import unittest import time import lib lib.setup_env() import notify from gajim.common import app from gajim.common import nec from gajim.common import ged from import NetworkEvent from gajim.common.modules.message import MessageReceivedEvent from gajim.common.modules.message import DecryptedMessageReceivedEvent import nbxmpp from gajim.session import ChatControlSession from gajim.roster_window import RosterWindow from gajim_mocks import * from data import account1 app.interface = MockInterface() # name to use for the test account account_name = account1 class TestChatControlSession(unittest.TestCase): ''' Testclass for ''' @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): = nec.NetworkEventsController() cls.conn = MockConnection(account_name, {'send_stanza': None}) app.logger = MockLogger() app.default_session_type = ChatControlSession def setUp(self): app.notification = notify.Notification() # no notifications have been sent self.assertEqual(0, len(notify.notifications)) def tearDown(self): app.notification.clean() def receive_chat_msg(self, jid, msgtxt): '''simulate receiving a chat message from jid''' msg = nbxmpp.Message() msg.setBody(msgtxt) msg.setType('chat') tim = time.localtime() encrypted = False xml = """%s 123""" % (jid, msgtxt) stanza = nbxmpp.protocol.Message(node=nbxmpp.simplexml.XML2Node(xml)) self.conn._messageCB(None, stanza) # ----- custom assertions ----- def assert_new_message_notification(self): '''a new_message notification has been sent''' self.assertEqual(1, len(notify.notifications)) notif = notify.notifications[-1] self.assertEqual('New Message', notif.popup_event_type) def assert_first_message_notification(self): '''this message was treated as a first message''' self.assert_new_message_notification() notif = notify.notifications[-1] first = notif.first_unread self.assertTrue(first, 'message should have been treated as a first message') def assert_not_first_message_notification(self): '''this message was not treated as a first message''' self.assert_new_message_notification() notif = notify.notifications[-1] first = notif.first_unread self.assertTrue(not first, 'message was unexpectedly treated as a first message') # ----- tests ----- def test_receive_1nocontrol(self): '''test receiving a message in a blank state''' jid = '' fjid = '' msgtxt = 'testing one' self.receive_chat_msg(fjid, msgtxt) # session is created self.assertTrue((jid in self.conn.sessions) and ( '123' in self.conn.sessions[jid]), 'session is not created') sess = self.conn.sessions[jid]['123'] # message was logged calls = app.logger.mockGetNamedCalls('insert_into_logs') self.assertEqual(1, len(calls)) # no ChatControl was open and autopopup was off # so the message goes into the event queue self.assertEqual(1, len( self.assert_first_message_notification() # no control is attached to the session self.assertEqual(None, sess.control) def test_receive_2already_has_control(self): '''test receiving a message with a session already attached to a control''' jid = '' fjid = '' msgtxt = 'testing two' app.interface.roster = RosterWindow( sess = self.conn.sessions[jid]['123'] sess.control = MockChatControl(fjid, account_name) self.receive_chat_msg(fjid, msgtxt) # message was logged calls = app.logger.mockGetNamedCalls('insert_into_logs') self.assertEqual(2, len(calls)) # the message does not go into the event queue self.assertEqual(1, len( self.assert_not_first_message_notification() # message was printed to the control calls = sess.control.mockGetNamedCalls('print_conversation') self.assertEqual(1, len(calls)) app.interface.roster.window.destroy() #def test_received_3orphaned_control(self): #'''test receiving a message when a control that doesn't have a session #attached exists''' #jid = '' #fjid = jid + '/Gajim' #msgtxt = 'testing three' #ctrl = MockChatControl(jid, account_name) #gajim.interface.msg_win_mgr = Mock({'get_control': ctrl}) #gajim.interface.msg_win_mgr.mockSetExpectation('get_control', #expectParams(jid, account_name)) #self.receive_chat_msg(fjid, msgtxt) ## message was logged #calls = gajim.logger.mockGetNamedCalls('insert_into_logs') #self.assertEqual(1, len(calls)) ## the message does not go into the event queue #self.assertEqual(0, len( #self.assert_not_first_message_notification() ## this session is now attached to that control #self.assertEqual(self.sess, ctrl.session) #self.assertEqual(ctrl, self.sess.control, 'foo') ## message was printed to the control #calls = ctrl.mockGetNamedCalls('print_conversation') #self.assertEqual(1, len(calls)) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()