## ## Copyright (C) 2006 Gajim Team ## ## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published ## by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 only. ## ## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ## GNU General Public License for more details. ## """ Handles Jingle sessions (XEP 0166) """ #TODO: # * 'senders' attribute of 'content' element # * security preconditions # * actions: # - content-modify # - session-info # - security-info # - transport-accept, transport-reject # - Tie-breaking # * timeout import gajim #Get rid of that? import xmpp from jingle_transport import get_jingle_transport from jingle_content import get_jingle_content, JingleContentSetupException # FIXME: Move it to JingleSession.States? class JingleStates(object): """ States in which jingle session may exist """ ended = 0 pending = 1 active = 2 class OutOfOrder(Exception): """ Exception that should be raised when an action is received when in the wrong state """ class TieBreak(Exception): """ Exception that should be raised in case of a tie, when we overrule the other action """ class JingleSession(object): """ This represents one jingle session, that is, one or more content types negotiated between an initiator and a responder. """ def __init__(self, con, weinitiate, jid, sid=None): """ con -- connection object, weinitiate -- boolean, are we the initiator? jid - jid of the other entity """ self.contents = {} # negotiated contents self.connection = con # connection to use # our full jid #FIXME: Get rid of gajim here? self.ourjid = gajim.get_jid_from_account(self.connection.name) if con.server_resource: self.ourjid = self.ourjid + '/' + con.server_resource self.peerjid = jid # jid we connect to # jid we use as the initiator self.initiator = weinitiate and self.ourjid or self.peerjid # jid we use as the responder self.responder = weinitiate and self.peerjid or self.ourjid # are we an initiator? self.weinitiate = weinitiate # what state is session in? (one from JingleStates) self.state = JingleStates.ended if not sid: sid = con.connection.getAnID() self.sid = sid # sessionid self.accepted = True # is this session accepted by user # callbacks to call on proper contents # use .prepend() to add new callbacks, especially when you're going # to send error instead of ack self.callbacks = { 'content-accept': [self.__on_content_accept, self.__broadcast, self.__ack], 'content-add': [self.__on_content_add, self.__broadcast, self.__ack], #TODO 'content-modify': [self.__ack], #TODO 'content-reject': [self.__ack, self.__on_content_remove], #TODO 'content-remove': [self.__ack, self.__on_content_remove], 'description-info': [self.__broadcast, self.__ack], #TODO 'security-info': [self.__ack], #TODO 'session-accept': [self.__on_session_accept, self.__on_content_accept, self.__broadcast, self.__ack], 'session-info': [self.__broadcast, self.__on_session_info, self.__ack], 'session-initiate': [self.__on_session_initiate, self.__broadcast, self.__ack], 'session-terminate': [self.__on_session_terminate, self.__broadcast_all, self.__ack], 'transport-info': [self.__broadcast, self.__ack], 'transport-replace': [self.__broadcast, self.__on_transport_replace], #TODO 'transport-accept': [self.__ack], #TODO 'transport-reject': [self.__ack], #TODO 'iq-result': [], 'iq-error': [self.__on_error], } def approve_session(self): """ Called when user accepts session in UI (when we aren't the initiator) """ self.accept_session() def decline_session(self): """ Called when user declines session in UI (when we aren't the initiator) """ reason = xmpp.Node('reason') reason.addChild('decline') self._session_terminate(reason) def approve_content(self, media): content = self.get_content(media) if content: content.accepted = True self.on_session_state_changed(content) def reject_content(self, media): content = self.get_content(media) if content: if self.state == JingleStates.active: self.__content_reject(content) content.destroy() self.on_session_state_changed() def end_session(self): """ Called when user stops or cancel session in UI """ reason = xmpp.Node('reason') if self.state == JingleStates.active: reason.addChild('success') else: reason.addChild('cancel') self._session_terminate(reason) def get_content(self, media=None): if media is None: return for content in self.contents.values(): if content.media == media: return content def add_content(self, name, content, creator='we'): """ Add new content to session. If the session is active, this will send proper stanza to update session Creator must be one of ('we', 'peer', 'initiator', 'responder') """ assert creator in ('we', 'peer', 'initiator', 'responder') if (creator == 'we' and self.weinitiate) or (creator == 'peer' and \ not self.weinitiate): creator = 'initiator' elif (creator == 'peer' and self.weinitiate) or (creator == 'we' and \ not self.weinitiate): creator = 'responder' content.creator = creator content.name = name self.contents[(creator, name)] = content if (creator == 'initiator') == self.weinitiate: # The content is from us, accept it content.accepted = True def remove_content(self, creator, name): """ We do not need this now """ #TODO: if (creator, name) in self.contents: content = self.contents[(creator, name)] if len(self.contents) > 1: self.