Welcome and thanks for trying out Gajim. Runtime Requirements: python2.4 (python2.3 should work too) pygtk2.6 (pytgtk 2.4 should work too) python-libglade Compile-time Requirements: python-dev libgtk2.0-dev (aka gtk2-devel) libxss-dev (for idle detection module) [Debian splits xscreensaver hopefully your distro does not] libgtkspell-dev (for gtkspell module) Optionally: gtkspell and aspell-LANG (where lang is your locale eg. en, fr etc) dnspython (for SRV support; if you don't know what that is you don't need it) GnomePythonExtras 2.10 or above (so you can avoid compliling trayicon and gtkspell) possible package name for your distro: python-gnome2-extras INSTALL PROCEDURE tar jxvf gajim-version.tar.bz2 cd gajim make make install # as superuser RUN GAJIM gajim or if you didn't 'make install' you can also run from gajim folder with ./launch.sh If you want to see the xml stanzas and/or help us debugging you're advised to enable verbose via advanced configuration window. If you don't want to make this permanent, execute gajim with --verbose Enjoy! (C) 2005 The Gajim Team http://gajim.org PS. sounds and stellar iconstyle taken from Psi some emoticons taken from Psi the basic emoticons taken from Gossip gossip iconstyle taken from Gossip If you think we're violating a license please inform us