# This file is part of Gajim. # # Gajim is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published # by the Free Software Foundation; version 3 only. # # Gajim is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Gajim. If not, see . # XEP-0048: Bookmarks import logging import copy from collections import OrderedDict import nbxmpp from gajim.common import app from gajim.common import helpers from gajim.common.const import BookmarkStorageType from gajim.common.nec import NetworkIncomingEvent log = logging.getLogger('gajim.c.m.bookmarks') class Bookmarks: def __init__(self, con): self._con = con self._account = con.name self.bookmarks = {} self.available = False self.handlers = [] def get_sorted_bookmarks(self, short_name=False): # This returns a sorted by name copy of the bookmarks sorted_bookmarks = {} for jid, bookmarks in self.bookmarks.items(): bookmark_copy = copy.deepcopy(bookmarks) if not bookmark_copy['name']: # No name was given for this bookmark # Use the first part of JID instead name = jid.split("@")[0] bookmark_copy['name'] = name if short_name: name = bookmark_copy['name'] name = (name[:42] + '..') if len(name) > 42 else name bookmark_copy['name'] = name sorted_bookmarks[jid] = bookmark_copy return OrderedDict( sorted(sorted_bookmarks.items(), key=lambda bookmark: bookmark[1]['name'].lower())) def _pubsub_support(self): return (self._con.get_module('PEP').supported and self._con.get_module('PubSub').publish_options) def get_bookmarks(self, storage_type=None): if not app.account_is_connected(self._account): return if storage_type in (None, BookmarkStorageType.PUBSUB): if self._pubsub_support(): self._request_pubsub_bookmarks() else: # Fallback, request private storage self._request_private_bookmarks() else: log.info('Request Bookmarks (PrivateStorage)') self._request_private_bookmarks() def _request_pubsub_bookmarks(self): log.info('Request Bookmarks (PubSub)') self._con.get_module('PubSub').send_pb_retrieve( '', 'storage:bookmarks', cb=self._pubsub_bookmarks_received) def _pubsub_bookmarks_received(self, conn, stanza): if not nbxmpp.isResultNode(stanza): log.info('No pubsub bookmarks: %s', stanza.getError()) # Fallback, request private storage self._request_private_bookmarks() return self.available = True log.info('Received Bookmarks (PubSub)') self._parse_bookmarks(stanza) self._request_private_bookmarks() def _request_private_bookmarks(self): if not app.account_is_connected(self._account): return iq = nbxmpp.Iq(typ='get') query = iq.addChild(name='query', namespace=nbxmpp.NS_PRIVATE) query.addChild(name='storage', namespace='storage:bookmarks') log.info('Request Bookmarks (PrivateStorage)') self._con.connection.SendAndCallForResponse( iq, self._private_bookmarks_received) def _private_bookmarks_received(self, stanza): if not nbxmpp.isResultNode(stanza): log.info('No private bookmarks: %s', stanza.getError()) else: self.available = True log.info('Received Bookmarks (PrivateStorage)') merged = self._parse_bookmarks(stanza, check_merge=True) if merged and self._pubsub_support(): log.info('Merge PrivateStorage with PubSub') self.store_bookmarks(BookmarkStorageType.PUBSUB) self.auto_join_bookmarks() app.nec.push_incoming_event(BookmarksReceivedEvent( None, account=self._account)) @staticmethod def _get_storage_node(stanza): node = stanza.getTag('pubsub', namespace=nbxmpp.NS_PUBSUB) if node is None: node = stanza.getTag('event', namespace=nbxmpp.NS_PUBSUB_EVENT) if node is None: # Private Storage query = stanza.getQuery() if query is None: return storage = query.getTag('storage', namespace=nbxmpp.NS_BOOKMARKS) if storage is None: return return storage items_node = node.getTag('items') if items_node is None: return if items_node.getAttr('node') != nbxmpp.NS_BOOKMARKS: return item_node = items_node.getTag('item') if item_node is None: return storage = item_node.getTag('storage', namespace=nbxmpp.NS_BOOKMARKS) if storage is None: return return storage def _parse_bookmarks(self, stanza, check_merge=False): merged = False storage = self._get_storage_node(stanza) if storage is None: return NS_GAJIM_BM = 'xmpp:gajim.org/bookmarks' confs = storage.getTags('conference') for conf in confs: autojoin_val = conf.getAttr('autojoin') if not autojoin_val: # not there (it's optional) autojoin_val = False minimize_val = conf.getTag('minimize', namespace=NS_GAJIM_BM) if not minimize_val: # not there, try old Gajim behaviour minimize_val = conf.getAttr('minimize') if not minimize_val: # not there (it's optional) minimize_val = False else: minimize_val = minimize_val.getData() print_status = conf.getTag('print_status', namespace=NS_GAJIM_BM) if not print_status: # not there, try old Gajim behaviour print_status = conf.getTagData('print_status') if not print_status: # not there, try old Gajim behaviour print_status = conf.getTagData('show_status') else: print_status = print_status.getData() try: jid = helpers.parse_jid(conf.getAttr('jid')) except helpers.InvalidFormat: log.warning('Invalid JID: %s, ignoring it' % conf.getAttr('jid')) continue if check_merge: if jid in self.bookmarks: continue merged = True log.debug('Found Bookmark: %s', jid) self.bookmarks[jid] = { 'name': conf.getAttr('name'), 'autojoin': autojoin_val, 'minimize': minimize_val, 'password': conf.getTagData('password'), 'nick': conf.getTagData('nick'), 'print_status': print_status} return merged def _build_storage_node(self): NS_GAJIM_BM = 'xmpp:gajim.org/bookmarks' storage_node = nbxmpp.Node( tag='storage', attrs={'xmlns': 'storage:bookmarks'}) for jid, bm in self.bookmarks.items(): conf_node = storage_node.addChild(name="conference") conf_node.setAttr('jid', jid) conf_node.setAttr('autojoin', bm['autojoin']) conf_node.setAttr('name', bm['name']) conf_node.setTag( 'minimize', namespace=NS_GAJIM_BM).setData(bm['minimize']) # Only add optional elements if not empty # Note: need to handle both None and '' as empty # thus shouldn't use "is not None" if bm.get('nick', None): conf_node.setTagData('nick', bm['nick']) if bm.get('password', None): conf_node.setTagData('password', bm['password']) if bm.get('print_status', None): conf_node.setTag( 'print_status', namespace=NS_GAJIM_BM).setData(bm['print_status']) return storage_node @staticmethod def get_bookmark_publish_options(): options = nbxmpp.Node(nbxmpp.NS_DATA + ' x', attrs={'type': 'submit'}) f = options.addChild('field', attrs={'var': 'FORM_TYPE', 'type': 'hidden'}) f.setTagData('value', nbxmpp.NS_PUBSUB_PUBLISH_OPTIONS) f = options.addChild('field', attrs={'var': 'pubsub#access_model'}) f.setTagData('value', 'whitelist') return options def store_bookmarks(self, storage_type=None): if not app.account_is_connected(self._account): return storage_node = self._build_storage_node() if storage_type is None: if self._pubsub_support(): self._pubsub_store(storage_node) self._private_store(storage_node) elif storage_type == BookmarkStorageType.PUBSUB: if self._pubsub_support(): self._pubsub_store(storage_node) elif storage_type == BookmarkStorageType.PRIVATE: self._private_store(storage_node) def _pubsub_store(self, storage_node): self._con.get_module('PubSub').send_pb_publish( '', 'storage:bookmarks', storage_node, 'current', options=self.get_bookmark_publish_options(), cb=self._pubsub_store_result) log.info('Publish Bookmarks (PubSub)') def _private_store(self, storage_node): iq = nbxmpp.Iq('set', nbxmpp.NS_PRIVATE, payload=storage_node) log.info('Publish Bookmarks (PrivateStorage)') self._con.connection.SendAndCallForResponse( iq, self._private_store_result) def _pubsub_store_result(self, conn, stanza): if not nbxmpp.isResultNode(stanza): log.error('Error: %s', stanza.getError()) return def _private_store_result(self, stanza): if not nbxmpp.isResultNode(stanza): log.error('Error: %s', stanza.getError()) return def auto_join_bookmarks(self): if app.is_invisible(self._account): return for jid, bm in self.bookmarks.items(): if bm['autojoin'] in ('1', 'true'): # Only join non-opened groupchats. Opened one are already # auto-joined on re-connection if jid not in app.gc_connected[self._account]: # we are not already connected minimize = bm['minimize'] in ('1', 'true') app.interface.join_gc_room( self._account, jid, bm['nick'], bm['password'], minimize=minimize) def add_bookmark(self, name, jid, autojoin, minimize, password, nick): self.bookmarks[jid] = { 'name': name, 'autojoin': autojoin, 'minimize': minimize, 'password': password, 'nick': nick, 'print_status': None} self.store_bookmarks() app.nec.push_incoming_event(BookmarksReceivedEvent( None, account=self._account)) def get_name_from_bookmark(self, jid): try: return self.bookmarks[jid]['name'] except KeyError: return jid.split('@')[0] def purge_pubsub_bookmarks(self): log.info('Purge/Delete Bookmarks on PubSub, ' 'because publish options are not available') self._con.get_module('PubSub').send_pb_purge('', 'storage:bookmarks') self._con.get_module('PubSub').send_pb_delete('', 'storage:bookmarks') class BookmarksReceivedEvent(NetworkIncomingEvent): name = 'bookmarks-received' base_network_events = [] def get_instance(*args, **kwargs): return Bookmarks(*args, **kwargs), 'Bookmarks'