# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- ## src/chat_control.py ## ## Copyright (C) 2006 Dimitur Kirov <dkirov AT gmail.com> ## Copyright (C) 2006-2014 Yann Leboulanger <asterix AT lagaule.org> ## Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Jean-Marie Traissard <jim AT lapin.org> ## Nikos Kouremenos <kourem AT gmail.com> ## Travis Shirk <travis AT pobox.com> ## Copyright (C) 2007 Lukas Petrovicky <lukas AT petrovicky.net> ## Julien Pivotto <roidelapluie AT gmail.com> ## Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Brendan Taylor <whateley AT gmail.com> ## Stephan Erb <steve-e AT h3c.de> ## Copyright (C) 2008 Jonathan Schleifer <js-gajim AT webkeks.org> ## ## This file is part of Gajim. ## ## Gajim is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published ## by the Free Software Foundation; version 3 only. ## ## Gajim is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ## GNU General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with Gajim. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. ## import os import time from gi.repository import Gtk from gi.repository import Gdk from gi.repository import GdkPixbuf from gi.repository import Pango from gi.repository import GLib import gtkgui_helpers import gui_menu_builder import message_control import dialogs from common import logger from common import gajim from common import helpers from common import exceptions from common import ged from common import i18n from common.stanza_session import EncryptedStanzaSession, ArchivingStanzaSession from common.contacts import GC_Contact from common.logger import KindConstant from nbxmpp.protocol import NS_XHTML, NS_XHTML_IM, NS_FILE, NS_MUC from nbxmpp.protocol import NS_ESESSION from nbxmpp.protocol import NS_JINGLE_RTP_AUDIO, NS_JINGLE_RTP_VIDEO from nbxmpp.protocol import NS_JINGLE_ICE_UDP, NS_JINGLE_FILE_TRANSFER_5 from nbxmpp.protocol import NS_CHATSTATES from common.connection_handlers_events import MessageOutgoingEvent from common.exceptions import GajimGeneralException from command_system.implementation.hosts import ChatCommands try: import gtkspell HAS_GTK_SPELL = True except (ImportError, ValueError): HAS_GTK_SPELL = False from chat_control_base import ChatControlBase ################################################################################ class ChatControl(ChatControlBase): """ A control for standard 1-1 chat """ ( JINGLE_STATE_NULL, JINGLE_STATE_CONNECTING, JINGLE_STATE_CONNECTION_RECEIVED, JINGLE_STATE_CONNECTED, JINGLE_STATE_ERROR ) = range(5) TYPE_ID = message_control.TYPE_CHAT old_msg_kind = None # last kind of the printed message # Set a command host to bound to. Every command given through a chat will be # processed with this command host. COMMAND_HOST = ChatCommands def __init__(self, parent_win, contact, acct, session, resource=None): ChatControlBase.__init__(self, self.TYPE_ID, parent_win, 'chat_control', contact, acct, resource) self.last_recv_message_id = None self.last_recv_message_marks = None self.last_message_timestamp = None # for muc use: # widget = self.xml.get_object('muc_window_actions_button') self.actions_button = self.xml.get_object('message_window_actions_button') id_ = self.actions_button.connect('clicked', self.on_actions_button_clicked) self.handlers[id_] = self.actions_button self._formattings_button = self.xml.get_object('formattings_button') self.emoticons_button = self.xml.get_object('emoticons_button') self.toggle_emoticons() self._add_to_roster_button = self.xml.get_object( 'add_to_roster_button') id_ = self._add_to_roster_button.connect('clicked', self._on_add_to_roster_menuitem_activate) self.handlers[id_] = self._add_to_roster_button self._audio_button = self.xml.get_object('audio_togglebutton') id_ = self._audio_button.connect('toggled', self.on_audio_button_toggled) self.handlers[id_] = self._audio_button # add a special img gtkgui_helpers.add_image_to_button(self._audio_button, 'gajim-mic_inactive') self._video_button = self.xml.get_object('video_togglebutton') id_ = self._video_button.connect('toggled', self.on_video_button_toggled) self.handlers[id_] = self._video_button # add a special img gtkgui_helpers.add_image_to_button(self._video_button, 'gajim-cam_inactive') self._send_file_button = self.xml.get_object('send_file_button') # add a special img for send file button pixbuf = gtkgui_helpers.get_icon_pixmap('document-send', quiet=True) img = Gtk.Image.new_from_pixbuf(pixbuf) self._send_file_button.set_image(img) id_ = self._send_file_button.connect('clicked', self._on_send_file_menuitem_activate) self.handlers[id_] = self._send_file_button self._convert_to_gc_button = self.xml.get_object( 'convert_to_gc_button') id_ = self._convert_to_gc_button.connect('clicked', self._on_convert_to_gc_menuitem_activate) self.handlers[id_] = self._convert_to_gc_button self._contact_information_button = self.xml.get_object( 'contact_information_button') id_ = self._contact_information_button.connect('clicked', self._on_contact_information_menuitem_activate) self.handlers[id_] = self._contact_information_button compact_view = gajim.config.get('compact_view') self.chat_buttons_set_visible(compact_view) self.widget_set_visible(self.xml.get_object('banner_eventbox'), gajim.config.get('hide_chat_banner')) self.authentication_button = self.xml.get_object( 'authentication_button') id_ = self.authentication_button.connect('clicked', self._on_authentication_button_clicked) self.handlers[id_] = self.authentication_button # Add lock image to show chat encryption self.lock_image = self.xml.get_object('lock_image') # Convert to GC icon img = self.xml.get_object('convert_to_gc_button_image') img.set_from_pixbuf(gtkgui_helpers.load_icon( 'muc_active').get_pixbuf()) self._audio_banner_image = self.xml.get_object('audio_banner_image') self._video_banner_image = self.xml.get_object('video_banner_image') self.audio_sid = None self.audio_state = self.JINGLE_STATE_NULL self.audio_available = False self.video_sid = None self.video_state = self.JINGLE_STATE_NULL self.video_available = False self.update_toolbar() self._pep_images = {} self._pep_images['mood'] = self.xml.get_object('mood_image') self._pep_images['activity'] = self.xml.get_object('activity_image') self._pep_images['tune'] = self.xml.get_object('tune_image') self._pep_images['location'] = self.xml.get_object('location_image') self.update_all_pep_types() # keep timeout id and window obj for possible big avatar # it is on enter-notify and leave-notify so no need to be # per jid self.show_bigger_avatar_timeout_id = None self.bigger_avatar_window = None self.show_avatar() # Hook up signals message_tv_buffer = self.msg_textview.get_buffer() id_ = message_tv_buffer.connect('changed', self._on_message_tv_buffer_changed) self.handlers[id_] = message_tv_buffer widget = self.xml.get_object('avatar_eventbox') widget.set_property('height-request', gajim.config.get( 'chat_avatar_height')) id_ = widget.connect('enter-notify-event', self.on_avatar_eventbox_enter_notify_event) self.handlers[id_] = widget id_ = widget.connect('leave-notify-event', self.on_avatar_eventbox_leave_notify_event) self.handlers[id_] = widget id_ = widget.connect('button-press-event', self.on_avatar_eventbox_button_press_event) self.handlers[id_] = widget widget = self.xml.get_object('location_eventbox') id_ = widget.connect('button-release-event', self.on_location_eventbox_button_release_event) self.handlers[id_] = widget id_ = widget.connect('enter-notify-event', self.on_location_eventbox_enter_notify_event) self.handlers[id_] = widget id_ = widget.connect('leave-notify-event', self.on_location_eventbox_leave_notify_event) self.handlers[id_] = widget for key in ('1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '*', '0', '#'): widget = self.xml.get_object(key + '_button') id_ = widget.connect('pressed', self.on_num_button_pressed, key) self.handlers[id_] = widget id_ = widget.connect('released', self.on_num_button_released) self.handlers[id_] = widget self.dtmf_window = self.xml.get_object('dtmf_window') self.dtmf_window.get_child().set_direction(Gtk.TextDirection.LTR) id_ = self.dtmf_window.connect('focus-out-event', self.on_dtmf_window_focus_out_event) self.handlers[id_] = self.dtmf_window widget = self.xml.get_object('dtmf_button') id_ = widget.connect('clicked', self.on_dtmf_button_clicked) self.handlers[id_] = widget widget = self.xml.get_object('mic_hscale') id_ = widget.connect('value_changed', self.on_mic_hscale_value_changed) self.handlers[id_] = widget widget = self.xml.get_object('sound_hscale') id_ = widget.connect('value_changed', self.on_sound_hscale_value_changed) self.handlers[id_] = widget self.info_bar = Gtk.InfoBar() content_area = self.info_bar.get_content_area() self.info_bar_label = Gtk.Label() self.info_bar_label.set_use_markup(True) self.info_bar_label.set_halign(Gtk.Align.START) self.info_bar_label.set_valign(Gtk.Align.START) content_area.add(self.info_bar_label) self.info_bar.set_no_show_all(True) widget = self.xml.get_object('vbox2') widget.pack_start(self.info_bar, False, True, 5) widget.reorder_child(self.info_bar, 1) # List of waiting infobar messages self.info_bar_queue = [] self.subscribe_events() if not session: # Don't use previous session if we want to a specific resource # and it's not the same if not resource: resource = contact.resource session = gajim.connections[self.account].find_controlless_session( self.contact.jid, resource) self.setup_seclabel(self.xml.get_object('label_selector')) if session: session.control = self self.session = session if session.enable_encryption: self.print_esession_details() # Enable encryption if needed self.no_autonegotiation = False self.update_ui() self.set_lock_image() self.encryption_menu = self.xml.get_object('encryption_menu') self.encryption_menu.set_menu_model( gui_menu_builder.get_encryption_menu(self.contact, self.type_id)) self.set_encryption_menu_icon() # restore previous conversation self.restore_conversation() self.msg_textview.grab_focus() gajim.ged.register_event_handler('pep-received', ged.GUI1, self._nec_pep_received) gajim.ged.register_event_handler('vcard-received', ged.GUI1, self._nec_vcard_received) gajim.ged.register_event_handler('failed-decrypt', ged.GUI1, self._nec_failed_decrypt) gajim.ged.register_event_handler('chatstate-received', ged.GUI1, self._nec_chatstate_received) gajim.ged.register_event_handler('caps-received', ged.GUI1, self._nec_caps_received) # PluginSystem: adding GUI extension point for this ChatControl # instance object gajim.plugin_manager.gui_extension_point('chat_control', self) def subscribe_events(self): """ Register listeners to the events class """ gajim.events.event_added_subscribe(self.on_event_added) gajim.events.event_removed_subscribe(self.on_event_removed) def unsubscribe_events(self): """ Unregister listeners to the events class """ gajim.events.event_added_unsubscribe(self.on_event_added) gajim.events.event_removed_unsubscribe(self.on_event_removed) def _update_toolbar(self): if (gajim.connections[self.account].connected > 1 and not \ self.TYPE_ID == 'pm') or (self.contact.show != 'offline' and \ self.TYPE_ID == 'pm'): send_button = self.xml.get_object('send_button') send_button.set_sensitive(True) # Formatting # TODO: find out what encryption allows for xhtml and which not if self.contact.supports(NS_XHTML_IM): self._formattings_button.set_sensitive(True) self._formattings_button.set_tooltip_text(_( 'Show a list of formattings')) else: self._formattings_button.set_sensitive(False) if self.contact.supports(NS_XHTML_IM): self._formattings_button.set_tooltip_text(_('Formatting is not ' 'available so long as GPG is active')) else: self._formattings_button.set_tooltip_text(_('This contact does ' 'not support HTML')) # Add to roster if not isinstance(self.contact, GC_Contact) \ and _('Not in Roster') in self.contact.groups and \ gajim.connections[self.account].roster_supported: self._add_to_roster_button.show() else: self._add_to_roster_button.hide() # Jingle detection if self.contact.supports(NS_JINGLE_ICE_UDP) and \ gajim.HAVE_FARSTREAM and self.contact.resource: self.audio_available = self.contact.supports(NS_JINGLE_RTP_AUDIO) self.video_available = self.contact.supports(NS_JINGLE_RTP_VIDEO) else: if self.video_available or self.audio_available: self.stop_jingle() self.video_available = False self.audio_available = False # Audio buttons self._audio_button.set_sensitive(self.audio_available) # Video buttons self._video_button.set_sensitive(self.video_available) # change tooltip text for audio and video buttons if farstream is # not installed audio_tooltip_text = _('Toggle audio session') + '\n' video_tooltip_text = _('Toggle video session') + '\n' if not gajim.HAVE_FARSTREAM: ext_text = _('Feature not available, see Help->Features') self._audio_button.set_tooltip_text(audio_tooltip_text + ext_text) self._video_button.set_tooltip_text(video_tooltip_text + ext_text) elif not self.audio_available : ext_text =_('Feature not supported by remote client') self._audio_button.set_tooltip_text(audio_tooltip_text + ext_text) self._video_button.set_tooltip_text(video_tooltip_text + ext_text) else: self._audio_button.set_tooltip_text(audio_tooltip_text[:-1]) self._video_button.set_tooltip_text(video_tooltip_text[:-1]) # Send file if ((self.contact.supports(NS_FILE) or \ self.contact.supports(NS_JINGLE_FILE_TRANSFER_5)) and \ (self.type_id == 'chat' or self.gc_contact.resource)) and \ self.contact.show != 'offline': self._send_file_button.set_sensitive(True) self._send_file_button.set_tooltip_text(_('Send files')) else: self._send_file_button.set_sensitive(False) if not (self.contact.supports(NS_FILE) or self.contact.supports( NS_JINGLE_FILE_TRANSFER_5)): self._send_file_button.set_tooltip_text(_( "This contact does not support file transfer.")) else: self._send_file_button.set_tooltip_text( _("You need to know the real JID of the contact to send " "them a file.")) # Convert to GC if gajim.config.get_per('accounts', self.account, 'is_zeroconf'): self._convert_to_gc_button.set_no_show_all(True) self._convert_to_gc_button.hide() else: if self.contact.supports(NS_MUC): self._convert_to_gc_button.set_sensitive(True) else: self._convert_to_gc_button.set_sensitive(False) # Information if gajim.account_is_disconnected(self.account): self._contact_information_button.set_sensitive(False) else: self._contact_information_button.set_sensitive(True) def update_all_pep_types(self): for pep_type in self._pep_images: self.update_pep(pep_type) def update_pep(self, pep_type): if isinstance(self.contact, GC_Contact): return if pep_type not in self._pep_images: return pep = self.contact.pep img = self._pep_images[pep_type] if pep_type in pep: img.set_from_pixbuf(gtkgui_helpers.get_pep_as_pixbuf(pep[pep_type])) img.set_tooltip_markup(pep[pep_type].asMarkupText()) img.show() else: img.hide() def _nec_pep_received(self, obj): if obj.conn.name != self.account: return if obj.jid != self.contact.jid: return