# Copyright (C) 2003-2014 Yann Leboulanger # Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Vincent Hanquez # Copyright (C) 2005 Alex Podaras # Norman Rasmussen # Stéphan Kochen # Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Dimitur Kirov # Alex Mauer # Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Travis Shirk # Nikos Kouremenos # Copyright (C) 2006 Junglecow J # Stefan Bethge # Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Jean-Marie Traissard # Copyright (C) 2007 Lukas Petrovicky # James Newton # Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Brendan Taylor # Julien Pivotto # Stephan Erb # Copyright (C) 2008 Jonathan Schleifer # # This file is part of Gajim. # # Gajim is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published # by the Free Software Foundation; version 3 only. # # Gajim is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Gajim. If not, see . import os import sys import re import time import hashlib from functools import partial from gi.repository import Gtk from gi.repository import GdkPixbuf from gi.repository import GLib from gi.repository import Gio from gi.repository import Gdk import OpenSSL try: from PIL import Image except: pass from gajim.common import app from gajim.common import events from gajim.music_track_listener import MusicTrackListener if app.is_installed('GEOCLUE'): from gajim.common import location_listener from gajim import gtkgui_helpers from gajim import gui_menu_builder from gajim import dialogs from gajim import notify from gajim import message_control from gajim.dialog_messages import get_dialog from gajim.dialogs import ProgressWindow from gajim.gtk.filechoosers import FileChooserDialog from gajim.chat_control_base import ChatControlBase from gajim.chat_control import ChatControl from gajim.groupchat_control import GroupchatControl from gajim.groupchat_control import PrivateChatControl from gajim.message_window import MessageWindowMgr from gajim.filetransfers_window import FileTransfersWindow from gajim.atom_window import AtomWindow from gajim.session import ChatControlSession from gajim.common import idle from nbxmpp import idlequeue from nbxmpp import Hashes2 from gajim.common.zeroconf import connection_zeroconf from gajim.common import resolver from gajim.common import caps_cache from gajim.common import proxy65_manager from gajim.common import socks5 from gajim.common import helpers from gajim.common import passwords from gajim.common import logging_helpers from gajim.common.connection_handlers_events import ( OurShowEvent, FileRequestErrorEvent, FileTransferCompletedEvent, UpdateRosterAvatarEvent, UpdateGCAvatarEvent, UpdateRoomAvatarEvent) from gajim.common.modules.httpupload import HTTPUploadProgressEvent from gajim.common.connection import Connection from gajim.common.file_props import FilesProp from gajim.common.const import AvatarSize, SSLError, PEPEventType from gajim.common.const import ACTIVITIES, MOODS from gajim import roster_window from gajim import config from threading import Thread from gajim.common import ged from gajim.common.caps_cache import muc_caps_cache from gajim.gtk.emoji_data import emoji_data, emoji_ascii_data from gajim.gtk import JoinGroupchatWindow from gajim.gtk import ErrorDialog from gajim.gtk import WarningDialog from gajim.gtk import InformationDialog from gajim.gtk import InputDialog from gajim.gtk import YesNoDialog from gajim.gtk import InputTextDialog from gajim.gtk import PlainConnectionDialog from gajim.gtk import SSLErrorDialog from gajim.gtk import ConfirmationDialogDoubleCheck from gajim.gtk import ChangeNickDialog from gajim.gtk import ProfileWindow from gajim.common import configpaths from gajim.common import optparser parser = optparser.OptionsParser(configpaths.get('CONFIG_FILE')) import logging log = logging.getLogger('gajim.interface') class Interface: ################################################################################ ### Methods handling events from connection ################################################################################ def handle_event_db_error(self, unused, error): #('DB_ERROR', account, error) if self.db_error_dialog: return self.db_error_dialog = ErrorDialog(_('Database Error'), error) def destroyed(win): self.db_error_dialog = None self.db_error_dialog.connect('destroy', destroyed) @staticmethod def handle_event_information(obj): if not obj.popup: return if obj.dialog_name is not None: get_dialog(obj.dialog_name, *obj.args, **obj.kwargs) return if obj.level == 'error': cls = ErrorDialog elif obj.level == 'warn': cls = WarningDialog elif obj.level == 'info': cls = InformationDialog else: return cls(obj.pri_txt, GLib.markup_escape_text(obj.sec_txt)) @staticmethod def raise_dialog(name, *args, **kwargs): get_dialog(name, *args, **kwargs) def handle_ask_new_nick(self, account, room_jid, parent_win): title = _('Unable to join group chat') prompt = _('Your desired nickname in group chat\n' '%s\n' 'is in use or registered by another occupant.\n' 'Please specify another nickname below:') % room_jid check_text = _('Always use this nickname when there is a conflict') if 'change_nick_dialog' in self.instances: self.instances['change_nick_dialog'].add_room(account, room_jid, prompt) else: self.instances['change_nick_dialog'] = ChangeNickDialog( account, room_jid, title, prompt, transient_for=parent_win) @staticmethod def handle_event_http_auth(obj): #('HTTP_AUTH', account, (method, url, transaction_id, iq_obj, msg)) def response(account, answer): obj.conn.get_module('HTTPAuth').build_http_auth_answer( obj.stanza, answer) def on_yes(is_checked, obj): response(obj, 'yes') account = obj.conn.name sec_msg = _('Do you accept this request?') if app.get_number_of_connected_accounts() > 1: sec_msg = _('Do you accept this request on account %s?') % account if obj.msg: sec_msg = obj.msg + '\n' + sec_msg dialog = YesNoDialog(_('HTTP (%(method)s) Authorization for ' '%(url)s (ID: %(id)s)') % {'method': obj.method, 'url': obj.url, 'id': obj.iq_id}, sec_msg, on_response_yes=(on_yes, obj), on_response_no=(response, obj, 'no')) def handle_event_iq_error(self, obj): #('ERROR_ANSWER', account, (id_, fjid, errmsg, errcode)) if str(obj.errcode) in ('400', '403', '406') and obj.id_: # show the error dialog ft = self.instances['file_transfers'] sid = obj.id_ if len(obj.id_) > 3 and obj.id_[2] == '_': sid = obj.id_[3:] file_props = FilesProp.getFileProp(obj.conn.name, sid) if file_props : if str(obj.errcode) == '400': file_props.error = -3 else: file_props.error = -4 app.nec.push_incoming_event(FileRequestErrorEvent(None, conn=obj.conn, jid=obj.jid, file_props=file_props, error_msg=obj.errmsg)) obj.conn.disconnect_transfer(file_props) return elif str(obj.errcode) == '404': sid = obj.id_ if len(obj.id_) > 3 and obj.id_[2] == '_': sid = obj.id_[3:] file_props = FilesProp.getFileProp(obj.conn.name, sid) if file_props: self.handle_event_file_send_error(obj.conn.name, (obj.fjid, file_props)) obj.conn.disconnect_transfer(file_props) return ctrl = self.msg_win_mgr.get_control(obj.fjid, obj.conn.name) if ctrl and ctrl.type_id == message_control.TYPE_GC: ctrl.print_conversation('Error %s: %s' % (obj.errcode, obj.errmsg)) @staticmethod def handle_event_connection_lost(obj): # ('CONNECTION_LOST', account, [title, text]) account = obj.conn.name app.notification.popup( _('Connection Failed'), account, account, 'connection-lost', 'gajim-connection_lost', obj.title, obj.msg) @staticmethod def unblock_signed_in_notifications(account): app.block_signed_in_notifications[account] = False def handle_event_status(self, obj): # OUR status #('STATUS', account, show) account = obj.conn.name if obj.show in ('offline', 'error'): for name in list(self.instances[account]['online_dialog'].keys()): # .keys() is needed to not have a dictionary length changed # during iteration error self.instances[account]['online_dialog'][name].destroy() if name in self.instances[account]['online_dialog']: # destroy handler may have already removed it del self.instances[account]['online_dialog'][name] for request in self.gpg_passphrase.values(): if request: request.interrupt(account=account) if account in self.pass_dialog: self.pass_dialog[account].window.destroy() if obj.show == 'offline': app.block_signed_in_notifications[account] = True else: # 30 seconds after we change our status to sth else than offline # we stop blocking notifications of any kind # this prevents from getting the roster items as 'just signed in' # contacts. 