__content_remove(content) self.contents[(creator, name)].destroy() if len(self.contents) == 0: self.end_session() def modify_content(self, creator, name, *someother): """ We do not need this now """ pass def on_session_state_changed(self, content=None): if self.state == JingleStates.ended: # Session not yet started, only one action possible: session-initiate if self.is_ready() and self.weinitiate: self.__session_initiate() elif self.state == JingleStates.pending: # We can either send a session-accept or a content-add if self.is_ready() and not self.weinitiate: self.__session_accept() elif content and (content.creator == 'initiator') == self.weinitiate: self.__content_add(content) elif content and self.weinitiate: self.__content_accept(content) elif self.state == JingleStates.active: # We can either send a content-add or a content-accept if not content: return if (content.creator == 'initiator') == self.weinitiate: # We initiated this content. It's a pending content-add. self.__content_add(content) else: # The other side created this content, we accept it. self.__content_accept(content) def is_ready(self): """ Return True when all codecs and candidates are ready (for all contents) """ return (all((content.is_ready() for content in self.contents.itervalues())) and self.accepted) def accept_session(self): """ Mark the session as accepted """ self.accepted = True self.on_session_state_changed() def start_session(self): """ Mark the session as ready to be started """ self.accepted = True self.on_session_state_changed() def send_session_info(self): pass def send_content_accept(self, content): assert self.state != JingleStates.ended stanza, jingle = self.__make_jingle('content-accept') jingle.addChild(node=content) self.connection.connection.send(stanza) def send_transport_info(self, content): assert self.state != JingleStates.ended stanza, jingle = self.__make_jingle('transport-info') jingle.addChild(node=content) self.connection.connection.send(stanza) def on_stanza(self, stanza): """ A callback for ConnectionJingle. It gets stanza, then tries to send it to all internally registered callbacks. First one to raise xmpp.NodeProcessed breaks function """ jingle = stanza.getTag('jingle') error = stanza.getTag('error') if error: # it's an iq-error stanza action = 'iq-error' elif jingle: # it's a jingle action action = jingle.getAttr('action') if action not in self.callbacks: self.__send_error(stanza, 'bad_request') return # FIXME: If we aren't initiated and it's not a session-initiate... if action != 'session-initiate' and self.state == JingleStates.ended: self.__send_error(stanza, 'item-not-found', 'unknown-session') return else: # it's an iq-result (ack) stanza action = 'iq-result' callables = self.callbacks[action] try: for callable in callables: callable(stanza=stanza, jingle=jingle, error=error, action=action) except xmpp.NodeProcessed: pass except TieBreak: self.__send_error(stanza, 'conflict', 'tiebreak') except OutOfOrder: # FIXME self.__send_error(stanza, 'unexpected-request', 'out-of-order') def __ack(self, stanza, jingle, error, action): """ Default callback for action stanzas -- simple ack and stop processing """ response = stanza.buildReply('result') self.connection.connection.send(response) def __on_error(self, stanza, jingle, error, action): # FIXME text = error.getTagData('text') jingle_error = None xmpp_error = None for child in error.getChildren(): if child.getNamespace() == xmpp.NS_JINGLE_ERRORS: jingle_error = child.getName() elif child.getNamespace() == xmpp.NS_STANZAS: xmpp_error = child.getName() self.__dispatch_error(xmpp_error, jingle_error, text) # FIXME: Not sure when we would want to do that... if xmpp_error == 'item-not-found': self.connection.delete_jingle_session(self.sid) def __on_transport_replace(self, stanza, jingle, error, action): for content in jingle.iterTags('content'): creator = content['creator'] name = content['name'] if (creator, name) in self.contents: transport_ns = content.getTag('transport').getNamespace() if transport_ns == xmpp.JINGLE_ICE_UDP: # FIXME: We don't manage anything else than ICE-UDP now... # What was the previous transport?!? # Anyway, content's transport is not modifiable yet pass else: stanza, jingle = self.__make_jingle('transport-reject') content = jingle.setTag('content', attrs={'creator': creator, 'name': name}) content.setTag('transport', namespace=transport_ns) self.connection.connection.send(stanza) raise xmpp.NodeProcessed else: # FIXME: This ressource is unknown to us, what should we do? # For now, reject the transport stanza, jingle = self.