) if file_props.offset: file_tag = si.setTag('file', namespace=nbxmpp.NS_FILE) range_tag = file_tag.setTag('range') range_tag.setAttr('offset', file_props.offset) feature = si.setTag('feature', namespace=nbxmpp.NS_FEATURE) _feature = nbxmpp.DataForm(typ='submit') feature.addChild(node=_feature) field = _feature.setField('stream-method') field.delAttr('type') if nbxmpp.NS_BYTESTREAM in file_props.stream_methods: field.setValue(nbxmpp.NS_BYTESTREAM) else: file_props.transport_sid = file_props.sid field.setValue(nbxmpp.NS_IBB) self.connection.send(iq) def send_file_rejection(self, file_props, code='403', typ=None): """ Inform sender that we refuse to download the file typ is used when code = '400', in this case typ can be 'strean' for invalid stream or 'profile' for invalid profile """ # user response to ConfirmationDialog may come after we've disconneted if not self.connection or self.connected < 2: return if file_props.session_type == 'jingle': if file_props.sid in self._sessions: jingle = self._sessions[file_props.sid] jingle.cancel_session() return iq = nbxmpp.Iq(to=file_props.sender, typ='error') iq.setAttr('id', file_props.request_id) if code == '400' and typ in ('stream', 'profile'): name = 'bad-request' text = '' else: name = 'forbidden' text = 'Offer Declined' err = nbxmpp.ErrorNode(code=code, typ='cancel', name=name, text=text) if code == '400' and typ in ('stream', 'profile'): if typ == 'stream': err.setTag('no-valid-streams', namespace=nbxmpp.NS_SI) else: err.setTag('bad-profile', namespace=nbxmpp.NS_SI) iq.addChild(node=err) self.connection.send(iq) def _siResultCB(self, con, iq_obj): file_props = FilesProp.getFileProp(self.name, iq_obj.getAttr('id')) if not file_props: return if file_props.request_id: # we have already sent streamhosts info return file_props.receiver = self._ft_get_from(iq_obj) si = iq_obj.getTag('si') file_tag = si.getTag('file') range_tag = None if file_tag: range_tag = file_tag.getTag('range') if range_tag: offset = range_tag.getAttr('offset') if offset: file_props.offset = int(offset) length = range_tag.getAttr('length') if length: file_props.length = int(length) feature = si.setTag('feature') if feature.getNamespace() != nbxmpp.NS_FEATURE: return form_tag = feature.getTag('x') form = nbxmpp.DataForm(node=form_tag) field = form.getField('stream-method') if field.getValue() == nbxmpp.NS_BYTESTREAM: self._send_socks5_info(file_props) raise nbxmpp.NodeProcessed if field.getValue() == nbxmpp.NS_IBB: sid = file_props.sid file_props.transport_sid = sid fp = open(file_props.file_name, 'rb') self.OpenStream(sid, file_props.receiver, fp) raise nbxmpp.NodeProcessed def _siSetCB(self, con, iq_obj): from gajim.common.connection_handlers_events import FileRequestReceivedEvent app.nec.push_incoming_event(FileRequestReceivedEvent(None, conn=self, stanza=iq_obj)) raise nbxmpp.NodeProcessed def _nec_file_request_received(self, obj): pass def _siErrorCB(self, con, iq_obj): si = iq_obj.getTag('si') profile = si.getAttr('profile') if profile != nbxmpp.NS_FILE: return file_props = FilesProp.getFileProp(self.name, iq_obj.getAttr('id')) if not file_props: return jid = self._ft_get_from(iq_obj) file_props.error = -3 from gajim.common.connection_handlers_events import FileRequestErrorEvent app.nec.push_incoming_event(FileRequestErrorEvent(None, conn=self, jid=jid, file_props=file_props, error_msg='')) raise nbxmpp.NodeProcessed class ConnectionSocks5Bytestream(ConnectionBytestream): def send_success_connect_reply(self, streamhost): """ Send reply to the initiator of FT that we made a connection """ if not self.connection or self.connected < 2: return if streamhost is None: return None iq = nbxmpp.Iq(to=streamhost['initiator'], typ='result', frm=streamhost['target']) iq.setAttr('id', streamhost['id']) query = iq.setTag('query', namespace=nbxmpp.NS_BYTESTREAM) stream_tag = query.setTag('streamhost-used') stream_tag.setAttr('jid', streamhost['jid']) self.connection.send(iq) def stop_all_active_file_transfers(self, contact): """ Stop all active transfer to or from the given contact """ for file_props in FilesProp.getAllFileProp(): if is_transfer_stopped(file_props): continue receiver_jid = file_props.receiver if contact.get_full_jid() == receiver_jid: file_props.error = -5 self.remove_transfer(file_props) from gajim.common.connection_handlers_events import \ FileRequestErrorEvent app.nec.push_incoming_event(FileRequestErrorEvent(None, conn=self, jid=contact.jid, file_props=file_props, error_msg='')) sender_jid = file_props.sender if contact.get_full_jid() == sender_jid: file_props.error = -3 self.remove_transfer(file_props) def remove_all_transfers(self): """ Stop and remove all active connections from the socks5 pool """ for file_props in FilesProp.getAllFileProp(): self.remove_transfer(file_props, remove_from_list=False) def remove_transfer(self, file_props, remove_from_list=True): if file_props is None: return self.disconnect_transfer(file_props) sid = file_props.sid def disconnect_transfer(self, file_props): if file_props is None: return if file_props.hash_: app.socks5queue.remove_sender(file_props.hash_) if file_props.streamhosts: for host in file_props.streamhosts: if 'idx' in host and host['idx'] > 0: app.socks5queue.remove_receiver(host['idx']) app.socks5queue.remove_sender(host['idx']) def _send_socks5_info(self, file_props): """ Send iq for the present streamhosts and proxies """ if not self.connection or self.connected < 2: return receiver = file_props.receiver sender = file_props.sender sha_str = helpers.get_auth_sha(file_props.sid, sender, receiver) file_props.sha_str = sha_str port = app.config.get('file_transfers_port') listener = app.socks5queue.start_listener(port, sha_str, self._result_socks5_sid, file_props) if not listener: file_props.error = -5 from gajim.common.connection_handlers_events import FileRequestErrorEvent app.nec.push_incoming_event(FileRequestErrorEvent(None, conn=self, jid=receiver, file_props=file_props, error_msg='')) self._connect_error(file_props.sid, error='not-acceptable', error_type='modify') else: iq = nbxmpp.Iq(to=receiver, typ='set') file_props.request_id = 'id_' + file_props.sid iq.setID(file_props.request_id) query = iq.setTag('query', namespace=nbxmpp.NS_BYTESTREAM) query.setAttr('sid', file_props.sid) self._add_addiditional_streamhosts_to_query(query, file_props) self._add_local_ips_as_streamhosts_to_query(query, file_props) self._add_proxy_streamhosts_to_query(query, file_props) self._add_upnp_igd_as_streamhost_to_query(query, file_props, iq) # Upnp-igd is ascynchronous, so it will send the iq itself def _add_streamhosts_to_query(self, query, sender, port, hosts): for host in hosts: streamhost = nbxmpp.Node(tag='streamhost') query.addChild(node=streamhost) streamhost.setAttr('port', str(port)) streamhost.setAttr('host', host) streamhost.setAttr('jid', sender) def _add_local_ips_as_streamhosts_to_query(self, query, file_props): if not app.config.get_per('accounts', self.name, 'ft_send_local_ips'): return try: my_ips = [self.peerhost[0]] # The ip we're connected to server with # all IPs from local DNS for addr in socket.getaddrinfo(socket.gethostname(), None): if not addr[4][0] in my_ips and not addr[4][0].startswith('127') and not addr[4][0] == '::1': my_ips.append(addr[4][0]) sender = file_props.sender port = app.config.get('file_transfers_port') self._add_streamhosts_to_query(query, sender, port, my_ips) except socket.gaierror: from