30 seconds should be enough time GLib.timeout_add_seconds(30, self.unblock_signed_in_notifications, account) if account in self.show_vcard_when_connect and obj.show not in ( 'offline', 'error'): self.edit_own_details(account) self.show_vcard_when_connect.remove(account) def edit_own_details(self, account): window = app.get_app_window(ProfileWindow) if window is None: ProfileWindow(account) else: window.present() @staticmethod def handle_gc_error(gc_control, pritext, sectext): if gc_control and gc_control.autorejoin is not None: if gc_control.error_dialog: gc_control.error_dialog.destroy() def on_close(dummy): gc_control.error_dialog.destroy() gc_control.error_dialog = None gc_control.error_dialog = ErrorDialog(pritext, sectext, on_response_ok=on_close, on_response_cancel=on_close) gc_control.error_dialog.set_modal(False) if gc_control.parent_win: gc_control.error_dialog.set_transient_for( gc_control.parent_win.window) else: d = ErrorDialog(pritext, sectext) if gc_control and gc_control.parent_win: d.set_transient_for(gc_control.parent_win.window) d.set_modal(False) def handle_gc_password_required(self, account, room_jid, nick): def on_ok(text): app.connections[account].join_gc(nick, room_jid, text) app.gc_passwords[room_jid] = text gc_control.error_dialog = None def on_cancel(): # get and destroy window if room_jid in app.interface.minimized_controls[account]: self.roster.on_disconnect(None, room_jid, account) else: win = self.msg_win_mgr.get_window(room_jid, account) ctrl = self.msg_win_mgr.get_gc_control(room_jid, account) win.remove_tab(ctrl, 3) gc_control.error_dialog = None gc_control = self.msg_win_mgr.get_gc_control(room_jid, account) if gc_control: if gc_control.error_dialog: gc_control.error_dialog.destroy() gc_control.error_dialog = InputDialog(_('Password Required'), _('A Password is required to join the room %s. Please type it.') % \ room_jid, is_modal=False, ok_handler=on_ok, cancel_handler=on_cancel) gc_control.error_dialog.input_entry.set_visibility(False) def handle_event_gc_presence(self, obj): gc_control = obj.gc_control parent_win = None if gc_control and gc_control.parent_win: parent_win = gc_control.parent_win.window if obj.ptype == 'error': if obj.errcode == '503': # maximum user number reached self.handle_gc_error(gc_control, _('Unable to join group chat'), _('%s is full')\ % obj.room_jid) elif (obj.errcode == '401') or (obj.errcon == 'not-authorized'): # password required to join self.handle_gc_password_required(obj.conn.name, obj.room_jid, obj.nick) elif (obj.errcode == '403') or (obj.errcon == 'forbidden'): # we are banned self.handle_gc_error(gc_control, _('Unable to join group chat'), _('You are banned from group chat %s.') % \ obj.room_jid) elif (obj.errcode == '404') or (obj.errcon in ('item-not-found', 'remote-server-not-found')): # remote server does not exist if (obj.errcon == 'remote-server-not-found'): self.handle_gc_error(gc_control, _('Unable to join group chat'), _('Remote server %s does not exist.') % obj.room_jid) # group chat does not exist else: self.handle_gc_error(gc_control, _('Unable to join group chat'), _('Group chat %s does not exist.') % obj.room_jid) elif (obj.errcode == '405') or (obj.errcon == 'not-allowed'): self.handle_gc_error(gc_control, _('Unable to join group chat'), _('Group chat creation is not permitted.')) elif (obj.errcode == '406') or (obj.errcon == 'not-acceptable'): self.handle_gc_error(gc_control, _('Unable to join groupchat'), _('You must use your registered nickname in %s.')\ % obj.room_jid) elif (obj.errcode == '407') or (obj.errcon == \ 'registration-required'): self.handle_gc_error(gc_control, _('Unable to join group chat'), _('You are not in the members list in groupchat %s.') % \ obj.room_jid) elif (obj.errcode == '409') or (obj.errcon == 'conflict'): self.handle_ask_new_nick(obj.conn.name, obj.room_jid, parent_win) elif gc_control: gc_control.print_conversation('Error %s: %s' % (obj.errcode, obj.errmsg)) if gc_control and gc_control.autorejoin: gc_control.autorejoin = False def handle_event_presence(self, obj): # 'NOTIFY' (account, (jid, status, status message, resource, # priority, # keyID, timestamp, contact_nickname)) # # Contact changed show account = obj.conn.name jid = obj.jid show = obj.show status = obj.status resource = obj.resource or '' jid_list = app.contacts.get_jid_list(account) # unset custom status if (obj.old_show == 0 and obj.new_show > 1) or \ (obj.old_show > 1 and obj.new_show == 0 and obj.conn.connected > 1): if account in self.status_sent_to_users and \ jid in self.status_sent_to_users[account]: del self.status_sent_to_users[account][jid] if app.jid_is_transport(jid): # It must be an agent # transport just signed in/out, don't show # popup notifications for 30s account_jid = account + '/' + jid app.block_signed_in_notifications[account_jid] = True GLib.timeout_add_seconds(30, self.unblock_signed_in_notifications, account_jid) highest = app.contacts.get_contact_with_highest_priority(account, jid) is_highest = (highest and highest.resource == resource) ctrl = self.msg_win_mgr.get_control(jid, account) if ctrl and ctrl.session and len(obj.contact_list) > 1: ctrl.remove_session(ctrl.session) def handle_event_msgerror(self, obj): #'MSGERROR' (account, (jid, error_code, error_msg, msg, time[session])) account = obj.conn.name jids = obj.fjid.split('/', 1) jid = jids[0] session = obj.session gc_control = self.msg_win_mgr.get_gc_control(jid, account) if not gc_control and \ jid in self.minimized_controls[account]: gc_control = self.minimized_controls[account][jid] if gc_control and gc_control.type_id != message_control.TYPE_GC: gc_control = None if gc_control: if len(jids) > 1: # it's a pm nick = jids[1] if session: ctrl = session.control else: ctrl = self.msg_win_mgr.get_control(obj.fjid, account) if not ctrl: tv = gc_control.list_treeview model = tv.get_model() iter_ = gc_control.get_contact_iter(nick) if iter_: show = model[iter_][3] else: show = 'offline' gc_c = app.contacts.create_gc_contact(room_jid=jid, account=account, name=nick, show=show) ctrl = self.new_private_chat(gc_c, account, session) ctrl.contact.our_chatstate = False ctrl.print_conversation(_('Error %(code)s: %(msg)s') % { 'code': obj.error_code, 'msg': obj.error_msg}, 'status') return gc_control.print_conversation(_('Error %(code)s: %(msg)s') % { 'code': obj.error_code, 'msg': obj.error_msg}, 'status') if gc_control.parent_win and \ gc_control.parent_win.get_active_jid() == jid: gc_control.set_subject(gc_control.subject) return if app.jid_is_transport(jid): jid = jid.replace('@', '') msg = obj.error_msg if obj.msg: msg = _('error while sending %(message)s ( %(error)s )') % { 'message': obj.msg, 'error': msg} if session: session.roster_message(jid, msg, obj.time_, msg_type='error') @staticmethod def handle_event_msgsent(obj): #('MSGSENT', account, (jid, msg, keyID)) # do not play sound when standalone chatstate message (eg no msg) if obj.message and app.config.get_per('soundevents', 'message_sent', 'enabled'): helpers.play_sound('message_sent') @staticmethod def handle_event_msgnotsent(obj): #('MSGNOTSENT', account, (jid, ierror_msg, msg, time, session)) msg = _('error while sending %(message)s ( %(error)s )') % { 'message': obj.message, 'error': obj.error} if not obj.session: # No session. This can happen when sending a message from # gajim-remote log.warning(msg) return obj.session.roster_message(obj.jid, msg, obj.time_, obj.conn.name, msg_type='error') def handle_event_subscribe_presence(self, obj): #('SUBSCRIBE', account, (jid, text, user_nick)) user_nick is JEP-0172 account = obj.conn.name if helpers.allow_popup_window(account) or not self.systray_enabled: if obj.jid in self.instances[account]['sub_request']: self.instances[account]['sub_request'][obj.jid].destroy() self.instances[account]['sub_request'][obj.jid] = \ dialogs.SubscriptionRequestWindow(obj.jid, obj.status, account, obj.user_nick) return event = events.SubscriptionRequestEvent(obj.status, obj.user_nick) self.add_event(account, obj.jid, event) if helpers.allow_showing_notification(account): event_type = _('Subscription request') app.notification.popup( event_type, obj.jid, account, 'subscription_request', 'gajim-subscription_request', event_type, obj.jid) def handle_event_subscribed_presence(self, obj): #('SUBSCRIBED', account, (jid, resource)) account = obj.conn.name if obj.jid in app.contacts.get_jid_list(account): c = app.contacts.get_first_contact_from_jid(account, obj.jid) c.resource = obj.resource self.roster.remove_contact_from_groups(c.jid, account, [_('Not in Roster'), _('Observers')], update=False) else: keyID = '' attached_keys = app.config.get_per('accounts', account, 'attached_gpg_keys').split() if obj.jid in attached_keys: keyID = attached_keys[attached_keys.index(obj.jid) + 1] name = obj.jid.split('@', 1)[0] name = name.split('%', 1)[0] contact1 = app.contacts.create_contact(jid=obj.jid, account=account, name=name, groups=[], show='online', status='online', ask='to', resource=obj.resource, keyID=keyID) app.contacts.add_contact(account, contact1) self.roster.add_contact(obj.jid, account) InformationDialog(_('Authorization accepted'), _('The contact "%s" has authorized you to see their status.') % obj.jid) def show_unsubscribed_dialog(self, account, contact): def on_yes(is_checked, list_): self.roster.on_req_usub(None, list_) list_ = [(contact, account)] YesNoDialog( _('Contact "%s" removed subscription from you') % contact.jid, _('You will always see them as offline.\nDo you want to ' 'remove them from your contact list?'), on_response_yes=(on_yes, list_)) # FIXME: Per RFC 3921, we can "deny" ack as well, but the GUI does # not show deny def handle_event_unsubscribed_presence(self, obj): #('UNSUBSCRIBED', account, jid) account = obj.conn.name contact = app.contacts.get_first_contact_from_jid(account, obj.jid) if not contact: return if helpers.allow_popup_window(account) or not self.systray_enabled: self.show_unsubscribed_dialog(account, contact) return event = events.UnsubscribedEvent(contact) self.add_event(account, obj.jid, event) if helpers.allow_showing_notification(account): event_type = _('Unsubscribed') app.notification.popup( event_type, obj.jid, account, 'unsubscribed', 'gajim-unsubscribed', event_type, obj.jid) def handle_event_gc_config(self, obj): #('GC_CONFIG', account, (jid, form_node)) config is a dict account = obj.conn.name if obj.jid in app.automatic_rooms[account]: if 'continue_tag' in app.automatic_rooms[account][obj.jid]: # We're converting chat to muc. allow participants to invite for f in obj.dataform.iter_fields(): if f.var == 'muc#roomconfig_allowinvites': f.value = True elif f.var == 'muc#roomconfig_publicroom': f.value = False elif f.var == 'muc#roomconfig_membersonly': f.value = True elif f.var == 'public_list': f.value = False obj.conn.get_module('MUC').set_config(obj.jid, obj.dataform.get_purged()) user_list = {} for jid in app.automatic_rooms[account][obj.jid]['invities']: user_list[jid] = {'affiliation': 'member'} obj.conn.get_module('MUC').set_affiliation(obj.jid, user_list) else: # use default configuration obj.conn.get_module('MUC').set_config(obj.jid, obj.form_node) # invite contacts # check if it is necessary to add continue_tag = False if 'continue_tag' in app.automatic_rooms[account][obj.jid]: continue_tag = True if 'invities' in app.automatic_rooms[account][obj.jid]: for jid in app.automatic_rooms[account][obj.jid]['invities']: obj.conn.get_module('MUC').invite( obj.jid, jid, continue_=continue_tag) gc_control = self.msg_win_mgr.get_gc_control(obj.jid, account) if gc_control: gc_control.print_conversation( _('%(jid)s has been invited in this room') % { 'jid': jid}, graphics=False) del app.automatic_rooms[account][obj.jid] elif obj.jid not in self.instances[account]['gc_config']: self.instances[account]['gc_config'][obj.jid] = \ config.GroupchatConfigWindow(account, obj.jid, obj.dataform) def handle_event_gc_affiliation(self, obj): #('GC_AFFILIATION', account, (room_jid, users_dict)) account = obj.conn.name if obj.room_jid in self.instances[account]['gc_config']: self.instances[account]['gc_config'][obj.room_jid].