6 Preferences preferences True 6 True True False True 12 6 True Use t_rayicon (aka. notification area icon) True 0 True False False True True If checked, Gajim will remember the roster and chat window positions in the screen and the sizes of them next time you run it Save _position and size for roster and chat windows True 0 True False False 1 True True If checked, Gajim will display avatars of contacts in roster window and in group chats Display a_vatars of contacts in roster True 0 True False False 2 True True If checked, Gajim will display status messages of contacts under the contact name in roster window and in group chats Display status _messages of contacts in roster True 0 True False False 3 True True _Sort contacts by status True 0 True False False 4 True 0 GTK_SHADOW_NONE True 6 4 12 True 12 True 12 True Default status _iconset: True iconset_combobox False False True False 1 True True If checked, Gajim will use protocol-specific status icons. (eg. A contact from MSN will have the equivalent msn icon for status online, away, busy, etc...) Use _transports iconsets True 0 True False 2 True 12 True T_heme: True theme_combobox False False True False 1 True True Configure color and font of the interface Ma_nage... True 0 False False 2 1 True <b>Interface Customization</b> True label_item False 12 5 False True General tab False False True 12 6 True 5 True 1 One message _window: True one_window_type_combobox False False True Never Always Per account Per type False False 1 False True Hides buttons in chatwindows to _Make message windows compact True 0 True False False 1 True True Some messages may include rich content (formatting, colors etc). If checked, Gajim will just display the raw message text. Ignore rich content in incoming messages True 0 True False False 2 True _Highlight misspelled words True 0 True False False 3 True 4 True 1 Treat all incoming messages as: False False True Determined by sender Chat message Single message False False 1 False 4 True 5 True If not disabled, Gajim will replace ascii smilies like ':)' with equivalent animated or static graphical emoticons True 1 Emoticons: False False True False 1 False 5 True 0 GTK_SHADOW_NONE True 6 12 True 12 True 6 True 0 Print time: False False True True On every _message True 0 True False False 1 True True Also known as iChat style E_very 5 minutes True 0 True time_always_radiobutton False False 2 True True _Never True 0 True time_always_radiobutton False False 3 False True 4 4 12 6 True True Use system _default True 0 True 2 4 3 4 GTK_FILL True 6 True 0 _Font: True conversation_fontbutton True True 0 False 1 2 3 4 GTK_FILL True True False True True False 0 True 0 0 True 2 True gtk-revert-to-saved False False True _Reset to Default Colors True False False 1 False False 1 4 2 3 GTK_FILL True True 0 3 4 1 2 GTK_FILL True 0 _URL: True url_msg_colorbutton 2 3 1 2 GTK_FILL True True 0 1 2 1 2 True 0 _Status message: True GTK_JUSTIFY_CENTER True status_msg_colorbutton 1 2 GTK_FILL True True 0 3 4 GTK_FILL True 0 _Outgoing message: True GTK_JUSTIFY_CENTER True outgoing_msg_colorbutton 2 3 GTK_FILL True True True True True 0 1 2 True 0 _Incoming message: True GTK_JUSTIFY_CENTER True incoming_msg_colorbutton GTK_FILL False 1 True <b>Format of a line</b> True label_item False False 6 1 False True Chat tab 1 False False True 12 12 True 0 GTK_SHADOW_NONE True 6 12 True 6 True 2 0 GTK_SHADOW_NONE True 12 True 3 6 True True Gajim will notify you for new events via a popup in the bottom right of the screen _Notify me about it True 0 True False False True True Gajim will automatically show new events by popping up the relevant window _Pop it up True 0 True notify_on_new_message_radiobutton False False 1 True True Gajim will only change the icon of the contact that triggered the new event Show only in _roster True 0 True notify_on_new_message_radiobutton False False 2 True When a new event (message, file transfer request etc..) is received, the following methods may be used to inform you about it. Please note that events about new messages only occur if it is a new message from a contact you are not already chatting with True When new event is received label_item False False True 6 True Notify me about contacts that: False False True True Gajim will notify you via a popup window in the bottom right of the screen about contacts that just signed in Sign _in True 0 True False False 1 True True Gajim will notify you via a popup window in the bottom right of the screen about contacts that just signed out Sign _out True 0 True False False 2 False 1 True True Allow popup/notifications when I'm _away/na/busy/invisible