# This file is part of Gajim. # # Gajim is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published # by the Free Software Foundation; version 3 only. # # Gajim is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Gajim. If not, see . # XEP-0363: HTTP File Upload import os import sys import threading import ssl import urllib from urllib.request import Request, urlopen from urllib.parse import urlparse import io import mimetypes import logging import nbxmpp from nbxmpp import NS_HTTPUPLOAD from gi.repository import GLib from gajim.common import app from gajim.common import ged from gajim.common.i18n import _ from gajim.common.nec import NetworkIncomingEvent from gajim.common.connection_handlers_events import InformationEvent from gajim.common.connection_handlers_events import MessageOutgoingEvent from gajim.common.connection_handlers_events import GcMessageOutgoingEvent if sys.platform in ('win32', 'darwin'): import certifi log = logging.getLogger('gajim.c.m.httpupload') NS_HTTPUPLOAD_0 = NS_HTTPUPLOAD + ':0' class HTTPUpload: def __init__(self, con): self._con = con self._account = con.name self.handlers = [] self.available = False self.component = None self.httpupload_namespace = None self._allowed_headers = ['Authorization', 'Cookie', 'Expires'] self.max_file_size = None # maximum file size in bytes app.ged.register_event_handler('stanza-message-outgoing', ged.OUT_PREGUI, self.handle_outgoing_stanza) app.ged.register_event_handler('gc-stanza-message-outgoing', ged.OUT_PREGUI, self.handle_outgoing_stanza) self.messages = [] def cleanup(self): app.ged.remove_event_handler('stanza-message-outgoing', ged.OUT_PREGUI, self.handle_outgoing_stanza) app.ged.remove_event_handler('gc-stanza-message-outgoing', ged.OUT_PREGUI, self.handle_outgoing_stanza) def pass_disco(self, from_, _identities, features, data, _node): if NS_HTTPUPLOAD_0 in features: self.httpupload_namespace = NS_HTTPUPLOAD_0 elif NS_HTTPUPLOAD in features: self.httpupload_namespace = NS_HTTPUPLOAD else: return self.component = from_ log.info('Discovered component: %s', from_) for form in data: form_dict = form.asDict() if form_dict.get('FORM_TYPE', None) != self.httpupload_namespace: continue size = form_dict.get('max-file-size', None) if size is not None: self.max_file_size = int(size) break if self.max_file_size is None: log.warning('%s does not provide maximum file size', self._account) else: log.info('%s has a maximum file size of: %s MiB', self._account, self.max_file_size / (1024 * 1024)) self.available = True for ctrl in app.interface.msg_win_mgr.get_controls(acct=self._account): ctrl.update_actions() def handle_outgoing_stanza(self, event): if event.conn.name != self._account: return message = event.msg_iq.getTagData('body') if message and message in self.messages: self.messages.remove(message) # Add oob information before sending message to recipient, # to distinguish HTTP File Upload Link from pasted URL oob = event.msg_iq.addChild('x', namespace=nbxmpp.NS_X_OOB) oob.addChild('url').setData(message) if 'gajim' in event.additional_data: event.additional_data['gajim']['oob_url'] = message else: event.additional_data['gajim'] = {'oob_url': message} def check_file_before_transfer(self, path, encryption, contact, session, groupchat=False): if not path or not os.path.exists(path): return invalid_file = False stat = os.stat(path) if os.path.isfile(path): if stat[6] == 0: invalid_file = True msg = _('File is empty') else: invalid_file = True msg = _('File does not exist') if self.max_file_size is not None and \ stat.st_size > self.max_file_size: invalid_file = True size = GLib.format_size_full(self.max_file_size, GLib.FormatSizeFlags.IEC_UNITS) msg = _('File is too large, ' 'maximum allowed file size is: %s') % size if invalid_file: self.raise_information_event('open-file-error2', msg) return mime = mimetypes.MimeTypes().guess_type(path)[0] if not mime: mime = 'application/octet-stream' # fallback mime type log.info("Detected MIME type of file: %s", mime) try: file = File(path, contact, mime=mime, encryption=encryption, update_progress=self.raise_progress_event, session=session, groupchat=groupchat) app.interface.show_httpupload_progress(file) except Exception as error: log.exception('Error while loading file') self.raise_information_event('open-file-error2', str(error)) return if encryption is not None: app.interface.encrypt_file(file, self._request_slot) else: self._request_slot(file) @staticmethod def raise_progress_event(status, file, seen=None, total=None): app.nec.push_incoming_event(HTTPUploadProgressEvent( None, status=status, file=file, seen=seen, total=total)) @staticmethod def raise_information_event(dialog_name, args=None): app.nec.push_incoming_event(InformationEvent( None, dialog_name=dialog_name, args=args)) def _request_slot(self, file): GLib.idle_add(self.raise_progress_event, 'request', file) iq = self._build_request(file) log.info("Sending request for slot") self._con.connection.SendAndCallForResponse( iq, self._received_slot, {'file': file}) def _build_request(self, file): iq = nbxmpp.Iq(typ='get', to=self.component) id_ = app.get_an_id() iq.setID(id_) if self.httpupload_namespace == NS_HTTPUPLOAD: # experimental namespace request = iq.setTag(name="request", namespace=self.httpupload_namespace) request.addChild('filename', payload=os.path.basename(file.path)) request.addChild('size', payload=file.size) request.addChild('content-type', payload=file.mime) else: attr = {'filename': os.path.basename(file.path), 'size': file.size, 'content-type': file.mime} iq.setTag(name="request", namespace=self.httpupload_namespace, attrs=attr) return iq @staticmethod def get_slot_error_message(stanza): tmp = stanza.getTag('error').getTag('file-too-large') if tmp is not None: max_file_size = int(tmp.getTag('max-file-size').getData()) return _('File