\ affiliation_list_received(obj.users_dict) def handle_event_gc_decline(self, obj): gc_control = self.msg_win_mgr.get_gc_control(obj.room_jid, obj.account) if gc_control: if obj.reason: gc_control.print_conversation( _('%(jid)s declined the invitation: %(reason)s') % { 'jid': obj.from_, 'reason': obj.reason}, graphics=False) else: gc_control.print_conversation( _('%(jid)s declined the invitation') % { 'jid': obj.from_}, graphics=False) def handle_event_gc_invitation(self, obj): if helpers.allow_popup_window(obj.account) or not self.systray_enabled: dialogs.InvitationReceivedDialog( obj.account, obj.room_jid, str(obj.from_), obj.password, obj.reason, is_continued=obj.is_continued) return event = events.GcInvitationtEvent( obj.room_jid, obj.reason, obj.password, obj.is_continued, str(obj.from_)) self.add_event(obj.account, str(obj.from_), event) if helpers.allow_showing_notification(obj.account): event_type = _('Groupchat Invitation') text = _('You are invited to {room} by {user}').format( room=obj.room_jid, user=str(obj.from_)) app.notification.popup( event_type, str(obj.from_), obj.account, 'gc-invitation', 'gajim-gc_invitation', event_type, text, room_jid=obj.room_jid) def forget_gpg_passphrase(self, keyid): if keyid in self.gpg_passphrase: del self.gpg_passphrase[keyid] return False def handle_event_bad_gpg_passphrase(self, obj): #('BAD_PASSPHRASE', account, ()) if obj.use_gpg_agent: sectext = _('You configured Gajim to use OpenPGP agent, but there ' 'is no OpenPGP agent running or it returned a wrong passphrase.' '\n') sectext += _('You are currently connected without your OpenPGP ' 'key.') WarningDialog(_('Wrong passphrase'), sectext) else: account = obj.conn.name app.notification.popup( 'warning', account, account, '', 'dialog-warning', _('Wrong OpenPGP passphrase'), _('You are currently connected without your OpenPGP key.')) self.forget_gpg_passphrase(obj.keyID) @staticmethod def handle_event_client_cert_passphrase(obj): def on_ok(passphrase, checked): obj.conn.on_client_cert_passphrase(passphrase, obj.con, obj.port, obj.secure_tuple) def on_cancel(): obj.conn.on_client_cert_passphrase('', obj.con, obj.port, obj.secure_tuple) dialogs.PassphraseDialog(_('Certificate Passphrase Required'), _('Enter the certificate passphrase for account %s') % \ obj.conn.name, ok_handler=on_ok, cancel_handler=on_cancel) def handle_event_gpg_password_required(self, obj): #('GPG_PASSWORD_REQUIRED', account, (callback,)) if obj.keyid in self.gpg_passphrase: request = self.gpg_passphrase[obj.keyid] else: request = PassphraseRequest(obj.keyid) self.gpg_passphrase[obj.keyid] = request request.add_callback(obj.conn.name, obj.callback) @staticmethod def handle_event_gpg_trust_key(obj): #('GPG_ALWAYS_TRUST', account, callback) def on_yes(checked): if checked: obj.conn.gpg.always_trust.append(obj.keyID) obj.callback(True) def on_no(): obj.callback(False) YesNoDialog(_('Untrusted OpenPGP key'), _('The OpenPGP key ' 'used to encrypt this chat is not trusted. Do you really want to ' 'encrypt this message?'), checktext=_('_Do not ask me again'), on_response_yes=on_yes, on_response_no=on_no) def handle_event_password_required(self, obj): #('PASSWORD_REQUIRED', account, None) account = obj.conn.name if account in self.pass_dialog: return text = _('Enter your password for account %s') % account def on_ok(passphrase, save): if save: app.config.set_per('accounts', account, 'savepass', True) passwords.save_password(account, passphrase) obj.conn.set_password(passphrase) del self.pass_dialog[account] def on_cancel(): self.roster.set_state(account, 'offline') self.roster.update_status_combobox() del self.pass_dialog[account] self.pass_dialog[account] = dialogs.PassphraseDialog( _('Password Required'), text, _('Save password'), ok_handler=on_ok, cancel_handler=on_cancel) def handle_oauth2_credentials(self, obj): account = obj.conn.name def on_ok(refresh): app.config.set_per('accounts', account, 'oauth2_refresh_token', refresh) st = app.config.get_per('accounts', account, 'last_status') msg = helpers.from_one_line(app.config.get_per('accounts', account, 'last_status_msg')) app.interface.roster.send_status(account, st, msg) del self.pass_dialog[account] def on_cancel(): app.config.set_per('accounts', account, 'oauth2_refresh_token', '') self.roster.set_state(account, 'offline') self.roster.update_status_combobox() del self.pass_dialog[account] instruction = _('Please copy / paste the refresh token from the website' ' that has just been opened.') self.pass_dialog[account] = InputTextDialog( _('Oauth2 Credentials'), instruction, is_modal=False, ok_handler=on_ok, cancel_handler=on_cancel) def handle_event_roster_info(self, obj): #('ROSTER_INFO', account, (jid, name, sub, ask, groups)) account = obj.conn.name contacts = app.contacts.get_contacts(account, obj.jid) if (not obj.sub or obj.sub == 'none') and \ (not obj.ask or obj.ask == 'none') and not obj.nickname and \ not obj.groups: # contact removed us. if contacts: self.roster.remove_contact(obj.jid, account, backend=True) return elif not contacts: if obj.sub == 'remove': return # Add new contact to roster keyID = '' attached_keys = app.config.get_per('accounts', account, 'attached_gpg_keys').split() if obj.jid in attached_keys: keyID = attached_keys[attached_keys.index(obj.jid) + 1] contact = app.contacts.create_contact(jid=obj.jid, account=account, name=obj.nickname, groups=obj.groups, show='offline', sub=obj.sub, ask=obj.ask, keyID=keyID, avatar_sha=obj.avatar_sha) app.contacts.add_contact(account, contact) self.roster.add_contact(obj.jid, account) else: # If contact has changed (sub, ask or group) update roster # Mind about observer status changes: # According to xep 0162, a contact is not an observer anymore when # we asked for auth, so also remove him if ask changed old_groups = contacts[0].groups if obj.sub == 'remove': # another of our instance removed a contact. Remove it here too self.roster.remove_contact(obj.jid, account, backend=True) return update = False if contacts[0].sub != obj.sub or contacts[0].ask != obj.ask\ or old_groups != obj.groups: # c.get_shown_groups() has changed. Reflect that in # roster_window self.roster.remove_contact(obj.jid, account, force=True) update = True for contact in contacts: contact.name = obj.nickname or '' contact.sub = obj.sub contact.ask = obj.ask contact.groups = obj.groups or [] if update: self.roster.add_contact(obj.jid, account) # Refilter and update old groups for group in old_groups: self.roster.draw_group(group, account) self.roster.draw_contact(obj.jid, account) if obj.jid in self.instances[account]['sub_request'] and obj.sub in ( 'from', 'both'): self.instances[account]['sub_request'][obj.jid].destroy() def handle_event_bookmarks(self, obj): gui_menu_builder.build_bookmark_menu(obj.account) def handle_event_file_send_error(self, account, array): jid = array[0] file_props = array[1] ft = self.instances['file_transfers'] ft.set_status(file_props, 'stop') if helpers.allow_popup_window(account): ft.show_send_error(file_props) return event = events.FileSendErrorEvent(file_props) self.add_event(account, jid, event) if helpers.allow_showing_notification(account): event_type = _('File Transfer Error') app.notification.popup( event_type, jid, account, 'file-send-error', 'gajim-ft_error', event_type, file_props.name) def handle_event_file_request_error(self, obj): # ('FILE_REQUEST_ERROR', account, (jid, file_props, error_msg)) ft = self.instances['file_transfers'] ft.set_status(obj.file_props, 'stop') errno = obj.file_props.error if helpers.allow_popup_window(obj.conn.name): if errno in (-4, -5): ft.show_stopped(obj.jid, obj.file_props, obj.error_msg) else: ft.show_request_error(obj.file_props) return if errno in (-4, -5): event_class = events.FileErrorEvent msg_type = 'file-error' else: event_class = events.FileRequestErrorEvent msg_type = 'file-request-error' event = event_class(obj.file_props) self.add_event(obj.conn.name, obj.jid, event) if helpers.allow_showing_notification(obj.conn.name): # check if we should be notified event_type = _('File Transfer Error') app.notification.popup( event_type, obj.jid, obj.conn.name, msg_type, 'gajim-ft_error', title=event_type, text=obj.file_props.name) def handle_event_file_request(self, obj): account = obj.conn.name if obj.jid not in app.contacts.get_jid_list(account): keyID = '' attached_keys = app.config.get_per('accounts', account, 'attached_gpg_keys').split() if obj.jid in attached_keys: keyID = attached_keys[attached_keys.index(obj.jid) + 1] contact = app.contacts.create_not_in_roster_contact(jid=obj.jid, account=account, keyID=keyID) app.contacts.add_contact(account, contact) self.roster.add_contact(obj.jid, account) contact = app.contacts.get_first_contact_from_jid(account, obj.jid) if obj.file_props.session_type == 'jingle': request = obj.stanza.getTag('jingle').getTag('content')\ .getTag('description').getTag('request') if request: # If we get a request instead ft_win = self.instances['file_transfers'] ft_win.add_transfer(account, contact, obj.file_props) return