# Copyright (C) 2003-2005 Vincent Hanquez # Copyright (C) 2003-2014 Yann Leboulanger # Copyright (C) 2005 Alex Podaras # Stéphan Kochen # Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Dimitur Kirov # Nikos Kouremenos # Copyright (C) 2006 Junglecow J # Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Travis Shirk # Stefan Bethge # Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Jean-Marie Traissard # Copyright (C) 2007 James Newton # Julien Pivotto # Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Stephan Erb # Copyright (C) 2008 Jonathan Schleifer # # This file is part of Gajim. # # Gajim is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published # by the Free Software Foundation; version 3 only. # # Gajim is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Gajim. If not, see . from gi.repository import Gtk from gi.repository import GObject from gajim.common import app from gajim.common import passwords from gajim.common.i18n import _ from gajim import dialogs from gajim import gui_menu_builder from gajim.gtk.dialogs import ConfirmationDialog from gajim.gtk.dialogs import ConfirmationDialogDoubleRadio from gajim.gtk.dialogs import ErrorDialog from gajim.gtk.util import get_builder class FakeDataForm(Gtk.Table): """ Class for forms that are in XML format value1 infos in a table {entry1: value1} """ def __init__(self, infos, selectable=False): GObject.GObject.__init__(self) self.infos = infos self.selectable = selectable self.entries = {} self._draw_table() def _draw_table(self): """ Draw the table """ nbrow = 0 if 'instructions' in self.infos: nbrow = 1 self.resize(rows=nbrow, columns=2) label = Gtk.Label(label=self.infos['instructions']) if self.selectable: label.set_selectable(True) self.attach(label, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0) for name in self.infos.keys(): if name in ('key', 'instructions', 'x', 'registered'): continue if not name: continue nbrow = nbrow + 1 self.resize(rows=nbrow, columns=2) label = Gtk.Label(label=name.capitalize() + ':') self.attach(label, 0, 1, nbrow - 1, nbrow, 0, 0, 0, 0) entry = Gtk.Entry() entry.set_activates_default(True) if self.infos[name]: entry.set_text(self.infos[name]) if name == 'password': entry.set_visibility(False) self.attach(entry, 1, 2, nbrow - 1, nbrow, 0, 0, 0, 0) self.entries[name] = entry if nbrow == 1: entry.grab_focus() def get_infos(self): for name in self.entries: self.infos[name] = self.entries[name].get_text() return self.infos #---------- RemoveAccountWindow class -------------# class RemoveAccountWindow: """ Ask for removing from gajim only or from gajim and server too and do removing of the account given """ def on_remove_account_window_destroy(self, widget): if self.account in app.interface.instances: del app.interface.instances[self.account]['remove_account'] def on_cancel_button_clicked(self, widget): self.window.destroy() def __init__(self, account): self.account = account xml = get_builder('remove_account_window.ui') self.window = xml.get_object('remove_account_window') active_window = app.app.get_active_window() self.window.set_transient_for(active_window) self.remove_and_unregister_radiobutton = xml.get_object( 'remove_and_unregister_radiobutton') self.window.set_title(_('Removing %s account') % self.account) xml.connect_signals(self) self.window.show_all() def on_remove_button_clicked(self, widget): def remove(): if self.account in app.connections and \ app.connections[self.account].connected and \ not self.remove_and_unregister_radiobutton.get_active(): # change status to offline only if we will not remove this JID from # server app.connections[self.account].change_status('offline', 'offline') if self.remove_and_unregister_radiobutton.get_active(): if not self.account in app.connections: ErrorDialog( _('Account is disabled'), _('To unregister from a server, account must be ' 'enabled.'), transient_for=self.window) return if not app.connections[self.account].password: def on_ok(passphrase, checked): if passphrase == -1: # We don't remove account cause we canceled pw window return app.connections[self.account].password = passphrase app.connections[self.account].unregister_account( self._on_remove_success) dialogs.PassphraseDialog( _('Password Required'), _('Enter your password for account %s') % self.account, _('Save password'), ok_handler=on_ok, transient_for=self.window) return app.connections[self.account].unregister_account( self._on_remove_success) else: self._on_remove_success(True) if self.account in app.connections and \ app.connections[self.account].connected: ConfirmationDialog( _('Account "%s" is connected to the server') % self.account, _('If you remove it, the connection will be lost.'), on_response_ok=remove, transient_for=self.window) else: remove() def on_remove_responce_ok(self, is_checked): if is_checked[0]: self._on_remove_success(True) def _on_remove_success(self, res): # action of unregistration has failed, we don't remove the account # Error message is send by connect_and_auth() if not res: ConfirmationDialogDoubleRadio( _('Connection to server %s failed') % self.account, _('What would you like to do?'), _('Remove only from Gajim'), _('Don\'t remove anything. I\'ll try again later'), on_response_ok=self.on_remove_responce_ok, is_modal=False, transient_for=self.window) return # Close all opened windows app.interface.roster.close_all(self.account, force=True) if self.account in app.connections: app.connections[self.account].disconnect(reconnect=False) app.connections[self.account].cleanup() del app.connections[self.account] app.logger.remove_roster(app.get_jid_from_account(self.account)) # Delete password must be before del_per() because it calls set_per() # which would recreate the account with defaults values if not found passwords.delete_password(self.account) app.config.del_per('accounts', self.account) del app.interface.instances[self.account] if self.account in app.nicks: del app.interface.minimized_controls[self.account] del app.nicks[self.account] del app.block_signed_in_notifications[self.account] del app.groups[self.account] app.contacts.remove_account(self.account) del app.gc_connected[self.account] del app.automatic_rooms[self.account] del app.to_be_removed[self.account] del app.newly_added[self.account] del app.sleeper_state[self.account] del app.last_message_time[self.account] del app.status_before_autoaway[self.account] del app.gajim_optional_features[self.account] del app.caps_hash[self.account] if len(app.connections) >= 2: # Do not merge accounts if only one exists app.interface.roster.regroup = app.config.get('mergeaccounts') else: app.interface.roster.regroup = False app.interface.roster.setup_and_draw_roster() app.app.remove_account_actions(self.account) gui_menu_builder.build_accounts_menu() window = app.get_app_window('AccountsWindow') if window is not None: window.remove_account(self.account) self.window.destroy()