is too large, maximum allowed file size is: %s') % \ GLib.format_size_full(max_file_size, GLib.FormatSizeFlags.IEC_UNITS) return stanza.getErrorMsg() def _received_slot(self, _con, stanza, file): log.info("Received slot") if stanza.getType() == 'error': self.raise_progress_event('close', file) self.raise_information_event('request-upload-slot-error', self.get_slot_error_message(stanza)) log.error(stanza) return try: if self.httpupload_namespace == NS_HTTPUPLOAD: file.put = stanza.getTag('slot').getTag('put').getData() file.get = stanza.getTag('slot').getTag('get').getData() else: slot = stanza.getTag('slot') file.put = slot.getTagAttr('put', 'url') file.get = slot.getTagAttr('get', 'url') for header in slot.getTag('put').getTags('header'): name = header.getAttr('name') if name not in self._allowed_headers: raise ValueError('Not allowed header') data = header.getData() if '\n' in data: raise ValueError('Newline in header data') file.headers[name] = data except Exception: log.error("Got invalid stanza: %s", stanza) log.exception('Error') self.raise_progress_event('close', file) self.raise_information_event('request-upload-slot-error2') return if (urlparse(file.put).scheme != 'https' or urlparse(file.get).scheme != 'https'): self.raise_progress_event('close', file) self.raise_information_event('unsecure-error') return try: file.stream = StreamFileWithProgress(file) except Exception: log.exception('Error') self.raise_progress_event('close', file) self.raise_information_event('open-file-error') return log.info('Uploading file to %s', file.put) log.info('Please download from %s', file.get) thread = threading.Thread(target=self._upload_file, args=(file,)) thread.daemon = True thread.start() def _upload_file(self, file): GLib.idle_add(self.raise_progress_event, 'upload', file) try: file.headers['User-Agent'] = 'Gajim %s' % app.version file.headers['Content-Type'] = file.mime file.headers['Content-Length'] = file.size request = Request( file.put, data=file.stream, headers=file.headers, method='PUT') log.info("Opening Urllib upload request...") if not app.config.get_per( 'accounts', self._account, 'httpupload_verify'): context = ssl.create_default_context() context.check_hostname = False context.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE log.warning('CERT Verification disabled') transfer = urlopen(request, timeout=30, context=context) else: if sys.platform in ('win32', 'darwin'): transfer = urlopen( request, cafile=certifi.where(), timeout=30) else: transfer = urlopen(request, timeout=30) file.stream.close() log.info('Urllib upload request done, response code: %s', transfer.getcode()) GLib.idle_add(self._upload_complete, transfer.getcode(), file) return except UploadAbortedException as exc: log.info(exc) error_msg = exc except urllib.error.URLError as exc: if isinstance(exc.reason, ssl.SSLError): error_msg = exc.reason.reason if error_msg == 'CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED': log.exception('Certificate verify failed') else: log.exception('URLError') error_msg = exc.reason except Exception as exc: log.exception("Exception during upload") error_msg = exc GLib.idle_add(self.raise_progress_event, 'close', file) GLib.idle_add(self._on_upload_error, file, error_msg) def _upload_complete(self, response_code, file): self.raise_progress_event('close', file) if 200 <= response_code < 300: log.info("Upload completed successfully") message = file.get if file.user_data: message += '#' + file.user_data message = self.convert_to_aegscm(message) else: self.messages.append(message) if file.groupchat: app.nec.push_outgoing_event(GcMessageOutgoingEvent( None, account=self._account, jid=file.contact.jid, message=message, automatic_message=False, session=file.session)) else: app.nec.push_outgoing_event(MessageOutgoingEvent( None, account=self._account, jid=file.contact.jid, message=message, keyID=file.key_id, type_='chat', automatic_message=False, session=file.session)) else: log.error('Got unexpected http upload response code: %s', response_code) self.raise_information_event('httpupload-response-error', response_code) def _on_upload_error(self, file, reason): self.raise_progress_event('close', file) self.raise_information_event('httpupload-error', str(reason)) @staticmethod def convert_to_aegscm(url): return 'aesgcm' + url[5:] class File: def __init__(self, path, contact, **kwargs): for key, val in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, key, val) self.encrypted = False self.contact = contact self.key_id = None if hasattr(contact, 'keyID'): self.key_id = contact.keyID self.stream = None self.path = path self.put = None self.get = None self.data = None self.user_data = None self.size = None self.headers = {} self.event = threading.Event() self.load_data() def load_data(self): with open(self.path, 'rb') as content: self.data = content.read() self.size = len(self.data) def get_data(self, full=False): if full: return io.BytesIO(self.data).getvalue() return io.BytesIO(self.data) class StreamFileWithProgress: def __init__(self, file): self.file = file self.event = file.event self.backing = file.get_data() self.backing.seek(0, os.SEEK_END) self._total = self.backing.tell() self.backing.seek(0) self._callback = file.update_progress self._seen = 0 def __len__(self): return self._total def read(self, size): if self.event.isSet(): raise UploadAbortedException data = self.backing.read(size) self._seen += len(data) if self._callback: GLib.idle_add(self._callback, 'update', self.file, self._seen, self._total) return data def close(self): return self.backing.close() class UploadAbortedException(Exception): def __str__(self): return "Upload Aborted" class HTTPUploadProgressEvent(NetworkIncomingEvent): name = 'httpupload-progress' def get_instance(*args, **kwargs): return HTTPUpload(*args, **kwargs), 'HTTPUpload'