if helpers.allow_popup_window(account): self.instances['file_transfers'].show_file_request(account, contact, obj.file_props) return event = events.FileRequestEvent(obj.file_props) self.add_event(account, obj.jid, event) if helpers.allow_showing_notification(account): txt = _('%s wants to send you a file.') % app.get_name_from_jid( account, obj.jid) event_type = _('File Transfer Request') app.notification.popup( event_type, obj.jid, account, 'file-request', icon_name='gajim-ft_request', title=event_type, text=txt) @staticmethod def handle_event_file_error(title, message): ErrorDialog(title, message) def handle_event_file_progress(self, account, file_props): if time.time() - self.last_ftwindow_update > 0.5: # update ft window every 500ms self.last_ftwindow_update = time.time() self.instances['file_transfers'].set_progress(file_props.type_, file_props.sid, file_props.received_len) def __compare_hashes(self, account, file_props): session = app.connections[account].get_jingle_session(jid=None, sid=file_props.sid) ft_win = self.instances['file_transfers'] h = Hashes2() try: file_ = open(file_props.file_name, 'rb') except: return hash_ = h.calculateHash(file_props.algo, file_) file_.close() # If the hash we received and the hash of the file are the same, # then the file is not corrupt jid = file_props.sender if file_props.hash_ == hash_: GLib.idle_add(self.popup_ft_result, account, jid, file_props) GLib.idle_add(ft_win.set_status, file_props, 'ok') else: # wrong hash, we need to get the file again! file_props.error = -10 GLib.idle_add(self.popup_ft_result, account, jid, file_props) GLib.idle_add(ft_win.set_status, file_props, 'hash_error') # End jingle session if session: session.end_session() def handle_event_file_rcv_completed(self, account, file_props): ft = self.instances['file_transfers'] if file_props.error == 0: ft.set_progress(file_props.type_, file_props.sid, file_props.received_len) app.nec.push_incoming_event(FileTransferCompletedEvent(None, file_props=file_props)) else: ft.set_status(file_props, 'stop') if not file_props.completed and (file_props.stalled or \ file_props.paused): return if file_props.type_ == 'r': # we receive a file app.socks5queue.remove_receiver(file_props.sid, True, True) if file_props.session_type == 'jingle': if file_props.hash_ and file_props.error == 0: # We compare hashes in a new thread self.hashThread = Thread(target=self.__compare_hashes, args=(account, file_props)) self.hashThread.start() else: # We disn't get the hash, sender probably don't support that jid = file_props.sender self.popup_ft_result(account, jid, file_props) if file_props.error == 0: ft.set_status(file_props, 'ok') session = app.connections[account].get_jingle_session(jid=None, sid=file_props.sid) # End jingle session # TODO: only if there are no other parallel downloads in this session if session: session.end_session() else: # we send a file jid = file_props.receiver app.socks5queue.remove_sender(file_props.sid, True, True) self.popup_ft_result(account, jid, file_props) def popup_ft_result(self, account, jid, file_props): ft = self.instances['file_transfers'] if helpers.allow_popup_window(account): if file_props.error == 0: if app.config.get('notify_on_file_complete'): ft.show_completed(jid, file_props) elif file_props.error == -1: ft.show_stopped(jid, file_props, error_msg=_('Remote contact stopped transfer')) elif file_props.error == -6: ft.show_stopped(jid, file_props, error_msg=_('Error opening file')) elif file_props.error == -10: ft.show_hash_error(jid, file_props, account) elif file_props.error == -12: ft.show_stopped(jid, file_props, error_msg=_('SSL certificate error')) return msg_type = '' event_type = '' if file_props.error == 0 and app.config.get( 'notify_on_file_complete'): event_class = events.FileCompletedEvent msg_type = 'file-completed' event_type = _('File Transfer Completed') elif file_props.error in (-1, -6): event_class = events.FileStoppedEvent msg_type = 'file-stopped' event_type = _('File Transfer Stopped') elif file_props.error == -10: event_class = events.FileHashErrorEvent msg_type = 'file-hash-error' event_type = _('File Transfer Failed') if event_type == '': # FIXME: ugly workaround (this can happen Gajim sent, Gaim recvs) # this should never happen but it does. see process_result() in # socks5.py # who calls this func (sth is really wrong unless this func is also # registered as progress_cb return if msg_type: event = event_class(file_props) self.add_event(account, jid, event) if file_props is not None: if file_props.type_ == 'r': # get the name of the sender, as it is in the roster sender = file_props.sender.split('/')[0] name = app.contacts.get_first_contact_from_jid(account, sender).get_shown_name() filename = os.path.basename(file_props.file_name) if event_type == _('File Transfer Completed'): txt = _('%(filename)s received from %(name)s.')\ % {'filename': filename, 'name': name} icon_name = 'gajim-ft_done' elif event_type == _('File Transfer Stopped'): txt = _('File transfer of %(filename)s from %(name)s ' 'stopped.') % {'filename': filename, 'name': name} icon_name = 'gajim-ft_stopped' else: # ft hash error txt = _('File transfer of %(filename)s from %(name)s ' 'failed.') % {'filename': filename, 'name': name} icon_name = 'gajim-ft_stopped' else: receiver = file_props.receiver if hasattr(receiver, 'jid'): receiver = receiver.jid receiver = receiver.split('/')[0] # get the name of the contact, as it is in the roster name = app.contacts.get_first_contact_from_jid(account, receiver).get_shown_name() filename = os.path.basename(file_props.file_name) if event_type == _('File Transfer Completed'): txt = _('You successfully sent %(filename)s to %(name)s.')\ % {'filename': filename, 'name': name} icon_name = 'gajim-ft_done' elif event_type == _('File Transfer Stopped'): txt = _('File transfer of %(filename)s to %(name)s ' 'stopped.') % {'filename': filename, 'name': name} icon_name = 'gajim-ft_stopped' else: # ft hash error txt = _('File transfer of %(filename)s to %(name)s ' 'failed.') % {'filename': filename, 'name': name} icon_name = 'gajim-ft_stopped' else: txt = '' icon_name = None if app.config.get('notify_on_file_complete') and \ (app.config.get('autopopupaway') or \ app.connections[account].connected in (2, 3)): # we want to be notified and we are online/chat or we don't mind # bugged when away/na/busy app.notification.popup( event_type, jid, account, msg_type, icon_name=icon_name, title=event_type, text=txt) def handle_event_signed_in(self, obj): """ SIGNED_IN event is emitted when we sign in, so handle it """ # ('SIGNED_IN', account, ()) # block signed in notifications for 30 seconds # Add our own JID into the DB app.logger.insert_jid(obj.conn.get_own_jid().getStripped()) account = obj.conn.name app.block_signed_in_notifications[account] = True connected = obj.conn.connected pep_supported = obj.conn.get_module('PEP').supported if not idle.Monitor.is_unknown() and connected in (2, 3): # we go online or free for chat, so we activate auto status app.sleeper_state[account] = 'online' elif not ((idle.Monitor.is_away() and connected == 4) or \ (idle.Monitor.is_xa() and connected == 5)): # If we are autoaway/xa and come back after a disconnection, do # nothing # Else disable autoaway app.sleeper_state[account] = 'off' if obj.conn.get_module('MAM').available and app.config.get_per('accounts', account, 'sync_logs_with_server'): obj.conn.get_module('MAM').request_archive_on_signin() invisible_show = app.SHOW_LIST.index('invisible') # We cannot join rooms if we are invisible if connected == invisible_show: return # send currently played music if (pep_supported and sys.platform == 'linux' and app.config.get_per('accounts', account, 'publish_tune')): self.enable_music_listener() # enable location listener if (pep_supported and app.is_installed('GEOCLUE') and app.config.get_per('accounts', account, 'publish_location')): location_listener.enable() @staticmethod def show_httpupload_progress(file): ProgressWindow(file) def send_httpupload(self, chat_control): accept_cb = partial(self.on_file_dialog_ok, chat_control) FileChooserDialog(accept_cb, select_multiple=True, transient_for=chat_control.parent_win.window) @staticmethod def on_file_dialog_ok(chat_control, paths): con = app.connections[chat_control.account] groupchat = chat_control.type_id == message_control.TYPE_GC for path in paths: con.get_module('HTTPUpload').check_file_before_transfer( path, chat_control.encryption, chat_control.contact, chat_control.session, groupchat) def encrypt_file(self, file, callback): app.nec.push_incoming_event(HTTPUploadProgressEvent( None, status='encrypt', file=file)) encryption = file.encryption plugin = app.plugin_manager.encryption_plugins[encryption] if hasattr(plugin, 'encrypt_file'): plugin.encrypt_file(file, None, callback) else: app.nec.push_incoming_event(HTTPUploadProgressEvent( None, status='close', file=file)) self.raise_dialog('httpupload-encryption-not-available') @staticmethod def handle_event_metacontacts(obj): app.contacts.define_metacontacts(obj.conn.name, obj.meta_list) @staticmethod def handle_atom_entry(obj): if obj != PEPEventType.ATOM: return if obj.get_entry(): AtomWindow.newAtomEntry(obj.get_entry()) def handle_event_zc_name_conflict(self, obj): def on_ok(new_name): app.config.set_per('accounts', obj.conn.name, 'name', new_name) show = obj.conn.old_show status = obj.conn.status obj.conn.username = new_name obj.conn.change_status(show, status) def on_cancel(): obj.conn.change_status('offline', '') dlg = InputDialog(_('Username Conflict'), _('Please type a new username for your local account'), input_str=obj.alt_name, is_modal=True, ok_handler=on_ok, cancel_handler=on_cancel, transient_for=self.roster.window) def handle_event_resource_conflict(self, obj): # ('RESOURCE_CONFLICT', account, ()) # First we go offline, but we don't overwrite status message account = obj.conn.name conn = obj.conn self.roster.send_status(account, 'offline', conn.status) def on_ok(new_resource): app.config.set_per('accounts', account, 'resource', new_resource) self.roster.send_status(account, conn.old_show, conn.status) proposed_resource = conn.server_resource if proposed_resource.startswith('gajim.'): # Dont notify the user about resource change if he didn't set # a custom resource on_ok('gajim.