True 0 True False False 2 True True True True 0 True 0 0 True 2 True gtk-open False False True _Advanced Notifications Control... True False False 1 False False 3 True <b>Visual Notifications</b> True label_item False False True True Check this option, only if someone you don't have in the roster spams/annoys you. Use with caution, because it blocks all messages from any contact that is not in the roster _Ignore events from contacts not in the roster True 0 True False False 1 True 12 True Gajim can send and receive meta-information related to a conversation you may have with a contact. Here you can specify which chatstates you want to send to the other party. True Outgoing Chat state noti_fications: True False False True All chat states Composing only Disabled False 1 False False 2 True 12 True Gajim can send and receive meta-information related to a conversation you may have with a contact. Here you can specify which chatstates you want to display in chat windows. True Displayed Chat state noti_fications: True False False True All chat states Composing only Disabled False 1 False False 3 True True True 6 True 6 True True True Play _sounds True 0 True 5 True _Player: True soundplayer_entry True True 1 1 False False True True GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC GTK_SHADOW_IN True True 1 True 6 True True True True ... True 0 False False 1 True True 0 True gtk-media-play False False 2 False 2 True <b>Sounds</b> True label_item 4 2 False True Events tab 2 False False True 12 12 True 2 4 12 6 True True The auto not available status message 3 4 1 2 True True The auto away status message 3 4 True 1 0 50 True True 20 1 1440 1 10 10 1 1 2 1 2 GTK_FILL GTK_FILL True 1 0 50 True True 12 1 720 1 10 10 1 1 2 GTK_FILL GTK_FILL True 0 minutes 2 3 1 2 GTK_FILL True 0 minutes 2 3 GTK_FILL True True Auto _not available after: True 0 True 1 2 GTK_FILL True True Auto _away after: True 0 True GTK_FILL False True 6 True Ask status message when I: False False True 14 True True Sign _in True 0 True False False True True Sign _out True 0 True False False 1 False False 1 False False 1 True True Works for Rhythmbox and Muine players. For more players, please visit http://trac.gajim.org/wiki/GajimAndMusicPlayer Set status message to reflect currently playing _music track True 0 True False False 2 True An example: If you have enabled status message for away, Gajim won't ask you anymore for a status message when you change your status to away; it will use the default one set here True True True True 6 GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC GTK_SHADOW_IN True True True Default Status Messages label_item False 3 True 0 GTK_SHADOW_NONE True 6 12 True 6 True 6 True True 5 GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC GTK_SHADOW_IN True True False True GTK_BUTTONBOX_START True True True 5 gtk-new True 0 True True True 5 gtk-delete True 0 1 False 1 True True 5 GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC GTK_SHADOW_IN True True False False 1 True <b>Preset Status Messages</b> True label_item 4 3 False True Status tab 3 False False True 12 6 True 0 GTK_SHADOW_NONE True 6 12 True 6 True Autodetect on every Gajim startup Always use GNOME default applications Always use KDE default applications Always use XFCE4 default applications Custom 0 GTK_SHADOW_NONE True 6 12 True 3 2 12 6 True True 1 2 2 3 True 0 _File manager: True custom_file_manager_entry 2 3 GTK_FILL True True 1 2 True True 1 2 1 2 True 0 _Mail client: True custom_mail_client_entry 1 2 GTK_FILL True 0 _Browser: True custom_browser_entry GTK_FILL True <b>Custom</b> True label_item 1 True <b>Applications</b> True label_item False False True True 0 GTK_SHADOW_NONE True 6 12 True 6 True True Notify on new _GMail email True 0 True False False True True If checked, Gajim will also include information about the sender of the new emails Display _extra email details True 0 True False False 1 True <b>GMail Options</b> True label_item False False 1 True 0 GTK_SHADOW_NONE True 6 12 True 6 True True _Log status changes of contacts True 0 True False False True True Allow _OS information to be sent True 0 True False False 1 True True Always check to see if Gajim is the _default Jabber client on startup True 0 True False False 2 True <b>Miscellaneous</b> True label_item False False 2 True 0 GTK_SHADOW_NONE True 6 0 12 335 True True 0 True 0 0 True 2 True gtk-open False False True _Open... True False False 1 True <b>Advanced Configuration Editor</b> True label_item False False 3 4 False True Advanced tab 4 False False True 15 GTK_BUTTONBOX_END True True True gtk-close True 0 False 1