if obj.pep_type == 'nickname': self.update_ui() self.parent_win.redraw_tab(self) self.parent_win.show_title() else: self.update_pep(obj.pep_type) def _update_jingle(self, jingle_type): if jingle_type not in ('audio', 'video'): return banner_image = getattr(self, '_' + jingle_type + '_banner_image') state = getattr(self, jingle_type + '_state') if state == self.JINGLE_STATE_NULL: banner_image.hide() else: banner_image.show() if state == self.JINGLE_STATE_CONNECTING: banner_image.set_from_stock( Gtk.STOCK_CONVERT, 1) elif state == self.JINGLE_STATE_CONNECTION_RECEIVED: banner_image.set_from_stock( Gtk.STOCK_NETWORK, 1) elif state == self.JINGLE_STATE_CONNECTED: banner_image.set_from_stock( Gtk.STOCK_CONNECT, 1) elif state == self.JINGLE_STATE_ERROR: banner_image.set_from_stock( Gtk.STOCK_DIALOG_WARNING, 1) self.update_toolbar() def update_audio(self): self._update_jingle('audio') hbox = self.xml.get_object('audio_buttons_hbox') if self.audio_state == self.JINGLE_STATE_CONNECTED: # Set volume from config input_vol = gajim.config.get('audio_input_volume') output_vol = gajim.config.get('audio_output_volume') input_vol = max(min(input_vol, 100), 0) output_vol = max(min(output_vol, 100), 0) self.xml.get_object('mic_hscale').set_value(input_vol) self.xml.get_object('sound_hscale').set_value(output_vol) # Show vbox hbox.set_no_show_all(False) hbox.show_all() elif not self.audio_sid: hbox.set_no_show_all(True) hbox.hide() def update_video(self): self._update_jingle('video') def change_resource(self, resource): old_full_jid = self.get_full_jid() self.resource = resource new_full_jid = self.get_full_jid() # update gajim.last_message_time if old_full_jid in gajim.last_message_time[self.account]: gajim.last_message_time[self.account][new_full_jid] = \ gajim.last_message_time[self.account][old_full_jid] # update events gajim.events.change_jid(self.account, old_full_jid, new_full_jid) # update MessageWindow._controls self.parent_win.change_jid(self.account, old_full_jid, new_full_jid) def stop_jingle(self, sid=None, reason=None): if self.audio_sid and sid in (self.audio_sid, None): self.close_jingle_content('audio') if self.video_sid and sid in (self.video_sid, None): self.close_jingle_content('video') def _set_jingle_state(self, jingle_type, state, sid=None, reason=None): if jingle_type not in ('audio', 'video'): return if state in ('connecting', 'connected', 'stop', 'error') and reason: str = _('%(type)s state : %(state)s, reason: %(reason)s') % { 'type': jingle_type.capitalize(), 'state': state, 'reason': reason} self.print_conversation(str, 'info') states = {'connecting': self.JINGLE_STATE_CONNECTING, 'connection_received': self.JINGLE_STATE_CONNECTION_RECEIVED, 'connected': self.JINGLE_STATE_CONNECTED, 'stop': self.JINGLE_STATE_NULL, 'error': self.JINGLE_STATE_ERROR} jingle_state = states[state] if getattr(self, jingle_type + '_state') == jingle_state or state == 'error': return if state == 'stop' and getattr(self, jingle_type + '_sid') not in (None, sid): return setattr(self, jingle_type + '_state', jingle_state) if jingle_state == self.JINGLE_STATE_NULL: setattr(self, jingle_type + '_sid', None) if state in ('connection_received', 'connecting'): setattr(self, jingle_type + '_sid', sid) getattr(self, '_' + jingle_type + '_button').set_active(jingle_state != self.JINGLE_STATE_NULL) getattr(self, 'update_' + jingle_type)() def set_audio_state(self, state, sid=None, reason=None): self._set_jingle_state('audio', state, sid=sid, reason=reason) def set_video_state(self, state, sid=None, reason=None): self._set_jingle_state('video', state, sid=sid, reason=reason) def _get_audio_content(self): session = gajim.connections[self.account].get_jingle_session( self.contact.get_full_jid(), self.audio_sid) return session.get_content('audio') def on_num_button_pressed(self, widget, num): self._get_audio_content()._start_dtmf(num) def on_num_button_released(self, released): self._get_audio_content()._stop_dtmf() def on_dtmf_button_clicked(self, widget): self.dtmf_window.show_all() def on_dtmf_window_focus_out_event(self, widget, event): self.dtmf_window.hide() def on_mic_hscale_value_changed(self, widget, value): self._get_audio_content().set_mic_volume(value / 100) # Save volume to config gajim.config.set('audio_input_volume', value) def on_sound_hscale_value_changed(self, widget, value): self._get_audio_content().set_out_volume(value / 100) # Save volume to config gajim.config.set('audio_output_volume', value) def on_avatar_eventbox_enter_notify_event(self, widget, event): """ Enter the eventbox area so we under conditions add a timeout to show a bigger avatar after 0.5 sec """ jid = self.contact.jid avatar_pixbuf = gtkgui_helpers.get_avatar_pixbuf_from_cache(jid) if avatar_pixbuf in ('ask', None): return avatar_w = avatar_pixbuf.get_width() avatar_h = avatar_pixbuf.get_height() scaled_buf = self.xml.get_object('avatar_image').get_pixbuf() scaled_buf_w = scaled_buf.get_width() scaled_buf_h = scaled_buf.get_height() # do we have something bigger to show? if avatar_w > scaled_buf_w or avatar_h > scaled_buf_h: # wait for 0.5 sec in case we leave earlier if self.show_bigger_avatar_timeout_id is not None: GLib.source_remove(self.show_bigger_avatar_timeout_id) self.show_bigger_avatar_timeout_id = GLib.timeout_add(500, self.show_bigger_avatar, widget) def on_avatar_eventbox_leave_notify_event(self, widget, event): """ Left the eventbox area that holds the avatar img """ # did we add a timeout? if yes remove it if self.show_bigger_avatar_timeout_id is not None: GLib.source_remove(self.show_bigger_avatar_timeout_id) self.show_bigger_avatar_timeout_id = None def on_avatar_eventbox_button_press_event(self, widget, event): """ If right-clicked, show popup """ if event.button == 3: # right click menu = Gtk.Menu() menuitem = Gtk.MenuItem.new_with_mnemonic(_('Save _As')) id_ = menuitem.connect('activate', gtkgui_helpers.on_avatar_save_as_menuitem_activate, self.contact.jid, self.contact.get_shown_name()) self.handlers[id_] = menuitem menu.append(menuitem) menu.show_all() menu.connect('selection-done', lambda w: w.destroy()) # show the menu menu.show_all() menu.attach_to_widget(widget, None) menu.popup(None, None, None, None, event.button, event.time) return True def on_location_eventbox_button_release_event(self, widget, event): if 'location' in self.contact.pep: location = self.contact.pep['location']._pep_specific_data if ('lat' in location) and ('lon' in location): uri = 'http://www.openstreetmap.org/?' + \ 'mlat=%(lat)s&mlon=%(lon)s&zoom=16' % {'lat': location['lat'], 'lon': location['lon']} helpers.launch_browser_mailer('url', uri) def on_location_eventbox_leave_notify_event(self, widget, event): """ Just moved the mouse so show the cursor """ cursor = gtkgui_helpers.get_cursor('LEFT_PTR') self.parent_win.window.get_window().set_cursor(cursor) def on_location_eventbox_enter_notify_event(self, widget, event): cursor = gtkgui_helpers.get_cursor('HAND2') self.parent_win.window.get_window().set_cursor(cursor) def update_ui(self): # The name banner is drawn here ChatControlBase.update_ui(self) self.update_toolbar() def _update_banner_state_image(self): contact = gajim.contacts.get_contact_with_highest_priority(self.account, self.contact.jid) if not contact or self.resource: # For transient contacts contact = self.contact show = contact.show jid = contact.jid # Set banner image img_32 = gajim.interface.roster.get_appropriate_state_images(jid, size='32', icon_name=show) img_16 = gajim.interface.roster.get_appropriate_state_images(jid, icon_name=show) if show in img_32 and img_32[show].get_pixbuf(): # we have 32x32! use it! banner_image = img_32[show] use_size_32 = True else: banner_image = img_16[show] use_size_32 = False banner_status_img = self.xml.get_object('banner_status_image') if banner_image.get_storage_type() == Gtk.ImageType.ANIMATION: banner_status_img.set_from_animation(banner_image.get_animation()) else: pix = banner_image.get_pixbuf() if pix is not None: if use_size_32: banner_status_img.set_from_pixbuf(pix) else: # we need to scale 16x16 to 32x32 scaled_pix = pix.scale_simple(32, 32, GdkPixbuf.InterpType.BILINEAR) banner_status_img.set_from_pixbuf(scaled_pix) def draw_banner_text(self): """ Draw the text in the fat line at the top of the window that houses the name, jid """ contact = self.contact jid = contact.jid banner_name_label = self.xml.get_object('banner_name_label') name = contact.get_shown_name() if self.resource: name += '/' + self.resource if self.TYPE_ID == message_control.TYPE_PM: name = i18n.direction_mark + _( '%(nickname)s from group chat %(room_name)s') % \ {'nickname': name, 'room_name': self.room_name} name = i18n.direction_mark + GLib.markup_escape_text(name) # We know our contacts nick, but if another contact has the same nick # in another account we need to also display the account. # except if we are talking to two different resources of the same contact acct_info = '' for account in gajim.contacts.get_accounts(): if account == self.account: continue if acct_info: # We already found a contact with same nick break for jid in gajim.contacts.get_jid_list(account): other_contact_ = \ gajim.contacts.get_first_contact_from_jid(account, jid) if other_contact_.get_shown_name() == \ self.contact.get_shown_name(): acct_info = i18n.direction_mark + ' (%s)' % \ GLib.markup_escape_text(self.account) break status = contact.status if status is not None: banner_name_label.set_ellipsize(Pango.EllipsizeMode.END) self.banner_status_label.set_ellipsize(Pango.EllipsizeMode.END) status_reduced = helpers.reduce_chars_newlines(status, max_lines=1) else: status_reduced = '' status_escaped = GLib.markup_escape_text(status_reduced) font_attrs, font_attrs_small = self.get_font_attrs() st = gajim.config.get('displayed_chat_state_notifications') cs = contact.chatstate if cs and st in ('composing_only', 'all'): if contact.show == 'offline': chatstate = '' elif st == 'all' or cs == 'composing': chatstate = helpers.get_uf_chatstate(cs) else: chatstate = '' label_text = '<span %s>%s</span><span %s>%s %s</span>' \ % (font_attrs, name, font_attrs_small, acct_info, chatstate) if acct_info: acct_info = i18n.direction_mark + ' ' + acct_info label_tooltip = '%s%s %s' % (name, acct_info, chatstate) else: # weight="heavy" size="x-large" label_text = '<span %s>%s</span><span %s>%s</span>' % \ (font_attrs, name, font_attrs_small, acct_info) if acct_info: acct_info = i18n.direction_mark + ' ' + acct_info label_tooltip = '%s%s' % (name, acct_info) if status_escaped: status_text = self.urlfinder.sub(self.make_href, status_escaped) status_text = '<span %s>%s</span>' % (font_attrs_small, status_text) self.banner_status_label.set_tooltip_text(status) self.banner_status_label.set_no_show_all(False) self.banner_status_label.show() else: status_text = '' self.banner_status_label.hide() self.banner_status_label.set_no_show_all(True) self.banner_status_label.set_markup(status_text) # setup the label that holds name and jid banner_name_label.set_markup(label_text) banner_name_label.set_tooltip_text(label_tooltip) def close_jingle_content(self, jingle_type): sid = getattr(self, jingle_type + '_sid') if not sid: return setattr(self, jingle_type + '_sid', None) setattr(self, jingle_type + '_state', self.JINGLE_STATE_NULL) session = gajim.connections[self.account].get_jingle_session( self.contact.get_full_jid(), sid) if session: content = session.get_content(jingle_type) if content: session.remove_content(content.creator, content.name) getattr(self, '_' + jingle_type + '_button').set_active(False) getattr(self, 'update_' + jingle_type)() def on_jingle_button_toggled(self, widget, jingle_type): img_name = 'gajim-%s_%s' % ({'audio': 'mic', 'video': 'cam'}[jingle_type], {True: 'active', False: 'inactive'}[widget.get_active()]) path_to_img = gtkgui_helpers.get_icon_path(img_name) if widget.get_active(): if getattr(self, jingle_type + '_state') == \ self.JINGLE_STATE_NULL: if jingle_type == 'video': video_hbox = self.xml.get_object('video_hbox') video_hbox.set_no_show_all(False) if gajim.config.get('video_see_self'): fixed = self.xml.get_object('outgoing_fixed') fixed.set_no_show_all(False) video_hbox.show_all() out_da = self.xml.get_object('outgoing_drawingarea') out_da.realize() if os.name == 'nt': out_xid = out_da.get_window().handle else: out_xid = out_da.get_window().get_xid() else: out_xid = None video_hbox.show_all() in_da = self.xml.get_object('incoming_drawingarea') in_da.realize() in_xid = in_da.get_window().get_xid() sid = gajim.connections[self.account].start_video( self.contact.get_full_jid(), in_xid, out_xid) else: sid = getattr(gajim.connections[self.account], 'start_' + jingle_type)(self.contact.get_full_jid()) getattr(self, 'set_' + jingle_type + '_state')('connecting', sid) else: video_hbox = self.xml.get_object('video_hbox') video_hbox.set_no_show_all(True) video_hbox.hide() fixed = self.xml.get_object('outgoing_fixed') fixed.set_no_show_all(True) self.close_jingle_content(jingle_type) img = getattr(self, '_' + jingle_type + '_button').get_property('image') img.set_from_file(path_to_img) def on_audio_button_toggled(self, widget): self.on_jingle_button_toggled(widget, 'audio') def on_video_button_toggled(self, widget): self.on_jingle_button_toggled(widget, 'video') def set_lock_image(self): loggable = self.session and self.session.is_loggable() encryption_state = {'visible': self.encryption is not None, 'enc_type': self.encryption, 'authenticated': False} if self.encryption: gajim.plugin_manager.extension_point( 'encryption_state' + self.encryption, self, encryption_state) self._show_lock_image(**encryption_state) def _show_lock_image(self, visible, enc_type='', authenticated=False): """ Set lock icon visibility and create tooltip """ if authenticated: authenticated_string = _('and authenticated') img_path = gtkgui_helpers.get_icon_path('security-high') else: authenticated_string = _('and NOT authenticated') img_path = gtkgui_helpers.get_icon_path('security-low') self.lock_image.set_from_file(img_path) tooltip = _('%(type)s encryption is active %(authenticated)s.') % {'type': enc_type, 'authenticated': authenticated_string} self.authentication_button.set_tooltip_text(tooltip) self.widget_set_visible(self.authentication_button, not visible) self.lock_image.set_sensitive(visible) def _on_authentication_button_clicked(self, widget): if self.encryption: gajim.plugin_manager.extension_point( 'encryption_dialog' + self.encryption, self) def send_message(self, message, keyID='', chatstate=None, xhtml=None, process_commands=True, attention=False): """ Send a message to contact """ if self.encryption: self.sendmessage = True gajim.plugin_manager.extension_point( 'send_message' + self.encryption, self) if not self.sendmessage: return message = helpers.remove_invalid_xml_chars(message) if message in ('', None, '\n'): return None contact = self.contact keyID = contact.keyID chatstates_on = gajim.config.get('outgoing_chat_state_notifications') != \ 