$rand') return proposed_resource += app.config.get('gc_proposed_nick_char') dlg = dialogs.ResourceConflictDialog(_('Resource Conflict'), _('You are already connected to this account with the same ' 'resource. Please type a new one'), resource=proposed_resource, ok_handler=on_ok) def handle_event_jingleft_cancel(self, obj): ft = self.instances['file_transfers'] file_props = None # get the file_props of our session file_props = FilesProp.getFileProp(obj.conn.name, obj.sid) if not file_props: return ft.set_status(file_props, 'stop') file_props.error = -4 # is it the right error code? ft.show_stopped(obj.jid, file_props, 'Peer cancelled ' + 'the transfer') def handle_event_jingle_incoming(self, obj): # ('JINGLE_INCOMING', account, peer jid, sid, tuple-of-contents==(type, # data...)) # TODO: conditional blocking if peer is not in roster account = obj.conn.name content_types = [obj.contents.media] # check type of jingle session if 'audio' in content_types or 'video' in content_types: # a voip session... # we now handle only voip, so the only thing we will do here is # not to return from function pass else: # unknown session type... it should be declined in common/jingle.py return ctrl = (self.msg_win_mgr.get_control(obj.fjid, account) or self.msg_win_mgr.get_control(obj.jid, account)) if ctrl: if 'audio' in content_types: ctrl.set_audio_state('connection_received', obj.sid) if 'video' in content_types: ctrl.set_video_state('connection_received', obj.sid) dlg = dialogs.VoIPCallReceivedDialog.get_dialog(obj.fjid, obj.sid) if dlg: dlg.add_contents(content_types) return if helpers.allow_popup_window(account): dialogs.VoIPCallReceivedDialog(account, obj.fjid, obj.sid, content_types) return event = events.JingleIncomingEvent(obj.fjid, obj.sid, content_types) self.add_event(account, obj.jid, event) if helpers.allow_showing_notification(account): # TODO: we should use another pixmap ;-) txt = _('%s wants to start a voice chat.') % \ app.get_name_from_jid(account, obj.fjid) event_type = _('Voice Chat Request') app.notification.popup( event_type, obj.fjid, account, 'jingle-incoming', icon_name='gajim-mic_active', title=event_type, text=txt) def handle_event_jingle_connected(self, obj): # ('JINGLE_CONNECTED', account, (peerjid, sid, media)) if obj.media in ('audio', 'video'): account = obj.conn.name ctrl = (self.msg_win_mgr.get_control(obj.fjid, account) or self.msg_win_mgr.get_control(obj.jid, account)) if ctrl: if obj.media == 'audio': ctrl.set_audio_state('connected', obj.sid) else: ctrl.set_video_state('connected', obj.sid) def handle_event_jingle_disconnected(self, obj): # ('JINGLE_DISCONNECTED', account, (peerjid, sid, reason)) account = obj.conn.name ctrl = (self.msg_win_mgr.get_control(obj.fjid, account) or self.msg_win_mgr.get_control(obj.jid, account)) if ctrl: if obj.media is None: ctrl.stop_jingle(sid=obj.sid, reason=obj.reason) elif obj.media == 'audio': ctrl.set_audio_state('stop', sid=obj.sid, reason=obj.reason) elif obj.media == 'video': ctrl.set_video_state('stop', sid=obj.sid, reason=obj.reason) dialog = dialogs.VoIPCallReceivedDialog.get_dialog(obj.fjid, obj.sid) if dialog: if obj.media is None: dialog.dialog.destroy() else: dialog.remove_contents((obj.media, )) def handle_event_jingle_error(self, obj): # ('JINGLE_ERROR', account, (peerjid, sid, reason)) account = obj.conn.name ctrl = (self.msg_win_mgr.get_control(obj.fjid, account) or self.msg_win_mgr.get_control(obj.jid, account)) if ctrl and obj.sid == ctrl.audio_sid: ctrl.set_audio_state('error', reason=obj.reason) @staticmethod def handle_event_roster_item_exchange(obj): # data = (action in [add, delete, modify], exchange_list, jid_from) dialogs.RosterItemExchangeWindow(obj.conn.name, obj.action, obj.exchange_items_list, obj.fjid) def handle_event_ssl_error(self, obj): account = obj.conn.name server = app.config.get_per('accounts', account, 'hostname') def on_ok(is_checked): del self.instances[account]['online_dialog']['ssl_error'] if is_checked[0]: pem = OpenSSL.crypto.dump_certificate( OpenSSL.crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, obj.cert).decode('utf-8') # Check if cert is already in file certs = '' my_ca_certs = configpaths.get('MY_CACERTS') if os.path.isfile(my_ca_certs): with open(my_ca_certs, encoding='utf-8') as f: certs = f.read() if pem in certs: ErrorDialog(_('Certificate Already in File'), _('This certificate is already in file %s, so it\'s ' 'not added again.') % my_ca_certs) else: with open(my_ca_certs, 'a', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write(server + '\n') f.write(pem + '\n\n') if is_checked[1]: ignore_ssl_errors = app.config.get_per('accounts', account, 'ignore_ssl_errors').split() ignore_ssl_errors.append(str(obj.error_num)) app.config.set_per('accounts', account, 'ignore_ssl_errors', ' '.join(ignore_ssl_errors)) obj.conn.process_ssl_errors() def on_cancel(): del self.instances[account]['online_dialog']['ssl_error'] obj.conn.disconnect(on_purpose=True) app.nec.push_incoming_event(OurShowEvent(None, conn=obj.conn, show='offline')) text = _('The authenticity of the %s ' 'certificate could be invalid') % server default_text = _('\nUnknown SSL error: %d') % obj.error_num ssl_error_text = SSLError.get(obj.error_num, default_text) text += _('\nSSL Error: %s') % ssl_error_text fingerprint_sha1 = obj.cert.digest('sha1').decode('utf-8') fingerprint_sha256 = obj.cert.digest('sha256').decode('utf-8') pritext = _('Error verifying SSL certificate') sectext = _('There was an error verifying the SSL certificate of your ' 'XMPP server: %(error)s\nDo you still want to connect to this ' 'server?') % {'error': text} if obj.error_num in (18, 27): checktext1 = _('Add this certificate to the list of trusted ' 'certificates.\nSHA-1 fingerprint of the certificate:\n%(sha1)s' '\nSHA-256 fingerprint of the certificate:\n%(sha256)s') % \ {'sha1': fingerprint_sha1, 'sha256': fingerprint_sha256} else: checktext1 = '' checktext2 = _('Ignore this error for this certificate.') if 'ssl_error' in self.instances[account]['online_dialog']: self.instances[account]['online_dialog']['ssl_error'].destroy() self.instances[account]['online_dialog']['ssl_error'] = \ SSLErrorDialog(obj.conn.name, obj.cert, pritext, sectext, checktext1, checktext2, on_response_ok=on_ok, on_response_cancel=on_cancel) self.instances[account]['online_dialog']['ssl_error'].set_title( _('SSL Certificate Verification for %s') % account) def handle_event_non_anonymous_server(self, obj): account = obj.conn.name server = app.config.get_per('accounts', account, 'hostname') ErrorDialog(_('Non Anonymous Server'), sectext='Server "%s"' 'does not support anonymous connection' % server, transient_for=self.roster.window) def handle_event_plain_connection(self, obj): # ('PLAIN_CONNECTION', account, (connection)) def on_ok(is_checked): if not is_checked[0]: if is_checked[1]: app.config.set_per('accounts', obj.conn.name, 'action_when_plaintext_connection', 'disconnect') on_cancel() return # On cancel call del self.instances, so don't call it another time # before del self.instances[obj.conn.name]['online_dialog']\ ['plain_connection'] if is_checked[1]: app.config.set_per('accounts', obj.conn.name, 'action_when_plaintext_connection', 'connect') obj.conn.connection_accepted(obj.xmpp_client, 'plain') def on_cancel(): del self.instances[obj.conn.name]['online_dialog']\ ['plain_connection'] obj.conn.disconnect(on_purpose=True) app.nec.push_incoming_event(OurShowEvent(None, conn=obj.conn, show='offline')) if 'plain_connection' in self.instances[obj.conn.name]['online_dialog']: self.instances[obj.conn.name]['online_dialog']['plain_connection'].\ destroy() self.instances[obj.conn.name]['online_dialog']['plain_connection'] = \ PlainConnectionDialog(obj.conn.name, on_ok, on_cancel) def handle_event_insecure_ssl_connection(self, obj): # ('INSECURE_SSL_CONNECTION', account, (connection, connection_type)) def on_ok(is_checked): if not is_checked[0]: on_cancel() return del self.instances[obj.conn.name]['online_dialog']['insecure_ssl'] if is_checked[1]: app.config.set_per('accounts', obj.conn.name, 'warn_when_insecure_ssl_connection', False) if obj.conn.connected == 0: # We have been disconnecting (too long time since window is # opened) # re-connect with auto-accept obj.conn.connection_auto_accepted = True show, msg = obj.conn.continue_connect_info[:2] self.roster.send_status(obj.conn.name, show, msg) return obj.conn.connection_accepted(obj.xmpp_client, obj.conn_type) def on_cancel(): del self.instances[obj.conn.name]['online_dialog']['insecure_ssl'] obj.conn.disconnect(on_purpose=True) app.nec.push_incoming_event(OurShowEvent(None, conn=obj.conn, show='offline')) pritext = _('Insecure connection') sectext = _('You are about to send your password on an insecure ' 'connection. You should install PyOpenSSL to prevent that. Are you ' 'sure you want to do that?') checktext1 = _('Yes, I really want to connect insecurely') checktext2 = _('_Do not ask me again') if 'insecure_ssl' in self.instances[obj.conn.name]['online_dialog']: self.instances[obj.conn.name]['online_dialog']['insecure_ssl'].