gajim.common.connection_handlers_events import InformationEvent app.nec.push_incoming_event( InformationEvent(None, dialog_name='wrong-host')), def _add_addiditional_streamhosts_to_query(self, query, file_props): sender = file_props.sender port = app.config.get('file_transfers_port') ft_add_hosts_to_send = app.config.get('ft_add_hosts_to_send') additional_hosts = [] if ft_add_hosts_to_send: additional_hosts = [e.strip() for e in ft_add_hosts_to_send.split(',')] else: additional_hosts = [] self._add_streamhosts_to_query(query, sender, port, additional_hosts) def _add_upnp_igd_as_streamhost_to_query(self, query, file_props, iq): if not app.HAVE_UPNP_IGD: self.connection.send(iq) return my_ip = self.peerhost[0] # check if we are connected with an IPv4 address try: socket.inet_aton(my_ip) except socket.error as e: self.connection.send(iq) return def ip_is_local(ip): if '.' not in ip: # it's an IPv6 return True ip_s = ip.split('.') ip_l = int(ip_s[0])<<24 | int(ip_s[1])<<16 | int(ip_s[2])<<8 | \ int(ip_s[3]) # 10/8 if ip_l & (255<<24) == 10<<24: return True # 172.16/12 if ip_l & (255<<24 | 240<<16) == (172<<24 | 16<<16): return True # 192.168 if ip_l & (255<<24 | 255<<16) == (192<<24 | 168<<16): return True return False if not ip_is_local(my_ip): self.connection.send(iq) return self.no_gupnp_reply_id = 0 def cleanup_gupnp(): if self.no_gupnp_reply_id: GLib.source_remove(self.no_gupnp_reply_id) self.no_gupnp_reply_id = 0 app.gupnp_igd.disconnect(self.ok_id) app.gupnp_igd.disconnect(self.fail_id) def ok(s, proto, ext_ip, re, ext_port, local_ip, local_port, desc): log.debug('Got GUPnP-IGD answer: external: %s:%s, internal: %s:%s', ext_ip, ext_port, local_ip, local_port) if local_port != app.config.get('file_transfers_port'): sender = file_props.sender receiver = file_props.receiver sha_str = helpers.get_auth_sha(file_props.sid, sender, receiver) listener = app.socks5queue.start_listener(local_port, sha_str, self._result_socks5_sid, file_props.sid) if listener: self._add_streamhosts_to_query(query, sender, ext_port, [ext_ip]) else: self._add_streamhosts_to_query(query, file_props.sender, ext_port, [ext_ip]) self.connection.send(iq) cleanup_gupnp() def fail(s, error, proto, ext_ip, local_ip, local_port, desc): log.debug('Got GUPnP-IGD error') self.connection.send(iq) cleanup_gupnp() def no_upnp_reply(): log.debug('Got not GUPnP-IGD answer') # stop trying to use it app.HAVE_UPNP_IGD = False self.no_gupnp_reply_id = 0 self.connection.send(iq) cleanup_gupnp() return False self.ok_id = app.gupnp_igd.connect('mapped-external-port', ok) self.fail_id = app.gupnp_igd.connect('error-mapping-port', fail) port = app.config.get('file_transfers_port') self.no_gupnp_reply_id = GLib.timeout_add_seconds(10, no_upnp_reply) app.gupnp_igd.add_port('TCP', 0, my_ip, port, 3600, 'Gajim file transfer') def _add_proxy_streamhosts_to_query(self, query, file_props): proxyhosts = self._get_file_transfer_proxies_from_config(file_props) if proxyhosts: file_props.proxy_receiver = file_props.receiver file_props.proxy_sender = file_props.sender file_props.proxyhosts = proxyhosts for proxyhost in proxyhosts: self._add_streamhosts_to_query(query, proxyhost['jid'], proxyhost['port'], [proxyhost['host']]) def _get_file_transfer_proxies_from_config(self, file_props): configured_proxies = app.config.get_per('accounts', self.name, 'file_transfer_proxies') shall_use_proxies = app.config.get_per('accounts', self.name, 'use_ft_proxies') if shall_use_proxies: proxyhost_dicts = [] proxies = [] if configured_proxies: proxies = [item.strip() for item in configured_proxies.split(',')] default_proxy = app.proxy65_manager.get_default_for_name(self.name) if default_proxy: # add/move default proxy at top of