'disabled' chatstate_to_send = None if contact is not None: if contact.supports(NS_CHATSTATES): # send active chatstate on every message (as XEP says) chatstate_to_send = 'active' contact.our_chatstate = 'active' self._schedule_activity_timers() def _on_sent(obj, msg_stanza, message, encrypted, xhtml, label): id_ = msg_stanza.getID() xep0184_id = None if self.contact.jid != gajim.get_jid_from_account(self.account): if gajim.config.get_per('accounts', self.account, 'request_receipt'): xep0184_id = id_ if label: displaymarking = label.getTag('displaymarking') else: displaymarking = None if self.correcting: self.correcting = False gtkgui_helpers.remove_css_class( self.msg_textview, 'msgcorrectingcolor') self.print_conversation(message, self.contact.jid, encrypted=encrypted, xep0184_id=xep0184_id, xhtml=xhtml, displaymarking=displaymarking, msg_stanza_id=id_, correct_id=obj.correct_id, additional_data=obj.additional_data) ChatControlBase.send_message(self, message, keyID, type_='chat', chatstate=chatstate_to_send, xhtml=xhtml, callback=_on_sent, callback_args=[message, self.encryption, xhtml, self.get_seclabel()], process_commands=process_commands, attention=attention) def on_cancel_session_negotiation(self): msg = _('Session negotiation cancelled') ChatControlBase.print_conversation_line(self, msg, 'status', '', None) def print_archiving_session_details(self): """ Print esession settings to textview """ archiving = bool(self.session) and isinstance(self.session, ArchivingStanzaSession) and self.session.archiving if archiving: msg = _('This session WILL be archived on server') else: msg = _('This session WILL NOT be archived on server') ChatControlBase.print_conversation_line(self, msg, 'status', '', None) def print_esession_details(self): """ Print esession settings to textview """ e2e_is_active = bool(self.session) and self.session.enable_encryption if e2e_is_active: msg = _('This session is encrypted') if self.session.is_loggable(): msg += _(' and WILL be logged') else: msg += _(' and WILL NOT be logged') ChatControlBase.print_conversation_line(self, msg, 'status', '', None) if not self.session.verified_identity: ChatControlBase.print_conversation_line(self, _("Remote contact's identity not verified. Click the shield button for more details."), 'status', '', None) else: msg = _('E2E encryption disabled') ChatControlBase.print_conversation_line(self, msg, 'status', '', None) self._show_lock_image(e2e_is_active, 'E2E', self.session and self.session.verified_identity) def print_session_details(self, old_session=None): if isinstance(self.session, EncryptedStanzaSession) or \ (old_session and isinstance(old_session, EncryptedStanzaSession)): self.print_esession_details() elif isinstance(self.session, ArchivingStanzaSession): self.print_archiving_session_details() def get_our_nick(self): return gajim.nicks[self.account] def print_conversation(self, text, frm='', tim=None, encrypted=None, subject=None, xhtml=None, simple=False, xep0184_id=None, displaymarking=None, msg_log_id=None, correct_id=None, msg_stanza_id=None, additional_data=None): """ Print a line in the conversation If frm is set to status: it's a status message. if frm is set to error: it's an error message. The difference between status and error is mainly that with error, msg count as a new message (in systray and in control). If frm is set to info: it's a information message. If frm is set to print_queue: it is incomming from queue. If frm is set to another value: it's an outgoing message. If frm is not set: it's an incomming message. """ contact = self.contact if additional_data is None: additional_data = {} if frm == 'status': if not gajim.config.get('print_status_in_chats'): return kind = 'status' name = '' elif frm == 'error': kind = 'error' name = '' elif frm == 'info': kind = 'info' name = '' else: if not frm: kind = 'incoming' name = contact.get_shown_name() elif frm == 'print_queue': # incoming message, but do not update time kind = 'incoming_queue' name = contact.get_shown_name() else: kind = 'outgoing' name = self.get_our_nick() if not xhtml and not encrypted and \ gajim.config.get('rst_formatting_outgoing_messages'): from common.rst_xhtml_generator import create_xhtml xhtml = create_xhtml(text) if xhtml: xhtml = '<body xmlns="%s">%s</body>' % (NS_XHTML, xhtml) ChatControlBase.print_conversation_line(self, text, kind, name, tim, subject=subject, old_kind=self.old_msg_kind, xhtml=xhtml, simple=simple, xep0184_id=xep0184_id, displaymarking=displaymarking, msg_log_id=msg_log_id, msg_stanza_id=msg_stanza_id, correct_id=correct_id, additional_data=additional_data, encrypted=encrypted) if text.startswith('/me ') or text.startswith('/me\n'): self.old_msg_kind = None else: self.old_msg_kind = kind def get_tab_label(self): unread = '' if self.resource: jid = self.contact.get_full_jid() else: jid = self.contact.jid num_unread = len(gajim.events.get_events(self.account, jid, ['printed_' + self.type_id, self.type_id])) if num_unread == 1 and not gajim.config.get('show_unread_tab_icon'): unread = '*' elif num_unread > 1: unread = '[' + str(num_unread) + ']' name = self.contact.get_shown_name() if self.resource: name += '/' + self.resource label_str = GLib.markup_escape_text(name) if num_unread: # if unread, text in the label becomes bold label_str = '<b>' + unread + label_str + '</b>' return label_str def get_tab_image(self, count_unread=True): if self.resource: jid = self.contact.get_full_jid() else: jid = self.contact.jid if gajim.config.get('show_avatar_in_tabs'): avatar_pixbuf = gtkgui_helpers.get_avatar_pixbuf_from_cache(jid) if avatar_pixbuf not in ('ask', None): avatar_pixbuf = gtkgui_helpers.get_scaled_pixbuf_by_size( avatar_pixbuf, 16, 16) return avatar_pixbuf if count_unread: num_unread = len(gajim.events.get_events(self.account, jid, ['printed_' + self.type_id, self.type_id])) else: num_unread = 0 # Set tab image (always 16x16); unread messages show the 'event' image tab_img = None if num_unread and gajim.config.get('show_unread_tab_icon'): img_16 = gajim.interface.roster.get_appropriate_state_images( self.contact.jid, icon_name='event') tab_img = img_16['event'] else: contact = gajim.contacts.get_contact_with_highest_priority( self.account, self.contact.jid) if not contact or self.resource: # For transient contacts contact = self.contact img_16 = gajim.interface.roster.get_appropriate_state_images( self.contact.jid, icon_name=contact.show) tab_img = img_16[contact.show] return tab_img def prepare_context_menu(self, hide_buttonbar_items=False): """ Set compact view menuitem active state sets active and sensitivity state for history_menuitem (False for tranasports) and file_transfer_menuitem and hide()/show() for add_to_roster_menuitem """ if gajim.jid_is_transport(self.contact.jid): menu = gui_menu_builder.get_transport_menu(self.contact, self.account) else: menu = gui_menu_builder.get_contact_menu(self.contact, self.account, use_multiple_contacts=False, show_start_chat=False, show_encryption=True, control=self, show_buttonbar_items=not hide_buttonbar_items) return menu def send_chatstate(self, state, contact=None): """ Send OUR chatstate as STANDLONE chat state message (eg. no body) to contact only if new chatstate is different from the previous one if jid is not specified, send to active tab """ # JEP 85 does not allow resending the same chatstate # this function checks for that and just returns so it's safe to call it # with same state. # This functions also checks