\ destroy() self.instances[obj.conn.name]['online_dialog']['insecure_ssl'] = \ ConfirmationDialogDoubleCheck(pritext, sectext, checktext1, checktext2, on_response_ok=on_ok, on_response_cancel=on_cancel, is_modal=False) def handle_event_insecure_password(self, obj): # ('INSECURE_PASSWORD', account, ()) def on_ok(is_checked): if not is_checked[0]: on_cancel() return del self.instances[obj.conn.name]['online_dialog']\ ['insecure_password'] if is_checked[1]: app.config.set_per('accounts', obj.conn.name, 'warn_when_insecure_password', False) if obj.conn.connected == 0: # We have been disconnecting (too long time since window is # opened) # re-connect with auto-accept obj.conn.connection_auto_accepted = True show, msg = obj.conn.continue_connect_info[:2] self.roster.send_status(obj.conn.name, show, msg) return obj.conn.accept_insecure_password() def on_cancel(): del self.instances[obj.conn.name]['online_dialog']\ ['insecure_password'] obj.conn.disconnect(on_purpose=True) app.nec.push_incoming_event(OurShowEvent(None, conn=obj.conn, show='offline')) pritext = _('Insecure connection') sectext = _('You are about to send your password unencrypted on an ' 'insecure connection. Are you sure you want to do that?') checktext1 = _('Yes, I really want to connect insecurely') checktext2 = _('_Do not ask me again') if 'insecure_password' in self.instances[obj.conn.name]\ ['online_dialog']: self.instances[obj.conn.name]['online_dialog']\ ['insecure_password'].destroy() self.instances[obj.conn.name]['online_dialog']['insecure_password'] = \ ConfirmationDialogDoubleCheck(pritext, sectext, checktext1, checktext2, on_response_ok=on_ok, on_response_cancel=on_cancel, is_modal=False) def create_core_handlers_list(self): self.handlers = { 'DB_ERROR': [self.handle_event_db_error], 'FILE_SEND_ERROR': [self.handle_event_file_send_error], 'pep-received': [self.handle_atom_entry], 'bad-gpg-passphrase': [self.handle_event_bad_gpg_passphrase], 'bookmarks-received': [self.handle_event_bookmarks], 'client-cert-passphrase': [ self.handle_event_client_cert_passphrase], 'connection-lost': [self.handle_event_connection_lost], 'file-request-error': [self.handle_event_file_request_error], 'file-request-received': [self.handle_event_file_request], 'gc-invitation-received': [self.handle_event_gc_invitation], 'gc-decline-received': [self.handle_event_gc_decline], 'gc-presence-received': [self.handle_event_gc_presence], 'gpg-password-required': [self.handle_event_gpg_password_required], 'gpg-trust-key': [self.handle_event_gpg_trust_key], 'http-auth-received': [self.handle_event_http_auth], 'information': [self.handle_event_information], 'insecure-password': [self.handle_event_insecure_password], 'insecure-ssl-connection': \ [self.handle_event_insecure_ssl_connection], 'iq-error-received': [self.handle_event_iq_error], 'jingle-connected-received': [self.handle_event_jingle_connected], 'jingle-disconnected-received': [ self.handle_event_jingle_disconnected], 'jingle-error-received': [self.handle_event_jingle_error], 'jingle-request-received': [self.handle_event_jingle_incoming], 'jingleFT-cancelled-received': [self.handle_event_jingleft_cancel], 'message-error': [self.handle_event_msgerror], 'message-not-sent': [self.handle_event_msgnotsent], 'message-sent': [self.handle_event_msgsent], 'metacontacts-received': [self.handle_event_metacontacts], 'muc-admin-received': [self.handle_event_gc_affiliation], 'muc-owner-received': [self.handle_event_gc_config], 'oauth2-credentials-required': [self.handle_oauth2_credentials], 'our-show': [self.handle_event_status], 'password-required': [self.handle_event_password_required], 'plain-connection': [self.handle_event_plain_connection], 'presence-received': [self.handle_event_presence], 'roster-info': [self.handle_event_roster_info], 'roster-item-exchange-received': \ [self.handle_event_roster_item_exchange], 'signed-in': [self.handle_event_signed_in], 'ssl-error': [self.handle_event_ssl_error], 'non-anonymous-server-error': [self.handle_event_non_anonymous_server], 'stream-conflict-received': [self.handle_event_resource_conflict], 'subscribe-presence-received': [ self.handle_event_subscribe_presence], 'subscribed-presence-received': [ self.handle_event_subscribed_presence], 'unsubscribed-presence-received': [ self.handle_event_unsubscribed_presence], 'zeroconf-name-conflict': [self.handle_event_zc_name_conflict], } def register_core_handlers(self): """ Register core handlers in Global Events Dispatcher (GED). This is part of rewriting whole events handling system to use GED. """ for event_name, event_handlers in self.handlers.items(): for event_handler in event_handlers: prio = ged.GUI1 if type(event_handler) == tuple: prio = event_handler[1] event_handler = event_handler[0] app.ged.register_event_handler(event_name, prio, event_handler) ################################################################################ ### Methods dealing with app.events ################################################################################ def add_event(self, account, jid, event): """ Add an event to the app.events var """ # We add it to the app.events queue # Do we have a queue? jid = app.get_jid_without_resource(jid) no_queue = len(app.events.get_events(account, jid)) == 0 # event can be in common.events.* # event_type can be in advancedNotificationWindow.events_list event_types = {'file-request': 'ft_request', 'file-completed': 'ft_finished'} event_type = event_types.get(event.type_) show_in_roster = notify.get_show_in_roster(event_type, account, jid) show_in_systray = notify.get_show_in_systray(event_type, account, jid) event.show_in_roster = show_in_roster event.show_in_systray = show_in_systray app.events.add_event(account, jid, event) self.roster.show_title() if no_queue: # We didn't have a queue: we change icons if app.contacts.get_contact_with_highest_priority(account, jid): self.roster.draw_contact(jid, account) else: self.roster.add_to_not_in_the_roster(account, jid) # Select the big brother contact in roster, it's visible because it has # events. family = app.contacts.get_metacontacts_family(account, jid) if family: nearby_family, bb_jid, bb_account = \ app.contacts.get_nearby_family_and_big_brother(family, account) else: bb_jid, bb_account = jid, account self.roster.select_contact(bb_jid, bb_account) def handle_event(self, account, fjid, type_): w = None ctrl = None session = None resource = app.get_resource_from_jid(fjid) jid = app.get_jid_without_resource(fjid) if type_ == 'connection-lost': app.interface.roster.window.present() return if type_ in ('printed_gc_msg', 'printed_marked_gc_msg', 'gc_msg'): w = self.msg_win_mgr.get_window(jid, account) if jid in self.minimized_controls[account]: self.roster.on_groupchat_maximized(None, jid, account) return else: ctrl = self.msg_win_mgr.get_gc_control(jid, account) elif type_ in ('printed_chat', 'chat', ''): # '' is for log in/out notifications ctrl = self.msg_win_mgr.search_control(jid, account, resource) if not ctrl: highest_contact = app.contacts.\ get_contact_with_highest_priority(account, jid) # jid can have a window if this resource was lower when he sent # message and is now higher because the other one is offline if resource and highest_contact.resource == resource and \ not self.msg_win_mgr.has_window(jid, account): # remove resource of events too app.events.change_jid(account, fjid, jid) resource = None fjid = jid contact = None if resource: contact = app.contacts.get_contact(account, jid, resource) if not contact: contact = highest_contact ctrl = self.new_chat(contact, account, resource=resource) app.last_message_time[account][jid] = 0 # long time ago w = ctrl.parent_win elif type_ in ('printed_pm', 'pm'): ctrl = self.msg_win_mgr.get_control(fjid, account) if not ctrl: room_jid = jid nick = resource gc_contact = app.contacts.get_gc_contact( account, room_jid, nick) if gc_contact: show = gc_contact.show else: show = 'offline' gc_contact = app.contacts.create_gc_contact( room_jid=room_jid, account=account, name=nick, show=show) ctrl = self.new_private_chat(gc_contact, account) w = ctrl.parent_win elif type_ in ('normal', 'file-request', 'file-request-error', 'file-send-error', 'file-error', 'file-stopped', 'file-completed', 'file-hash-error', 'jingle-incoming'): # Get the first single message event event = app.events.get_first_event(account, fjid, type_) if not event: # default to jid without resource event = app.events.get_first_event(account, jid, type_) if not event: return # Open the window self.roster.open_event(account, jid, event) else: # Open the window self.roster.open_event(account, fjid, event) elif type_ == 'gc-invitation': event = app.events.get_first_event(account, jid, type_) dialogs.InvitationReceivedDialog(account, event.room_jid, jid, event.password, event.reason, event.is_continued) app.events.remove_events(account, jid, event) self.roster.draw_contact(jid, account) elif type_ == 'subscription_request': event = app.events.get_first_event(account, jid, type_) dialogs.SubscriptionRequestWindow(jid, event.text, account, event.nick) app.events.remove_events(account, jid, event) self.roster.draw_contact(jid, account) elif type_ == 'unsubscribed': event = app.events.get_first_event(account, jid, type_) self.show_unsubscribed_dialog(account, event.contact) app.events.remove_events(account, jid, event) self.roster.draw_contact(jid, account) if w: w.set_active_tab(ctrl) w.window.present() # Using isinstance here because we want to catch all derived types if isinstance(ctrl, ChatControlBase): ctrl.scroll_to_end() def join_gc_minimal(self, account, room_jid, password=None, transient_for=None): if account is not None: if app.in_groupchat(account, room_jid): # If we already in the groupchat, join_gc_room will bring # it to front app.interface.join_gc_room(account, room_jid, '', '') return con = app.connections[account] bookmarks = con.get_module('Bookmarks').bookmarks bookmark = bookmarks.get(room_jid, None) if bookmark is not None: app.interface.join_gc_room( account, room_jid, bookmark['nick'], bookmark['password']) return try: room_jid = helpers.parse_jid(room_jid) except helpers.InvalidFormat: ErrorDialog('Invalid JID', transient_for=app.app.get_active_window()) return