the others if default_proxy in proxies: proxies.remove(default_proxy) proxies.insert(0, default_proxy) for proxy in proxies: (host, _port, jid) = app.proxy65_manager.get_proxy(proxy, self.name) if not host: continue host_dict = { 'state': 0, 'target': file_props.receiver, 'id': file_props.sid, 'sid': file_props.sid, 'initiator': proxy, 'host': host, 'port': str(_port), 'jid': jid } proxyhost_dicts.append(host_dict) return proxyhost_dicts else: return [] def _result_socks5_sid(self, sid, hash_id): """ Store the result of SHA message from auth """ file_props = FilesProp.getFilePropBySid(sid) file_props.hash_ = hash_id return def _connect_error(self, sid, error, error_type, msg=None): """ Called when there is an error establishing BS connection, or when connection is rejected """ if not self.connection or self.connected < 2: return file_props = FilesProp.getFileProp(self.name, sid) if file_props is None: log.error('can not send iq error on failed transfer') return if file_props.type_ == 's': to = file_props.receiver else: to = file_props.sender iq = nbxmpp.Iq(to=to, typ='error') iq.setAttr('id', file_props.request_id) err = iq.setTag('error') err.setAttr('type', error_type) err.setTag(error, namespace=nbxmpp.NS_STANZAS) self.connection.send(iq) if msg: self.disconnect_transfer(file_props) file_props.error = -3 from gajim.common.connection_handlers_events import \ FileRequestErrorEvent app.nec.push_incoming_event(FileRequestErrorEvent(None, conn=self, jid=to, file_props=file_props, error_msg=msg)) def _proxy_auth_ok(self, proxy): """ Called after authentication to proxy server """ if not self.connection or self.connected < 2: return file_props = FilesProp.getFileProp(self.name, proxy['sid']) iq = nbxmpp.Iq(to=proxy['initiator'], typ='set') auth_id = "au_" + proxy['sid'] iq.setID(auth_id) query = iq.setTag('query', namespace=nbxmpp.NS_BYTESTREAM) query.setAttr('sid', proxy['sid']) activate = query.setTag('activate') activate.setData(file_props.proxy_receiver) iq.setID(auth_id) self.connection.send(iq) # register xmpppy handlers for bytestream and FT stanzas def _bytestreamErrorCB(self, con, iq_obj): id_ = iq_obj.getAttr('id') frm = helpers.get_full_jid_from_iq(iq_obj) query = iq_obj.getTag('query') app.proxy65_manager.error_cb(frm, query) jid = helpers.get_jid_from_iq(iq_obj) id_ = id_[3:] file_props = FilesProp.getFilePropBySid(id_) if not file_props: return file_props.error = -4 from gajim.common.connection_handlers_events import FileRequestErrorEvent app.nec.push_incoming_event(FileRequestErrorEvent(None, conn=self, jid=jid, file_props=file_props, error_msg='')) raise nbxmpp.NodeProcessed def _bytestreamSetCB(self, con, iq_obj): target = iq_obj.getAttr('to') id_ = iq_obj.getAttr('id') query = iq_obj.getTag('query') sid = query.getAttr('sid') file_props = FilesProp.getFileProp(self.name, sid) streamhosts = [] for item in query.getChildren(): if item.getName() == 'streamhost': host_dict = { 'state': 0, 'target': target, 'id': id_, 'sid': sid, 'initiator': self._ft_get_from(iq_obj) } for attr in item.getAttrs(): host_dict[attr] = item.getAttr(attr) if 'host' not in host_dict: continue if 'jid' not in host_dict: continue if 'port' not in host_dict: continue streamhosts.append(host_dict) file_props = FilesProp.getFilePropBySid(sid) if file_props is not None: if file_props.type_ == 's': # FIXME: remove fast xmlns # only psi do this if file_props.streamhosts: file_props.streamhosts.extend(streamhosts) else: file_props.streamhosts = streamhosts app.socks5queue.connect_to_hosts(self.name, sid, self.send_success_connect_reply, None) raise nbxmpp.NodeProcessed else: log.warning('Gajim got streamhosts for unknown transfer. Ignoring it.') raise nbxmpp.NodeProcessed