for violation in state transitions # and raises RuntimeException with appropriate message # more on that http://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0085.html#statechart # do not send if we have chat state notifications disabled # that means we won't reply to the <active/> from other peer # so we do not broadcast jep85 capabalities chatstate_setting = gajim.config.get('outgoing_chat_state_notifications') if chatstate_setting == 'disabled': return # Dont leak presence to contacts # which are not allowed to see our status if contact and contact.sub in ('to', 'none'): return if self.contact.jid == gajim.get_jid_from_account(self.account): return elif chatstate_setting == 'composing_only' and state != 'active' and\ state != 'composing': return if contact is None: contact = self.parent_win.get_active_contact() if contact is None: # contact was from pm in MUC, and left the room so contact is None # so we cannot send chatstate anymore return # Don't send chatstates to offline contacts if contact.show == 'offline': return if not contact.supports(NS_CHATSTATES): return if contact.our_chatstate == False: return # if the new state we wanna send (state) equals # the current state (contact.our_chatstate) then return if contact.our_chatstate == state: return # if wel're inactive prevent composing (XEP violation) if contact.our_chatstate == 'inactive' and state == 'composing': # go active before gajim.nec.push_outgoing_event(MessageOutgoingEvent(None, account=self.account, jid=self.contact.jid, chatstate='active', control=self)) contact.our_chatstate = 'active' self.reset_kbd_mouse_timeout_vars() gajim.nec.push_outgoing_event(MessageOutgoingEvent(None, account=self.account, jid=self.contact.jid, chatstate=state, control=self)) contact.our_chatstate = state if state == 'active': self.reset_kbd_mouse_timeout_vars() def shutdown(self): # PluginSystem: removing GUI extension points connected with ChatControl # instance object gajim.plugin_manager.remove_gui_extension_point('chat_control', self) gajim.ged.remove_event_handler('pep-received', ged.GUI1, self._nec_pep_received) gajim.ged.remove_event_handler('vcard-received', ged.GUI1, self._nec_vcard_received) gajim.ged.remove_event_handler('failed-decrypt', ged.GUI1, self._nec_failed_decrypt) gajim.ged.remove_event_handler('chatstate-received', ged.GUI1, self._nec_chatstate_received) gajim.ged.remove_event_handler('caps-received', ged.GUI1, self._nec_caps_received) self.unsubscribe_events() # Send 'gone' chatstate self.send_chatstate('gone', self.contact) self.contact.chatstate = None self.contact.our_chatstate = None for jingle_type in ('audio', 'video'): self.close_jingle_content(jingle_type) # disconnect self from session if self.session: self.session.control = None # Remove bigger avatar window if self.bigger_avatar_window: self.bigger_avatar_window.destroy() # Clean events gajim.events.remove_events(self.account, self.get_full_jid(), types=['printed_' + self.type_id, self.type_id]) # Remove contact instance if contact has been removed key = (self.contact.jid, self.account) roster = gajim.interface.roster if key in roster.contacts_to_be_removed.keys() and \ not roster.contact_has_pending_roster_events(self.contact, self.account): backend = roster.contacts_to_be_removed[key]['backend'] del roster.contacts_to_be_removed[key] roster.remove_contact(self.contact.jid, self.account, force=True, backend=backend) # remove all register handlers on widgets, created by self.xml # to prevent circular references among objects for i in list(self.handlers.keys()): if self.handlers[i].handler_is_connected(i): self.handlers[i].disconnect(i) del self.handlers[i] self.conv_textview.del_handlers() if gajim.config.get('use_speller') and HAS_GTK_SPELL: spell_obj = gtkspell.get_from_text_view(self.msg_textview) if spell_obj: spell_obj.detach() self.msg_textview.destroy() # PluginSystem: calling shutdown of super class (ChatControlBase) to let # it remove it's GUI extension points super(ChatControl, self).shutdown() def minimizable(self): return False def safe_shutdown(self): return False def allow_shutdown(self, method, on_yes, on_no, on_minimize): if time.time() - gajim.last_message_time[self.account]\ [self.get_full_jid()] < 2: # 2 seconds def on_ok(): on_yes(self) def on_cancel(): on_no(self) dialogs.ConfirmationDialog( #%s is being replaced in the code with JID _('You just received a new message from "%s"') % \ self.contact.jid, _('If you close this tab and you have history disabled, '\ 'this message will be lost.'), on_response_ok=on_ok, on_response_cancel=on_cancel, transient_for=self.parent_win.window) return on_yes(self) def _nec_chatstate_received(self, obj): """ Handle incoming chatstate that jid SENT TO us """ self.draw_banner_text() # update chatstate in tab for this chat self.parent_win.redraw_tab(self, self.contact.chatstate) def _nec_caps_received(self, obj): if obj.conn.name != self.account: return if self.TYPE_ID == 'chat' and obj.jid != self.contact.jid: return if self.TYPE_ID == 'pm' and obj.fjid != self.contact.jid: return self.update_ui() def _nec_ping_reply(self, obj): if obj.control: if obj.control != self: return else: if self.contact != obj.contact: return self.print_conversation(_('Pong! (%s s.)') % obj.seconds, 'status') def set_control_active(self, state): ChatControlBase.set_control_active(self, state) # Hide bigger avatar window if self.bigger_avatar_window: self.bigger_avatar_window.destroy() self.bigger_avatar_window = None # Re-show the small avatar self.show_avatar() def show_avatar(self): if not gajim.config.get('show_avatar_in_chat'): return jid_with_resource = self.contact.get_full_jid() pixbuf = gtkgui_helpers.get_avatar_pixbuf_from_cache(jid_with_resource) if pixbuf == 'ask': # we don't have the vcard if self.TYPE_ID == message_control.TYPE_PM: if self.gc_contact.jid: # We know the real jid of this contact real_jid = self.gc_contact.jid if self.gc_contact.resource: real_jid += '/' + self.gc_contact.resource else: real_jid = jid_with_resource gajim.connections[self.account].request_vcard(real_jid, jid_with_resource) else: gajim.connections[self.account].request_vcard(jid_with_resource) return elif pixbuf: scaled_pixbuf = gtkgui_helpers.get_scaled_pixbuf(pixbuf, 'chat') else: scaled_pixbuf = None image = self.xml.get_object('avatar_image') image.set_from_pixbuf(scaled_pixbuf) image.show_all() def _nec_vcard_received(self, obj): if obj.conn.name != self.account: return j = gajim.get_jid_without_resource(self.contact.jid) if obj.jid != j: return self.show_avatar() def _on_drag_data_received(self, widget, context, x, y, selection, target_type, timestamp): if not selection.get_data(): return if self.TYPE_ID == message_control.TYPE_PM: c = self.gc_contact else: c = self.contact if target_type == self.TARGET_TYPE_URI_LIST: if not c.resource: # If no resource is known, we can't send a file return uri = selection.get_data().strip() uri_splitted = uri.split() # we may have more than one file dropped for uri in uri_splitted: path = helpers.get_file_path_from_dnd_dropped_uri(uri) if os.path.isfile(path): # is it file? ft = gajim.interface.instances['file_transfers'] ft.send_file(self.account, c, path) return # chat2muc treeview = gajim.interface.roster.tree model = treeview.get_model() data = selection.get_data() path = treeview.get_selection().get_selected_rows()[1][0] iter_ = model.get_iter(path) type_ = model[iter_][2] if type_ != 'contact': # source is not a contact return dropped_jid = data dropped_transport = gajim.get_transport_name_from_jid(dropped_jid) c_transport = gajim.get_transport_name_from_jid(c.jid) if dropped_transport or c_transport: return # transport contacts cannot be invited dialogs.TransformChatToMUC(self.account, [c.jid], [dropped_jid]) def _on_message_tv_buffer_changed(self, textbuffer): super()._on_message_tv_buffer_changed(textbuffer) if textbuffer.get_char_count() and self.encryption: gajim.plugin_manager.extension_point( 'typing' + self.encryption, self) def restore_conversation(self): jid = self.contact.jid # don't restore lines if it's a transport if gajim.jid_is_transport(jid): return # number of messages that are in queue and are already logged, we want # to avoid duplication pending = len(gajim.events.get_events(self.account, jid, ['chat', 'pm'])) if self.resource: pending += len(gajim.events.get_events(self.account, self.contact.get_full_jid(), ['chat', 'pm'])) rows = gajim.logger.get_last_conversation_lines( self.account, jid, pending) local_old_kind = None self.conv_textview.just_cleared = True for row in rows: # time, kind, message, subject, additional_data msg = row.message additional_data = row.additional_data if not msg: # message is empty, we don't print it continue if row.kind in (KindConstant.CHAT_MSG_SENT, KindConstant.SINGLE_MSG_SENT): kind = 'outgoing' name = self.get_our_nick() elif row.kind in (KindConstant.SINGLE_MSG_RECV, KindConstant.CHAT_MSG_RECV): kind = 'incoming' name = self.contact.get_shown_name() elif row.kind == KindConstant.ERROR: kind = 'status' name = self.contact.get_shown_name() tim = float(row.time) if gajim.config.get('restored_messages_small'): small_attr = ['small'] else: small_attr = [] xhtml = None if msg.startswith('<body '): xhtml = msg if row.subject: msg = _('Subject: %(subject)s\n%(message)s') % \ {'subject': row.subject, 'message': msg} ChatControlBase.print_conversation_line(self, msg, kind, name, tim, small_attr, small_attr + ['restored_message'], small_attr + ['restored_message'], False, old_kind=local_old_kind, xhtml=xhtml, additional_data=additional_data) if row.message.startswith('/me ') or row.message.startswith('/me\n'): local_old_kind = None else: local_old_kind = kind if len(rows): self.conv_textview.print_empty_line() def read_queue(self): """ Read queue and print messages containted in it """ jid = self.contact.jid jid_with_resource = jid if self.resource: jid_with_resource += '/' + self.resource events = gajim.events.get_events(self.account, jid_with_resource) # list of message ids which should be marked as read message_ids = [] for event in events: if event.type_ != self.type_id: continue if event.kind == 'error': kind = 'info' else: kind = 'print_queue' if event.sent_forwarded: kind = 'out' self.print_conversation(event.message, kind, tim=event.time, encrypted=event.encrypted, subject=event.subject, xhtml=event.xhtml, displaymarking=event.displaymarking, correct_id=event.correct_id) if isinstance(event.msg_log_id, int): message_ids.append(event.msg_log_id) if event.session and not self.session: self.set_session(event.session) if message_ids: gajim.logger.set_read_messages(message_ids) gajim.events.remove_events(self.account, jid_with_resource, types=[self.type_id]) typ = 'chat' # Is it a normal chat or a pm ? # reset to status image in gc if it is a pm # Is it a pm ? room_jid, nick = gajim.get_room_and_nick_from_fjid(jid) control = gajim.interface.msg_win_mgr.get_gc_control(room_jid, self.account) if control and control.type_id == message_control.TYPE_GC: control.update_ui() control.parent_win.show_title() typ = 'pm' self.redraw_after_event_removed(jid) if (self.contact.show in ('offline', 'error')): show_offline = gajim.config.get('showoffline') show_transports = gajim.config.get('show_transports_group') if (not show_transports and gajim.jid_is_transport(jid)) or \ (not show_offline and typ == 'chat' and \ len(gajim.contacts.get_contacts(self.account, jid)) < 2): gajim.interface.roster.remove_to_be_removed(self.contact.jid, self.account) elif typ == 'pm': control.remove_contact(nick) def show_bigger_avatar(self, small_avatar): """ Resize the avatar, if needed, so it has at max half the screen size and shows it """ #if not small_avatar.window: ### Tab has been closed since we hovered the avatar #return avatar_pixbuf = gtkgui_helpers.get_avatar_pixbuf_from_cache( self.contact.jid) if avatar_pixbuf in ('ask', None): return # Hide the small avatar # this code hides the small avatar when we show a bigger one in case # the avatar has a transparency hole in the middle # so when we show the big one we avoid seeing the small one behind. # It's why I set it transparent. image = self.xml.get_object('avatar_image') pixbuf = image.get_pixbuf() pixbuf.fill(0xffffff00) # RGBA image.set_from_pixbuf(pixbuf) #image.queue_draw() screen_w = Gdk.Screen.width() screen_h = Gdk.Screen.height() avatar_w = avatar_pixbuf.get_width() avatar_h = avatar_pixbuf.get_height() half_scr_w = screen_w / 2 half_scr_h = screen_h / 2 if avatar_w > half_scr_w: avatar_w = half_scr_w if avatar_h > half_scr_h: avatar_h = half_scr_h # we should make the cursor visible # gtk+ doesn't make use of the motion notify on gtkwindow by default # so this line adds that alloc = small_avatar.get_allocation() # make the bigger avatar window show up centered small_avatar_x, small_avatar_y = alloc.x, alloc.y translated_coordinates = small_avatar.translate_coordinates( gajim.interface.roster.window, 0, 0) if translated_coordinates: small_avatar_x, small_avatar_y = translated_coordinates roster_x, roster_y = self.parent_win.window.get_window().get_origin()[1:] center_x = roster_x + small_avatar_x + (alloc.width / 2) center_y = roster_y + small_avatar_y + (alloc.height / 2) pos_x, pos_y = center_x - (avatar_w / 2), center_y - (avatar_h / 2) dialogs.BigAvatarWindow(avatar_pixbuf, pos_x, pos_y, avatar_w, avatar_h, self.show_avatar) self.show_bigger_avatar_timeout_id = None def _on_send_file_menuitem_activate(self, widget): self._on_send_file() def _on_add_to_roster_menuitem_activate(self, widget): dialogs.AddNewContactWindow(self.account, self.contact.jid) def _on_contact_information_menuitem_activate(self, widget): gajim.interface.roster.on_info(widget, self.contact, self.account) def _on_convert_to_gc_menuitem_activate(self, widget): """ User wants to invite some friends to chat """ dialogs.TransformChatToMUC(self.account, [self.contact.jid]) def activate_esessions(self): if not (self.session and self.session.enable_encryption): self.begin_e2e_negotiation() def terminate_esessions(self): if not (self.session and self.session.enable_encryption): return # e2e was enabled, disable it jid = str(self.session.jid) thread_id = self.session.thread_id self.session.terminate_e2e() gajim.connections[self.account].delete_session(jid, thread_id) # presumably the user had a good reason to shut it off, so # disable autonegotiation too self.no_autonegotiation = True def begin_negotiation(self): self.no_autonegotiation = True if not self.session: fjid = self.contact.get_full_jid() new_sess = gajim.connections[self.account].make_new_session(fjid, type_=self.type_id) self.set_session(new_sess) def begin_e2e_negotiation(self): self.begin_negotiation() self.session.resource = self.contact.resource self.session.negotiate_e2e(False) def _nec_failed_decrypt(self, obj): if obj.session != self.session: return details = _('Unable to decrypt message from %s\nIt may have been ' 'tampered with.') % obj.fjid