# Install Gajim via Flatpak **Prerequisites:** You need to have `flatpak` and `flatpak-builder` installed. For this example, we use `git` for downloading/updating Gajim's sources. ### Download Gajim's sources In this example, we do a `git clone` of the repository, so you need to have `git` installed. Alternatively, you can also download the sources from our Gitlab via webbrowser. `git clone https://dev.gajim.org/gajim/gajim.git ~/Gajim` `cd ~/Gajim` *Note: Source tarballs and snapshots do _not_ include 'org.gajim.Gajim.json', which is necessary for installation via Flatpak.* ### Install Gajim and dependencies Replace install path `~/Gajim/gajim_flatpak` with an install path of your choice. *Note: Remove `--user` if you want a system-wide installation.* 1. `flatpak --user remote-add --from gnome https://sdk.gnome.org/gnome.flatpakrepo` 2. `flatpak --user install gnome org.gnome.Platform//3.28` 3. `flatpak --user install gnome org.gnome.Sdk//3.28` 4. `flatpak-builder --repo=gajim_flatpak_repo ~/Gajim/gajim_flatpak ~/Gajim/org.gajim.Gajim.json` 5. `flatpak --user remote-add --no-gpg-verify gajim_flatpak_repo ~/Gajim/gajim_flatpak_repo` 6. `flatpak --user install gajim_flatpak_repo org.gajim.Gajim` 7. `flatpak run org.gajim.Gajim` Thats it, you are now running Gajim via Flatpak! ## How to update ### Update Gajim's sources In this example, we use `git` to update the repository. You can also download the sources from our Gitlab via webbrowser. `cd ~/Gajim` `git pull --rebase` ### Remove previous Flatpak directory `rm -r ~/Gajim/gajim_flatpak` ### Install and update Gajim 1. `flatpak-builder --repo=gajim_flatpak_repo ~/Gajim/gajim_flatpak ~/Gajim/org.gajim.Gajim.json` 2. `flatpak --user update` 3. `flatpak run org.gajim.Gajim` Gajim is now updated.