connected_accounts = app.get_connected_accounts() if account is not None and account not in connected_accounts: connected_accounts = None if not connected_accounts: ErrorDialog( _('You are not connected to the server'), _('You can not join a group chat unless you are connected.'), transient_for=app.app.get_active_window()) return def _on_discover_result(): if not muc_caps_cache.is_cached(room_jid): ErrorDialog(_('JID is not a Groupchat'), transient_for=app.app.get_active_window()) return JoinGroupchatWindow(account, room_jid, password=password, transient_for=transient_for) disco_account = connected_accounts[0] if account is None else account app.connections[disco_account].get_module('Discovery').disco_muc( room_jid, _on_discover_result) ################################################################################ ### Methods dealing with emoticons ################################################################################ @property def basic_pattern_re(self): if not self._basic_pattern_re: self._basic_pattern_re = re.compile(self.basic_pattern, re.IGNORECASE) return self._basic_pattern_re @property def emot_and_basic_re(self): if not self._emot_and_basic_re: self._emot_and_basic_re = re.compile( self.emot_and_basic, re.IGNORECASE) return self._emot_and_basic_re @property def sth_at_sth_dot_sth_re(self): if not self._sth_at_sth_dot_sth_re: self._sth_at_sth_dot_sth_re = re.compile(self.sth_at_sth_dot_sth) return self._sth_at_sth_dot_sth_re @property def invalid_XML_chars_re(self): if not self._invalid_XML_chars_re: self._invalid_XML_chars_re = re.compile(self.invalid_XML_chars) return self._invalid_XML_chars_re def make_regexps(self): # regexp meta characters are: . ^ $ * + ? { } [ ] \ | ( ) # one escapes the metachars with \ # \S matches anything but ' ' '\t' '\n' '\r' '\f' and '\v' # \s matches any whitespace character # \w any alphanumeric character # \W any non-alphanumeric character # \b means word boundary. This is a zero-width assertion that # matches only at the beginning or end of a word. # ^ matches at the beginning of lines # # * means 0 or more times # + means 1 or more times # ? means 0 or 1 time # | means or # [^*] anything but '*' (inside [] you don't have to escape metachars) # [^\s*] anything but whitespaces and '*' # (? in the matching string don't match ? or ) etc.. if at # the end # so http://be) will match http://be and http://be)be) will match # http://be)be legacy_prefixes = r"((?<=\()(www|ftp)\.([A-Za-z0-9\.\-_~:/\?#\[\]@!\$"\ r"&'\(\)\*\+,;=]|%[A-Fa-f0-9]{2})+(?=\)))"\ r"|((www|ftp)\.([A-Za-z0-9\.\-_~:/\?#\[\]@!\$&'\(\)\*\+,;=]"\ r"|%[A-Fa-f0-9]{2})+"\ r"\.([A-Za-z0-9\.\-_~:/\?#\[\]@!\$&'\(\)\*\+,;=]|%[A-Fa-f0-9]{2})+)" # NOTE: it's ok to catch www.gr such stuff exist! # FIXME: recognize xmpp: and treat it specially links = r"((?<=\()[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9\+\.\-]*:"\ r"([\w\.\-_~:/\?#\[\]@!\$&'\(\)\*\+,;=]|%[A-Fa-f0-9]{2})+"\ r"(?=\)))|(\w[\w\+\.\-]*:([^<>\s]|%[A-Fa-f0-9]{2})+)" # 2nd one: at_least_one_char@at_least_one_char.at_least_one_char mail = r'\bmailto:\S*[^\s\W]|' r'\b\S+@\S+\.\S*[^\s\W]' # detects eg. *b* *bold* *bold bold* test *bold* *bold*! (*bold*) # doesn't detect (it's a feature :P) * bold* *bold * * bold * test*bold* formatting = r'|(? AvatarSize.PUBLISH or height > AvatarSize.PUBLISH: # Scale only down, never up width, height = gtkgui_helpers.scale_with_ratio( AvatarSize.PUBLISH, width, height) pixbuf = pixbuf.scale_simple(width, height, GdkPixbuf.InterpType.BILINEAR) publish_path = os.path.join( configpaths.get('AVATAR'), 'temp_publish') pixbuf.savev(publish_path, 'png', [], []) with open(publish_path, 'rb') as file: data = file.read() return self.save_avatar(data) sha = hashlib.sha1(data).hexdigest() path = os.path.join(configpaths.get('AVATAR'), sha) try: with open(path, "wb") as output_file: output_file.write(data) except Exception: app.log('avatar').error('Saving avatar failed', exc_info=True) return return sha @staticmethod def get_avatar(filename, size=None, scale=None, publish=False): if filename is None or '': return if size is None and scale is not None: raise ValueError if scale is not None: size = size * scale if publish: path = os.path.join(configpaths.get('AVATAR'), filename) with open(path, 'rb') as file: data = file.read() return data try: pixbuf = app.avatar_cache[filename][size] if scale is None: return pixbuf return Gdk.cairo_surface_create_from_pixbuf(pixbuf, scale) except KeyError: pass path = os.path.join(configpaths.get('AVATAR'), filename) if not os.path.isfile(path): return pixbuf = None try: if size is not None: pixbuf = GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.new_from_file_at_scale( path, size, size, True) else: pixbuf = GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.new_from_file(path) except GLib.GError as error: app.log('avatar').info( 'loading avatar %s failed. Try to convert ' 'avatar image using pillow', filename) try: with open(path, 'rb') as im_handle: img = Image.open(im_handle) avatar = img.convert("RGBA") except (NameError, OSError): app.log('avatar').warning('Pillow convert failed: %s', filename) app.log('avatar').debug('Error', exc_info=True) return array = GLib.Bytes.new(avatar.tobytes()) width, height = avatar.size pixbuf = GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.new_from_bytes( array, GdkPixbuf.Colorspace.RGB, True, 8, width, height, width * 4) if size: width, height = gtkgui_helpers.scale_with_ratio( size, width, height) pixbuf = pixbuf.scale_simple( width, height, GdkPixbuf.InterpType.BILINEAR) if filename not in app.avatar_cache: app.avatar_cache[filename] = {} app.avatar_cache[filename][size] = pixbuf if scale is None: return pixbuf return Gdk.cairo_surface_create_from_pixbuf(pixbuf, scale) @staticmethod def avatar_exists(filename): path = os.path.join(configpaths.get('AVATAR'), filename) if not os.path.isfile(path): return False return True # does JID exist only within a groupchat? def is_pm_contact(self, fjid, account): bare_jid = app.get_jid_without_resource(fjid) gc_ctrl = self.msg_win_mgr.get_gc_control(bare_jid, account) if not gc_ctrl and \ bare_jid in self.minimized_controls[account]: gc_ctrl = self.minimized_controls[account][bare_jid] return gc_ctrl and gc_ctrl.type_id == message_control.TYPE_GC @staticmethod def get_pep_icon(pep_obj): if pep_obj == PEPEventType.MOOD: received_mood = pep_obj._pep_specific_data['mood'] mood = received_mood if received_mood in MOODS else 'unknown' return gtkgui_helpers.load_mood_icon(mood).get_pixbuf() elif pep_obj == PEPEventType.TUNE: path = os.path.join( configpaths.get('DATA'), 'emoticons', 'static', 'music.png') return GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.new_from_file(path) elif pep_obj == PEPEventType.ACTIVITY: pep_ = pep_obj._pep_specific_data activity = pep_['activity'] has_known_activity = activity in ACTIVITIES has_known_subactivity = (has_known_activity and ('subactivity' in pep_) and (pep_['subactivity'] in ACTIVITIES[activity])) if has_known_activity: if has_known_subactivity: subactivity = pep_['subactivity'] return gtkgui_helpers.load_activity_icon(activity, subactivity).get_pixbuf() else: return gtkgui_helpers.load_activity_icon(activity).\ get_pixbuf() else: return gtkgui_helpers.load_activity_icon('unknown').get_pixbuf() elif pep_obj == PEPEventType.LOCATION: icon = gtkgui_helpers.get_icon_pixmap('applications-internet', quiet=True) return icon @staticmethod def create_ipython_window(): try: from gajim.dev.ipython_view import IPythonView except ImportError: print('ipython_view not found') return from gi.repository import Pango if os.name == 'nt': font = 'Lucida Console 9' else: font = 'Luxi Mono 10' window = Gtk.Window() window.set_size_request(750, 550) window.set_resizable(True) sw = Gtk.ScrolledWindow() sw.set_policy(Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC, Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC) view = IPythonView() view.override_font(Pango.FontDescription(font)) view.set_wrap_mode(Gtk.WrapMode.CHAR) sw.add(view) window.add(sw) window.show_all() def on_delete(win, event): win.hide() return True window.connect('delete_event', on_delete) view.updateNamespace({'gajim': app}) app.ipython_window = window def network_status_changed(self, monitor, connected): if connected == self.network_state: # This callback gets called a lot from GTK with the # same state, not only on change. return self.network_state = connected if connected: for connection in app.connections.values(): if connection.connected <= 0 and connection.time_to_reconnect: log.info('Connect %s', connection.name) connection.reconnect() else: for connection in app.connections.values(): if connection.connected > 1: log.info('Disconnect %s', connection.name) connection.disconnectedReconnCB() def create_zeroconf_default_config(self): if app.config.get_per('accounts', app.ZEROCONF_ACC_NAME, 'name'): return log.info('Creating zeroconf account') app.config.add_per('accounts', app.ZEROCONF_ACC_NAME) app.config.set_per('accounts', app.ZEROCONF_ACC_NAME, 'autoconnect', True) app.config.set_per('accounts', app.ZEROCONF_ACC_NAME, 'no_log_for', '') app.config.set_per('accounts', app.ZEROCONF_ACC_NAME, 'password', 'zeroconf') app.config.set_per('accounts', app.ZEROCONF_ACC_NAME, 'sync_with_global_status', True) app.config.set_per('accounts', app.ZEROCONF_ACC_NAME, 'custom_port', 5298) app.config.set_per('accounts', app.ZEROCONF_ACC_NAME, 'is_zeroconf', True) app.config.set_per('accounts', app.ZEROCONF_ACC_NAME, 'use_ft_proxies', False) app.config.set_per('accounts', app.ZEROCONF_ACC_NAME, 'active', False) def run(self, application): if app.config.get('trayicon') != 'never': self.show_systray() self.roster = roster_window.RosterWindow(application) if self.msg_win_mgr.mode == \ MessageWindowMgr.ONE_MSG_WINDOW_ALWAYS_WITH_ROSTER: self.msg_win_mgr.create_window(None, None, None) # Creating