self.print_conversation_line(details, 'status', '', obj.timestamp) # terminate the session thread_id = self.session.thread_id self.session.terminate_e2e() obj.conn.delete_session(obj.fjid, thread_id) # restart the session self.begin_e2e_negotiation() # Stop emission so it doesn't go to gui_interface return True def got_connected(self): ChatControlBase.got_connected(self) # Refreshing contact contact = gajim.contacts.get_contact_with_highest_priority( self.account, self.contact.jid) if isinstance(contact, GC_Contact): contact = contact.as_contact() if contact: self.contact = contact self.draw_banner() send_button = self.xml.get_object('send_button') send_button.set_sensitive(True) def got_disconnected(self): # Emoticons button send_button = self.xml.get_object('send_button') send_button.set_sensitive(False) # Add to roster self._add_to_roster_button.hide() # Audio button self._audio_button.set_sensitive(False) # Video button self._video_button.set_sensitive(False) # Send file button self._send_file_button.set_tooltip_text('') self._send_file_button.set_sensitive(False) # Convert to GC button self._convert_to_gc_button.set_sensitive(False) ChatControlBase.got_disconnected(self) def update_status_display(self, name, uf_show, status): """ Print the contact's status and update the status/GPG image """ self.update_ui() self.parent_win.redraw_tab(self) self.print_conversation(_('%(name)s is now %(status)s') % {'name': name, 'status': uf_show}, 'status') if status: self.print_conversation(' (', 'status', simple=True) self.print_conversation('%s' % (status), 'status', simple=True) self.print_conversation(')', 'status', simple=True) def _info_bar_show_message(self): if self.info_bar.get_visible(): # A message is already shown return if not self.info_bar_queue: return markup, buttons, args, type_ = self.info_bar_queue[0] self.info_bar_label.set_markup(markup) # Remove old buttons area = self.info_bar.get_action_area() for b in area.get_children(): area.remove(b) # Add new buttons for button in buttons: self.info_bar.add_action_widget(button, 0) self.info_bar.set_message_type(type_) self.info_bar.set_no_show_all(False) self.info_bar.show_all() def _add_info_bar_message(self, markup, buttons, args, type_=Gtk.MessageType.INFO): self.info_bar_queue.append((markup, buttons, args, type_)) self._info_bar_show_message() def _get_file_props_event(self, file_props, type_): evs = gajim.events.get_events(self.account, self.contact.jid, [type_]) for ev in evs: if ev.file_props == file_props: return ev return None def _on_accept_file_request(self, widget, file_props): gajim.interface.instances['file_transfers'].on_file_request_accepted( self.account, self.contact, file_props) ev = self._get_file_props_event(file_props, 'file-request') if ev: gajim.events.remove_events(self.account, self.contact.jid, event=ev) def _on_cancel_file_request(self, widget, file_props): gajim.connections[self.account].send_file_rejection(file_props) ev = self._get_file_props_event(file_props, 'file-request') if ev: gajim.events.remove_events(self.account, self.contact.jid, event=ev) def _got_file_request(self, file_props): """ Show an InfoBar on top of control """ markup = '<b>%s:</b> %s' % (_('File transfer'), file_props.name) if file_props.desc: markup += ' (%s)' % file_props.desc markup += '\n%s: %s' % (_('Size'), helpers.convert_bytes( file_props.size)) b1 = Gtk.Button(_('_Accept')) b1.connect('clicked', self._on_accept_file_request, file_props) b2 = Gtk.Button(stock=Gtk.STOCK_CANCEL) b2.connect('clicked', self._on_cancel_file_request, file_props) self._add_info_bar_message(markup, [b1, b2], file_props, Gtk.MessageType.QUESTION) def _on_open_ft_folder(self, widget, file_props): path = os.path.split(file_props.file_name)[0] if os.path.exists(path) and os.path.isdir(path): helpers.launch_file_manager(path) ev = self._get_file_props_event(file_props, 'file-completed') if ev: gajim.events.remove_events(self.account, self.contact.jid, event=ev) def _on_ok(self, widget, file_props, type_): ev = self._get_file_props_event(file_props, type_) if ev: gajim.events.remove_events(self.account, self.contact.jid, event=ev) def _got_file_completed(self, file_props): markup = '<b>%s:</b> %s' % (_('File transfer completed'), file_props.name) if file_props.desc: markup += ' (%s)' % file_props.desc b1 = Gtk.Button.new_with_mnemonic(_('Open _Containing Folder')) b1.connect('clicked', self._on_open_ft_folder, file_props) b2 = Gtk.Button(stock=Gtk.STOCK_OK) b2.connect('clicked', self._on_ok, file_props, 'file-completed') self._add_info_bar_message(markup, [b1, b2], file_props) def _got_file_error(self, file_props, type_, pri_txt, sec_txt): markup = '<b>%s:</b> %s' % (pri_txt, sec_txt) b = Gtk.Button(stock=Gtk.STOCK_OK) b.connect('clicked', self._on_ok, file_props, type_) self._add_info_bar_message(markup, [b], file_props, Gtk.MessageType.ERROR) def _on_accept_gc_invitation(self, widget, event): try: if event.is_continued: gajim.interface.join_gc_room(self.account, event.room_jid, gajim.nicks[self.account], event.password, is_continued=True) else: dialogs.JoinGroupchatWindow(self.account, event.room_jid) except GajimGeneralException: pass gajim.events.remove_events(self.account, self.contact.jid, event=event) def _on_cancel_gc_invitation(self, widget, event): gajim.events.remove_events(self.account, self.contact.jid, event=event) def _get_gc_invitation(self, event): markup = '<b>%s:</b> %s' % (_('Groupchat Invitation'), event.room_jid) if event.reason: markup += ' (%s)' % event.reason b1 = Gtk.Button.new_with_mnemonic(_('_Join')) b1.connect('clicked', self._on_accept_gc_invitation, event) b2 = Gtk.Button(stock=Gtk.STOCK_CANCEL) b2.connect('clicked', self._on_cancel_gc_invitation, event) self._add_info_bar_message(markup, [b1, b2], (event.room_jid, event.reason), Gtk.MessageType.QUESTION) def on_event_added(self, event): if event.account != self.account: return if event.jid != self.contact.jid: return if event.type_ == 'file-request': self._got_file_request(event.file_props) elif event.type_ == 'file-completed': self._got_file_completed(event.file_props) elif event.type_ in ('file-error', 'file-stopped'): msg_err = '' if event.file_props.error == -1: msg_err = _('Remote contact stopped transfer') elif event.file_props.error == -6: msg_err = _('Error opening file') self._got_file_error(event.file_props, event.type_, _('File transfer stopped'), msg_err) elif event.type_ in ('file-request-error', 'file-send-error'): self._got_file_error(event.file_props, event.type_, _('File transfer cancelled'), _('Connection with peer cannot be established.')) elif event.type_ == 'gc-invitation': self._get_gc_invitation(event) def on_event_removed(self, event_list): """ Called when one or more events are removed from the event list """ for ev in event_list: if ev.account != self.account: continue if ev.jid != self.contact.jid: continue if ev.type_ not in ('file-request', 'file-completed', 'file-error', 'file-stopped', 'file-request-error', 'file-send-error', 'gc-invitation'): continue i = 0 removed = False for ib_msg in self.info_bar_queue: if ev.type_ == 'gc-invitation': if ev.room_jid == ib_msg[2][0]: self.info_bar_queue.remove(ib_msg) removed = True else: # file-* if ib_msg[2] == ev.file_props: self.info_bar_queue.remove(ib_msg) removed = True if removed: if i == 0: # We are removing the one currently displayed self.info_bar.set_no_show_all(True) self.info_bar.hide() # show next one? GLib.idle_add(self._info_bar_show_message) break i += 1