__make_jingle('transport-reject') c = jingle.setTag('content', attrs={'creator': creator, 'name': name}) c.setTag('transport', namespace=transport_ns) self.connection.connection.send(stanza) raise xmpp.NodeProcessed def __on_session_info(self, stanza, jingle, error, action): # TODO: ringing, active, (un)hold, (un)mute payload = jingle.getPayload() if payload: self.__send_error(stanza, 'feature-not-implemented', 'unsupported-info') raise xmpp.NodeProcessed def __on_content_remove(self, stanza, jingle, error, action): for content in jingle.iterTags('content'): creator = content['creator'] name = content['name'] if (creator, name) in self.contents: content = self.contents[(creator, name)] # TODO: this will fail if content is not an RTP content self.connection.dispatch('JINGLE_DISCONNECTED', (self.peerjid, self.sid, content.media, 'removed')) content.destroy() if not self.contents: reason = xmpp.Node('reason') reason.setTag('success') self._session_terminate(reason) def __on_session_accept(self, stanza, jingle, error, action): # FIXME if self.state != JingleStates.pending: raise OutOfOrder self.state = JingleStates.active def __on_content_accept(self, stanza, jingle, error, action): """ Called when we get content-accept stanza or equivalent one (like session-accept) """ # check which contents are accepted for content in jingle.iterTags('content'): creator = content['creator'] # TODO name = content['name'] def __on_content_add(self, stanza, jingle, error, action): if self.state == JingleStates.ended: raise OutOfOrder parse_result = self.__parse_contents(jingle) contents = parse_result[0] rejected_contents = parse_result[1] for name, creator in rejected_contents: # TODO content = JingleContent() self.add_content(name, content, creator) self.__content_reject(content) self.contents[(content.creator, content.name)].destroy() self.connection.dispatch('JINGLE_INCOMING', (self.peerjid, self.sid, contents)) def __on_session_initiate(self, stanza, jingle, error, action): """ We got a jingle session request from other entity, therefore we are the receiver... Unpack the data, inform the user """ if self.state != JingleStates.ended: raise OutOfOrder self.initiator = jingle['initiator'] self.responder = self.ourjid self.peerjid = self.initiator self.accepted = False # user did not accept this session yet # TODO: If the initiator is unknown to the receiver (e.g., via presence # subscription) and the receiver has a policy of not communicating via # Jingle with unknown entities, it SHOULD return a # error. # Lets check what kind of jingle session does the peer want contents, contents_rejected, reason_txt = self.__parse_contents(jingle) # If there's no content we understand... if not contents: # TODO: http://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0166.html#session-terminate reason = xmpp.Node('reason') reason.setTag(reason_txt) self.__ack(stanza, jingle, error, action) self._session_terminate(reason) raise xmpp.NodeProcessed self.state = JingleStates.pending # Send event about starting a session self.connection.dispatch('JINGLE_INCOMING', (self.peerjid, self.sid, contents)) def __broadcast(self, stanza, jingle, error, action): """ Broadcast the stanza contents to proper content handlers """ for content in jingle.iterTags('content'): name = content['name'] creator = content['creator'] cn = self.contents[(creator, name)] cn.on_stanza(stanza, content, error, action) def __on_session_terminate(self, stanza, jingle, error, action): self.connection.delete_jingle_session(self.sid) reason, text = self.__reason_from_stanza(jingle) if reason not in ('success', 'cancel', 'decline'): self.__dispatch_error(reason, reason, text) if text: text = '%s (%s)' % (reason, text) else: # TODO text = reason self.connection.dispatch('JINGLE_DISCONNECTED', (self.peerjid, self.sid, None, text)) def __broadcast_all(self, stanza, jingle, error, action): """ Broadcast the stanza to all content handlers """ for content in self.contents.itervalues(): content.on_stanza(stanza, None, error, action) def __parse_contents(self, jingle): # TODO: Needs some reworking contents = [] contents_rejected = [] reasons = set() for element in jingle.iterTags('content'): transport = get_jingle_transport(element.getTag('transport')) content_type = get_jingle_content(element.getTag('description')) if content_type: try: if transport: content = content_type(self, transport) self.add_content(element['name'], content, 'peer') contents.append((content.media,)) else: reasons.add('unsupported-transports') contents_rejected.append((element['name'], 'peer')) except JingleContentSetupException: reasons.add('failed-application') else: contents_rejected.append((element['name'], 'peer')) reasons.add('unsupported-applications') failure_reason = None # Store the first reason of failure for reason in ('failed-application', 'unsupported-transports', 