Welcome and thanks for trying out Gajim. REQUIREMENTS python2.4 (python2.3 should work too) pygtk2.6 (pytgtk 2.4 should work too) python-libglade Optionally: GnomePythonExtras 2.10 or above If you have GnomePythonExtras then you don't need to 'make' for trayicon support. You still have to 'make' if you want auto-away detection. Luckily most of the requirements are met by any modern distro. INSTALL PROCEDURE tar jxvf gajim-version.tar.bz2 cd gajim make make install # as superuser RUN GAJIM gajim or if you don't 'make install' you can also run from gajim folder with ./gajim.py TROUBLESHOOTING If you have python2.3 please manually edit plugins/gtkgui/Makefile and in CFLAGS line replace python2.4 to python2.3 Enjoy! (C) 2005 The Gajim Team http://gajim.org ps. sounds & emoticons taken from Psi 'gossip' iconstyle taken from Imendio Gossip