file_props.streamhosts = streamhosts def _connection_error(sid): self._connect_error(sid, 'item-not-found', 'cancel', msg='Could not connect to given hosts') if file_props.type_ == 'r': app.socks5queue.connect_to_hosts(self.name, sid, self.send_success_connect_reply, _connection_error) raise nbxmpp.NodeProcessed def _ResultCB(self, con, iq_obj): # if we want to respect xep-0065 we have to check for proxy # activation result in any result iq real_id = iq_obj.getAttr('id') if real_id is None: log.warning('Invalid IQ without id attribute:\n%s', iq_obj) raise nbxmpp.NodeProcessed if real_id is None or not real_id.startswith('au_'): return frm = self._ft_get_from(iq_obj) id_ = real_id[3:] file_props = FilesProp.getFilePropByTransportSid(self.name, id_) if file_props.streamhost_used: for host in file_props.proxyhosts: if host['initiator'] == frm and 'idx' in host: app.socks5queue.activate_proxy(host['idx']) raise nbxmpp.NodeProcessed def _bytestreamResultCB(self, con, iq_obj): frm = self._ft_get_from(iq_obj) real_id = iq_obj.getAttr('id') query = iq_obj.getTag('query') app.proxy65_manager.resolve_result(frm, query) try: streamhost = query.getTag('streamhost-used') except Exception: # this bytestream result is not what we need pass id_ = real_id[3:] file_props = FilesProp.getFileProp(self.name, id_) if file_props is None: raise nbxmpp.NodeProcessed if streamhost is None: # proxy approves the activate query if real_id.startswith('au_'): if file_props.streamhost_used is False: raise nbxmpp.NodeProcessed if not file_props.proxyhosts: raise nbxmpp.NodeProcessed for host in file_props.proxyhosts: if host['initiator'] == frm and \ query.getAttr('sid') == file_props.sid: app.socks5queue.activate_proxy(host['idx']) break raise nbxmpp.NodeProcessed jid = self._ft_get_streamhost_jid_attr(streamhost) if file_props.streamhost_used is True: raise nbxmpp.NodeProcessed if real_id.startswith('au_'): if file_props.stopped: self.remove_transfer(file_props) else: app.socks5queue.send_file(file_props, self.name, 'server') raise nbxmpp.NodeProcessed proxy = None if file_props.proxyhosts: for proxyhost in file_props.proxyhosts: if proxyhost['jid'] == jid: proxy = proxyhost if file_props.stopped: self.remove_transfer(file_props) raise nbxmpp.NodeProcessed if proxy is not None: file_props.streamhost_used = True file_props.streamhosts.append(proxy) file_props.is_a_proxy = True idx = app.socks5queue.idx sender = Socks5SenderClient(app.idlequeue, idx, app.socks5queue, _sock=None, host=str(proxy['host']), port=int(proxy['port']), fingerprint=None, connected=False, file_props=file_props) sender.streamhost = proxy app.socks5queue.add_sockobj(self.name, sender) proxy['idx'] = sender.queue_idx app.socks5queue.on_success[file_props.sid] = self._proxy_auth_ok raise nbxmpp.NodeProcessed else: if file_props.stopped: self.remove_transfer(file_props) else: app.socks5queue.send_file(file_props, self.name, 'server') raise nbxmpp.NodeProcessed class ConnectionIBBytestream(ConnectionBytestream): def __init__(self): ConnectionBytestream.__init__(self) self._streams = {} def IBBIqHandler(self, conn, stanza): """ Handles streams state change. Used internally. """ typ = stanza.getType() log.debug('IBBIqHandler called typ->%s' % typ) if typ == 'set' and stanza.getTag('open'): self.StreamOpenHandler(conn, stanza) elif typ == 'set' and stanza.getTag('close'): self.StreamCloseHandler(conn, stanza) elif typ == 'set' and stanza.getTag('data'): sid = stanza.getTagAttr('data', 'sid') file_props = FilesProp.getFilePropByTransportSid(self.name, sid) if not file_props: conn.send(nbxmpp.Error(stanza, nbxmpp.ERR_ITEM_NOT_FOUND)) elif file_props.connected and self.IBBMessageHandler(conn, stanza): reply = stanza.buildReply('result') reply.delChild('data') conn.send(reply) elif not file_props.connected: log.debug('Received IQ for closed filetransfer, IQ dropped') elif typ == 'error': app.socks5queue.error_cb() else: conn.send(nbxmpp.Error(stanza, nbxmpp.ERR_BAD_REQUEST)) raise nbxmpp.NodeProcessed def StreamOpenHandler(self, conn, stanza): """ Handles opening of new incoming stream. Used internally. """ err = None sid = stanza.getTagAttr('open', 'sid') blocksize = stanza.getTagAttr('open', 'block-size') log.debug('StreamOpenHandler called sid->%s blocksize->%s' % (sid, blocksize)) file_props = FilesProp.getFilePropByTransportSid(self.name, sid) try: blocksize = int(blocksize) except: err = nbxmpp.ERR_BAD_REQUEST if not sid or not blocksize: err = nbxmpp.ERR_BAD_REQUEST elif not file_props: err = nbxmpp.ERR_UNEXPECTED_REQUEST if err: rep = nbxmpp.Error(stanza, err) else: log.debug("Opening stream: id %s, block-size %s" % (sid, blocksize)) rep = nbxmpp.Protocol('iq', stanza.getFrom(), 'result', stanza.getTo(), {'id': stanza.getID()}) file_props.block_size = blocksize file_props.direction = '<' file_props.seq = 0 file_props.received_len = 0 file_props.last_time = time.time() file_props.error = 0 file_props.paused = False file_props.connected = True file_props.completed = False file_props.disconnect_cb = None file_props.continue_cb = None file_props.syn_id = stanza.getID() file_props.fp = open(file_props.file_name, 'wb') conn.send(rep) def CloseIBBStream(self, file_props): file_props.connected = False file_props.fp.close() file_props.stopped = True to = file_props.receiver if file_props.direction == '<': to = file_props.sender self.connection.send( nbxmpp.Protocol('iq', to, 'set', payload=[nbxmpp.Node(nbxmpp.NS_IBB + ' close', {'sid':file_props.transport_sid})])) if file_props.completed: app.socks5queue.complete_transfer_cb(self.name, file_props) elif file_props.session_type == 'jingle': peerjid = \ file_props.receiver if file_props.type_ == 's' else file_props.sender session = self.get_jingle_session(peerjid, file_props.sid, 'file') # According to the xep, the initiator also cancels the jingle session # if there are no more files to send using IBB if session.weinitiate: session.cancel_session() def OpenStream(self, sid, to, fp, blocksize=4096): """ Start new stream. You should provide stream id 'sid', the endpoind jid 'to', the file object containing info for send 'fp'. Also the desired blocksize can be specified. Take into account that recommended stanza size is 4k and IBB uses base64 encoding that increases size of data by 1/3. """ file_props = FilesProp.getFilePropBySid(sid) file_props.direction = '>' file_props.block_size = blocksize file_props.fp = fp file_props.seq = 0 file_props.error = 0 file_props.paused = False file_props.received_len = 0 file_props.last_time = time.time() file_props.connected = True file_props.completed = False file_props.disconnect_cb = None file_props.continue_cb = None syn = nbxmpp.Protocol('iq', to, 'set', payload=[nbxmpp.Node( nbxmpp.NS_IBB + ' open', {'sid': file_props.transport_sid, 'block-size': blocksize, 'stanza': 'iq'})]) self.connection.send(syn) file_props.syn_id = syn.getID() return file_props def SendHandler(self, file_props): """ Send next portion of data if it is time to do it. Used internally. """ log.debug('SendHandler called') if file_props.completed: self.CloseIBBStream(file_props) if file_props.paused: return if not file_props.connected: #TODO: Reply with out of order error return chunk = file_props.fp.read(file_props.block_size) if chunk: datanode = nbxmpp.Node(nbxmpp.NS_IBB + ' data', { 'sid': file_props.transport_sid, 'seq': file_props.seq}, base64.b64encode(chunk).decode('ascii')) file_props.seq += 