# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ## This file is part of Gajim. ## ## Gajim is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published ## by the Free Software Foundation; version 3 only. ## ## Gajim is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ## GNU General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with Gajim. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. ## ''' Acronyms expander plugin. :author: Mateusz Biliński <mateusz@bilinski.it> :since: 9th June 2008 :copyright: Copyright (2008) Mateusz Biliński <mateusz@bilinski.it> :license: GPL ''' import sys import gtk import gobject from plugins import GajimPlugin from plugins.helpers import log, log_calls class AcronymsExpanderPlugin(GajimPlugin): @log_calls('AcronymsExpanderPlugin') def init(self): self.description = _('Replaces acronyms (or other strings) ' 'with given expansions/substitutes.') self.config_dialog = None self.gui_extension_points = { 'chat_control_base': (self.connect_with_chat_control_base, self.disconnect_from_chat_control_base) } self.config_default_values = { 'INVOKER': (' ', ''), 'ACRONYMS': ({'RTFM': 'Read The Friendly Manual', '/slap': '/me slaps', 'PS-': 'plug-in system', 'G-': 'Gajim', 'GNT-': 'http://trac.gajim.org/newticket', 'GW-': 'http://trac.gajim.org/', 'GTS-': 'http://trac.gajim.org/report', }, ''), } @log_calls('AcronymsExpanderPlugin') def textbuffer_live_acronym_expander(self, tb): """ @param tb gtk.TextBuffer """ #assert isinstance(tb,gtk.TextBuffer) ACRONYMS = self.config['ACRONYMS'] INVOKER = self.config['INVOKER'] t = tb.get_text(tb.get_start_iter(), tb.get_end_iter()) #log.debug('%s %d'%(t, len(t))) if t and t[-1] == INVOKER: #log.debug('changing msg text') base, sep, head=t[:-1].rpartition(INVOKER) log.debug('%s | %s | %s'%(base, sep, head)) if head in ACRONYMS: head = ACRONYMS[head] #log.debug('head: %s'%(head)) t = ''.join((base, sep, head, INVOKER)) #log.debug("setting text: '%s'"%(t)) gobject.idle_add(tb.set_text, t) @log_calls('AcronymsExpanderPlugin') def connect_with_chat_control_base(self, chat_control): d = {} tv = chat_control.msg_textview tb = tv.get_buffer() h_id = tb.connect('changed', self.textbuffer_live_acronym_expander) d['h_id'] = h_id chat_control.acronyms_expander_plugin_data = d return True @log_calls('AcronymsExpanderPlugin') def disconnect_from_chat_control_base(self, chat_control): d = chat_control.acronyms_expander_plugin_data tv = chat_control.msg_textview tv.get_buffer().disconnect(d['h_id'])