plugin manager from gajim import plugins app.plugin_manager = plugins.PluginManager() app.plugin_manager.init_plugins() helpers.update_optional_features() # prepopulate data which we are sure of; note: we do not log these info for account in app.connections: gajimcaps = caps_cache.capscache[ ('sha-1', app.caps_hash[account])] gajimcaps.identities = [app.gajim_identity] gajimcaps.features = app.gajim_common_features + \ app.gajim_optional_features[account] self.roster._before_fill() for account in app.connections: app.connections[account].get_module('Roster').load_roster() self.roster._after_fill() # get instances for windows/dialogs that will show_all()/hide() self.instances['file_transfers'] = FileTransfersWindow() GLib.timeout_add(100, self.autoconnect) if sys.platform == 'win32': timeout, in_seconds = 20, None else: timeout, in_seconds = app.idlequeue.PROCESS_TIMEOUT if in_seconds: GLib.timeout_add_seconds(timeout, self.process_connections) else: GLib.timeout_add(timeout, self.process_connections) GLib.timeout_add_seconds(app.config.get( 'check_idle_every_foo_seconds'), self.read_sleepy) def remote_init(): if app.config.get('remote_control'): try: from gajim import remote_control remote_control.GajimRemote() except Exception: pass GLib.timeout_add_seconds(5, remote_init) def __init__(self): app.interface = self app.thread_interface = ThreadInterface # This is the manager and factory of message windows set by the module self.msg_win_mgr = None self.jabber_state_images = {'16': {}, '24': {}, '32': {}, 'opened': {}, 'closed': {}} self.minimized_controls = {} self.status_sent_to_users = {} self.status_sent_to_groups = {} self.gpg_passphrase = {} self.pass_dialog = {} self.db_error_dialog = None self.handlers = {} self.roster = None self._invalid_XML_chars_re = None self._basic_pattern_re = None self._emot_and_basic_re = None self._sth_at_sth_dot_sth_re = None self.link_pattern_re = None self.invalid_XML_chars = None self.basic_pattern = None self.emot_and_basic = None self.sth_at_sth_dot_sth = None cfg_was_read = parser.read() if not cfg_was_read: # enable plugin_installer by default when creating config file app.config.set_per('plugins', 'plugin_installer', 'active', True) # Load CSS files app.load_css_config() app.logger.reset_shown_unread_messages() # override logging settings from config (don't take care of '-q' option) if app.config.get('verbose'): logging_helpers.set_verbose() for account in app.config.get_per('accounts'): if app.config.get_per('accounts', account, 'is_zeroconf'): app.ZEROCONF_ACC_NAME = account break # Is gnome configured to activate row on single click ? # try: # gi.require_version('GConf', '2.0') # from gi.repository import GConf # client = GConf.Client.get_default() # click_policy = client.get_string( # '/apps/nautilus/preferences/click_policy') # if click_policy == 'single': # app.single_click = True # except Exception: # pass # add default status messages if there is not in the config file if len(app.config.get_per('statusmsg')) == 0: default = app.config.statusmsg_default for msg in default: app.config.add_per('statusmsg', msg) app.config.set_per('statusmsg', msg, 'message', default[msg][0]) app.config.set_per('statusmsg', msg, 'activity', default[msg][1]) app.config.set_per('statusmsg', msg, 'subactivity', default[msg][2]) app.config.set_per('statusmsg', msg, 'activity_text', default[msg][3]) app.config.set_per('statusmsg', msg, 'mood', default[msg][4]) app.config.set_per('statusmsg', msg, 'mood_text', default[msg][5]) # Add Tor proxy if there is not in the config if len(app.config.get_per('proxies')) == 0: default = app.config.proxies_default for proxy in default: app.config.add_per('proxies', proxy) app.config.set_per('proxies', proxy, 'type', default[proxy][0]) app.config.set_per('proxies', proxy, 'host', default[proxy][1]) app.config.set_per('proxies', proxy, 'port', default[proxy][2]) app.idlequeue = idlequeue.get_idlequeue() # resolve and keep current record of resolved hosts app.resolver = resolver.get_resolver() app.socks5queue = socks5.SocksQueue(app.idlequeue, self.handle_event_file_rcv_completed, self.handle_event_file_progress, self.handle_event_file_error) app.proxy65_manager = proxy65_manager.Proxy65Manager(app.idlequeue) app.default_session_type = ChatControlSession # Creating Network Events Controller from gajim.common import nec app.nec = nec.NetworkEventsController() app.notification = notify.Notification() self.create_core_handlers_list() self.register_core_handlers() self.create_zeroconf_default_config() if app.config.get_per('accounts', app.ZEROCONF_ACC_NAME, 'active') \ and app.is_installed('ZEROCONF'): app.connections[app.ZEROCONF_ACC_NAME] = \ connection_zeroconf.ConnectionZeroconf(app.ZEROCONF_ACC_NAME) for account in app.config.get_per('accounts'): if not app.config.get_per('accounts', account, 'is_zeroconf') and\ app.config.get_per('accounts', account, 'active'): app.connections[account] = Connection(account) # gtk hooks # Gtk.about_dialog_set_email_hook(self.on_launch_browser_mailer, 'mail') # Gtk.about_dialog_set_url_hook(self.on_launch_browser_mailer, 'url') # Gtk.link_button_set_uri_hook(self.on_launch_browser_mailer, 'url') self.instances = {} for a in app.connections: self.instances[a] = {'infos': {}, 'disco': {}, 'gc_config': {}, 'search': {}, 'online_dialog': {}, 'sub_request': {}} # online_dialog contains all dialogs that have a meaning only when # we are not disconnected self.minimized_controls[a] = {} app.contacts.add_account(a) app.groups[a] = {} app.gc_connected[a] = {} app.automatic_rooms[a] = {} app.newly_added[a] = [] app.to_be_removed[a] = [] app.nicks[a] = app.config.get_per('accounts', a, 'name') app.block_signed_in_notifications[a] = True app.sleeper_state[a] = 0 app.encrypted_chats[a] = [] app.last_message_time[a] = {} app.status_before_autoaway[a] = '' app.transport_avatar[a] = {} app.gajim_optional_features[a] = [] app.caps_hash[a] = '' self.remote_ctrl = None # Handle screensaver if sys.platform == 'linux': from gajim import logind_listener from gajim import screensaver_listener self.show_vcard_when_connect = [] idle.Monitor.set_interval(app.config.get('autoawaytime') * 60, app.config.get('autoxatime') * 60) gtkgui_helpers.make_jabber_state_images() self.systray_enabled = False from gajim import statusicon self.systray = statusicon.StatusIcon() pixs = [] for size in (16, 32, 48, 64, 128): pix = gtkgui_helpers.get_icon_pixmap('org.gajim.Gajim', size) if pix: pixs.append(pix) if pixs: # set the icon to all windows Gtk.Window.set_default_icon_list(pixs) # Init emoji_chooser from gajim.gtk.emoji_chooser import emoji_chooser emoji_chooser.load() self.make_regexps() # get transports type from DB app.transport_type = app.logger.get_transports_type() if app.config.get('soundplayer') == '': # only on first time Gajim starts commands = ('paplay', 'aplay', 'play', 'ossplay') for command in commands: if helpers.is_in_path(command): if command == 'paplay': command += ' -n gajim --property=media.role=event' if command in ('aplay', 'play'): command += ' -q' elif command == 'ossplay': command += ' -qq' app.config.set('soundplayer', command) break self.last_ftwindow_update = 0 self.music_track_changed_signal = None self.network_monitor = Gio.NetworkMonitor.get_default() self.network_monitor.connect('network-changed', self.network_status_changed) self.network_state = self.network_monitor.get_network_available() class PassphraseRequest: def __init__(self, keyid): self.keyid = keyid self.callbacks = [] self.dialog_created = False self.dialog = None self.passphrase = None self.completed = False def interrupt(self, account=None): if account: for (acct, cb) in self.callbacks: if acct == account: self.callbacks.remove((acct, cb)) else: self.callbacks = [] if not len(self.callbacks): self.dialog.window.destroy() def run_callback(self, account, callback): app.connections[account].gpg_passphrase(self.passphrase) callback() def add_callback(self, account, cb): if self.completed: self.run_callback(account, cb) else: self.callbacks.append((account, cb)) if not self.dialog_created: self.create_dialog(account) def complete(self, passphrase): self.passphrase = passphrase self.completed = True if passphrase is not None: GLib.timeout_add_seconds(30, app.interface.forget_gpg_passphrase, self.keyid) for (account, cb) in self.callbacks: self.run_callback(account, cb) self.callbacks = [] def create_dialog(self, account): title = _('Passphrase Required') second = _('Enter OpenPGP key passphrase for key %(keyid)s (account ' '%(account)s).') % {'keyid': self.keyid, 'account': account} def _cancel(): # user cancelled, continue without GPG self.complete(None) def _ok(passphrase, checked, count): result = app.connections[account].test_gpg_passphrase(passphrase) if result == 'ok': # passphrase is good self.complete(passphrase) return elif result == 'expired': ErrorDialog(_('OpenPGP key expired'), _('Your OpenPGP key has expired, you will be connected to ' '%s without OpenPGP.') % account) # Don't try to connect with GPG app.connections[account].continue_connect_info[2] = False self.complete(None) return if count < 3: # ask again dialogs.PassphraseDialog(_('Wrong Passphrase'), _('Please retype your OpenPGP passphrase or press Cancel.'), ok_handler=(_ok, count + 1), cancel_handler=_cancel) else: # user failed 3 times, continue without GPG self.complete(None) self.dialog = dialogs.PassphraseDialog(title, second, ok_handler=(_ok, 1), cancel_handler=_cancel) self.dialog_created = True class ThreadInterface: def __init__(self, func, func_args=(), callback=None, callback_args=()): """ Call a function in a thread """ def thread_function(func, func_args, callback, callback_args): output = func(*func_args) if callback: GLib.idle_add(callback, output, *callback_args) Thread(target=thread_function, args=(func, func_args, callback, callback_args)).start()