1 file_props.started = True if file_props.seq == 65536: file_props.seq = 0 file_props.syn_id = self.connection.send( nbxmpp.Protocol(name='iq', to=file_props.receiver, typ='set', payload=[datanode])) current_time = time.time() file_props.elapsed_time += current_time - file_props.last_time file_props.last_time = current_time file_props.received_len += len(chunk) if file_props.size == file_props.received_len: file_props.completed = True app.socks5queue.progress_transfer_cb(self.name, file_props) else: log.debug('Nothing to read, but file not completed') def IBBMessageHandler(self, conn, stanza): """ Receive next portion of incoming datastream and store it write it to temporary file. Used internally. """ sid = stanza.getTagAttr('data', 'sid') seq = stanza.getTagAttr('data', 'seq') data = stanza.getTagData('data') log.debug('ReceiveHandler called sid->%s seq->%s' % (sid, seq)) try: seq = int(seq) data = base64.b64decode(data.encode('utf-8')) except Exception: seq = '' data = b'' err = None file_props = FilesProp.getFilePropByTransportSid(self.name, sid) if file_props is None: err = nbxmpp.ERR_ITEM_NOT_FOUND else: if not data: err = nbxmpp.ERR_BAD_REQUEST elif seq != file_props.seq: err = nbxmpp.ERR_UNEXPECTED_REQUEST else: log.debug('Successfull receive sid->%s %s+%s bytes' % (sid, file_props.fp.tell(), len(data))) file_props.seq += 1 file_props.started = True file_props.fp.write(data) current_time = time.time() file_props.elapsed_time += current_time - file_props.last_time file_props.last_time = current_time file_props.received_len += len(data) app.socks5queue.progress_transfer_cb(self.name, file_props) if file_props.received_len >= file_props.size: file_props.completed = True if err: log.debug('Error on receive: %s' % err) conn.send(nbxmpp.Error(nbxmpp.Iq(to=stanza.getFrom(), frm=stanza.getTo(), payload=[nbxmpp.Node(nbxmpp.NS_IBB + ' close')]), err, reply=0)) else: return True def StreamCloseHandler(self, conn, stanza): """ Handle stream closure due to all data transmitted. Raise xmpppy event specifying successfull data receive. """ sid = stanza.getTagAttr('close', 'sid') log.debug('StreamCloseHandler called sid->%s' % sid) # look in sending files file_props = FilesProp.getFilePropByTransportSid(self.name, sid) if file_props: reply = stanza.buildReply('result') reply.delChild('close') conn.send(reply) # look in receiving files file_props.fp.close() file_props.completed = file_props.received_len >= file_props.size if not file_props.completed: file_props.error = -1 app.socks5queue.complete_transfer_cb(self.name, file_props) else: conn.send(nbxmpp.Error(stanza, nbxmpp.ERR_ITEM_NOT_FOUND)) def IBBAllIqHandler(self, conn, stanza): """ Handle remote side reply about if it agree or not to receive our datastream. Used internally. Raises xmpppy event specfiying if the data transfer is agreed upon. """ syn_id = stanza.getID() log.debug('IBBAllIqHandler called syn_id->%s' % syn_id) for file_props in FilesProp.getAllFileProp(): if not file_props.direction or not file_props.connected: # It's socks5 bytestream # Or we closed the IBB stream continue if file_props.syn_id == syn_id: if stanza.getType() == 'error': if file_props.direction[0] == '<': conn.Event('IBB', 'ERROR ON RECEIVE', file_props) else: conn.Event('IBB', 'ERROR ON SEND', file_props) elif stanza.getType() == 'result': self.SendHandler(file_props) break class ConnectionSocks5BytestreamZeroconf(ConnectionSocks5Bytestream): def _ft_get_from(self, iq_obj): return iq_obj.getFrom() def _ft_get_our_jid(self): return app.get_jid_from_account(self.name) def _ft_get_receiver_jid(self, file_props): return file_props.receiver.jid def _ft_get_streamhost_jid_attr(self, streamhost): return streamhost.getAttr('jid')