'unsupported-applications'): if reason in reasons: failure_reason = reason break return (contents, contents_rejected, failure_reason) def __dispatch_error(self, error, jingle_error=None, text=None): if jingle_error: error = jingle_error if text: text = '%s (%s)' % (error, text) else: text = error self.connection.dispatch('JINGLE_ERROR', (self.peerjid, self.sid, text)) def __reason_from_stanza(self, stanza): reason = 'success' reasons = ['success', 'busy', 'cancel', 'connectivity-error', 'decline', 'expired', 'failed-application', 'failed-transport', 'general-error', 'gone', 'incompatible-parameters', 'media-error', 'security-error', 'timeout', 'unsupported-applications', 'unsupported-transports'] tag = stanza.getTag('reason') if tag: text = tag.getTagData('text') for r in reasons: if tag.getTag(r): reason = r break return (reason, text) def __make_jingle(self, action): stanza = xmpp.Iq(typ='set', to=xmpp.JID(self.peerjid)) attrs = {'action': action, 'sid': self.sid} if action == 'session-initiate': attrs['initiator'] = self.initiator elif action == 'session-accept': attrs['responder'] = self.responder jingle = stanza.addChild('jingle', attrs=attrs, namespace=xmpp.NS_JINGLE) return stanza, jingle def __send_error(self, stanza, error, jingle_error=None, text=None): err = xmpp.Error(stanza, '%s %s' % (xmpp.NS_STANZAS, error)) if jingle_error: err.setTag(jingle_error, namespace=xmpp.NS_JINGLE_ERRORS) if text: err.setTagData('text', text) self.connection.connection.send(err) self.__dispatch_error(error, jingle_error, text) def __append_content(self, jingle, content): """ Append element to element, with (full=True) or without (full=False) children """ jingle.addChild('content', attrs={'name': content.name, 'creator': content.creator}) def __append_contents(self, jingle): """ Append all elements to """ # TODO: integrate with __appendContent? # TODO: parameters 'name', 'content'? for content in self.contents.values(): self.__append_content(jingle, content) def __session_initiate(self): assert self.state == JingleStates.ended stanza, jingle = self.__make_jingle('session-initiate') self.__append_contents(jingle) self.__broadcast(stanza, jingle, None, 'session-initiate-sent') self.connection.connection.send(stanza) self.state = JingleStates.pending def __session_accept(self): assert self.state == JingleStates.pending stanza, jingle = self.__make_jingle('session-accept') self.__append_contents(jingle) self.__broadcast(stanza, jingle, None, 'session-accept-sent') self.connection.connection.send(stanza) self.state = JingleStates.active def __session_info(self, payload=None): assert self.state != JingleStates.ended stanza, jingle = self.__make_jingle('session-info') if payload: jingle.addChild(node=payload) self.connection.connection.send(stanza) def _session_terminate(self, reason=None): assert self.state != JingleStates.ended stanza, jingle = self.__make_jingle('session-terminate') if reason is not None: jingle.addChild(node=reason) self.__broadcast_all(stanza, jingle, None, 'session-terminate-sent') self.connection.connection.send(stanza) reason, text = self.__reason_from_stanza(jingle) if reason not in ('success', 'cancel', 'decline'): self.__dispatch_error(reason, reason, text) if text: text = '%s (%s)' % (reason, text) else: text = reason self.connection.delete_jingle_session(self.sid) self.connection.dispatch('JINGLE_DISCONNECTED', (self.peerjid, self.sid, None, text)) def __content_add(self, content): # TODO: test assert self.state != JingleStates.ended stanza, jingle = self.__make_jingle('content-add') self.__append_content(jingle, content) self.__broadcast(stanza, jingle, None, 'content-add-sent') self.connection.connection.send(stanza) def __content_accept(self, content): # TODO: test assert self.state != JingleStates.ended stanza, jingle = self.__make_jingle('content-accept') self.__append_content(jingle, content) self.__broadcast(stanza, jingle, None, 'content-accept-sent') self.connection.connection.send(stanza) def __content_reject(self, content): assert self.state != JingleStates.ended stanza, jingle = self.__make_jingle('content-reject') self.__append_content(jingle, content) self.connection.connection.send(stanza) # TODO: this will fail if content is not an RTP content self.connection.dispatch('JINGLE_DISCONNECTED', (self.peerjid, self.sid, content.media, 'rejected')) def __content_modify(self): assert self.state != JingleStates.ended def __content_remove(self, content): assert self.state != JingleStates.ended stanza, jingle = self.__make_jingle('content-remove') self.__append_content(jingle, content) self.connection.connection.send(stanza) # TODO: this will fail if content is not an RTP content self.connection.dispatch('JINGLE_DISCONNECTED', (self.peerjid, self.sid, content.media, 'removed')) def content_negotiated(self, media): self.connection.dispatch('JINGLE_CONNECTED', (self.peerjid, self.sid, media))